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  • Users: Drail
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  1. Drail

    Erectile Dysfunction

    I really appreciate the offer, but I'll try and run through the doctors one more time before I give this stuff a go. At that point I'll have nothing left so it's a no-brainer. I did answer this in my previous post here: To...
  2. Drail

    Erectile Dysfunction

    So when I first went to the doctors for ED back in Jan 2021, they made me do a blood test. It was more comprehensive than this actually, but I've lost the other results except for the serum androgens seciton. Here it is: SERUM ANDROGENS Total Testosterone (Siemens) 19 nmol/L (8.3-29) Sex...
  3. Drail

    Erectile Dysfunction

    The dietary stuff is interesting guys. Last year I screwed around with diets and supplements but nothing helped. I tried going keto, vegan and OMAD. Though it didn't work before I'm still open to trying out new diets to see if anything works. I try and cram all the relevant info into my posts...
  4. Drail

    Erectile Dysfunction

    Quite a while has passed but I still really appreciate the replies. Another update: As always, the ED is putting a damper on sex. I can't really get hard without first beating my dick to the point where I'm about to bust and then it starts to get hard, but then I'm in this weird limbo zone...
  5. Drail

    Erectile Dysfunction

    It's been a few months since my last post and a bit has happened. I'll give an update in case anyone here can give me some tips. I've generally had more or less the same problem where I struggle to get hard without a lot of patience and stimulation. I decided to just jump on a consistent 5mg...
  6. Drail

    Erectile Dysfunction

    It wasn't strict nofap. It was 6 months no porn while I was trying to have sex / humiliating myself with my partner at the time. I have had a couple shorter runs of nofap after that but I found they actually lowered my already low drive. I think I might try a 'nofap' routine where I don't watch...
  7. Drail

    Erectile Dysfunction

    So you're saying you tried no fap for a bit and it cured your low sex drive? When I first got ED I was googling frantically trying to work out how to fix it and all sources on the net said try no fap. That's when I did my six months. It was easy because my drive was totally crunched anyway so I...
  8. Drail

    Best advice for boosting sex drive?

    Well go on, what is it?
  9. Drail

    Erectile Dysfunction

    I've been experimenting with different doses of C and V. It's hit and miss. First couple times I took V I took the full 100mg dose and I had a situation where my got maybe 75% hard and it constantly felt like it was going down, but it just wouldn't go down. It was great for the girls because I...
  10. Drail

    Erectile Dysfunction

    Thanks for the advice. Around the start of this year I got into keto and fasting. It helped me lose 5 kgs and improve my looks but it didn't help much with the ED. I should also mention I tried / am taking supplements including zinc, magnesium, vit d, maca, etc. Again didn't help the ED. In all...
  11. Drail

    Short vs medium length hair

    I prefer the medium hair of these two shots, but it's good to experiment. I'm thinking now you got the shorter hair you could try some lines or something.
  12. Drail

    Erectile Dysfunction

    Keen to hear if anyone has any similar experiences / advice for this one. I'll try and keep it short but I need to cover the background info. I had pretty much normal function up until I lost my virginity (meaning making out with girls would always get me instantly hard no matter what). I think...
  13. Drail

    READ THIS - You MUST post here before you can post anywhere else.

    I, Drail, commit to working on my goals and taking myself seriously. 25 year old desk jockey. Always had weird issues with women and low self esteem. Andy's tinder guide really helped me get the ball rolling and exceed my expectations with 3 lays in 3 months, which I wouldn't have been able to...