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  1. Astronaut

    The LooksMaxxing Mega Thread: How To Become A Better Looking Man

    Meanwhile on the marketing side of the internet: The above is aimed at excessive looksmaxxing stemming from lack of self-acceptance & self-love (examples he brings out). Not self-improvement. As is common for Twitter, an extreme polarizing take, but has truth...
  2. Astronaut

    brohankwon - Tinder Photo Journey

    So I'll be brutally honest with you here - you're just throwing shit at the wall hoping something will stick. But nothing will. Because you need to start looking good... before you can take good photos of you looking good. - Work on your fashion and look. Lots of learning and progress, most...
  3. Astronaut

    Looks feedback

    Yeah work with hair/beard. The photo you posted was taken with a potato and you have a strange pose there. Looking at that photo, you can clean up your hair & beard. - Ask the barber for a medium fade, making sides shorter and leaving more on the top. - I'd move the "beginning of the beard...
  4. Astronaut

    Thrice log. Should i try radicals how to meet girls in hostels?

    The last one is great, the others come off as a bit too unfocused/gay/feminine. But the last one hits the spot.
  5. Astronaut

    Consistently putting a condom while uncircumcised.

    Pull the skin back less, like 50%? You can put the condom on without pulling the skin back at all tbh, to me it doesn't matter too much. Condom sex is still condom sex. But I have the same exact issue, also during blowjobs the girl needs to go easier on it because if she pulls too hard the cock...
  6. Astronaut

    New pics improvement?

    On a side note, I think this video should be added to the tinder photo guide, or some Tinder pinned post here. Facial expressions are the #1 thing that most guys here are struggling with after nailing fashion/fitness. And this is one of the best explainers I've seen on the topic.
  7. Astronaut

    New pics improvement?

    It's "meh" level, your previous ones are better. Good outfit, good drink, good setting, just a meh photo because of background/light/cut-off hand & feet/expression/crop. It has a very low emotional impact, like when you look at it, you don't really feel much. A bit dull I guess.
  8. Astronaut

    Second Photoshoot. Any feedback? - Getting Laid + Trying to sell a game

    Checked the "best" photos man, and while they're good as photos, they're not good for tinder. - Lose the sunglasses, that's a no-go, you need the eyes and the expression - Try to take some doing something, right now they're just giving that "standing/walking trying to look cool" vibe which is...
  9. Astronaut

    Where should I restart my life?

    I'm with Mac here - you need to test. You work remote, so you can do the digital nomad thing, travel around a bit, see different places. Never been to US. I've got experience in Europe/Asia. I've found that smaller places are easier on the community side, bigger cities have busy people, long...
  10. Astronaut

    Afraid of getting herpes

    LOL, and here I was thinking that I was afraid of getting it. You're on the next fucking level bro! The HSV-1 virus you already have. If it doesn't show up as cold sores around your mouth, then you're just asymptomatic. But you definitely do have the HSV-1. So (unless I'm getting something...
  11. Astronaut

    Dating Profile Pics Advice

    Yeah the masculinity is probably the issue if you have tried with those photos, and haven't gotten results. The photos are great. It's more about calibrating the vibe that you're giving / not giving in them. I'd tone down the feminine energy that you're projecting on the photos. You just have...
  12. Astronaut

    Do Any Of You Want To Get Off The Ride? (Feeling Lonely)

    I was in your situation before and ended up jumping into a relationship too soon, that then turned sour pretty quickly. Only advice I can give is take that shit slow, watch out for red flags, and consult here on the forums if you’re not certain. Certainly nothing wrong with relationships, it's...
  13. Astronaut

    Drama's progress log - Becoming masculine

    What is your rough business niche if you don't mind me asking? I'm in content marketing / SEO myself, I just see you're having a pretty free schedule as well, so I was just curious. Cool progress log by the way, I'm reading up on how you guys do yours before starting mine. Mirin' the physique
  14. Astronaut

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    Hey all, 29 years old in online marketing, from Europe, currently living in Germany. Watched Andy's video on quitting porn and I realized that I need the accountability to get there myself. Never occurred to me to register here before. I'm currently somewhere where Andy was during the first...