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  1. Declaration of Principles

    DoP's Log

    Week 5 Monday - First online date! Bam! Date at gallery with Asian girl. Very basic. Not very aggressive, but main point was to do it. I've set up another date. Tuesday - staff awards night. Won bar staff of the year. They gave me a cape. There should have been a photographer taking pictures...
  2. Declaration of Principles

    DoP's Log

    Week 4 Not a great week and so I let this hang. Cancelled on/Stood up 3 times this week, and then again by one of the same girls. would have let it go the first time, but trying to follow Andy's advice for newbies. Few new numbers. Was feeling pretty bad about it. Realised I was flagging. Had a...
  3. Declaration of Principles

    DoP's Log

    Monday Saw a cute foreign girl who kept smiling when she came up to the bar, but did nothing about it. Set up a lay from Badoo. Straight to the flat, very up front. Excited Tuesday Pool night - other team forfeit, so free win. Set up hinge date for Monday. I only have a 2.5 hour window...
  4. Declaration of Principles

    DoP's Log

    Okay. I'm back. I've been generally happy with my diet. still not been to the gym, but have done some bodyweight exercises around the house, which i have been feeling in my arms. I'm tweaking my dating profiles as I go, and matching with a girl or two daily. Trying not to just copy and paste...
  5. Declaration of Principles

    DoP's Log

    Here's what I wrote in my intro to the site Get laid - sleep with 10 girls and go on 30 dates. Exercise goals - visible abs and jawline + add muscle. Hobbies - Save for a DSLR so i can take better pictures and to make a short film over the year Work - keep applying to new places and try to get...
  6. Declaration of Principles

    Baseline pics for advice

    Awesome replies guys. Taking this all on board. The pool hall shot is actually the only one taken by another person. rest were tripod. guess I learned a lesson there. I see what your saying now about the other photos. still learning poses and how to use a camera. brainstorming new locations...
  7. Declaration of Principles

    Baseline pics for advice

    alright. kind of a photo dump. Starting off my journey, i wanted to get some feedback on where i start first off here are my profile pics as it stands. All these phtos are from the last week or so. I was shocked how few photos i had of myself. Going to remedy that for sure. any advice on...
  8. Declaration of Principles

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    Hi. I'm Declaration of Principals, or DoP, 25 from Scotland I turned 25 last summer, and I'm getting my life sorted. spent the last 2 years of university in a funk, and I let my career and personal life get away from me. After 6 months of proper ground up work, i think i'm at a place to really...