Drama's progress log - Becoming masculine

pancakemouse said:
Drama said:
Appreciate the compliment man, but I don't really think I have great genetics. I just train hard, 4-5 times a week, lift properly, progressive overload, take rests when my body needs it, eat properly, sleep decently well and overall place a lot of focus and emphasis on my health and body. All of these things are topics in their own right and have a lot of depth to them. If you nail them all (and there are probably some I'm missing), you will have a good physique. It just requires dedication to a desired outcome, consistency and the will/want to actually do it.

I don't want to take away from your hard work at all, but trust me, your genetic potential is far above average, I'd wager top 10% at least, maybe top 5%. Most people who have very good genetics in some domain are not aware that they do, and aren't aware of the full scope of human genetic variability, e.g. what it looks like for guys "to the left of the curve".

For example, I have poor genetics. I have been lifting for 15 years with no breaks. I've tried every program under the sun. I'm frequently the hardest working person in any gym I'm in. In all that time, I've gained less than 10 lbs of muscle.

Most guys who train for 4-5 years will hit their potential at "pretty damn good". I've trained with dozens of guys and seen them progress, and you are far beyond that.

What's interesting, though, is a lot of guys that blow up, you can tell by their natural muscularity when they begin. But for you, you can't tell AT ALL. That's fascinating.

True, I hear what you're saying. I dunno! Maybe I'll get some gene work done and see...

Makes me wish I'd really focused on it more when I was 18-25 and got a personal trainer too. I'd be bigger I reckon.

There's so many factors that go in to building muscle though, maybe you're missing something? How's your sleep? Sleep is number one for basically everything in life, especially training and building muscle.

Diet? Are you eating enough? When I started eating more, like 4-5 times a day I started putting on size.
Been very slack on self-improvement and life in general over the last month.

Smoking weed constantly, playing video games and just generally being a piece of shit. I feel like a broken record here, but I must stop this if I ever want to achieve the levels of success I know I can.

I didn't smoke yesterday. I'm not going to smoke today. In fact, I'm going to go a whole month sober, even including caffeine if I can (but I'm not going to beat myself up if I can't do this).

On the positive side, I've been doing some good things with my business - Updated the website, redid the branding and I'm working on new marketing strategies, networking with some people.

The one thing I've been avoiding is doing business development. Honestly, I'm scared of it. I know I can do it, I know it just takes a bit more refinement of my value proposition and some very strategic client targetting. I know how to do it roughly, I just need to write out a plan and execute it.

I've mentally made this my first priority for the year, getting the business up to a scalable point and I'm determined to make it there. Been listening to Think and Grow Rich (the audiobook) again, and to cement these ideas I'm going to read through and take notes once I'm done with the audiobook.

With girls, I've been very slack. I've been seeing one for the last few months and she's pretty regular, hot and good sex. I get the feeling like she might drop soon though.

The other one I met at the start of January and we had sex probably 3 times, but I know because I was high each time my feminine energy came out too much, I wasn't masculine enough. That and she expressed she wanted a LTR (which I partially think she said because of the energy I gave off because I was high).

Went on a few dates this week, one from cold approach. Not the level of quality I want, and I'm being super particular these days - No more fucking ugly girls.

I've been doing cold approach again, ramping it up to a sustainable level. Just need to work on scheduling my day so I can feasibly fit this in.

My technique needs some refinement but I think I have the core strategy dialed in - Approach, assume attraction, everything is awesome, light flirting, calibrate, compliance, close.

ie. yesterday:

1. BF excuse
2. Piano teacher, got her number (not hot enough though)
3. Chef, got her IG (not hot enough though)
4. Student, instadate (not hot enough though)

My aim is to carry through my strategy to hotter girls without faltering. It's like lifting weights. Start out light with perfect technique and gradually increase the weight session by session.

Speaking of, physique is looking pretty sick these days. Cheeky pump shot:


Will post again this weekend with a full plan for this year broken down by quarters.
Feels like I'm watching Manly Cockfellow's recent update about being depressed all over again, bundled together with the same mixed emotions like "Wait a minute.. so this guy who I feel is miles ahead of me on so many levels also has more or less exactly the same kind of demons as me?".

Drama said:
I was high each time my feminine energy came out too much

Love that you're speaking of energies and weed in this way, as it's something I relate to as well.
Basically I believe that anything that creates lot of emotions in me = feminine energy.

In other words, the more you feel a need or craving for listening to music that you love, dancing, being drunk or drinking, smoking weed etc. the more you should take this as a sign from your subconscious mind that you're not supplying it with feminine energies overall.

Fwiw I'm not condoning listening to music or similar stuff like this, I just know from experience that smoking weed = instant feeling of well-being/getting more in touch with ones emotions etc. (95% to the detriment of daily drive/productiveness etc)

For my own sake it's almost like my brain shifts to a different frequency and I'm able to open up to people in a very different way than I'm usually able to.
And while this is one of the reasons why I have had such a love/hate relationship to this substance, I've slowly come to realize that my craving for weed often is an indicator that there's something I need to focus on like sleep, social life, keeping in touch with friends etc.

Bit of a ramble here but wanted to chime in. You've got this man!
Hard2Focus said:
Feels like I'm watching @Manly Cockfellow's recent update about being depressed all over again, bundled together with the same mixed emotions like "Wait a minute.. so this guy who I feel is miles ahead of me on so many levels also has more or less exactly the same kind of demons as me?".

Drama said:
I was high each time my feminine energy came out too much

Love that you're speaking of energies and weed in this way, as it's something I relate to as well.
Basically I believe that anything that creates lot of emotions in me = feminine energy.

In other words, the more you feel a need or craving for listening to music that you love, dancing, being drunk or drinking, smoking weed etc. the more you should take this as a sign from your subconscious mind that you're not supplying it with feminine energies overall.

Fwiw I'm not condoning listening to music or similar stuff like this, I just know from experience that smoking weed = instant feeling of well-being/getting more in touch with ones emotions etc. (95% to the detriment of daily drive/productiveness etc)

For my own sake it's almost like my brain shifts to a different frequency and I'm able to open up to people in a very different way than I'm usually able to.
And while this is one of the reasons why I have had such a love/hate relationship to this substance, I've slowly come to realize that my craving for weed often is an indicator that there's something I need to focus on like sleep, social life, keeping in touch with friends etc.

Bit of a ramble here but wanted to chime in. You've got this man!

Hey man thanks for the comment. Yeah I think a lot, if not most guys go through this at some point in their life.

Honestly it's a product of your environment. If you're overindulging in certain things like booze, weed, food, sex, music or whatever other dopamine spiking habit, it's because of a lack of some other area in your life.

I know for myself it's because I live and work alone. My social interaction day to day is quite limited and this is making me gravitate towards weed and sex.

The solution lies in changing this... I need to figure out a way I can feasibly find somewhere to work where I can socialise with people and have a sense of community.

I'm not sure what it is for yourself or others, but knowing what your causal factors are, is the first step in fixing them.
Haven't posted in 6 months but actually holy shit, a lot has happened.

The business has been floundering because I've spent a year fucking around and not focusing. I changed that last week. Instantly booked in meetings and now have work on. It's possible to still hit $500K this year if I work fucking hard now, so I'm reaffirming this mindstate by prioritising it massively. The core of this is desire. If you've read Think and Grow Rich you'll know what I mean. Highly recommend reading it.

Right now I don't give a single fuck about what women can do for me. Pussy isn't all it's cracked up to be. Some pussy is better than others, but it's never gonna complete you or satisfy that deep desire to be validated. Why? Cause you need it from yourself first. And you get that through taking massive action elsewhere. I'm not defining success to include women anymore. Victories yes, but not success.

I'm not saying I don't want to enjoy women cause I love a feminine girl and how that makes me feel. But I'm not enjoying it as much as winning a new client or hitting a PB at the gym. They feel better right now.

And ultimately I want a family and shit, so I'm not closed to loving someone, it's just never going to be in the same way I've been doing it. I've been emotionally investing far too early and fucking it up because they've been the priority.

I've gone through a few experiences this year which really highlighted hypergamy. I've had women wanting to see me at midnight, calling me while they're with another guy. I've had women say they were thinking about another guy straight after fucking me. I've had women slow ghost, straight up ghost, flake and all other kinds of bullshit.

Women look for the best option at the time they want it. They are the selectors. They love opportunistically. They'll throw you out as soon as they find something better. It's a bitter pill to swallow but an essential, necessary one. Don't think a relationship can save you from this. Don't think having 10/10 game, looks, money or whatever else will save you either. Only you can save yourself by becoming your own mental point of origin and developing an iron frame.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, read the red pill subreddit's sidebar - Everything is in there. I first read it in late 2016 and I feel like only now have I come to appreciate and understand it, only through experience. And I'm still swallowing some of it. Don't take all of it as gospel, it's a tool kit for you to use.

Here are my priorities going forward:

1. Business - Goal of $500K this year
2. Physique - Goal of 90kg at 10-12% bf, currently at 87KG about 10-12%
3. Finances - Buy a house and diversify investments into crypto
4. Social life - Have shit going on all the time, always be doing stuff (this one is harder IMO but I will figure it out). See family as often as possible. Get my dad's memoirs done
5. Hobbies/passions - Start doing something creative, get another social hobby, travel 2x per year
6. Women - I don't even want to put them on here but there's no way I'm gonna stop fucking sluts

All these are tied into my mission. I'm not going to spell it out for you, I'd rather not say it publicly so I can hold it as a mental goal. I won't tell other people either.

Had to post a physique update as well. Started doing a proper preworkout regime and my pumps are fucking amazing. My body looks thick now, I'm getting the 3d look going. Just need to keep doing what I'm doing. Having a coach helps massively.

Amazing stuff Drama! Definitely leveling up in all the main places,
1. Fitness
2. Finances
3. Game
4. Social activity

You don't take rest days, rest days take you.

What type of occupation do you have that gives you amazing socioeconomic mobility buddy?

Hope you surpass your goal buddy!