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  • Users: Simba
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  1. S

    My cold approach log

    29/09 - 02/10 updates Went for the weekend to eilat (holiday city here with many hotels). Made probably around 30-40 approaches in that time (some of them were with friends and were more humorous and less serious). Got couple of flaky Instagrams and some numbers. Saturday met up with one girl...
  2. S

    My cold approach log

    28.9 updates: Did 5 approaches. 3 boyfriend, 1 wasn't interested, 1 number. The one I got the number was almost 30 years old I think, I'm surprised she didn't ask my age. Arranged a date for the evening with a girl I talked to yesterday but she doesn't answer me now and it's getting late so I...
  3. S

    My cold approach log

    27/09 updates: * Woke up in a bad mood, still have jet lag and little cold * Studied some but mostly watched YouTube videos (bad me) * At around 6 pm decided to go approach some girls and then go to the gym. * Had a goal of doing 5 approaches, ended up doing about 20. About third were pretty...
  4. S

    My cold approach log

    26/09 updates: * Returned home yesterday * Had very bad sleep because of jet lag (woke up at 4) * Studied a bit * Went for a 8k run near the beach, then approached one girl working in a surfing store. Conversation was ok but she ended up declining to giving her number. * Created okcupid profile
  5. S

    My cold approach log

    21.09.22 updates (first lay since starting): So on the last couple of days I was on a work trip that didn't allow me to approach. Did some tinder swiping which led nowhere. Then yesterday we went to New York and we are staying here until Saturday night. On the first night we arrived...
  6. S

    My cold approach log

    17/09/22 updates: * Went to the gym * On the way back approached a 2 set. She said she is seeing someone. Should have probably asked if it's serious/boyfriend but didn't think of that at the moment * Flying today to USA for work for a week. Not sure how many opportunities I will have to approach...
  7. S

    My cold approach log

    Hello I will update here once In a while to see if I progress and to get some feedback. Had a girlfriend for past three years and no lays otherwise(23 yo). Gonna try and approach girls while I'm outside at any given chance Today (16.09.22): Friday so didn't work today. Went to the mall to...
  8. S

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    I, Erez, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. Hey, 23M from tel Aviv. Feel a little bit uncomfortable showing my picture yet but might change that in the future lol. Had a girlfriend for three years up until 2 weeks ago, apart from that no action. I work in cyber...