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Progress Journal (Weight Loss & Money)


Aug 2, 2020
Hello guys, I'm back.

I was here last year, but didn't do so good--I was not in a good state of mind (Shutdown blues +Broke).

In any case, I saw this really bad picture of me from a party in March:

The above picture I weigh: 273.8 lbs.

Since March I've gotten my weight down to: 254.4lbs which isn't great, but it is better. The first few months (March-June), I attempted to count calories for my diet, and pretty much sucked at it. I was able to get from 273.8 to 265.2 lbs, which while my weight was going down, It was so fucking slow and I thought of just quitting; however (and this is what made me decide to come back), I saw Andy's video on the Carnivore diet on YouTube and decided to give it a go instead of counting calories. In the last three weeks I've lost 10.8 lbs.

I've also been doing a little V-log on YouTube to keep track of it (I do the V-logs on my off days from the gym program).

Also, (This was more from advice from Caleb Jones), I been paying off debt when I have extra money. In the last three weeks I've reduced my debt from: $6,900.00 to $4,555.00, which in turn eliminated 3 out of the 4 sources of debt I had.

I hoping that I lose at least another 2 lbs by the end of this week, getting me to 12lbs loss in a month; regardless, I plan on taking 4-week progress pictures this Friday (my weigh-in day), and I will post them.

That's all I got,

That's actually pretty impressive if you compare your past results attempts with your newly focused ones. Be sure to give yourself proper credit, and take some time to project where you could be by the end of the year; the time is going to pass anyway, so you might as well make sure time works in your favor.
Vice said:
take some time to project where you could be by the end of the year

I've taken some time to reflect on this statement. I'd like, and am pushing towards, to being debt free and around 230-235lbs by the end of the year.


V-log # 9 (I've been doing these over the last month): https://youtu.be/G1DfdumB888


In summary:

I've have lost 4 lbs this week.

Over the last 4 weeks I've:

1. Lost -14.8 lbs

2. Eliminated $2,346.00 in debt (the break down of this is in the video).


As promise, pictures (I am a terrible picture taker).

265.2 lbs pictures (4 weeks ago)

View attachment 3

View attachment 2

250,4 lbs pictures (This morning)

View attachment 1


That's all I got.

There’s a stud in your body, mind, and soul coming out. Continue helping him!
Today's my off day from the gym, so that means V-log.

Here is # 10: https://youtu.be/qGB2o5mtpqg

In Summary: I've been under a lot of stress the last few days over a work project (which will be done tomorrow). Wanting to relive some of the future stress from work I'll have to do 2 things:

1. Create a better system to accomplishing this type of work project (I'm still rather new to this particular type of work this new customer has been giving me).
2. I need to hire another guy. (The project I've been on is really a 2-man job I've been attempting to do by myself).

Also I've been reflecting on the idea of social programming (people telling you what to do in life) and how to combat it. The favorite advice I've read is to not take advice from people who have no accomplished what you want out of life. (Caleb Jones/Black Dragon is who I've been reading on this subject).


I'll be back Friday with my new weight (I've been doing really well this week with my high protein/low-no carb diet).
Friday weigh-in day.


Vlog # 11: https://youtu.be/YWwRqS35NGQ

In summary:

1. I lost another -5.6 lbs this week (My current weight is 244.8 lbs)
2. I paid $555.00 towards my debt. I now owe a clean $4000.00
3. I reflect on Caleb Jones/Blackdragon's concept of OBW (Basically reacting from a place of fear, anger or jealousy).
4. Had a stressful week at work but got through it and obtained a new client.


This has been a solid week progression wise. I am very exhausted from work, however, and look forward to taking the rest of the night off.


My next V-log will be Tuesday

Question: Is NLP legit? I am dubious to rather or not this is real.


That's all I got.

Happy Tuesday!


V-Log # 12: https://youtu.be/_-UKD_WzTjM

In Summary, I rate myself in terms of weakness in certain areas:

1. Do I conform to other people's desires? Sometimes 50/50.
2. Do I have internal security (meaning can I sorely rely on myself for income)? No, but am working on this.
3. Do I try to control others. Yes.
4. Do I create drama? No, in fact I often avoid it.
5. Do I seek other people's approval? Yes--I like to perform for other people.
6. Do I hate I being alone? No, I actually enjoy having time to myself and can do lots of things alone.


I well be back Friday with my new weight.


That's all I got for today,

Happy Friday:



A couple things:

1. I gained + 2.6 lbs this week (I was very sloppy with the diet this week).
2. My glasses got destroyed at work today--I got an eye appointment Wednesday to get a new pair.

Not a good day. I don't know why, but this week I just felt exhausted and really struggled to get all my workouts done, but I did. I was also in the mood where I could have just eaten anything and everything and really had to fight to stop myself from just eating a ton. Going to brush myself off, and move into next week with the goal of just eating clean every day.


My next V-log will be Tuesday.

If you're gaining weight because you're stressed out, it's called eating your feelings. It's definitely something I struggle with, too. Currently I'm on a stupid experimental crash diet, but next week I'll be back to hammering away at my emotional eating habit. I read some stuff that was really interesting, and it was working for me, so maybe it'll work for you.

To learn not to eat your feelings, you need to:

1) Learn to differentiate between physical hunger and emotional hunger.
2) Learn to notice how full you are while eating.
3) Stop eating when you are no longer hungry.

The approach I took was kind of like making each meal a small mindfulness session. I would start by noticing how hungry I currently was, and considering how much of this was real hunger versus emotional hunger. Then I would start eating. I'd set a timer for 15 minutes, and try to take that long to eat the meal. No screens allowed, but I could read a book if I wanted. So then I could spend the time focusing on the food, on how full I felt, or generally just taking time out of my day to relax. Then once the 15 minutes were up, I would consciously try to think if I was full enough to make it to the next meal just as I was starting to get hungry again. If I thought not, I would wait 10 minutes, and then get seconds.

The benefit here is that you can practice all this with any diet at any meal. So when life is going pretty well, you can build up these skills, and then when life is really stressful you can use them to fight the good fight.
Mid-week update:

V-Log: https://youtu.be/iWA0UEDaMyQ


1. Diet has been really solid this week.
2. I've been taking evening walks to help relieve some of my stress.
3. I took a look how I currently spend my time and how (in a perfect week) I'd like to spend my time. (This is what makes up the majority of the v-log).
4. I'm trying to get better quality sleep (currently I don't sleep well through the night).
5. I have my eye doctor appointment tomorrow.
Friday Log:



1. I'm down -3.6lbs this week, bringing my total weight to 243.8 lbs
2. I paid $500.00 more toward my debt, getting my debt to $3,500.00
3. Next week will be new pictures. I'm gong to really push myself to keep eating clean this next week as I'd like to end month 2 on a good note.
4. I'm going to take the next few days to write down my core beliefs and standards (this is something Caleb/Blackdragon suggests.)

My next V-Log will be Monday.

V-log # 16: https://youtu.be/kC4Gro3qhc0


1. I thought out of the 12 standards I wish live my life by. (That's the majority of the v-log).
2. Diets been solid the first half of this week (Though, I am really getting sick of chicken).
3. New pictures of myself this Friday.
4. Some days I think about skipping dinner as a I sleep a lot better on an empty stomach.
5. I did 200 push-ups/200 pulls up Saturday-- My right arm is soar because of it.


I have two more V-logs this week (Thursday and Friday). I am to lose at least 2 lbs this week. I'd like to end month 2 on a good note.

V-Log # 17: https://youtu.be/g559jybC4II


This week I accomplished
1. Lost -0.2 lbs (Not good)
2. Eliminated another $500 worth of debt.

This Month I accomplished
1. Lost -6.8 lbs
2. Eliminated $1555.00 worth of debt.

What is left?
1. I still have 43.6 lbs to go until I hit my 200lbs weight goal (At this point I will re-evaluate and pick a new weight goal).
2. I still have $3000.00 worth of debt to pay off.


New plan of attack.

1. Usually, I do one cheat meal a week (I know, it is bad). I'm going to do a 15 day meat and veggie only meal plan, and not eat anything that is suspect (a lot more food has sugar in it than I even realized.)

-On the plus side, I've not missed 1 workout from my workout plan. Let's hope I can finish up month 3 strong.

V-log # 18: https://youtu.be/F7in0yEZDnc



1. I had a minor cold this week (Tuesday I was dead to the world), but am 100% better (still bit of a running nose). Because of this, I missed 2 of workouts.
2. Despite the above, I still lost -2.4 lbs this week! A good start to the month (Not calendar month, workout-program month).
3. My goals this week is to complete the 2 missed workouts, and to finish writing my personal mission statement and a list of goals I want to accomplish with my life.

P.S the audio for my v-logs is so fucking bad >.<


My little V-log: https://youtu.be/-bVHczLnE9c


1. I lost another -4.2 lbs this week.
2. I've been skipping dinner, not so much for weight loss, but I sleep 100% better on an empty stomach.
3. While I have over-all-goals (Currently, get to 200lbs & and reduce my debt to $0.00), I'm going to start posting/doing Weekly and daily goals (Only 1-2 per each).

This Weeks Goals

1. Finish writing out all my life-time goals (goal both big and small I'd like to do before I die), and prioritize them both in terms of importance and when I want to have them accomplished.


Tomorrow's goals:

1. Hit the gym for some weight lifting.
2. Meet a friend for Breakfast.

Minor update: This morning I woke up about 3:30 A.M. and realizing I wasn't going back to sleep, I decided to just go to the gym. By 5 A.M. I was done, and headed home. At 10:30 I met some friends for breakfast. We chatted about current events got into a interesting topic. I like to bet on unsure things in life (I enjoy the thrill of it), my friend does not, he likes a sure bet. Other than that I've been working on home things all day.

Meal # 1: Burger patty no bun, and broccoli
Meal # 2: Lamb.


Tomorrow's goals:

1. Hit the Gym
2. Read 20 pages from this book I'm reading and take some notes.

Minor update:

Today was a solid day. Got my workout done and watched a Caleb Jones video that really got my mind thinking (5 ways to make extra money--I think was the title). Did some brainstorming on it and wrote some notes down.


Meal # 1: Burger patty and Broccoli

Meal # 2: Cheese burger, fries, and a piece of cake--My sister bought dinner as a birthday present so I treated myself a little (Tuesday is my birthday). I'm actually very happy with my progress. Last year, at my birthday, I weighed about 273. This year I weigh 237. All my clothes are very loose and I will soon have to go buy some new pants--though, dropping from a 44 to a 40 pants size has allowed me to wear pants that I had stored away because I got too big for them.

Tomorrow's goal (rest day from the gym).

1. Organize my goals some more.
2. Think more deeply on the video I watched today. I don't know why, but it really stuck with me and some really cool ideas popped into my head--I want to explore them a little more.
V-log # 20: https://youtu.be/5DHVUWu8DL0


I got no sleep last night and feel like shit. Regardless this was an okay week. I was able to complete the following two things:
1. I lost -0.2 week (Terrible, but I was very laxxed on the diet this week).
2. I paid off another $1000.00 towards my debt.

With only 9 weeks left in the year there are two things I am aiming to accomplish:
1. I'd like to eliminate all debt (I've $2000.00 left to pay off).
2. I'd like to get my weight to 222.8 lbs (this would mean I've lost 50 lbs this year).

Originally, my goal was to get to 235 lbs before the end of the year, but being 236.8 lbs currently, I will easily hit that within the next two weeks, so I am bumping it up to 222.8lbs. I also have a goal I want to accomplish next year, but I'm not 100% sure on the steps to accomplish it so I'm going to take the next few weeks looking into it. Once the debt has been paid off I'll be able to focus my money else where. The first thing I need to do is buy all new clothes (a lot of stuff I have is getting too big for me). So, I'm kinda getting a list of things I need to buy. As for the other goal, I want to up my income by $30,000.00 next year--so I've been reading some marketing and sales books and am putting together a battle plan at the moment.

Last, I need to finish reading/doing the exercises in Caleb Jones' Unchained Man. I have my standards, mission statement, and goals all written out, but I'm cleaning up the verbiage, looking at with some goals should be combine and others split apart. Currently, I've come up with a hierarchy system so I know which goals need to take priority and which ones don't at this currently time. Currently, my weight loss goal is #1 because of some health issues I was starting to develop/had.
Wow, our starting weights are almost identical, out of curiosity what's your height? And its amazing to see how much you've lost since starting. Keep it up!