Drama's progress log - Becoming masculine

Did some approaches today
1 - girl was busy, but was flattered
2 - talked to me for a bit, had a bf
3 - talked to me but was super awkward, i left it at that

Time to increase the volume and move the focus to getting laid
Did three approaches yesterday
- Said thanks and moved on, I should've pursued
- Literally said nothing at all, went all shy and weird hahah - I read about this on GLL and it's not necessarily a sign to stop, but she literally said nothing
- Said she was engaged.

Also had a date that afternoon. We got bubble tea and walked around the park. Ended up her giving me a handjob in my car lmao. Should be able to fuck her on Tuesday.

That night saw a girl I met last week. Something changed though, I just thought she was unattractive. I've been thinking this about a few girls I'm seeing. Probably because the girls I'm approaching are a lot sexier. I'm gonna cut all girls loose except ones that are sexy or very slutty and we have great sexual chemistry, like the girl from yesterday afternoon.

I'm aiming for at least 5 today. I should be able to get it.

2 approaches, both had a bf


3 approaches, all 3 had bfs


5 approaches, 4 of them were quite weird about it, 1 gave me her insta but nothing will come of it

Overall, CA is going well. I still haven't gotten rid of AA because the hottest girls still cause too much anxiety. Usually the first set of the day is the hardest and if it's a hot girl I'll probably pussy out. Just gonna keep going on this and talk to a shitload of women, that's the only way to break through.

Went on a date with one girl from CA on Sunday night - She was awesome, we're super compatible and there's a lot to like there. Gonna pursue this.
Also going on a date on Friday with another girl from CA, will see how it goes.
Fucked a girl from Bumble last night, same one I met on Saturday that gave me a hj in my car. Good sex, will pursue.

Business is going alright, I'm picking up more work from the methods I'm using, so will continue that.

Life's pretty good otherwise, but I think I need to set some more goals for this year as I feel like I'll hit most of them.
Did 9 approaches today.

All said they had a bf or were busy, apart from the last one, who gave me her insta.

Wondering whether it's my vibe, my look or just running out of beginner's luck. Then again, most of them entertained me. The ones who spoke to me longest weren't doing much, just waiting for friends or whatever, nothing important. The ones that didn't give me the time looked busier.

Anyway time to grind out the rest of work today, it's been a bit of a bitch.
Did 13 approaches today.

Most of them were busy or had a bf. Got two instas though. One is more open to getting a drink than the other. The other was waaaaay hotter though lol. Big tittied fit girl walking through the park. I saw her and thought 'there's no way I can't approach' so I followed her like the creepy dude I am.

Some bitches were super rude to me today, but I just laughed in their faces. Honestly, outcome independence is the key here, and DGAF attitude. It's getting to that point where I actually don't care and I'm just excited to go and meet them. Most are still nice and flattered though.

Need to start ramping up the business activity, otherwise I'll fall behind on that goal. I already am, my pipeline isn't anywhere near strong enough to hit it. Just need to smash out a lot more work. I know what to do though, so just gonna focus the next few weeks.
After my last post, I did one more approach while walkin the dog. Probably the hottest chick I've approached and one of the sexiest girls I've seen recently. Got her insta but she said she's in a "situationship". Didn't reply to my message. Whatever. Rejection is better than regret - I would've felt 10x worse if I hadn't talked to her.

Yesterday I started approaching but some family drama blew up after my first approach and killed my vibe. Did one more on the way home anyway and she was super happy, made her day. She was married though. All good, again, would've felt worse if I'd not spoken to her.

Last night a girl from CA (who I went to a cocktail bar last Sunday night with) came round for dinner and we got really blazed too. I'm trying not to get oneitis here cause she's super hot and we have such aligned world views, she ticks almost all of my boxes except age... she's 35. After 30 they change and don't want to sleep around as much. I know this from experience with over 30 women.

Ultimately, I want a family. Obviously I don't know this girl that well yet, but from what I've seen so far, she could be a good mother to my children. Then again, I'm not thinking 100% logically here. Emotions are absolutely involved here and can't let them dictate my course of action. She COULD be a good mother for my children, but I can only make this call after knowing her for months and months. The other thing is that I don't want to give up this lifestyle yet. Cold approaching and fucking beatiful girls makes me feel like a man. If I can, I would have an OLTR where I could fuck other girls and have her as my gf.

She made a comment during the night like "I think you do this a lot, you know how to get girls..." - I didn't respond really, just smirked and laughed a bit. She also saw my condoms on the night stand and pointed them out. I laughed it off too.

She said early on during the night "I'm not going to have sex with you tonight" - I've heard that before and fucked 30 minutes later, but I actually didn't want to sleep with her last night either and I told her this BECAUSE I want to build up the anticipation and make it better. There was lots and lots of heavy making out, grinding and dry humping and she was rubbing my dick at one point. She kept pulling back as well. I highly doubt I could've gotten her to sleep with me last night if I'd tried. She views sex as sacred and I knew that would be the case. I didn't expect to get laid last night and came into it with that mentality.

My plan with her is to now get the lay next time. It's been 2 dates now, and by the 3rd if we're not fucking, it gets into "what are we... I'm not seeing other people..." territory. Once it gets there, getting the lay, making her a plate or an OLTR becomes a lot harder, if not impossible without commiting. I need to stand my ground and not capitulate to her. Women are the gatekeepers of sex, men are the gatekeepers of relationships.

Any advice or insight to this appreciated.
Had the best day yesterday so far cold approaching.

Total of 21 approaches, ended up with 5 numbers and 2 IGs.

The first few approaches I was nervous and definitely not smooth. They could tell as well. But once I did about 3-4 it became fun and I calmed down a lot more. This led to a lot of great interactions where I was genuine, flirty and led the conversations.

However, all of these except one has said yes to a drink so far, which I'll meet up with her tonight - She's this Mexican girl, and if you know anything about Latinas they're generally more open. All the others were asian or white. Asian girls, generally, are more reserved and I think kind of afraid of me. I think most of them gave me their numbers because they just wanted to end the interaction/didn't know what to do. Maybe they were kind of interested at the time, but they definitely weren't after. One even suggested a drink that night, and when I messaged her later, she said she "had to study". Lol. All part of the game.

Going for 20 again today.
Drama said:
Obviously I don't know this girl that well yet, but from what I've seen so far, she could be a good mother to my children
You've been on two dates with this woman, one where you both got high af smoking weed, and this is your summary? Not to shit on your date or anything but I think you're well off to give it at least a couple of months before you start thinking she's mother-potential.
Hard2Focus said:
You've been on two dates with this woman, one where you both got high af smoking weed, and this is your summary? Not to shit on your date or anything but I think you're well off to give it at least a couple of months before you start thinking she's mother-potential.

Yeah, I know man, it's pure emotions and fantasy. Not logical at all to dwell on that, Anyway, will see how it goes with her. Going to give it a bit of distance and focus on other shit.

Did 7 approaches today - 3 numbers

Went on a date with one of them tonight, got very close to pulling but the ASD kicked in. I should be able to pull next time with her, but even if not, what a cool experience. Considering I basically hadn't cold approached at all a month ago,

The other two actually ended up texting back. Yesterday almost all of them didn't respond. And the one that did, who was keen to get a drink, said she "had to study". Didn't text me back today either.

I want to try an instadate some time in the next week. I reckon I can do it. This Mexican chick gave me her number and seemed so down to hang out. I'm going to meet up with her on wednesday, but she's a good case study.

I need to re-evaluate text game. colgate, Rice and Mimbe393939 have been sending me some good shit, but if anyone knows any good text game resources, feel free to link
What is your rough business niche if you don't mind me asking? I'm in content marketing / SEO myself, I just see you're having a pretty free schedule as well, so I was just curious. Cool progress log by the way, I'm reading up on how you guys do yours before starting mine.

Mirin' the physique
Astronaut said:
What is your rough business niche if you don't mind me asking? I'm in content marketing / SEO myself, I just see you're having a pretty free schedule as well, so I was just curious. Cool progress log by the way, I'm reading up on how you guys do yours before starting mine.

Mirin' the physique
Thanks bro! Just DMd you
Drama said:
if anyone knows any good text game resources, feel free to link

Mr. Vs guide to texting Girls


Used this to get the gyst of texting when I was starting on tinder.

More related to day game but the principles worked fine for Online #s.
Manganiello said:
Drama said:
if anyone knows any good text game resources, feel free to link

Mr. Vs guide to texting Girls


Used this to get the gyst of texting when I was starting on tinder.

More related to day game but the principles worked fine for Online #s.

Man I am still such a newbie. I probably do at least half the "Dont's" in this. Thanks for the resource.
Manganiello said:
Drama said:
if anyone knows any good text game resources, feel free to link

Mr. Vs guide to texting Girls


Used this to get the gyst of texting when I was starting on tinder.

More related to day game but the principles worked fine for Online #s.
Thanks so much for this! Absolute legend, I'll definitely be using this guide.

Yesterday I took the day off basically everything. It was my 30th bday so I decided 'fuck it, I don't need to do anything I don't want to'.

Ended up doing a bit of work anyway to move things forward, which I'm glad I did.

Last night also went on a date with a girl from Feeld. Ended up fucking. Actually such good sex, best I've had in a while. She was really into it, moaning heaps, loved sucking cock, came multiple times... it was just really hot and a great way to cap off my birthday.

I'm feeling really good about almost everything at the moment - I feel like I'm in my prime and able to dominate my surroundings. Things could always be better and that's what we strive for, but right now I'm pretty happy with where I'm at.
Had a bad experience last night, basically reverted to my blue pill self in a number of ways and not proud of it.

Brief context:
Met an 8/10 through cold approach (probably 9 on a good day), she's very aligned with what I want for a LTR/family but is 35, I'm 30
First date cocktail bar - made out, established an intense connection I should've taken her to a bar near mine and tried to pull that night
Second date my house dinner - Lots of heavy grinding but no sex ("sex is sacred to me, blah blah")
Third date her house dinner - Ate her out twice giving her intense orgasm but she wouldn't reciprocate. After this she said "time for you to go" and I got kinda mad at her. Had a long convo where I revealed way too much of my feelings, about what I'm doing with cold approach, she said she can't have sex with me if that's what I want to do. I should've bailed the instant she turned down sex.

I think elements of me have been too beta, fantasising about her becoming an LTR and for that reason she didn't see me as AF and wouldn't fuck me.

Another part is that I'm sleeping around and she doesn't want to fuck me because of that.

I asked in another thread if I should lie to her and be in a relationship just to fuck her, but fuck no... it's a bad idea. Blue pill thinking.

Think I might just chill for the next few days and just think about what I really want, what I'm looking for. I know what I want in my head. I want to plate 3-5 girls and keep sleeping with hotter, better quality women until one convinces me that they're good enough. This takes inner work for me to get there. I have to actually be good enough. Everything I'm doing works towards this goal basically and this event can't be something I dwell on. I'm going to learn from it, for sure.

I need to refocus my priorities. There's a bunch of shit I need to do for my business. There's also an injury I need to do something about. And I have to remember I'm not starving for pussy at all. Getting laid at this point needs to shift priorities until I achieve balance in the other areas.
Drama said:
I think elements of me have been too beta, fantasising about her becoming an LTR and for that reason she didn't see me as AF and wouldn't fuck me.

Another part is that I'm sleeping around and she doesn't want to fuck me because of that.

Those two sentences contradict each other. First you say she doesn't want sex with you because you've been "too beta" because you'd like a LTR.
Then you say she doesn't want sex with you because you're sleeping around, which is not really something betas do.

My guess is that she's been honest that she doesn't want to have sex with anyone and she didn't like that you were sleeping around.

At least from the women's point of view, it's more "alpha" if you will to want to find one good girl to settle with
I think there is a perceived difference between abundance of opportunities (high quality man that will only settle for a good girl) and abundance of sex/relationships aka acting on those opportunities (player who'll have sex with lots of women and never build a relationship)

Telling her about your cold approaches probably was a mistake. Women are used to get men effortlessly and don't understand we as men must work hard for that, they don't want to know that you hustle/struggle to get sex.

There is nothing beta about wanting a quality relationship rather than meaningless sexual encounters in my opinion.

Do you want kids? Does she want kids? Does she already have kids? At 30 and 35 this is an important topic to be discussed before you get into a LTR. There's no way she'll want a relationship with you if she wants kids and you don't or vice versa
hush said:
Those two sentences contradict each other. First you say she doesn't want sex with you because you've been "too beta" because you'd like a LTR.
Then you say she doesn't want sex with you because you're sleeping around, which is not really something betas do.

My guess is that she's been honest that she doesn't want to have sex with anyone and she didn't like that you were sleeping around.

At least from the women's point of view, it's more "alpha" if you will to want to find one good girl to settle with
I think there is a perceived difference between abundance of opportunities (high quality man that will only settle for a good girl) and abundance of sex/relationships aka acting on those opportunities (player who'll have sex with lots of women and never build a relationship)

Telling her about your cold approaches probably was a mistake. Women are used to get men effortlessly and don't understand we as men must work hard for that, they don't want to know that you hustle/struggle to get sex.

There is nothing beta about wanting a quality relationship rather than meaningless sexual encounters in my opinion.

Do you want kids? Does she want kids? Does she already have kids? At 30 and 35 this is an important topic to be discussed before you get into a LTR. There's no way she'll want a relationship with you if she wants kids and you don't or vice versa

I mean to say that I was acting like a beta around her. How it ended up was me blueballed, she'd cum a few times and she felt like she didn't want to give me sex that night. Understandably I was pissed, but acting on this and talking about exclusivity and cold approach meant I lost frame.

Yeah we both want kids. She has none yet. We discussed it briefly and are on the same page. We're on the same page about a lot of shit, really. More than anyone else I've been with before. That's why this is so fucking confusing.
Update over the last few days:

Got my first lay from cold approach.

Met this girl on the street, had some good banter with her and one thing in common. Texted her later in the day and suggested a drink, she suggested that night. Took her to a bar and basically just teased her, acted cocky and threw some compliments in here and there. Got her to sit next to me from the start, went for the makeout after about 15-20 mins. Tried to get her to come back to mine that night but she said no.

Four days later, she came round for dinner (I cooked). She pulled the classic "I'm not gonna sleep with you tonight" line, so whenever she'd say something or pull back, I'd pull back completely and go do something else like change the song or get a glass of water. Rinse and repeat until I picked her up off the couch and into the bedroom. She was still hesitant, but once I started fingering her it was game over.

Sadly, she didn't message back the day after. I think it's because I kicked her out, which wasn't unreasonable at 10.30, but I think she was expecting to stay the night. I'm not upset really, but it'd be nice to know how to avoid this in future. I think she feels used... we did cuddle and everything afterwards but I think kicking her out was really unexpected for her.

Have another few dates from apps, mostly Feeld, over the next few days. One with a chick whose friend I've also been talking to, so could potentially have a threesome. I have a feeling she might flake though.

Also, the girl from the previous post isn't worth the effort to pursue. @troy has been helping me massively with advice on how to approach this whole situation and giving perspective. Massive thanks and shout out.

Even though she ticks A LOT of boxes I want in a woman for a family, here's why it's a bad idea:
- Over 30 - Women over 30 are looking for beta providers, 95% of the time. If she were so high value and had her head screwed on straight, she would've found someone in her 20s and had a family by now. Essentially, they have baggage.
- She's been manipulative so far with denying sex. Massive red flag.
- ALTHOUGH we have a lot of big things we agree on, she overinflates the intensity of these connections and commonalities, as well as her own sexual value to get away with the above. Basically lying or being dishonest. Communist parade level red flags.

Biggest lesson learned from this experience: Don't put women on a pedestal

I've read this so many times and applied it to girls I've seen from dating apps, but these girls were always 5-7s. Because this is cold approach and she'd potentially the hottest girl I've met, plus the connections we had, I thought differently.

This time, the lesson hits differently. A) because I'm logging it and writing about it here; B) because she is so hot and I did it through cold approach (after only doing it for a month).

Next time I get an 8 or above, I'm going to treat them the same as the 5s or 6s. No bullshit, no idealising, just go by the same playbook I usually do.

Moving forward, I really need to focus more time on my business. There are a number of big things I need to do in order to get it to where it needs to be by the end of the year so I can scale it next year.

I'm going to keep cold approaching to hit 150 approaches and I'll need to set a new goal after that, but this goal will actually become less of a priority.

The thing is with CA though, is that it needs to be consistent and become a part of what I do, much like the gym or my business.

I've also enjoyed the fuck out of CA. It's great for character development and learning more about women in general. I can't give it up, it's too fun.
congrats!!! i'm glad u finally got the lay with that chick
colgate said:
congrats!!! i'm glad u finally got the lay with that chick

Thanks bro.

She actually texted back before:

"Hey, yeah the other night was fun until you asked me to go home. And as much as I understand how you value a good sleep, it felt shitty and I don't like feeling shitty. It was fun hanging out though. All the best with the biz!" with a few emojis in there.

Damn. Don't think that's salvageable, but yeah I dunno... I'll need to think about why it happened and what to do next time.