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Hey guys awesome to be here. Have been watching a little bit of andy and instead of just keep lurking, one small goal is to sign up here and start being an action taker.

A bit about me
-Age 26
-193cm (6'4 feet)
-123kg (271 lbs)
-I work in IT
-I live in Europe

About 5-6 years ago I use to do cold approach pickup. Super hard when I was young and living like an hour from the city. But had some success and then two girlfriends (at diffrent times) and now I am back on the market.

My number one goal is to lose fat. I have been working out on and off for many years. My heaviest has been 132kg (291 lbs). A big why is to get more women and hotter women.

My goals after that is to upgrade my style, take better pictures to max my instagram.

On my way to lose all this fat my goal is to start going out again. To socalize and build up my game or pickup skills.

I, hawkmeister, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
I, Notimport, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

About me:
- 23
- 1,85m (6.0)
- 76kg
- Central Europe (city population: 279k)

Hi guys i've been lurking on these forums for 2 months now and ive finally decided to take the leap and stop procrastinating. I'm a College student, aspiring pilot and recovering porn addict, that is retaking a year and as such am free of college duties for the first semester, so im going to try my best to achieve as many non career related goals as possible while i dont have to worry about college.

My goals
- Get laid more and get more experienced at sex to become a sex god (current lay count 2)
- Kill the scarcity mindset and cultivate abundance mindset, and create a roster of girls i find really attractive.
- Improve my social skills and create new social circles that include women (my social cirlce is a sausage fest atm)
- Move out of my parents house and into my own flat or at minimum share a flat with roommates
- Nofap for 180 days (best streak 95)
- Get my private pilots license and College degree
- Improve my looks, style and photos
- Get shredded and big in the gym (best ever was 14% Bf)
I, Unbreakable, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

I joined this site to hold myself accountable, and connect with driven like-minded people.
I, Dc8 commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously
Goals is just to build a rotation. Want to talk to other people who cold approach
Hey Guys

I, Björn, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

About me:
30 years old

I found the GLL Forum almost 10 Years ago. Startet my self improvement journey. I struggled with a lot of anxiety to the point where I could not leave the house without a panic attack. So I can relate to Andys story a lot.

About 5 Years ago I did an approach anxiety program but not the one from GLL. Was able to approach women and got laid a few times from cold approach.

I struggle with finding a girlfriend that I connect with on a deep level. I can get laid now but deep intimate relationships where I open up fully are difficult for me. I got about 30 lays over the years, most of them from Online Dating. Also a few from cold approach and a substantial amount from parting. I don't go out anymore right now because I value my sleep and want to be productive for my business.

The plan is to stick to approaching women during the day and getting a better Timer Profile.

I worked the last 4 years in sales and at the end made more then 10k a mont which was a goal of mine back then. Right now I started a business with a partner and this is my main focus besides finding a hot girlfriend.

Right now I am reading the Slight Edge and build good habits. I got a bit rusty with cold approaching but want to get back into the habit.

Greetings from Germany
My goal is getting laid at least once. That's literally it.

I want to achieve learning how to interact with women correctly.

I, MostlyAloof, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.
Hey Fellas

I, Mr. Privacy. commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

About me:
I am 19 years old and attending my last year of community college.
I plan to transfer to a university and get a bachelor's in computer science.
My hobbies are fitness, coding, and photography.

- Get A's in all my classes this semester
- Lose Virginity this year
- Have a lean and muscular physique before the summer
- Get a Tattoo
henryjac99 said:
Hi all ,I am newbie and its my first post here, excited to be the part of this community

To keep being part of this community you need a profile picture of yourself. Can be cropped or blurred. Upload one in the next 3 days, otherwise I'll ban your account.
I, Diamond, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

24. I want to sleep with 10 different girls from Cold Approach by the end of 2023.
Going to use mainly daygame cold approaching, supplemented by online dating.
Current short term goals (end of 2022)
- Lose virginity
- Cold approach 100 women
I, weeyummy, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

- Get good dating profile pics & lock this shit down
- Have a MFF threesome!
- Find a quality gf
- Join the 1000lb club within a year
I, wannaimprove, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

This includes :
12% BF
Finally getting results from online dating
600kg big 3
Hello fellow winners. I, StyleX, commit to destroying my goals.

Current goals:
1. Get fwbs/rotation
2. 10-12% BF

I, Henrik, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

Short about me:
Working in IT, mostly remote work,
Have two children age 1 and 4,
Having trouble staying comitted to the gym for long-time periods
Will get laid but often not with the girls i would prefer

Short term goals:
Dropping to 80KG (currently 88, and 184CM)
Getting stronger and improve pull-ups from 4 to 10,
Go To the gym for a minimum of 2 times a week
Sleep with atleast one girl every "Child-free" week ( we have each other week)

Long term goals
Staying lean and make the gym 4 times a week
Staying comitted to this
Sleep with the girls i really WANT to sleep with
Improve confidence
KillYourInnerLoser said:
1. Reply this this post with your goals, what you want to achieve, as well as this line:

Hi! I want to help other people rate their pictures, have mine rated, and of course I do this to get more matches ;)
I, psmasher commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously.

At the moment they are to get laid once a week, every other goal is just kinda a freestyle at this point

im making a log now