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  1. hankrearden

    How to stop watching P?

    What worked for me is slowing turning it off. I told myself softcore was okay, but not actual porn. Then social media okay, but not anything else. Eventually you will have the same cycle of thoughts as for which you are quitting actual porn as for soft porn and will quit that too. I’m 2 years in...
  2. hankrearden

    Organdroid's Tinder Crusade

    Sorry man but it's not good enough. You are dressed too casual, your hair is messy, and the background is too bland. Imo try not to take any pictures at home and view radicals style guide to start.
  3. hankrearden

    What Is Your "Code?"

    Trust me, keep journaling. It has been proven over and over again that algorithms perform better than humans. A program that follows rules that people write down actually performs better than the person who wrote it. Try to journal once a week and journal more when you are going through...
  4. hankrearden

    What Is Your "Code?"

    Read Atlas Shrugged, it was gifted to me by the most successful person I know and it changed my life. It’s a long read, but it’s worth it. It taught me how to define myself and value my work. Here are some quotes I remember: “Show me who a man has sex with, and I will show you his philosophy on...
  5. hankrearden

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    I, Musashi, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. Short about me: College grad, work in NYC finance, extremely focused on my career, but it has come at a cost of my social life. Here to improve myself and find balance--be good at all things. Short term goals: Overcome my...