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Hi all, good to see a forum of guys committed to improving this area.

"I, Sonofagun, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."

- Build a solid online dating profile (mine was always a little lacklustre, and since 2022 began my results have tailed off.
- Push the envelope in daygame even harder (get my first same-day-lay, hit 500 approaches (I'm currently at around 360) and have some more amazing experiences with girls).
- Improve my physique and finally get out of the rut I'm in with it (I've barely put on a pound of muscle in the past 4-5 years despite training).
Hi, I'm actionbastard

"I, actionbastard, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."

I decided to join this forum after breaking up with my girlfriend of 2.5 years. I'm still at the point where it's hard to see myself with other people so I decided to take this opportunity to take the long term approach to my goals. There are parts where I get sad but I'm also excited for the new opportunity. LFG.

I decided to evaluate my past failures and start again and take it seriously this time.

My goals.
- Get in better shape. I paid an extra for much more expensive gym that is much close to where I live because I hate the long commute. I'm also taking muscle recovery more seriously since muscle soreness is kills my fitness momentum. So far it's been 1 session of sports massage but I learned that investing in ice pack is working fine for me.
- Get better at photography for the online dating part; I have an old dslr camera and I have invested in the remote and tripod. I do wonder if I should invest in a mirrorless camera since they say it's more beginner friendly.
- Get a higher paying job; I had a verbal offer that would achieve this goal but the hiring freeze caused by macroeconomics has added to my depression. I aim to get out of this funk.
- Get feedback on clothings. I am a simple man. I hate thinking about what to wear every morning so it tends to be plain white / black tshirts. (Mark Zuckerberg style).

- Eventually get a quality girlfriend / long term partner.
- and be in a position where I can give back to the community.

Thanks for reading!
I, Lucid, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Spent the last 7 years recovering from debilitating health issues misunderstood by modern medicine. Living with my mother at 34 because I've been too sick to care for myself. No friends, too sick to exercise, dating is beyond me right now, too sick to build a business or engage in hobbies. It's been difficult beyond description but the experience has unlocked a level of self-awareness I was never capable of before. I'm finally reaching the end of my health journey- knock on wood- and I'm getting ready to get my shit together. I was in the GLL forums years ago and have seen 40-50 lays since then, but a lot of them with girls I wasn't especially attracted to and nearly all from online. Scared about having to restart my life at my age but also excited.


-Recover health or die trying
-Move back into my own place
-Fix my vibe... apparently I give off unmasculine or gay energy
-Build a social circle
-Get back into shape
-Increase income
-Maximize looks
-Build a dating life from meeting women IRL
I, Steve, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

44 from US in AZ.
Divorced about a year ago.

1. Commit to improving body. Lose 10 lbs and build muscle.
2. Start now on the GLL AA program.
3. Build social circle.
4. Finish reading the Tinder Guide and upgrade my photos for OLD
"I, eyowhatup, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."

My goals in order of importance:

I feel like I need to work on my self before starting my journey with women
Lieutenant Lucid said:
I, Lucid, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Spent the last 7 years recovering from debilitating health issues misunderstood by modern medicine. Living with my mother at 34 because I've been too sick to care for myself. No friends, too sick to exercise, dating is beyond me right now, too sick to build a business or engage in hobbies. It's been difficult beyond description but the experience has unlocked a level of self-awareness I was never capable of before. I'm finally reaching the end of my health journey- knock on wood- and I'm getting ready to get my shit together. I was in the GLL forums years ago and have seen 40-50 lays since then, but a lot of them with girls I wasn't especially attracted to and nearly all from online. Scared about having to restart my life at my age but also excited.


-Recover health or die trying
-Move back into my own place
-Fix my vibe... apparently I give off unmasculine or gay energy
-Build a social circle
-Get back into shape
-Increase income
-Maximize looks
-Build a dating life from meeting women IRL

OK dude, if you want to talk health recovery, you need to talk to me.

I understand this topic deeply and have researched for 12 years. I can tell you I tried an insane number of approaches, but found solutions in approaches that worked on building up one's biology and create robustness in our organism. Mitochondrial rejuvenation, circadian biology, regenerating the brain and body, and reconnecting with nature are consistently what I have seen work when all else has failed. And I would love to help you with this, I know it very deeply and have tonnes of resources and info I can send you.

I had serious health struggles (go read my story in my log) but found answers, and I can document the whole process of my healing it was something I recorded on another forum, I was almost dead, obese, didn't leave my room and lived with my parents for 2 years legit. I was DESTROYED sick, extreme anxiety 10 panic attacks a day, couldnt sleep, couldnt even think. I got myself back into life and over the course of years, got myself healthier and healthier. I had to solve the puzzle, but now I can give the knowledge to all who need it. Once I'm rich and have started a family this will be my own passion project, helping the sick heal themselves for free. An amazing woman I look up to a lot does this right now she is an inspiration to me (Dr Courtney Hunt, a fellow mitochondriac).

Let's talk, I'm a PM away. I'll send you a link to my story and you can tell me about the things you're working on right now so I can give you some actionable tips right off the bat. When you say the modern medical system doesn't understand, believe me, many of us were put through the grinder by that system. The only Dr you need is the one inside you.

Hope you won't mind me pitching in like this. I just get passionate when I see people wanting to take their health to the next level.

eyowhatup for your avatar, you need a picture showing you. It can be cropped or blurred. You got 3 days to do so, otherwise we'll ban you
It shows a body part, not a human being. :-)

I think we can take this commmunity maximally seriously and do the work to be better if we can maintain some standards, and part of that is the person should show themselves. Blur or crop out the face, but just one body part seems againnst the spirit of things IMO

Welcome all the same

I, Zach, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
My goals are being able to get laid anywhere, being financially free, and inspiring my generation to actually get up, believe in themselves, and do shit through social media.
I, Mouser, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I'm a 25 year old software developer. My long-term goal is to have a high quality and highly abundant dating life through cold approach. Ideally, I'd like to have sex with 100 women. Right now, I'm at six, three from cold approach.

Short-term, my goals are as follows:

  1. Have sex with five women by January 1st, 2023
  2. Cut down to within 10%-15% bodyfat

Goal 2 I'm very confident in, as I've got experience with the bulk-cut cycle and have been there before with relative ease. Goal 1 I set on August 1st and have since gotten one of those since then. I'm deliberately not using apps to achieve this goal, because 1) I'd rather cultivate this skill even if it takes longer and 2) on average the women I've met through cold approach are way cooler than the ones I've met through apps.
Whatsup I'm Klondike. Only game goals right now are to get to a beginner level, and to hook up with 5 girls off the apps. Primary physique goal is to drop 15-20lbs of lard.

I, Klondike, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
"I, ASH, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."

32, 165 cm, Obese, Single, Indian in Sweden.
Fcking feeling 60 for the past few months.
Main reason that pushed me to create an account is to be part of a community that are full of go-getters.

To get Laid. Be comfortable in my own shoes.
But, have these major hurdles to cross.
- Reduce BF and Weight .
- Reduce Social Anxiety, stop being a goofy smiling moron to everyone.
- Increase presence in Socials.
- Be selfish enough to prioritize my life over family. Fckin, Indian households man.
- Improve style. Being positive.
- Masturbation.

- Porn,
- Living life through others lenses,
- Mindless Reddit & YouTube browsing.
- Need for validation, criticism from the current woman I am seeing.

What I have going for me.
- New job that has good potential. Moderate salary currently.
- New weight loss program. I like the workouts enough to keep me going to the gym consistently.
- Have my own place and transport. (was a luxury for me until now).
- Independent enough to pursue new interests, hobbies.

- Quit nicotine addiction in the past and 100% convinced I can do it in other areas of my life.
- Attempted nofap previously to moderate success (90+ days).
- Willing and able minded.

I read that it is beneficial to do daily logs so as to improve consistently.
I wish to add more details as part of my daily logs.
Excited to be here.
gettingoutofcomfortzone said:
KillYourInnerLoser said:
"I, ASH, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."

32, 165 cm, Obese, Single, Indian in Sweden.
Fcking feeling 60 for the past few months.
Main reason that pushed me to create an account is to be part of a community that are full of go-getters.

To get Laid. Be comfortable in my own shoes.
But, have these major hurdles to cross.
- Reduce BF and Weight .
- Reduce Social Anxiety, stop being a goofy smiling moron to everyone.
- Increase presence in Socials.
- Be selfish enough to prioritize my life over family. Fckin, Indian households man.
- Improve style. Being positive.
- Masturbation.

- Porn,
- Living life through others lenses,
- Mindless Reddit & YouTube browsing.
- Need for validation, criticism from the current woman I am seeing.

What I have going for me.
- New job that has good potential. Moderate salary currently.
- New weight loss program. I like the workouts enough to keep me going to the gym consistently.
- Have my own place and transport. (was a luxury for me until now).
- Independent enough to pursue new interests, hobbies.

- Quit nicotine addiction in the past and 100% convinced I can do it in other areas of my life.
- Attempted nofap previously to moderate success (90+ days).
- Willing and able minded.

I read that it is beneficial to do daily logs so as to improve consistently.
I wish to add more details as part of my daily logs.
Excited to be here.

sup dude

i'm a ~167cm indian except i'm in america. i think we have very similar base stats but i just started before you :P

you can read my logs (in my signature) if you want to learn more about my journey

hmu in PM if you want to be in contact
I, hq4, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Hello! Its hq4, a 18 year old autistic which virgin and skinny.
I was surfing in the red pill communities and fond Andy's blog. This place is amazing and contains more actionable guides than most red pill community.

- Go to college in 2 years
- Get a side hustle
- Become 70kg(58kg right now)
- Run a marathon
- Run a half-marathon barefoot
- Get a 1 hour cold exposure
- Get laid in the college time
Hello kratjeuh here, 26years old.

Main goal right now is to get laid a lot from online dating + the occasional night out. I want to achieve an abundant dating life before committing full time to make money and expand my life.
I, Pops0231, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously

Hey I’m 22 and my goals are to be the best man ho I can possibly be. I want have over 700 bodies minimum before I leave earth. My goals for right now is just build a rotation and become the best conversationalist I can be. I want to build a foundation from cold approaching so good that I can get laid any night I want by just going outside. I know that’s seem like a lot but it’s doable and it will get done.
I, JakeS, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I want to get laid once or twice a month and go on two or three date per month.
I want to go to the gym 5 days a week. Of course, I want to improve all parts of my body, but specifically I want to get bigger shoulders, arms, and chest, as I'm pretty skinny.
I want to learn more about how to interact with people better. I have aspergers (and I think the autism jokes in the tinder guide are hilarious) and have lived relatively socially isolated for most of my life due to factors outside of my control. I'm not completely socially incompetent, but there is certainly room for improvement.