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  1. Bigtexxn

    Tinder Pics Selection - Which Ones Are Best

    Whats up gentleman, making an incremental photo update from the last 6 months and need to pick the best 6-9 pics among these for updated profiles (I realize there is room for improvement on all of these and working on that gradually while getting in there, the previous pics not shown from the...
  2. Bigtexxn

    Photo Review

    style is too average/plain/boyfriend material (e.g. gym photo i would be shirtless or sleeveless shirt that tapers at the waist e.g. muscle fit with a necklace and doing something cooler. in that gym photo the facial expression looks kinda tired too instead of being more masculine and...
  3. Bigtexxn

    GN44 Pics Review - read this - read this i do not think any of these would work, but following the above should get you on the right track
  4. Bigtexxn

    Photo rating

    4 is noticeably better than the rest
  5. Bigtexxn

    Help me choose my Tinder pics

    Cant hurt
  6. Bigtexxn

    Help me choose my Tinder pics

    I would say to lose some fat as well. It would help your photo results
  7. Bigtexxn

    Tinder pics Review/looks advice

    Whats up brothers. New here and need advice on if any of these pics are good enough to use on an online profile. Secondly, looking for general advice on improving looks. What im focusing on now - scheduled zoom teeth whitening, upgrading and varying style, adding muscle without loads of fat in...
  8. Bigtexxn

    Help Me Select Tinder Pics

    Last photo is best one in my opinion and looks great. Rest of them i would avoid. Better quality pics would definitely help, and style
  9. Bigtexxn

    Some tinder pics / looking for improvements in looks

    1, 5, 7, and 8 are all ones i think are really good. Try to take one or two additional hobby pics, and for shirtless one do something cool while shirtless like working out etc not just standing there. On looks i think your pretty good and would focus more on adding photos at this point
  10. Bigtexxn

    Help choose Tinder pics

    Most of these pics are lower quality and taken in bad lighting. Pics need to be better. Also bump up your looks. Only one i like as a social goofball photo is with the group of girls
  11. Bigtexxn

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    I, Bigtexxn, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. Goals: - get laid consistently and easily; build up to an abundance mentality instead of scarcity mindset - look better - get out and actually start cold approaching girls - improve at online dating and quit sucking at it...