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  1. Big in Europe

    Returning to online dating after years, match quality down the shitter

    Thanks for the feedback everybody. I read the guide too (holy fuck, so long - and when I got to the end, there is ... Part 2... but, good info all). Some points to address: - Yes I know I could lose some weight, I already workout, started a few months ago but I won't get ripped overnight. + I...
  2. Big in Europe

    Returning to online dating after years, match quality down the shitter

    Yeah I've seen the pics you guys around here have, it's insane, almost makes me feel like giving up cause I'm not very photogenic. I will read the guide "again" (I have read all these guides plenty of times) but I wanted to know if there's something I could do with my profile in the meantime, to...
  3. Big in Europe

    Returning to online dating after years, match quality down the shitter

    And here's my old profile from like 2018 (two versions I had). In comparison, I was younger, slimmer, had short hair. Not sure I can replicate it haha. But, most of those were just shitty selfies too. The pic quality standards really seem to have gone way up. I used to get matched with models...
  4. Big in Europe

    Returning to online dating after years, match quality down the shitter

    two more selfies I thought of using, but they're probably shit quality as well (yeah I know... gotta do more DSLR). just so you get a better idea how I look and, two more pics how I look if I tie my hair in a bun, so if you think the longer hair is a problem, maybe this looks better and I could...
  5. Big in Europe

    Returning to online dating after years, match quality down the shitter

    Here's some recent DSLR pics that I took, maybe one of them could be a better profile pic. I thought the guitar shot was cool though, maybe not.
  6. Big in Europe

    Returning to online dating after years, match quality down the shitter

    Photos that I'm using, in this order (from top left to bottom right) It's just some random shit that I put together, I know it's all over the place, the ones with short hair are older (up to 5 years).
  7. Big in Europe

    Returning to online dating after years, match quality down the shitter

    My profile is in Czech, but basically it says stuff about me like if I was looking for a serious relationship, honestly I'm not that into hookups anymore, I'd love to get laid a lot but I'd be fine with finding a girl for long term as well. That's why I don't do the old edgy GLL "looking for a...
  8. Big in Europe

    Returning to online dating after years, match quality down the shitter

    Sup, I've been out of the game for a few years and returning back, I don't get a lot of quality matches on OD. I used to get some model-tier material and I'd get like 5 matches a day. Now it's like, two or three matches a day (even with Tinder Platinum) and they're almost all fat. I got some...
  9. Big in Europe

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    I, 'Big in Europe', commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. Hey everybody, Some of you might remember me from Good Looking Loser forum, where my nick was Big in Japan. I chose it at the time because I wanted to fuck a lot of Japanese girls. Let's say I sated my appetite and...