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  1. Fruithat123

    You guys were right

    Well you guys were right. I asked earlier if this chick was just seeking attention or waisting my time and its worse. She doesn't know what the fuck she wants. Was laying in bed with her. Her friend and mine were fucking literally 10 ft in another room away and she had her shirt off and...
  2. Fruithat123

    Advice on this girl ?

    Well when were driving back alone i ribbed the inside of her leg and when we got back we made out.
  3. Fruithat123

    Advice on this girl ?

    So I have been texting this girl every once in a while. She is very flakey. So I kinda just gave up on her for awhile until she randomly texted me and we got a day to hang out, this was after she flaked on me again however. We hang out with some of her friends drive home and go our separate...
  4. Fruithat123

    Etiquette for seeing multiple women ?

    When do you stop? I was always waiting for one to talk about exclusivity. However one of my friends said it sounds like your doing couple things. Ie staying over not having sex etc. Never had that conversation with them other than one saying she would probably break my heart. Am I walking a...
  5. Fruithat123

    Whatever It Takes...

    thats awesome one thing I don't do is cold approaches. It is my biggest weakness, I have to chat them up for awhile before I ask for a number.
  6. Fruithat123

    Red flags I've seen? How do I disengage

    So I have started to see this woman, I asked about her last week. Well I have seen some red flags. She has been into drugs I wouldnt touch with a ten foot pole. She cannot drive due to a DWI, and she said due to a medical condition she lost her teeth but I have my suspicions it may have been...
  7. Fruithat123

    How should I approach this one ?

    Thanks she really seems into meeting up but still reluctant on anything romantic
  8. Fruithat123

    How should I approach this one ?

    So a lady friend matched with me on tinder and well she said she was drunk when she did it. I said lets get together and talk this Saturday. She said she does not want to date anyone from our old school how do I approach this, all I said is I want to catch up but she is cute and well I would...
  9. Fruithat123

    Old crush is pregnant I am feeling.... feelings?

    Thanks bro and to be honest sounded like she was going through stuff to
  10. Fruithat123

    Old crush is pregnant I am feeling.... feelings?

    Thanks it was a weird time in my life I just feel bad for messing it up in the begining.
  11. Fruithat123

    what would you take to gain lean muscle mass?

    I want to get lean asap preferably with oral supp. Rather avoid dark web and any recommendations are appreciated.
  12. Fruithat123

    Old crush is pregnant I am feeling.... feelings?

    Not my kid havent talked to her in a bit. We met when I was in a relationship but she fell for me and I liked her. I was a loyal guy to my then girlfriend only to find out 5 years later she was not. This girl found out a week after my LTR ended. I was still fresh out of the relationship the...
  13. Fruithat123

    The hotter the girl, the more I do this "I reject you first" Nice Guy move

    Rejection is a part of life friend. Just try to be natural with woman they can literally smell fake attitudes and forced emotions.
  14. Fruithat123

    Anyone in New York?

    sorry friend I am in central New York hella far from NYC
  15. Fruithat123

    Anyone in New York?

    Just looking for nearby fans of this site so we can collaborate on taking good tinder pics or a fellow wing man.
  16. Fruithat123

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    I Luke, commit to working on myself and taking myself seriously