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  1. Black Dynamite

    Please cast your vote for the photographer up photoshoot consideration

    Hey man, I'd say #2 or #3 (I like #3 the most) since #1 is really expensive (according to a review that said it cost $2k) and seems less candid than the others. My reasoning for #2 is that they're in your preferred price range with candid photos that'd give you that confident masculine vibe...
  2. Black Dynamite

    Crimson’s Progress Log - accidental date with a trans😂

    Hey Crimson, Some days you're gonna be less productive than others which is totally normal. Good to see you introspect and call yourself out on being complacent. Keep up the awesome work and great things will be in store for you!
  3. Black Dynamite

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    Hey guys! "I, Black Dynamite, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously." Goals - Short term: Improve my social circle, start CA, and get more photos of myself - Long term: Do 50 approaches (Do AA program if I can't) and get laid once before the end of the year