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Manganiello said:
MidasMulligan said:
Hey boys,

Y'all can call me MidasMulligan. I'm 30 years old, and live in Los Angeles.

For the last 2 years, I've been in absolute monk mode building my business. At the moment, doing about $20k USD per month, with a solid plan to get this to 100-200k/month by end of next year or earlier.

However, after 2 years of hard grinding, I'm feeling super burnt out. I know Andy from business circles that we run in, so I figured I'd reach out to the forum and see if I can connect with other like-minded dudes that would be down to chill.

If anyone is in the Los Angeles area, would be awesome to meet up and get a group going to hang out on weekends.

Main Goal: find like minded people in LA to hang out with.

"I, MidasMulligan commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."

Welcome Midas. Who's John Galt?

This guy understands!
I commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I am a dude that wants to get more beautiful women. And I need your help to achieve that.

All well,
I, Maverick_, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I want to become a better man at socializing, picking up conversations with strangers, and feeling more in the moment.

I'd like to commit to seriously correcting my diet with shitty foods, namely added sugars and bad oils, more than just sporadically for short periods.

From these changes, I seek to gain social status through gathering more friends, improving my body, and being the man girls want to have around.
Hey everyone.
(I know my photo goes against all the tinder guidelines for a good photo, but don't worry, I'm getting a sexy trim tomorrow)

I'm not a virgin anymore but still feel like one. I used to have terrible self confidence, couldn't look people in the eye and always had a really negative mindset and negative outlook on my life. Since quitting video games last year and finding an amazing social job, my social anxiety has plumetted drastically, my confidence has improved, and I'm optimistic about my future for the first time in a while in my life.

However, I feel like I can't focus on the other goals I have for my life. I used to believe that no attractive girl would ever want to be with me because I was shy and hadn't experienced things in life. Now I've had a year to build my confidence I no longer believe this, but I'm still pretty inexperienced and want to experience sexual fullfillment for a while, to feel good about myself and to meet loads of new and interesting people.

I make a lot of excuses all the time about why I don't have to do anything today/right now, and although I am going for a tinder photoshoot in a couple of days with my friends DLSR and that should be fun, my current experiences with tinder have showed me that I should be going to social clubs to meet girls or approaching in person, but for the past couple months whilst living at my parents I've been telling myself, "yeah I'll do it when I move house", basically just putting it off for the future.

Reading Andy's guide and articles has motivated me to take action, and hopefully by joining the forums I can get the little push that I need to stop making excuses, overcome any last fears/anxieties that I have, and start having the sex life that I want and know I can achieve.

My goals for 2022
- Start my masters course
- Upgrade my tinder/dating profiles and start taking them seriously
- Stop fantasizing about what I want (to shag loads of girls) and start getting what I want
- Approach girls in person with the intention to date and sleep with them
- Overcome my excuses

I, Jordan, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
TheWarrior said:
I commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I am a dude that wants to get more beautiful women. And I need your help to achieve that.

All well,

Mate, you need a profile picture of yourself to keep posting. Can be cropped or blurred. Upload one in the next 3 days, otherwise I'll ban your account.
"I, Random, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."

My goal is to completely overcome every fear when it comes to Cold Approaching, I've done a few in the past however it needs to be consistent. Which is why I will be searching for a WING to join me on the adventure of conquering the market as the kings of approach.
I, Erez, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Hey, 23M from tel Aviv. Feel a little bit uncomfortable showing my picture yet but might change that in the future lol.

Had a girlfriend for three years up until 2 weeks ago, apart from that no action. I work in cyber security, while studying math partial-time in a university.

Don't have too much AA because I used to do some approaches 3 years ago (but no actual success).

My Main goals are:
* 50 lays with cold approach/online/anything - done 1/50
* Improve my tinder/bumble/whatever profile
* Put on 10 extra kg of muscle - 69 kg, 173 cm (5'8)
* Finish math degree with 95+ average (currently 99)
* Improve fashion/style

I just want to say that I think it is awesome that you created this community that encourages actual self-improvement with no bullshit! Really awesome :)

If some of you are looking for some motivation for life, really recommend listening to David goggins audiobook. If you haven't heard of him - you should look him up.
I, Logan, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Just found this cool website, felt I could learn what people do in their 20s and more.

Hopefully I can make some cool friends and learn things from them and even better if I could help too.

Goal: Learning what to do in 20s. (It cannot be put in this length of words in profile goal, so...I cut it into Learning what in 20s, and hopefully it makes sense)
I, Method, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I started writing and ended up putting together a lot of info that I am going to turn into a log.

I recently made a lot of positive changes, after cyclical self improvement and depression for most of my life.

The main thing I want to change is my social isolation, I have never really had a social life or felt close to people. Working on habits of making time for people, + accepting myself and opening up more will be crucial.

*Goal: By January, meet up weekly with a group of guys (starting with 1) and talk openly about our goals and progress, then go out and hit on girls.
*System: Move into my own place in the city; join BJJ gym; invite guys to play pool; talk about my goals and see who sticks

I also want to transition into a 'better' career. More money, more freedom over my time, and ability to give back to the world are what I am looking for. I am learning programming and aiming for a career in cybersecurity or AI.

*Goal: 5 years from now have a degree or career in cybersecurity or be going to school for AI
*System: 1.5 hours minimum, Monday thru Saturday, deep work on programming. Currently CS50 and it's a struggle.

Lastly I want to find a girl who is supportive of my goals, and is into BDSM and wants to hook up with other girls.

*Goal: By January, go on at least one date per week + have at least one FWB who is into BDSM
*System: Improve my dating profiles. Work on my conversation flow and humor. Regularly meet women, date them, and screen for the qualities I am looking for

Looking forward to getting to know you guys better.
I, Gary Sternwell, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Here first to beat approach anxiety and gain the feeling that I can talk to anyone (including pretty girls).
I, Caleb, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

My goals are:

Social Freedom
I want to have the confidence to talk to whoever I want whenever I want. Any relationship or sex as a
consequence is just a bonus.

I want to Write and Direct $1,000,000+ Feature Films

I want to graduate my engineering degree with first class honors

I want to Deadlift 200kg, OHP 80kg for 10 reps and having a resting heart rate below 60 BPM.
Hi guys,

This will be a rather short introduction post, aiming to serve as a turning point for me.

Was never part of GLL forums, but got through plenty of Chris's content- he was the only guy I read that was so relatable. Consumed tons of hair-loss and male enhancement content from him (and later Derek too), but was rather travel-oriented back then and stayed over at RVF then later STW (even though we never spoke, nice to see a familiar name here - pancakemouse).

However, it's pretty hard to pinpoint any specific goals for me at the moment. I am at the stage of my life where I slowly recover after a three years long disease that has completely crushed me mentally- currently I am all about recovering my mental health and getting back the drive to take action.

If there is a reference to best describe what I need to go through, it would be one of the Chris's articles (I saw this article being referred to by one of the members here- Crimson.)

I already know what I have to do and the only thing that I keep fucking up is NOT DOING IT. I act like a complete fucking pussy, constantly looking for some excuses to NOT progress with my life further and succumb back into my comfort zone.

And this is pretty much the sole reason of this post. I am now making a commitment to get my shit together in front of successful and motivated guys that each day are working on their goals. I can't fuck this up in front of such audience, right? That said, I am starting NOW- on a random Wednesday.

The long-term goals could be categorized as follows:
- To feel happy and confident every single fucking day; get rid of the 'hammer hanging on your chest' feeling that heavily limits my social abilities.
- To enter the REAL top one percent ANYWHERE in the world (in the context of slaying pussy). I am a high ego and highly competitive guy, so I know there is no other way for me to feel content with myself. Having travelled to Asia, I know the feeling ;) I don't particularly like to chase women, but I love them submitting to me.

For the short-term ones:
- battle the drug addiction
- quit smoking after over a decade (yes, I started when I was 13/14)
- buy my own place (crazy close, missed some good deals already- but in life just like with pussy: LEAVE THE PAST BEHIND).

I, The Vagabond, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

And off to hit the clubs tonight with a friend ;-) Will start the day tomorrow with a 200mg caffeine pill for sure.

BTW: quite a long post actually, and I still feel like I just came here to say Hi :)

Hey guys. Glad to be joining this community of go-getters.

About me
- Age 28
- 6”1
- 71kg
- Live in Australia
- Recovering self-improvement junkie

It turns out I’ve been in a dry spell for 3.5 years now. It’s time to shatter that spell. I found Andy’s powerful and inspiring blog last year, took some action, then got distracted with other life areas. Feels good to be finally making my first post.

I want to be sincerely serious in my efforts to actualise the dating and sex life I've always wanted. By that, I mean becoming clear and fully committed to what I want/need in this area and consistently working towards it.

I want the social freedom to be able to talk to anyone that I feel the desire to and honestly express myself.

I want to always be working towards being of higher value while remembering my inherent value. I want to be fit for service.

Current Goals
- Go on dates. At least one per week.
- Improve fashion/style. Get pierced.
- Improve self-portrait photography for dating profiles.
- Once more comfortable with dates, get laid regularly.
- Find, connect and work with people focusing on this life area, preferably local.
- Go to social activities e.g. salsa. Once a week.

With all that being said…

I, Sincerious, commit to working on my Goals and taking myself seriously.

I, Barry, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.


  • 1,000 IG followers
    1,000 plays
    Get featured on Spotify


  • 500 IG Followers (Currently 120)
    500 plays (Currently 303)

Right now my main goal I’m focusing on is my music. However I’ve realized I never conquered my demons with dating/confidence/esteem so now facing all of those issues as an artist. Putting yourself out there is PARAMOUNT in both fields, dating and music, so I can no longer run from the source of the issues. I’m here to become a better person, something I know I’m capable of doing.

-Beat my previous year's income of $116k and try to hit $130k
-Gain 3-5 lbs of muscle by EOY while remaining trim
-Find a steady rotation of girls or GF
-Drop Breaking into sales Masterclass for my group

Actions I am taking towards it:

-Hitting my client base hard and learning my territory in new job
-Cutting alcohol nearly completely out, keeping sugars and saturated fat under 20g, with high protein and carbs.
-Sticking to lifting 5-6 days a week + weekly soccer game and 3X week morning mild cardio
-Fixing my IG/Tinder while also making it a habit to approach girls I meet. At this point, I want to prioritize day game + online since I can still meet women while avoiding the alcohol + sleep deprivation that nightgame can carry
-I am dedicating some time each day to polishing my presentation to give value to my group

Glad to connect with anyone who vibes, specially if you are also in the Dallas area.

I, Sergio, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously
Hey guys awesome to be here. Have been watching a little bit of andy and instead of just keep lurking, one small goal is to sign up here and start being an action taker.

A bit about me
-Age 26
-193cm (6'4 feet)
-123kg (271 lbs)
-I work in IT
-I live in Europe

About 5-6 years ago I use to do cold approach pickup. Super hard when I was young and living like an hour from the city. But had some success and then two girlfriends (at diffrent times) and now I am back on the market.

My number one goal is to lose fat. I have been working out on and off for many years. My heaviest has been 132kg (291 lbs). A big why is to get more women and hotter women.

My goals after that is to upgrade my style, take better pictures to max my instagram.

On my way to lose all this fat my goal is to start going out again. To socalize and build up my game or pickup skills.

I, hawkmeister, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
I, Notimport, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

About me:
- 23
- 1,85m (6.0)
- 76kg
- Central Europe (city population: 279k)

Hi guys i've been lurking on these forums for 2 months now and ive finally decided to take the leap and stop procrastinating. I'm a College student, aspiring pilot and recovering porn addict, that is retaking a year and as such am free of college duties for the first semester, so im going to try my best to achieve as many non career related goals as possible while i dont have to worry about college.

My goals
- Get laid more and get more experienced at sex to become a sex god (current lay count 2)
- Kill the scarcity mindset and cultivate abundance mindset, and create a roster of girls i find really attractive.
- Improve my social skills and create new social circles that include women (my social cirlce is a sausage fest atm)
- Move out of my parents house and into my own flat or at minimum share a flat with roommates
- Nofap for 180 days (best streak 95)
- Get my private pilots license and College degree
- Improve my looks, style and photos
- Get shredded and big in the gym (best ever was 14% Bf)