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  • Users: OJB
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  1. OJB

    Progress Journal (Weight Loss & Money)

    Okay, so I wrote out a whole post, and I misclicked and everything got deleted. So lazy-boy second attempt. 1. In the last two weeks I got my weight to 207.8 (65lbs lost). As promised, I bought Radical style guide. I will be going through it and creating a plan. I still have 15lbs before...
  2. OJB

    Progress Journal (Weight Loss & Money)

    I didn't have an opportunity to do a new post last weekend, so here is an update for the last two weeks. - 1. In regards to weight loss. The Last two weeks have been great. Here is what I've lost a. Last week I dropped from 216.4 to 214 (-2.4 lbs) b. This week I dropped from 214 to 211.6...
  3. OJB

    Progress Journal (Weight Loss & Money)

    Weekly Update: Hello, guys. Let's take a look at how I did this week. 1. So, on the diet end of things, I started this month at 220 lbs and ended at 216.4 lbs (-3.6 lbs). That is, on average, 0.9 lbs loss per week. Not great, but not terrible either. On average, I'd like to hit 1.1 lbs per...
  4. OJB

    Progress Journal (Weight Loss & Money)

    Weekly Update: A bit of a mixed week, both good and bad. So let us get into it. -- 1. In terms of weight loss, I did not do so good this week. I have a bad habit to eat poorly when I'm under a lot of stress (we will get into the stress reasons in a bit.) I really shouldn't call this a habit...
  5. OJB

    Progress Journal (Weight Loss & Money)

    Weekly Update -- Well, this was a solid week. Let's get into it. 1. In terms of weight loss, I lost another 1.8 lbs, getting myself to 214.6 lbs, which means pictures! I'll post them down below. Also, I dropped another pant size, going from 38" to 36" waist. The 36" are still somewhat...
  6. OJB

    Progress Journal (Weight Loss & Money)

    Weekly Update: A really solid week. Let's get into the details. 1. In regards to to weight loss, I finally broke through the 220s stagnation I've been in for the last 6 weeks and was able to lose 3.6 lbs this week, getting to me 216.4 lbs. The major change I've made to my diet is cutting out...
  7. OJB

    Progress Journal (Weight Loss & Money)

    Weekly Update. 1. In regards to weight loss, I lost 1.6 lbs this week, getting me to 220 exactly. This month has not been a great weight-loss month for me, and while I have made a bit of progression, it was not as much as I had hoped for. Regardless, I will keep pushing forward to the magical...
  8. OJB

    Progress Journal (Weight Loss & Money)

    Somewhat a busy week: 1. In regards to weight loss, I gained +0.6 lbs. I seem to have stagnated in the low 220s in terms of losing weight and am having a hard time breaking through into the 210s. This week I am going to adjust my diet slightly by eliminating any extra natural fats I've been...
  9. OJB

    Progress Journal (Weight Loss & Money)

    A much better week, Summary: 1. On the weight loss end, I kept to the diet this week and dropped -3.8 of the 4.2 lbs I gained. I weigh exactly 221 lbs. I will be honest, it feels like I've been the 220s for a long time, and I am anxious to break into the 210s. I am really pushing to do that by...
  10. OJB

    Progress Journal (Weight Loss & Money)

    This week was a bit of a dud for me. I don't know why, but I was starved all week no matter how much I ate, and ate I did. I found it really hard to keep on the diet this week and kept gorging myself on carbs. Sadly, when I weighed myself, I was up +4.2 lbs. I'm not going to get upset about it...
  11. OJB

    Progress Journal (Weight Loss & Money)

    I am back from my mini vacation. I did work on my mission statement this week (something a lot of self-improvement gurus suggest). In a nutshell it is a brief description of what my ideal life would look like. -- So, I plan to keep pushing with my weight loss, and I really defined what my...
  12. OJB

    Progress Journal (Weight Loss & Money)

    Hello guys, here is my 5-week/month review V-log: -- I've a lot of things to go over, but let us get into it. 1. In regards to weight loss, I've lost 0.8 lbs this week. I thought I would have lost more as I ate clean this week but I think the weeks of my losing...
  13. OJB

    Progress Journal (Weight Loss & Money)

    V-log # 27: -- Summary: 1. I did it. This week I've lost another 2.2 lbs, getting to me a total of 51.4 lbs lost, and hitting my goal of having lost 50 lbs before New Years. I consider this to be a major mile stone and am very pleased with my results. I plan on...
  14. OJB

    Progress Journal (Weight Loss & Money)

    V-log # 26: -- Summary: I meant to do this Friday night, but the days slipped away, but in any case, really busy week. 1. I lost 0.6 lbs this week, getting me to 49.2 lbs lost (so close to the 50 lbs mark >< ). Also, I've dropped another pants size. I've gone...
  15. OJB

    Progress Journal (Weight Loss & Money) V-log # 25 (I was painting today so I'm a little stuffed-up). -- Summary: 1. I've lost another 2.4 lbs this week. I am 1.4 lbs from my goal of 50lbs lost before New Years, so I should be able to hit that goal within the next 2 weeks. 2. I was a little under the...
  16. OJB

    Progress Journal (Weight Loss & Money)

    V-log # 24 (I had the right microphone plugged in this time, lol). -- Summary: This was a solid week, so two major thing: 1. I lost -4.2 lbs this week (Currently, 226.6 lbs). I want to note, however, that I weighed myself Thursday morning instead of Friday Morning...
  17. OJB

    Progress Journal (Weight Loss & Money)

    V-log # 23. -- Okay, here are the stats. This week I only lost -0.4 lbs (Not great, but better than gaining). In the last 6 weeks I have: 1. lost -12.8 lbs 2. Paid off $3000.00 worth of debt In the last 3 months (14 weeks), since I started v-logging I have...
  18. OJB

    Progress Journal (Weight Loss & Money)

    V-log # 22: -- Summary 1. I lost another -3.4 lbs this week, pushing me over the 40 lbs lost mark. 2. I sent a $1,500.00 payment which will reduce my personal debt to $0.00, making me debt free and accomplishing my B-goal. I had not planned to be debt free this...
  19. OJB

    Progress Journal (Weight Loss & Money)

    V-log # 21: -- Summary 1. I lost another -2.2 lbs this week. 2. Paid $500.00 towards my debt. I also read and Reflected on Caleb Jones "Four Major lies people have about women and sex" and I'd say I agree with two of them 100%, and the other two points he makes...
  20. OJB

    Progress Journal (Weight Loss & Money)

    Hello! I am 6 foot 1 inch