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Hi guys, hush here.

I'm turning 30 in November, I'm french. I discovered KYIL this morning after looking for old Wall Street Playboys articles, stumbled upon Good Looking Loser, noticed the forums were dead and that people had migrated here. I know how helpful it is to have a journal in such a community so... here I am.

I'm in a serious relationship - it's been 6 years :)

My goals are:
Build a good looking physique (I had to stop working out for 2 months after a surgery, lost almost all my muscles)
Look better by taking care of my skin and clothes (I have decent skin except for black spots, I work from home so don't pay much attention to my outfits unfortunately)
Build a social circle / social skills (I turned full antisocial during covid lockdowns)

I, Hush, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
Hey everyone, I recently became single and want to massively improve on myself to become more confident and get better at attracting and dating girls.

I, Daniel, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Looking forward to improving with everyone else here.

Physical Goals:
Bulk to 150-160lbs at 5'3
225 Bench in a year's time
315 Front Squat in 2 year's time
135 Overhead Press by end of this year

Mental/Mindset Goals:

Reduce NHS Anxiety and Depression to 1
Identifying any Trauma I have that affects me to this day
Fully getting rid of height insecurity

Sexual/Relationship Goals:

Get laid(preferably with somebody who I want for ltr)
Get into first relationship
Get laid with a taller girl

"I, Joshua, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."

Pre-Thanks to anyone who helps me on this journey!
Hey all,

29 years old in online marketing, from Europe, currently living in Germany.

Watched Andy's video on quitting porn and I realized that I need the accountability to get there myself. Never occurred to me to register here before. I'm currently somewhere where Andy was during the first months with the porn shit - reduced, but not removed entirely. Working on it though. Hope that regular check-ins here are the push that I need to take my shit to the next level, and start taking my goals more seriously.

Current goals:
- Do a half-year review retreat where I'll set the theme for the rest of the year
- Quit porn, starting with 3 months off.
- Start working on a new business daily again (sold previous one, so I've been on an extended holiday since)
- Find a good balance with Nootropics & supplements that I'm using
- Find & move to a new apartment
- Continue recomping & restart daily gym/cardio workouts once corona-free again

I, Astronaut, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Thanks KillYourInnerLoser for the ultra-honest and open videos that you're making. I know you have your share of issues that you're working on, but you're a huge role model for all of us in that honesty & openness department.
Hi all,

I'm here to kick names and take ass. I've lately been feeling like life's going nowhere so it's time for some action.

-Get successful at Tinder
-Bulk up to 65 kg
-Overcome my fear of talking to strangers
-Start a physical business

I, John commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
Hi. I am Great Dane from Denmark.

I, Great Dane, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I am looking to have som fun, before settling down. I have a history of settling for less than i know i should. I have been in 3 long relationships, 6 years, 4 yares and 3 years. The first two with women i knew deep down was not for me. Now i want to up my game, have som fun, improve myself, and meet some good looking women to have fun with. Further down the road it is my goal to get in a great relationship, with an awesome woman and start an adventurous life together with.

In the past i struggled to get a good Tinder profile. Now i have done quite a bit of work, trying to get good pictures, edit them and so on. Still not getting the results i was hoping for.
Hello here.

I, Doony, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

My current goal is to stop being fat and reach the weight of 85. Also I want to completely change my life and be free from other people's opinion. Thank you
Donnyy for your avatar, you need a picture showing you. It can be cropped or blurred. You got 3 days to do so, otherwise we'll ban you
I, Tom, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
I want to fuck her right in the pussy.

- 5 Lays till end of the year
- add 2 really good photos to my tinder profile.
I, Jona, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

My Goals are

-Lose my virginity
-Be more confortable with girls
-Beat my social anxiety
Hey everyone,

"I, Gaetan, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."

French, got out of a nine year relationship. Got to get on the dating game, thing I never really...started

Installed tinder and happn in January, got very few matches, two "ok girl" dates, slept with both. That's pretty much it

I see hot chicks every day on the street and I have no idea if I can score those or not. I'd love to but I clearly don't match those on tinder and such...

Goal :
Matching and dating girls that I'm really attracted too

Uploading my profile pic now!
Make sure you include this sentence: "I, [Al], commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Typical start to my journey I’m sure but got dumped. girl moved out. Totally crushed me and had the fear that I couldn’t find anyone as hot it as cool so my goal is to break that limiting belief and date hotter and cooler women. I don’t want to use any dating apps until I can meet and date women in real life to break my scarcity mindset and build my confidence that I can do this without anything else but myself.

-date hot and cool chicks
I, Al. commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Typical start to my journey I’m sure but got dumped. girl moved out. Totally crushed me and had the fear that I couldn’t find anyone as hot it as cool so my goal is to break that limiting belief and date hotter and cooler women. I don’t want to use any dating apps until I can meet and date women in real life to break my scarcity mindset and build my confidence that I can do this without anything else but myself.

-date hot and cool chicks
Hey I'm, Xealous,
"I, Xealous, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."

I am 20 years old, living in Sydney.
Current KYIL Short Term goals:
- Complete AA Program, currently Week 2
- Get 5 lays from cold approaching (currently 0)

Other Goals I'm willing to share here:
- Memorise top 5000 commonly used words in Spanish.
- Go to the Olympics (for which sport that is for the reader to imagine)
- Finish my degree's

Can't show my face due to limited digital fingerprint I must keep for my job.
"I, printerboy, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."

- Short term: Improve my quality of matches, dates, and in-person game
- Long term: Settle into a long term relationship I'm happy with
- Improve my fitness (gain 5-10 lbs of muscle, get a six pack)
printerboy said:
"I, printerboy, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."

printerboy you must have an image of yourself, it can be blurred out or not showing all of your face.

This is mandatory if you don't do it soon, we will ban the account.

EDIT: Thanks for doing that.
"I, Grid, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."

- Short term: Get more matches & dates.
- Long term: Move out & start my life.
- Already lean and muscular, aim to attain an elite bodybuilder physique by next summer.
Hey guys!
"I, Black Dynamite, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."

- Short term: Improve my social circle, start CA, and get more photos of myself
- Long term: Do 50 approaches (Do AA program if I can't) and get laid once before the end of the year