Drama's progress log - Becoming masculine

Haven't posted in 9 days cause I've been away 5 of those.

Took acid by myself while camping and came to some realisations:

- A lot of what I feel anxious about is due to insecurities - These stem from childhood trauma (things we wouldn't even recognise as trauma, such as not being held all the time)
- Sometimes I lie to myself about what I really want, especially with women, and I will stop doing this. No more deceiving myself, and also no more chasing women
- Most constructs of society are there to divide us, eg. race, gender, class, etc. We're all the same on a metaphysical level, ie. we all share fundamental human qualities. Behave as such, be nice to people, turn the cheek, treat them as you want to be treated
- We've also severed our connection with nature, which is so vitally important to our wellbeing. Living in the city it's hard for me to connect with nature, but not impossible. More barefoot grounding, meditation and time spent outside.
- Social media is really, really bad for society and my own psyche. I'm going to severely limit myself now, if not delete them soon
- Weed is my biggest vice and I can't have it in the house, otherwise I'll smoke it all the time
- I've come a long, long way in the last few years and should be really proud of myself

Going to continue with all my goals, but my mindset has shifted.

I also dropped $10K on a business course, going to get through it over the next few weeks, I'm confident it will shift gears for the business.
Changing up the way I approach, now going for time limit rather than getting to a certain number

Did 3 yesterday - 2 numbers
Did 4 today - 1 number. One really rude girl which was funny. She goes "can I help you?" And I go "I dunno? Can you? I just wanted to give you a compliment but if you don't wanna take it..." and she changed her tune and said "thanks" and I left her there. Felt good man.

Having a lot of flakes recently, which has been super frustrating. I feel like I'm playing in to the game too much. Maybe I'm subconsciously overvaluing them and it rubs off in the way I text. Honestly it's leaving me tired, deflated and not wanting to do any of this - approaching, OLD, etc... Just can't be fucked dealing with the same bullshit again and again. There's gotta be a better way out of this.
Drama said:
Having a lot of flakes recently, which has been super frustrating. I feel like I'm playing in to the game too much. Maybe I'm subconsciously overvaluing them and it rubs off in the way I text. Honestly it's leaving me tired, deflated and not wanting to do any of this - approaching, OLD, etc... Just can't be fucked dealing with the same bullshit again and again. There's gotta be a better way out of this.

What are the nature of the flakes and how are they happening/how often?

Is it girls not responding after cold approach numbers? Are they actually flaking after setting plans?
pancakemouse said:
What are the nature of the flakes and how are they happening/how often?

Is it girls not responding after cold approach numbers? Are they actually flaking after setting plans?

I don't consider a girl not responding after CA being flaking. Only when we've set plans, or been chatting and agreed to, then they stop responding or come up with a bullshit excuse

A lot of context to go into but I'll give a few examples:

- Girl from Bumble, we were both keen to meet. Chatted a bit on insta, she even suggested Friday night drink, tried to set it up and she completely ignored the message. Sent her a gif saying "RIP" the next day and she liked it. lol
- Girl from Fetlife. Met her once the other week and we made out. We've sent nudes to each other cause that's basically what the site is there for... They're on her profile. TBH I probably sent her too much. Anyway, we set up a date for last night. Messaged on the morning and she said "oh you're the worst, I made plans already :p" which is retarded. TBH I don't know if this is salvageable or if I even want to pursue, she's pretty immature.

Other girls from CA and elsewhere are responding to me. I don't mean to sound like an angry, frustrated chump, but my experience with so many girls is that they are socially retarded, avoid all responsibility and are plain immature.

I think it's mainly my emotional investment. That's what I need to stop.
Drama said:
pancakemouse said:
What are the nature of the flakes and how are they happening/how often?

Is it girls not responding after cold approach numbers? Are they actually flaking after setting plans?

I don't consider a girl not responding after CA being flaking. Only when we've set plans, or been chatting and agreed to, then they stop responding or come up with a bullshit excuse

A lot of context to go into but I'll give a few examples:

- Girl from Bumble, we were both keen to meet. Chatted a bit on insta, she even suggested Friday night drink, tried to set it up and she completely ignored the message. Sent her a gif saying "RIP" the next day and she liked it. lol
- Girl from Fetlife. Met her once the other week and we made out. We've sent nudes to each other cause that's basically what the site is there for... They're on her profile. TBH I probably sent her too much. Anyway, we set up a date for last night. Messaged on the morning and she said "oh you're the worst, I made plans already :p" which is retarded. TBH I don't know if this is salvageable or if I even want to pursue, she's pretty immature.

Other girls from CA and elsewhere are responding to me. I don't mean to sound like an angry, frustrated chump, but my experience with so many girls is that they are socially retarded, avoid all responsibility and are plain immature.

I think it's mainly my emotional investment. That's what I need to stop.

Yes, mostly it's mindset. Sure, there may be some messaging tactics you can tweak, but mindset is the big thing.

Flakes used to get me down (see: https://pancakemouse.wordpress.com/2017/11/03/flaketober/). They no longer do.

Now, my mindset is: "The most recent message I exchange with this girl will be the last message I ever have with her." I do not see girls as human beings until they show up on the date.

As soon as I send a message, I immediately forget about it until the reply from her comes in.

This Game has too much variance to put more of your mental energy in it than that.

By the way, starting more constant cold approach (getting 5-7 numbers a week) has been a gamechanger for me in developing this mentality of abundance. If a girl stops replying, I know I'm probably getting another number that day.
pancakemouse said:
Yes, mostly it's mindset. Sure, there may be some messaging tactics you can tweak, but mindset is the big thing.

Flakes used to get me down (see: https://pancakemouse.wordpress.com/2017/11/03/flaketober/). They no longer do.

Now, my mindset is: "The most recent message I exchange with this girl will be the last message I ever have with her." I do not see girls as human beings until they show up on the date.

As soon as I send a message, I immediately forget about it until the reply from her comes in.

This Game has too much variance to put more of your mental energy in it than that.

By the way, starting more constant cold approach (getting 5-7 numbers a week) has been a gamechanger for me in developing this mentality of abundance. If a girl stops replying, I know I'm probably getting another number that day.

Yeah I definitely notice when I'm cold approaching a lot I feel less needy and less investment.

That mindest advice is really good, thanks bro. Need to be more ruthless with these girls.
Met up with ImChuckBass last night for some night game, was definitely harder than I expected, mostly because I hadn't thought too much about how I would approach, what angle I was going for... He actually winged me big time with this cute, young colombian girl. And helped me through the set, he was sitting to the left of me and she was to the right. Fucking legend.

We went to another venue and danced/tried to game some girls. I dunno, my head wasn't too into it, I just pussied out on a few I knew I should've gone for. Anyway, I ended up pulling this girl by asking her the dumbest question "would you rather have nipples for fingers or fingers for nipples" lmao... She actually wasn't that hot, but one of her friends was kind of cute. Anyway we just talked shit with them for a bit and then left.

Definitely want to keep doing night game, there's potential there. I went in to the night with the mentality of just having fun, so no expectations, which is how it should be. At the same time, I feel like approaching girls can break that. Then again, you can have fun through talking to girls. Keen to look at some resources for thing. I think Roosh's Bang is pretty good for this kind of stuff, but any other suggestions are welcome.
Haven't posted in a while, haven't been consistent enough with everything.

Gym, yes, apart from a slight injury that's hindered my progress massively. Need to get a personal trainer

Business, no. Have not been anywhere near consistent enough. Going to be a hardass on myself here and just smash out all the work I need to get done.

Approaches, kind of. Have done about 10-15 in the past week and got a few good leads from it. Have had a looooooot of flakes recently and it's definitely to do with my inner game, which brings me to the next point.

Weed. Have been abusing this like no tomorrow. Yesterday was a really bad day being stoned and doing fuck all. Made me feel horrible and I'm taking a month off of it, at least.

I'm at the point where I know my insecurities, weaknesses and flaws but I can accept them and work with them. I'm just over my emotions having control. I'm tired of being the hamster running on a wheel, I'm going to take control over these dopamine traps.
The problem with weed is that it's detrimental in such an insidious way. The consequences are subtle but real.

I feel like weed makes me content with laying around and doing nothing.

IMO, if you smoke before 6pm, kiss the rest of the day goodbye.
Squilliam said:
The problem with weed is that it's detrimental in such an insidious way. The consequences are subtle but real.

I feel like weed makes me content with laying around and doing nothing.

IMO, if you smoke before 6pm, kiss the rest of the day goodbye.

Absolutely, it's an insidious drug. You think you're fine cause you're blanketed in a warm, fuzzy weed haze, but really that blanket is covering up the shit you should be looking at directly in the eye.

I still see the potential benefit in this drug, and after a month of no use, I will try and limit it to once every few weeks with friends. If I can't do this, I need to give it up forever.


First threesome last night. It was pretty hot, but not as good as I'd expected. Both girls I'd slept with already, and they both knew of each other from me telling them, both are very sexually open and were down beforehand. We went out for a few drinks then went back to mine, there was almost no game needed on my part.

One of the girls I realised I'm not really into. She has these mannerisms and expressions during sex that seem really inauthentic and kind of kill the vibe for me. The other one, much more genuine, passionate and connected during sex.

So it was a bit of an anticlimax, but some good memories nonetheless, glad I was able to do it.

Also being more consistent with cold approach. Met a girl in my building lift (large apartment complex of over 1,000 people). She was taking her cat to her friends house in a pram and I thought it was hilarious, so we started chatting, got her number.

Did five other approaches. 3 BF excuses and 2 blowouts.

One blowout was interesting, she said I was too old at the age of 30. Probably one of the weirdest responses I've had as she didn't even smile, say thanks for the compliment or anything. Just inherently judgemental and vain. Something to laugh about and share with friends, but I guess you're never going to be everyone's type.

It's coming up to summer here so vibes are getting better, more daytime outdoor parties, more girls out and about.

Business - I'm on the right track, need to focus more and become more strict with my schedule.

Weed - Smoked the tiniest bit yesterday to help with sleeping but it didn't help at all. Going to detox now for a month.
Red said:
Drama said:
First threesome last night.

Good job man, respect!

Drama said:
3 BF excuses

Are you even trying to push it, or you just next them and gtfo after the BF excuse?

Thanks dude.

This is the way I see it - If a girl tells me she has a BF, she's either telling the truth or lying.

If she's telling the truth, why waste my time trying to convince her to cheat on her BF.

If she's lying, why waste my time on someone who is making an excuse because she's not into me.

Either way, they're signalling they're not interested, so I see it as a waste of time and energy to pursue someone like that.

I know my game needs some work and I'm reading up strategies on CA, working on my inner game, style, grooming, body language, tonality, and VIBE. Maybe with enough improvement I can turn around these BF excuses, but ultimately, if I'm doing the best I can trying to get her details and she's politely denying me whether it's true or not, I've done my job.

Happy to be shown some perspective if you've gotten past the BF comment and successfully closed.
Drama said:
Happy to be shown some perspective if you've gotten past the BF comment and successfully closed.

Nah I don't have this experience. I know that lot of people on redpill subs are treating this as a shit test and that you should just ignore it.
Your point is totally valid tho. When I will beat my AA and start getting these, then I will def try to ignore it and see whatsupp just for the experiment.
I want to share a field report with you guys, hopefully to help but also for me to self reflect.

Last post I mentioned a girl I met in the lift. One day later (last night), I slept with her.

First, she's probably 1 or 2 points below me on the looks scale, so that helps to set context.

Second, she lives in my apartment building, so it was very convenient to meet up.

Here's how it happened:

We went out for some pho for dinner. On the way there, I was flirty, teasing and a bit of kino by touching her lower back and bumping into each other a bit. Didn't smile much, just smirked when teasing. Let her do most of the talking, 50% serious, 50% flirty/fun. A few stories sprinkled in, DHV.

On the way home, more teasing, hand holding, etc. She grabbed my arm a lot and commented on the size (guys, go to the fucking gym if you're not already).

My mentality was "we're gonna fuck" - act as if.

At my building, simply said "come watch a movie" - If she'd said no, I wouldn't care.

Watched "Hercules" at mine - Shitty movie we could both tune out of. During the movie, we were cuddling, spooning, etc. We kissed, but it was a really short peck on the lips, she wasn't willing to go for the makeout. I didn't persist that much. If she was less hot, I would've acted way colder to polarise.

Weird thing is, she has fake tits and let me touch them (outside clothes) before even kissing.

At the end, we were spooning, she turned to face me and we start making out. Lots of grabbing ass and tits, biting her lip, basically trying to get her really horny, which worked. Eventually she gave in and we got down to it.

I would credit my success to a few things:

- Game - Cool, calm and collected. Acted like I'm the shit, acted as if we were guaranteed to bang. Push/pull, polarisation, teasing, DHV
- Looks - She appreciated the way I dress and my body. These are things everyone can work on.
- Logistics - She lives in the same building, super easy to pull back to my place. Guys, if you can live in a central location, highly advise it.
- Timing - We went out 24 hours after we met.
This week has been pretty wild - Got laid a total of 5 times (if you count the threesome as 2).

Wanted to share my insta-date/lay report from Friday afternoon.

I was at the market, buying some fruit. Noticed a cute girl next to me, so I followed her after and did my usual "hey, just thought you were cute" ending with "we should grab a drink", to which she said "sure, I'm free now". I know from experience that's a cue that she's totally down.

So we get a drink at a bar nearby, I point out where I live (literally across the road - LOGISTICS). Kept the conversation light and non-sexual, subtle teasing and sprinkles of DHV from me.

She lives across the road from me, so we're on the way back and I say "come up and meet my dog", got no resistance at all. Within 5 minutes of her being in my apartment we were making out, undressing and... you know the rest.

I've gotta put it down to these main factors:
- Not being needy/thirsty - She could tell I get laid often and didn't care whether it eventuated with her or not
- Logistics - Already been said
- Good conversation, subtle teasing and DHV

If you'd told me 6 months ago I could do this, I wouldn't believe you. Feels good man.

Went out with ImChuckBass again yesterday to do some daygame approaches. Did probably 10, ended up with 2 numbers and one insta.

None of them replied. In fact, none of my CA leads from this week have replied. I think it has to do with my short interaction times, lack of creating a hook and getting them invested. Going to study Tom Torero's Street Hustle to get better at this shit.

It's similar to sales in that I have developed the ability to generate leads, but the prospecting + qualifying bit is sorely lacking, which leads to less closes.
Drama said:
This week has been pretty wild - Got laid a total of 5 times (if you count the threesome as 2).

Wanted to share my insta-date/lay report from Friday afternoon.

I was at the market, buying some fruit. Noticed a cute girl next to me, so I followed her after and did my usual "hey, just thought you were cute" ending with "we should grab a drink", to which she said "sure, I'm free now". I know from experience that's a cue that she's totally down.

So we get a drink at a bar nearby, I point out where I live (literally across the road - LOGISTICS). Kept the conversation light and non-sexual, subtle teasing and sprinkles of DHV from me.

She lives across the road from me, so we're on the way back and I say "come up and meet my dog", got no resistance at all. Within 5 minutes of her being in my apartment we were making out, undressing and... you know the rest.

I've gotta put it down to these main factors:
- Not being needy/thirsty - She could tell I get laid often and didn't care whether it eventuated with her or not
- Logistics - Already been said
- Good conversation, subtle teasing and DHV

If you'd told me 6 months ago I could do this, I wouldn't believe you. Feels good man.

Went out with @ImChuckBass again yesterday to do some daygame approaches. Did probably 10, ended up with 2 numbers and one insta.

None of them replied. In fact, none of my CA leads from this week have replied. I think it has to do with my short interaction times, lack of creating a hook and getting them invested. Going to study Tom Torero's Street Hustle to get better at this shit.

It's similar to sales in that I have developed the ability to generate leads, but the prospecting + qualifying bit is sorely lacking, which leads to less closes.

Good stuff brotha - Keep up the work!
Went out yesterday to do cold approach for an hour, ended up doing 3, getting 2 instagrams, the other one I actually bailed on cause I didn't see it going anywhere. Talking with twonightstander, we're still in the infancy mode with this, so I need to not be so hard on myself and beat myself up about my progress. It's been really good so far. What we need to do next is to reduce the number of flakes by building more of a connection in the interaction. Two books he's reading are Daygame Nitro and Street Hustle by Tom Torero. Going to read both of these and go out and apply them.

It's also been a week since I've quit weed and I feel way, way better about everything. Before I was almost constantly in a shitty mood, things were really up and down, hard to control. I know this is the right way, because I've quit before and become much more productive and happier in general. Just need to stick to it for at least a month.

Dopamine is the biggest one. My screen time is out of control. My tendencies to indulge in habits I know I shouldn't (like scrolling, dating apps, reddit, etc.) are high. Just need to remind myself every time I go to do one of these things that the juice isn't worth the squeeze.
Drama said:
we're still in the infancy mode with this, so I need to not be so hard on myself and beat myself up about my progress.
Yeah we still have a long way to go man but it will be sooooo good once we get there. Btw, fantastic job on the same day lay. Absolute savage.
natedawg said:
None of them replied. In fact, none of my CA leads from this week have replied. I think it has to do with my short interaction times, lack of creating a hook and getting them invested
Well yeah that's pretty much a bad set itself, maybe she isn't interested and give the number to send you your way politely
Optimal sets are between 5' to 8' - you know 4 things about eachother and you opened/closed strong.
These 3 macro areas are already good tellers of set progression
Drama said:
Went out yesterday to do cold approach for an hour, ended up doing 3, getting 2 instagrams, the other one I actually bailed on cause I didn't see it going anywhere. Talking with @twonightstander, we're still in the infancy mode with this, so I need to not be so hard on myself and beat myself up about my progress. It's been really good so far

Dude are you kidding me? you and Two will be crushing it very soon if you keep doing the work

Drama said:
Daygame Nitro

by Nick Krauser. ;) - it's a good book, easy a little bit with the anarchism and RP stuff tho :D