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  1. Chris_ReImagined

    Picture Feedback

    I think the first pic gives a lot "nice guy" vibes, the shirtless one is good but maybe better standing up , other two are good poses and style.
  2. Chris_ReImagined

    Chris's AA Program Log

    I know I have to do this. I got out of a 2.5 year relationship last year and I'm healed enough to start dating other girls. I want to get over this fear so I can be successful with women. I've always been afraid to talk to women but I've gotten better at it through healing over my ex. Mainly...
  3. Chris_ReImagined

    My body fat

    You're in good shape. If I were you, I'd get some really good lighting, decent camera, and nice location to take pics for your dating profile. I'm trying to get to that shape lol. That's my plan when I do.
  4. Chris_ReImagined

    Weight Loss Success!- 21 lbs down in 4 months

    Haha I debated on posting a picture. Just added it! You're right man, I can't wait to see the change even in a couple of months.
  5. Chris_ReImagined

    Weight Loss Success!- 21 lbs down in 4 months

    I hope this inspires you!! This is for those who plateaued in their weight/motivation, failed in their diet, feel stuck in the middle of it. This journey has been a mix of all of it for me. I'm here to tell you that where ever you are, stop trying to look too far in front of your journey! Like...
  6. Chris_ReImagined

    Kill Loser Chris with a social life - My Log

    Day 5: I had three opportunities to practice being social and I made excuses to not go to them this weekend... I failed those times but I succeeded in one. That one going to my church and just talking to a couple of people. Those other ones I was just stuck in my head. I faked myself out and...
  7. Chris_ReImagined

    Kill Loser Chris with a social life - My Log

    Day 2: Yesterday didn't happen because of certain reasons. Today I'm going to ask if any of the guys from the small group from Wednesday want to hangout. It was only two of them so we'll see what they say. I can probably find something to do. If I can't find anything, there's a jazz club I've...
  8. Chris_ReImagined

    How do my clothes and my appearance look?

    The shirt looks baggy. Slim fit shirts help with that.
  9. Chris_ReImagined

    Kill Loser Chris with a social life - My Log

    Yesterday was my first day focusing on being more social making friends. Yesterday's social event was going to a small group at my church. I feel pretty comfortable going to these because I grew up in church and a lot of guys are shy and socially awkward. I think it went well, one of the guys...
  10. Chris_ReImagined

    Kickstarting fat loss

    I'm also starting a weight lost journey. If you're up for it, we can help each other keep accountability. My goal is to start by changing my daily habits like removing processed foods and focus on eating only fresh made food. For example, today I had pulled pork that I made with just seasonings...
  11. Chris_ReImagined

    Kill Loser Chris with a social life - My Log

    So this is my log for me to keep track of my social life and to eventually build great relationships. I'll keep this short and sweet: Moved to a new city two months ago. I have no friends here and I've always been a loner so it's hard for me to make friends. I'm also socially awkward. I've...
  12. Chris_ReImagined

    How are my pics? (UPDATED)

    Right off the bat from what I notice is the pose. Look up some cool looking poses.
  13. Chris_ReImagined

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    Hey guys, I’m Chris from Texas. I’m ready to eliminate my inner loser. I’m tired of being skinny fat, having no friends, and being socially awkward. I, Chris, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. My long term goals: -Have 5 ambitious close friends in my circle. -Get down...