Drama's progress log - Becoming masculine

Drama said:
colgate said:
congrats!!! i'm glad u finally got the lay with that chick

Thanks bro.

She actually texted back before:

"Hey, yeah the other night was fun until you asked me to go home. And as much as I understand how you value a good sleep, it felt shitty and I don't like feeling shitty. It was fun hanging out though. All the best with the biz!" with a few emojis in there.

Damn. Don't think that's salvageable, but yeah I dunno... I'll need to think about why it happened and what to do next time.

How did you kick her out? Did you guys just bang once (was it good sex?) and then you told her to leave? Did you walk her to her car?

Not sure about the rest of the guys here, but 10:30pm is really early to kick a girl in my experience. Especially if you're going round after round. If I'm having a good time then I'll sacrifice some hours of sleep and tough it out the next day. Usually I legitimately get sleepy and start yawning a lot and the girl takes the cue it's time for her to bounce. Or they leave on their own initiative. If I actually have an early morning then I tell the girl that when they arrive at my place (but only girls that i've already banged).
PinchePendejo said:
How did you kick her out? Did you guys just bang once (was it good sex?) and then you told her to leave? Did you walk her to her car?

Not sure about the rest of the guys here, but 10:30pm is really early to kick a girl in my experience. Especially if you're going round after round. If I'm having a good time then I'll sacrifice some hours of sleep and tough it out the next day. Usually I legitimately get sleepy and start yawning a lot and the girl takes the cue it's time for her to bounce. Or they leave on their own initiative. If I actually have an early morning then I tell the girl that when they arrive at my place (but only girls that i've already banged).
Just said "Okay time for you to go". Next time I'm gonna just keep yawning, that's the best.

Sent her a text the next day apologising. I told her one night stands made me feel shit too.

THEN, last night she drunk booty called me and I stayed at hers lol... guess it worked. She'll probably turn into a plate
UPDATE - Long post

I haven't posted on here in a week cause of what's happened.

I met up with the hot gym girl again, the one I've posted about... Told her I wanted to try a relationship. A few nights later she came round and blew me, I ate her out... but we didn't have sex.

That was Tuesday. Thursday (last night) I called her and broke it off. She took it surprisingly well, told me she knew intuitively that I'd do this, and was really mature (keep in mind she's 35). I thought she'd be upset, and feeling really bad about hurting her.

I'm feeling in two minds about this.

One feels like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I can now do what I actually want to do, which is master CA, fuck other girls and be free.

Two feels regret and frustration I wasn't able to have sex with her. Yes, I know it's my ego talking here. I COULD have if I'd stuck it out a bit, but I know it's the wrong thing to do, morally and ethically.

I've been doing a lot of reading and deep thought about this subject, looking at posts on TRP and other blogs.

Ultimately, committing just for sex is a beta move, scarcity mentality. I knew this last week after I posted about her, but I guess I had to really experience what it would do to me to fully learn the lesson I needed to learn.

It's the hot girl trap.

A veteran told me about this, it happens to nearly every guy he's known doing CA. You meet a really hot girl, you think she's special (even if YOU DO have a lot of things in common with her), and you end up throwing away everything you're working towards and becoming infatuated/obsessed with this girl. It becomes messy and the guy comes out reeling, thinking "wtf was that about".

It's crazy. Never experienced anything like it.

He gave me some great advice - If you're looking for an LTR, don't look at the external factors that you have in common, ie. gym, music taste, opinions, etc. Look for the fundamental qualities, like honesty/integrity, virtues, ACTUAL character, like if she's feminine, giving, open, good values...

I do think she's a great person and highly rate her, forgetting about the sexual side of things. We even discussed being friends and lifting together (she's a PT). If that could somehow work, it would be unreal. We connected on so many fundemental levels, political opinions and world view that not even my close friends agree on.

She's also quite spiritual, and a lot of people talk about girls being bullshit artists when it comes to this (and a lot of them ARE), but I'm personally in touch with this side of myself as well and I see this event as one of those markers in my spiritually journey, meant to teach me something.

Either way, I'm super grateful this experience happened and it has taught me a shitload about myself and what I need to work on.

And this is what this journey is ultimately about, for me. Not just fucking girls and gratifying my ego, but getting better at having good, healthy relationships with women. More importantly, developing a deeper understanding of the nature of women and being able to control how I react to them in a more productive, healthy way.
Drama said:
If you're looking for an LTR, don't look at the external factors that you have in common, ie. gym, music taste, opinions, etc. Look for the fundamental qualities, like honesty/integrity, virtues, ACTUAL character,

Ya I agree. Lesson I've learnt recently was just how important character is.

Cuz like sharing an interest is fun, but having a girl with great character makes the relationship so much deeper and rewarding.
Manganiello said:
Ya I agree. Lesson I've learnt recently was just how important character is.

Cuz like sharing an interest is fun, but having a girl with great character makes the relationship so much deeper and rewarding.

100% - They can become interested in the things you like, you can't change fundamental character.
Drama said:
If you're looking for an LTR, don't look at the external factors that you have in common, ie. gym, music taste, opinions, etc. Look for the fundamental qualities, like honesty/integrity, virtues, ACTUAL character, like if she's feminine, giving, open, good values...
I mostly agree but I actually think whether they have certain opinions does matter for an LTR.

Core values that would matter for an LTR are ultimately just opinions.

Of course, if the opinions are regarding more superficial matters, then they're not relevant.
Squilliam said:
Drama said:
If you're looking for an LTR, don't look at the external factors that you have in common, ie. gym, music taste, opinions, etc. Look for the fundamental qualities, like honesty/integrity, virtues, ACTUAL character, like if she's feminine, giving, open, good values...
I mostly agree but I actually think whether they have certain opinions does matter for an LTR.

Core values that would matter for an LTR are ultimately just opinions.

Of course, if the opinions are regarding more superficial matters, then they're not relevant.

Are opinions and values the same thing?

To me, opinions are subjective statements that need not be true, ie. You think metal is the best kind of music. OR Your political beliefs.

Values are things like honesty, kindness, openness, community.

I'd go with values over opinions for an LTR. If you're in an LTR and you're doing everything together going for hikes, going to gigs, whatever... You'd probably grow sick of them. I value my autonomy. Strong values are also good signs of a stable woman.
Finally got my ass around to approaching again after the hot girl trap.

Did 6 today.
1 - bf
2 - bf
3 - number close, cute, young girl who had never been approached before
4 - about to walk into work lol
5 - bf. She seemed like she didn't and just didn't want to say no. I can rephrase my questioning next time instead of "are you single?" just say "let's grab a drink"
6 - no response/foreign

Feels good to get back on it and get over this previous girl.

Have a few irons in the fire right now too, one girl coming round tonight, another potentially tomorrow and wednesday.
Got laid last night with a girl from Feeld. I'd seen her before so was straight over to my house. Feels good man.

Went out today aiming to do 5 approaches. Did 1 and got her number. Then I got diarrhoea, so I went home :)
Went out yesterday to do at least 5 approaches but only got 3 done and it took me over an hour. Weird. I wasn't in a bad mood, was well rested, everything was fine. I guess sometimes you just have off days.

I also need to learn how to approach groups of girls confidently. I often see the hottest girls in a group, but won't approach because of the group. Any advice appreciated if some more experienced guys have overcome this.

Finally, got laid last night with the second of a pair of girls I matched with on Feeld. They're kinky as fuck and totally down for a threesome. Seeing the first of the two again on Sunday, but I convinced the other one last night to join in. Hopefully they both pull through.

She also gave me some massive ego boosts last night, affirming that I'm on the right path in terms of attraction. Feels good man.
Haven't posted in half a week cause I went away for the weekend and also got goddamn facial herpes a.k.a. cold sores. Not the worst thing in the world, but definitely not approaching with that shit on my face.

The threesome didn't happen due to above (made up some excuse), but they're both still keen to see me individually and together. Might happen this weekend.

Back at the gym properly this week after about a month's hiatus due to a back injury. Fuck it feels good. I've decided I'm going to compete in a powerlifting comp next year too.

Also picked up a few more clients for my business, which has been super tough to do the past few months. Very close to securing two deals with one client, totalling 30K.

Other than that, I'm doing alright with my weed habit, though I did promise not to smoke yesterday and ended up smoking. Will knock this one on the head this week, I know it's a key to becoming better in every aspect.

Also quit caffeine last week and noticing a difference in sleep and energy. Will stick to this, only drinking caffeine when I absolutely need it to get me going (if I'm sleep deprived or whatever).
Went on a date with a girl from CA last night - Aiming for the magnum date model - https://magnumlivelarge.wordpress.com/2019/01/10/94/
Realised I didn't do enough kino, enough fractionation of conversation, or enough sexual talk, or push/pull.
Gonna text her tonight to set up date two early next week.

After that had a girl from Feeld come to mine for the second time. She's on bipolar meds but the sex is pretty wild. Also had half a viagra and holy shit that stuff makes me hard as steel. Definitely utilising this for days I don't feel quite up to it.

Will approach more girls today, my cold sore scab is finally gone, thank fuck. Those fuckers can die and go to the 9th level of hell.

Apart from that, business is going really well, picked up another few deals but haven't closed any in a few months. Time is ticking to hit my goal here.

And have another date with another chick from Feeld tonight. She wants some "novelty" so I'm gonna take her to a back alley and get her to blow me/finger her. What can I say, I'm a degenerate dirtbag.
Been silent on here the last few weeks - Had a big weekend after my last post.

Can't be fucked updating on everything that's happened but I've been seeing a few girls that are now FWBs/plates, but I haven't approached since yesterday.

Went well, did three and got one number. I was actually quite nervous, could tell she was too, but got her IG anyway.

Business is going okay, landed a deal last week for 10K, but there's a long way to go before that goal... Have a few other things in the pipeline, but I need to hustle way more on this.

Back at the gym, but my body isn't fully healed from this injury. Need to stretch more, use the foam roller more and keep an eye on it. Going to get remedial massage tonight.

My biggest problem/bad habit right now is weed - I've been abusing it the past week and I know I need to stop. From today, I'm only going to smoke with other people. I'm writing this down and going to post it in the Telegram group so I'm held accountable.
Did 5 approaches yesterday - Got one number. I'm glad I'm keeping this consistent.

Been going well back in the gym, strength is almost fully back.

Sex life is good, have a few good plates on rotation, but could always be better.

Business is still lacking, need to fire up some shit here and really grind it out before the end of the year.

Most important thing I've realised is dopamine addiction - weed, masturbation (no porn though), vaping, dating/social apps. I need to severely limit these and get rid of this shit, cause it has gone unchecked for a long time.

If anyone has some good resources on dopamine addiction/how to quit I'd be really grateful.
Yep, I think I have a dopamine addiction too. The one thing I will say in my experience is, moderation isn't really possible if you're addicted. I find that to be very true for substance based addictions, but I've noticed the same applies to a lesser extent for the masturbation addiction in my experience.

5 approaches - 1 number. She said to me "I was just thinking I haven't been hit on in a while" and was all giddy. Sometimes you just get lucky and strike them at the right time.

Business motivation is sorely lacking, but I did this masterclass yesterday and will probably hire a coach. It's a big investment, probably 10-20K for a long term engagement, but I think it'll be worth it. I can't continue the way I am, so much input with not enough results.

And I think the dopamine addiction thing I realise I need to be a hardass on myself. I'm just not stopping myself often enough when I feel cravings.
Drama said:
And I think the dopamine addiction thing I realise I need to be a hardass on myself. I'm just not stopping myself often enough when I feel cravings.
My advice to you would be to not try to quit them all at once, that can be a lot to handle. Obviously that's the healthiest way of going about things, but you might find it easier to break it up into steps. I would say that you should rank all of your addictions from most damaging to least damaging. Then start with your most damaging addiction and work your way from there.

For example, I quit alcohol 1 year ago today, but I still struggle with smoking weed. Alcohol was more damaging to me however, so that one was my main priority to quit. However, weed is now pretty much the main one on my list.
Skipped approaches yesterday, did 8 today (aimed for 5 but was on a roll)

4 blowouts, 3 bfs, 1 number - Vibe was off for some, others I just didn't have conversation to go with. I need to look at what my game plan is, I don't really have a solid formula.

Business hasn't progressed any since last post, but working on some good things right now, feel confident I can make my goal this year.

Lifting is going well too, almost back to full strength after the injury.

One of my plates is coming round tonight and might have a few more dates over the weekend.
Didn't approach yesterday, did a deep clean of my place which it needed, did a shoulder workout then had a date.

It was raining and we went to the park with my dog, lol. Long story but she was still cool. Tried to pull but she didn't bite, seeded the dinner date next time. Looking back I think I could've been more aloof and did a few things that didn't particularly help me, but whatever. Will see where that leads me.

I think I need to really look at some inner game stuff. Just read this while writing this post, good resource - http://bitly.ws/uoFG

Realised I need to do more shit that's fun and challenging. I have a few options - muay thai, mountain biking, motorbikes. Gonna have more of a think about this and just pick one for now.

I do challenge myself with my business, but it's not the same thing.

Also realising that stoicism and acceptance of certain things would help me a lot. I'm going to properly read Meditations. I should also keep reading my other book.

Anyway I'm rambling, gonna put some things into action.