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I, J, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I've come a far way in my self improvement journey. I've improved my self hatred, I've lost 40 pounds, I've improved my confidence and more but I've still got a long ways to go. I've never gotten laid before, I haven't had my first kiss yet, quite frankly I have very little confidence with women and I want to change that. I don't want to find the girl of my dreams and be too scared to ask her out and be worried about not having sex before. I want some experience and I think that will bring confidence along with it. I'm joining this forum for some general guidance and to have some accountability.

Right now I'm at my final year of college and I'm back on campus for one final hurrah. There is so many cute girls around and I've been too scared to hit on them. I think joining this forum is going to give me the push I need to hit my goals.

Current goals:
Hit 163 LBS by end of September
Go on 10 dates this year: 0/10
Go on 5 dates with cute/hot girls this year 0/5
Get my first kiss this semester
Lose my virginity before this semester is over
Make 3 new friends this semester 0/3

Get more confident with women
Get more confident in going out alone
Be more social
Make some new friends this semester
colgate said:
sup dude

i'm a ~167cm indian except i'm in america. i think we have very similar base stats but i just started before you

you can read my logs (in my signature) if you want to learn more about my journey

hmu in PM if you want to be in contact

Hey, you are one of my major motivations in creating an account in the forum.
Your pic speaks a 1000 words my man.
I, McJD commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I am a 29yr old American living in Montana - but have been living in NYC for the past eight years pursuing an acting career. The last two years have been tough - left nyc which I loved, living with parents, very depressed and I am in a sexual drought, all of which I want to break free of.

1. Sleep with 10 women in one year
2. Gain 10lbs of muscle at least - I am 140lbs right now - skinny hardgainer.
3. Get my life back in order in two months so I can move back to NYC by October.
4. Travel abroad at least one time this year

Broad goals:
1. Become a charisma god
2. Always be living a life worth sharing with others
3. End my depression once and for all

Things I have already accomplished in the last month:

1. Gone on 2 dates from dating apps
2. Started therapy with BetterHelp
3. Took out a gym membership - going 3 days a week. I struggle to go 3 days some weeks.
I, NateDawg, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

34. Copywriter. Work for big names, so I'm keeping a low profile (for now).

I, RedLines, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

34. Copywriter. Work for big names, so I'm keeping a low profile (for now).

- Years spent in anxiety & depression due to childhood upbringing. Spent many years with little to no self-worth.
- In terms of women, experience has been limited as a result. Slept with one, fooled around with others, and committed to none even when I had the chance.
- Seeing a therapist has been instrumental in improving my mental.
- I've been on a serious mental/physical self-improvement trajectory for the past 5 months.

- (Broad) To see my inner work reflected outwardly (Believing I'm attractive (by getting dates) friendly, fun to be around, etc.)
- To speak to my therapist twice a month every month.
- To reach 185 lbs. by 2023 (Started at 233 --> 212lbs currently - I workout 5x/week w/ a personal trainer)
- To go on one casual date per month
- To join 1-3 new communities by end of 2022 (Increased socialization)
- To completely furnish my new apt by end of year
- To build a new fall/winter wardrobe by end of 2022

I'll be using audio/vlogs to track updates.
natedawg said:
I, NateDawg, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

34. Copywriter. Work for big names, so I'm keeping a low profile (for now).

Hey, Welcome. I am new here as well. Joined only last week. And, I already have some momentum thanks to some of the forum members. We are here for you. All the very best. PM if you want to stay in touch.

Also, I suggest creating separate logs for different goals to continuously track your progress.
gettingoutofcomfortzone said:
I suggest creating separate logs for different goals to continuously track your progress

No. Please create a main log for all your goals. If you have questions, don't create separate logs. Ask them in your main log.
What's up mates?!

I, Gartus, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I'm 30, Polish, living in Wroclaw - Poland. Civil engineer, working as a project manager in my field. Recently ended 6 years long relationship with hot half-asian girl, but it was almost sex-less marriage. Going back to dating scene to bang chicks.
I was depressed before, but much better in general - currently a bit broken by the situation, in progress to feel better. Therapy and friends always helps.
I've never been a "player", always have issues with talking to women - felt anxiety. So goals!

My goals:
- get rid of my problems with anxiety with women;
- bang at last 10 times in next 6 months;
- bang a Spanish woman;
- go to at last 30 dates in next 6 months.
I, Kay, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

About me

- 26 yr old Indian
- Living in Belgium
- 5’11
- Introverted and sometimes socially awkward
- Slept with 3 women
- Never approached a girl, every gf I had was because they made the first move
- Know I am good looking but can’t take good pictures even if there’s a gun to my head

Short term goals

- Get a job in europe
- Reach 76Kg (currently 85Kg)
- Get good pictures of me.
- Get laid through Tinder/Bumble, etc.

Long term goals

- Have a nice rotation of girls

Thats all I can think of right now
I, dc17 commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

27 from UK

My plan is to get financial and physical goals somewhat handled before going after dating goals.

- Build agency business and get first paying clients
- Complete 4 month bulk to put on more muscle and then cut until lean
- Fix sleeping pattern
- reduce/eliminate bad habits taking away from my goals (drinking, too much social media, being lazy etc)
- Get professional photos done
- travel/live in cities abroad with higher population for dating
I, brown_daygamer, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

My goal is to get better at daygame and get jacked to have (12-15% body fat, currently at 17%)I strictly do mostly daygame and occasionally do nightgame but I don’t do any online apps. Currently at 3 daygame lays. My goal is to get to 10 daygame lays by end of next summer (2023).

My current sticking points are not converting dates into lays and having too many near misses. I want to improve my stats and close more often and convert those dates into lays.
I, Qtip, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Hey guys, recently decided to join the forum as i feel like i'm losing a bit of momentum with my dating goals.

Sorry if this is very long, wanted to paint an accurate picture of where I'm at in this process. Many thanks to anyone who reads and provides feedback.

I'm about to turn 22 and have been working on my dating goals for about 1.5 years since taking a bootcamp with James Tusk in June of 2021. Prior to starting this journey I had virtually no experience with girls, first kiss at 17 (fat girl), lost the v card at 20 (high end Russian escort). At the time of the bootcamp I was 20 years old, had sex with two women, and been on maybe 3 dates in my life, all from online. Also, if it matters i'm 6'2, 175lbs with visible abs and a bit of muscle and get complimented on my style semi frequently.

Daygame: these are my results over the past 1.5 years since the bootcamp. 99% of these approaches were solo girls where I had a wing nearby.
Approaches: 528
Numbers: 165
Responses: 97
Dates: 21
Pulls: 6
Lays: 2

Nightgame: Been doing nightgame for about 6 months now. I don't have exact numbers but I'd say i've done around 100-150, made out with a few girls in the bar, and been able to pull two back to my downtown office nearby but haven't gotten any lays yet.

One main sticking point I have right now is in my inability to integrate approaching/flirting with women as a part of my personality.
Right now I can commit to most approaches if I have a wing (that's familiar with the community) choosing the girl for me and saying to go for it; However, when i'm on my own or with friends from work at a bar i will take action significantly less. There are also certain scenarios that still give me trouble: groups during the day, girls standing/walking OUTSIDE bars, warm approaches (house party with friends of friends) etc. Basically i'm working on rooting out the remaining pockets of AA that I still have.

These are the behavioral goals i'm hoping to use the forum for accountability on
1. For the next three months, go out at least two nights a week and do 15 approaches on my own in under 3 hours. (I plan on writing field reports for each night out to assess my emotional ups and downs)
2. Never let a pretty girl walk by me on the street without at least going up to compliment her.
3. Do at least 5 daygame approaches a week without a wing.

My long term goals for this shit are to know I can get laid and that I can handle myself in any social situation, to me that means
1. have slept with over fifty women that I feel are 7/10 or higher
2. Be able to theoretically approach any women in any setting
3. Build a roster of three bed buddies that are 7.5/10 or higher, ideally choosing a long term girlfriend out of those three.
I, NeverSayNeverAgain commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

About Me

- Age 53
- Live in California
- Financially independent
- 6’2” 170 lbs. Quite lean for my age, despite a serious medical condition. I started exercising religiously every during Covid lockdown (to manage stress) and now have the same waist size (32 inches) as when I was age 18 in college.

1. Continue to stay in shape
2. Get good quality professional photos of myself (it’s surprisingly hard to find a good photographer)
3. Learn photography. Purchase high quality camera and learn to use it well.
4. Improve hair and skin (those would make the biggest improvement in my appearance)
5. Month long vacation to visit Australia with my 26 year old bisexual girlfriend to see what kind of mischief we can get into (goal 4 was partly inspired by Andy’s blog!)
I, cactohelado, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I'm a 22-year-old, just out of undergrad, totally blind software engineer at a big name tech company you've almost definitely heard of. I'm here after stumbling upon one of Andy's videos on YouTube about whether girls with only Instagram usernames in their bios on dating apps are time-wasters (especially exasperating for the totally blind), then stayed as the concept of radical honestly being the ideal we strive towards and accepting of who and what we really are spoke to me.

A lot of the advice here—and elsewhere, and most dating apps, and dating sighted girls in general (in my limited experience), for the record—kayters to sighted people and visual queues and the like. I've joined the forum for tips on adapting that advice to my particulars.
I, SmokeGetsInYourEyes, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I'm 22 years old, live in Germany, just moved to a student town for university.

My goals are:
- lose my virginity
- get a better style (better hair cut and style, clothing)
- attain a decent physique (currently somewhat skinnyfat; want to lose the belly as a primary goal)
- develop a social circle of like-minded friends in this city
- become better at casual conversation with both guys and girls
- fix numerous musculoskeletal health problems
- pass the exams at this university
- take better photos for online dating
Good Day Gentlemen !

Decided to sign up here so I can communicate with like minded people, get some perspective and learn a thing or two from the more experienced good fellas around here :)

About Me
- 34
- Proudly bald since my early 20s
- Living in the eastern part of Canada ( Quebec )
- 5'10 (1.78m)
- 173 lbs (78 kg)
- Been with 3 Girls in total
- Doing No Fap/No Porn for 4 months now

My Goals
- Getting Laid more, been in a dry spell for a year and a half since I just stopped seeing my fwb from back then
- From point above, getting in more casual with possibility of something more serious (maybe) relationships
- Doing more social activities (just signed up for some salsa classes yesterday which start next week)
- Building a social circle that reflect more the kind of person I am now and what I'm becoming tomorrow
- Pushing for some calisthenics skill ( Hanstand, L-sits, Muscle up, Planche)
- Improving on my social skills , being able to cold approach girls, holding conversation and transition faster to flirting

So with all that
I, MisterC, commit to working on my Goals and taking myself seriously
Hello everyone,
I, Beletteb, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

About me:
- 23
- 1,72m (5.7)
- 55kg (121 lbs)
- From France

Goals are:
- Get more girls
- Improve my style
- Gain mass (currently really skinny)
- Gain confidence
- Do more new activities
- Learn to get better photos
- Get new friends
- Get my University masters
- Be more attractive overall
I, 'Big in Europe', commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Hey everybody,

Some of you might remember me from Good Looking Loser forum, where my nick was Big in Japan. I chose it at the time because I wanted to fuck a lot of Japanese girls. Let's say I sated my appetite and now I'd like to focus on local girls, and as I'm from Europe (Prague), I adjusted my username. Maybe a bit cheesy but whatever.

I got recommended to make an account here by the few people remaining in the GLL forums, as I posted there a while back after a few years of hiatus. I was living isolated with no pussy during the pandemic. Which was great for self-reflection, but also fucked with my head a bit in terms of abundance mindset. So recently, I got obsessed with a colleague at work, it's been almost a year and I still can't get her out of my head. I realized I need to start getting seriously laid again. I don't have a set goal in mind, but I want to go for quality rather than quantity as before. So I'm focusing on myself first.

I made some online dating but it's been shit quality, I'll make a topic later to ask for some advice.

Thanks. Glad we still have some community left in this insane world.
Hey boys,

Y'all can call me MidasMulligan. I'm 30 years old, and live in Los Angeles.

For the last 2 years, I've been in absolute monk mode building my business. At the moment, doing about $20k USD per month, with a solid plan to get this to 100-200k/month by end of next year or earlier.

However, after 2 years of hard grinding, I'm feeling super burnt out. I know Andy from business circles that we run in, so I figured I'd reach out to the forum and see if I can connect with other like-minded dudes that would be down to chill.

If anyone is in the Los Angeles area, would be awesome to meet up and get a group going to hang out on weekends.

Main Goal: find like minded people in LA to hang out with.

"I, MidasMulligan commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."
MidasMulligan said:
Hey boys,

Y'all can call me MidasMulligan. I'm 30 years old, and live in Los Angeles.

For the last 2 years, I've been in absolute monk mode building my business. At the moment, doing about $20k USD per month, with a solid plan to get this to 100-200k/month by end of next year or earlier.

However, after 2 years of hard grinding, I'm feeling super burnt out. I know Andy from business circles that we run in, so I figured I'd reach out to the forum and see if I can connect with other like-minded dudes that would be down to chill.

If anyone is in the Los Angeles area, would be awesome to meet up and get a group going to hang out on weekends.

Main Goal: find like minded people in LA to hang out with.

"I, MidasMulligan commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously."

Welcome Midas. Who's John Galt?