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Erectile Dysfunction


May 24, 2021
Keen to hear if anyone has any similar experiences / advice for this one. I'll try and keep it short but I need to cover the background info.

I had pretty much normal function up until I lost my virginity (meaning making out with girls would always get me instantly hard no matter what). I think the experience broke something mentally in me and I've had ED ever since. This was 5 years ago with a girl I wasn't really interested in but she kept pursuing me and eventually I gave in and tried having sex with her. I really didn't like the whole situation because she was cheating on her existing boyfriend among other things. I had ED so it didn't work. I tried almost daily with her for 3 whole months until finally I was able to have something resembling sex. My sex drive was fully broken at that time, I couldn't get it up at all even for porn which really frustrated me. I practically went from normal function to a dead dick overnight (however I'd still get rock hard morning wood so I knew it had to be something mental). My self esteem regarding women was rock bottom so when she finally broke up with the guy she was cheating on I ended up staying in a relationship with her for 4 years until we broke up earlier this year. Over that time I was able to have regular sex but it was never enjoyable because the ED never really went away. I was always doing things to try and prevent going flaccid and so I could never actually enjoy sex. We had an open relationship at times and I was able to get two other girls into bed with me. First girl I did manage to have sex but it required a lot of forceful effort from both of us and as soon as I put a condom on it would last for a few pumps before it was gone and we'd rinse and repeat. I went through pretty much an entire box with her. Rushing it in for a few pumps was not fun for either of us. The next girl I saw a couple times but I just couldn't get it to work at all so I just gave her oral. She got me off flaccid which was weird and not really enjoyable. Since leaving the relationship I've been able to have sex with 5 more girls off the apps, so I'm not 100% broken, but it requires a lot of patience and pills, and even then it's not really enjoyable for me.

I think losing my virginity like that just destroyed my mental image of sex. It's always spoken about as this wonderful experience that every guy is always dying to have more of even if they're already getting heaps, but for me I just associate it with feelings of frustration and inferiority. I have a lot of jealousy of people who enjoy sex. I have a lot of resentment for my ex (even though I know its not fully her fault). I feel the only reason I do anything sexual in the first place is because a) I want to beat ED because I'd really loathe to present it to my future wife and b) because if I stopped trying to have sex now I'd look back and regret it in the future, the way I regret not trying when I was younger now. That's compounded by the fact that I know your dick stops working as well with age anyway so I have a fear of missing out. But even at my age I worry I may have missed the boat when it comes to mind blowing sex. Those are the main things that bring me to this community.

Since I've had the issue so long that I've basically tried everything. I've been through everything on Andy's guide here. First thing I did was cut the porn cold turkey for 6+ months. This wasn't hard because my libido was so dead I didn't have any desire to watch aside from just to check if I could get hard. I tried a bunch of stuff outside of my dick with the girls. I'm honest with every girl about my issues and how I'm feeling. The stuff around kinks/fantasies doesn't work for me because my libido is so low I don't have any. I fixed up my diet, hit the gym, cut out the alcohol, none of it really helps.

Since the start of this year I started down the medical route. I got pills from my doctor. They were definitely worth it, I wouldn't have had the first two lays since the breakup without them, but it's still hit and miss and I hate the side effects. I went to a men's health clinic, got a penile doppler ultrasound which came back saying they couldn't find anything wrong. The doctor suggested a cavernosogram (they inject your dick with something radioactive to try and image the veins) but I decided against it because it's invasive, there's risks involved, and there's a chance of false positives and negatives. I still sometimes wake up with morning wood if I sleep well, and I have a handful of experiences I can remember here and there where my dick just worked, so I'm thinking its a psychological issue and now I've started to speak to a counselor about it, but I've just had one session. I'm hoping the counselor combined with option #15 from Andy's list will start to make a lasting impact.

Can anyone weigh in on this?
Hi Drail,

I see you've taken some steps (like diet) to help. For me, the following improved my libido and erections:
- Removing sugar from my diet, and going full keto on certain days. Simple sugars are known to drop testosterone levels (along with other inflammatory agents to my knowledge)
- Fasting, which helped me lose weight
- Getting more sleep

Thanks for the advice. Around the start of this year I got into keto and fasting. It helped me lose 5 kgs and improve my looks but it didn't help much with the ED. I should also mention I tried / am taking supplements including zinc, magnesium, vit d, maca, etc. Again didn't help the ED.

In all honesty I've have tried to improve my sleep but I never been happy with it. I think there's potential there so I'll try harder to fix it. What annoys me is that before the onset of ED, none of this mattered. I could be out of my mind fatigued, drunk, anxious, you name it and interest from a girl would still get me hard.

By the way what's the origin of your name? Anything to do with bikes?
I had similar issues where I tried many remedies but it basically came down to performance anxiety. I would try 10mg of Cialis and if you still can't get hard then it doesn't have anything to do with your physiology and would be psychological. My psychological ED is improving by just getting more experience, each time it gets a little easier, I also have given myself permission to not care if the encounter goes well. Considering you where able to quit porn for 6 months though... is something else. Sounds like a very low sex drive, perhaps hormonal imbalance?
Drail As you mentioned that previously you were fine, do you notice a different in your mood now vs then? Is it worse, better, more relaxed, apathetic to life?

I'm not massively turned on by anything these days. Even with my current gf I need her to give me fellatio half of the time to get it up.

As for my username - dr = doctor, and Z, is the last letter of the alphabet :P
play_time_is_over said:
I had similar issues where I tried many remedies but it basically came down to performance anxiety. I would try 10mg of Cialis and if you still can't get hard then it doesn't have anything to do with your physiology and would be psychological. My psychological ED is improving by just getting more experience, each time it gets a little easier, I also have given myself permission to not care if the encounter goes well. Considering you where able to quit porn for 6 months though... is something else. Sounds like a very low sex drive, perhaps hormonal imbalance?

I've been experimenting with different doses of C and V. It's hit and miss. First couple times I took V I took the full 100mg dose and I had a situation where my got maybe 75% hard and it constantly felt like it was going down, but it just wouldn't go down. It was great for the girls because I could just keep going and it just wouldn't go down but the odd feeling meant it wasn't too enjoyable for me. It also didn't get me hard enough to use a condom, when I tried I just soft. Other times on V I tried lower doses like 50 and 25 mg and I can't say there was a noticeable effect. I then hopped on the daily 5 mg C tablets, and I had an experience where I was fully hard just from making out. It was great honestly I felt as if I were cured. There was no odd feeling. I later lost the erection because of bad vibes after condoms kept breaking (keeps happening to me because I've got a funny dick) but I didn't let that get me down, getting hard just from making out was a huge win to me. But it was sort of short lived because I taking the same dose of pills daily and tried with two other girls and I was back to square one as if I wasn't taking anything. It's this sort of mixed reaction from the pills that leads me to believe I've got something more mental rather than physical. When I got the prescription the doctor made me get my T tested. It came back low mid, but still within range. I don't want to get into bro science and ascribe my ED just to this one low mid hormone though, the body is more complex than that, for example I know my brother has an even lower level yet has no issues androgenically (he's jacked and has a normal sex drive). I do think its more of a mental sex drive issue as you suggest.

BTW man I found your vid pretty inspiring, it takes a lot of guts to put yourself out there like that, even more so to do a video podcast on it.

drz said:
Drail As you mentioned that previously you were fine, do you notice a different in your mood now vs then? Is it worse, better, more relaxed, apathetic to life?

I'm not massively turned on by anything these days. Even with my current gf I need her to give me fellatio half of the time to get it up.

As for my username - dr = doctor, and Z, is the last letter of the alphabet :P

If I think back I'm pretty sure I was worse off back then than now. I had worse sleep, worse health, wasn't working out, was eating worse, was watching more porn and jacking off more with all the bad habits, and was more anxious in general, yet my dick worked. The only real variable that changed was I tried to lose my virginity with my ex and made a fool of myself. I think it was just the shitty experience which just shattered my enthusiasm for sex. It really was instant, because beforehand even with the same girl where we'd be kissing but I still didn't want to do anything further with her, I was rock hard no problem. It was really like someone went into my brain and flipped a switch that just crushed my sex drive on that one night I tried to have sex with her. And then I kept trying and failing for 3 months straight which probably mentally reinforced all my negative attitudes. Now she's long gone but I still have the same issue with other girls and I still feel like I've never enjoyed sex. It just feels like a chore I have to struggle with if I am to feel content when I'm older. Thinking about the whole thing makes me a bit resentful honestly.
Dustin said:
I never felt like I enjoyed sex much either. But I believe there is a cure. At least for me. Your posts are strange to me since you say 6+ months no porn and minimal benefit.

I think nofap is great but there is even a much higher level beyond it where sex is just crazy ass good at least for me. Nofap is a element but there are some missing pieces that you have to add.

You should not need cialis or viagra either. Ideally.

So you're saying you tried no fap for a bit and it cured your low sex drive? When I first got ED I was googling frantically trying to work out how to fix it and all sources on the net said try no fap. That's when I did my six months. It was easy because my drive was totally crunched anyway so I had barely any desire to jack off, but it didn't fix the issue for me. I've given no fap a couple shorter runs since and I think there's an element of "use it or lose it" where it's actually detrimental to my sex drive rather than beneficial. The counselor says the same thing and instead recommends something called "mindful masturbation". I've never given mindfulness/meditation a proper crack so that's on the list at the moment.
Dustin said:
I'm surprised that 6+ months of nofap has no effect on you whatsoever. Was this strict nofap? And it's also strange to me that this could be entirely psychological. And that you had trouble even getting it up for porn. I have never heard of anything like that actually. You are a different person though so I don't know.

My issues with real life sex were horrible though, my ED was incredibly bad even in my early 20's, and it took me months with a fuck buddy / strict nofap at that time after losing my virginity to a different girl a few years earlier before I even had my first orgasm during sex. And many humiliating "lays" where I couldn't even get hard at all and just had to awkwardly leave.

Yes with strict nofap was how I fixed my ED issues in my early 20's and started being able to get hard even during first time hookups. And sex got a ton better too during that time. I thought that was like as good as it could get at the time and that nofap was some sort of holy messiah.

It wasn't strict nofap. It was 6 months no porn while I was trying to have sex / humiliating myself with my partner at the time. I have had a couple shorter runs of nofap after that but I found they actually lowered my already low drive. I think I might try a 'nofap' routine where I don't watch porn, but if I ever happen to be lucky enough to get hard while doing it I'll jack off with no porn. Counselor also recommends "mindful masturbation" so I don't think nofap is right for me. I also have a maladaptive way of jacking off (similar to prone masturbation but I don't need to be prone) which forums on the net and my counselor say can only be corrected by jacking off with a better technique.

As for it being psychological, there's no other possible explanation aside from injury for how I could be totally fine one night and the very next night have a totally dead dick, no more sexual desire, and I can't even get it up by myself. Unless I somehow happened to have injured myself in my sleep without knowing it the exact night before I first tried to have sex (seems exceedingly unlikely) then the only explanation is psychological. Compound that with the fact that today I don't have any sexual fantasies or positive experiences with sex, and the fact that I still get morning wood (albeit not 100% hard), it seems like the only explanation is psychological.

Dustin said:
I still think nofap is great and will practice it again, but there is other stuff I found out that makes it even way way better. I don't know if has the same effect on other people though.

The sex was like totally out of this world at that point, and not cause of the girl but just the stuff I figured out finally. I didn't realize just how much I had been missing out all this time. And can't wait to get back out there again using my newfound knowledge. And I haven't even nearly pushed it anywhere as far as it can go either. It was just like a tiny taste really. But I gotta slowly get myself back out of the hole again.

I haven't actually used it much, except on two girls, at this point, cause I haven't had the chance yet.

You should actually tell us what "it" is or just not mention it at all. It's not helpful for you to write like this. Is this something to do with your haldol experience?
A lot of what you wrote could have been written by me.

However, I didn't have those symptoms when a girl TRULY turned me on.

For improved erections which don't go away when you put on a condom, I suggest doing Kegels. Practice them throughout the day. It will be difficult to remember and/or to put in the effort at first, but keep on trying. You will see the results in about two weeks. Don't stop practicing, or you'll lose it.
It's been a few months since my last post and a bit has happened. I'll give an update in case anyone here can give me some tips.

I've generally had more or less the same problem where I struggle to get hard without a lot of patience and stimulation. I decided to just jump on a consistent 5mg tadalafil daily dose and I started seeing one girl regularly, and things were actually starting to get good with her. It wasn't as if I was cured but I started to not worry about getting hard because there was a real improvement with her and I was always hard when I needed to be. But it wasn't back 100% because I still don't think I could've done whatever position I wanted no worries. There was also this one really hot psycho girl who gave me a bj for a bit and I was able to get hard with her after a bit less work than usual, and I was even on a break from the pills then so things were looking up.

Then I moved overseas to Germany and so far it's been back to square one, really struggling to get hard. I've decided once more to cut out porn and its been a week or so but so far no improvement.

Score said:
A lot of what you wrote could have been written by me.

However, I didn't have those symptoms when a girl TRULY turned me on.

For improved erections which don't go away when you put on a condom, I suggest doing Kegels. Practice them throughout the day. It will be difficult to remember and/or to put in the effort at first, but keep on trying. You will see the results in about two weeks. Don't stop practicing, or you'll lose it.

Can you tell me a bit about your story? Are you cured at the moment?
Drail said:
its been a week or so but so far no improvement.

Resetting your brain and sexual urges from years of regular porn use takes more than one week. I suggest going for something like 90 days no porn, no masturbation - only sex. If you cut out sex altogether, and focus on getting basics improved like sleep, diet, exercise and mental health you'd be looking at a quicker recovery. Talking from my own experience with right over 100 days nofap "hardmode" (no sex) back in 2015.
Low kcal shuts down bodily functions, increases stress hormones, and WILL produce ED

It shuts down morning wood as you are living under a cocktail of stress chemicals.

2:1 carbs to protein ratio and ensure youre getting enough kcal.

Your cock will return to optimal hardness.

Whats your diet like?

Quite a while has passed but I still really appreciate the replies. Another update:

As always, the ED is putting a damper on sex. I can't really get hard without first beating my dick to the point where I'm about to bust and then it starts to get hard, but then I'm in this weird limbo zone where if I stop the stimulation I go soft, but if I keep it going I'll bust. Trying to have sex like this is like walking on a tightrope, super distracting and not enjoyable. One thing I didn't mention previously is that it really hurts my retention. I lose girls just because I make a fool of myself with a soft dick. Also the whole debacle of getting myself hard and then quickly getting a condom on and then penetrating before it goes down leaves no possible room for going slow and sometimes this is painful for the girls. Of course, I always try Andy's suggestion of "just do something else" but it only works to a point. For some girls there's no replacement for a good dicking and they'll tell you that. Sure I don't need them, but it still hurts to lose them.

On a better note, I retained two girls for quite a while and even though the sex was limited I did have fun with them. I was also improving a bit at being able to use a condom without taking pills, which though it's not much, I didn't even think it was possible before. I do get morning wood at maybe 70% every morning now, but after that my dick is totally dead for the day without heavy stimulation. My ultimate goal here is to get back to where I can get an erection just from visual and mental stimulation, or physically touching a girl with no direct stimulation of my dick.

I tried to pursue the medical route here. Getting pills from a GP is easy enough. The GP also referred me to a urologist, and then when I went to visit it didn't go well. For starters there was a language barrier and then after getting past that the guy basically says "How should I know why it is that a 26 year old can't fuck." What a cunt. Isn't it literally his job to know? He gave me a referral to a couple university clinics, but I didn't check it out because I was so discouraged. I think I'll do it soon though because after another year without much progress, what else can I do? I've read stories on the internet that it could be some simple issue, you take a pill and you're fixed so I'm hoping for a resolution like that.

I sort of failed at fixing my sleep, meditation and cutting out porn.

  • Sleep: I never really tried with this one. I have a terrible addiction to my phone.

  • Meditation: Again I never really got serious about this.

  • Porn: This one's tougher. I was able to cut down heaps but I get tempted by nudes I get from a girl. I tell myself it doesn't count, and then every now and then I end up on actual porn which isn't great.

Hard2Focus said:
Resetting your brain and sexual urges from years of regular porn use takes more than one week. I suggest going for something like 90 days no porn, no masturbation - only sex. If you cut out sex altogether, and focus on getting basics improved like sleep, diet, exercise and mental health you'd be looking at a quicker recovery. Talking from my own experience with right over 100 days nofap "hardmode" (no sex) back in 2015.

Can you tell me more about your experience? How bad was the ED for you? Could you still get hard from visual stimulation if you were by yourself? Do you think its okay to masturbate yourself heavily if you're with a girl?

MakingAComeback said:
Low kcal shuts down bodily functions, increases stress hormones, and WILL produce ED

It shuts down morning wood as you are living under a cocktail of stress chemicals.

2:1 carbs to protein ratio and ensure youre getting enough kcal.

Your cock will return to optimal hardness.

Whats your diet like?


Basically here I regularly eat cornflakes with berries and milk every morning with a coffee. Lunch at home is light with some rice crackers and cheese and other bits and pieces (or if I go to uni its a big plate of whatever they got there, usually good quality stuff), and then for dinner I often make pork sausages, mash and veggies, or fried rice of some sort. I've screwed around with cutting out meat, going back on meat and going keto, and then my average current diet and didn't really notice any big changes.
Can you tell me more about your experience? How bad was the ED for you? Could you still get hard from visual stimulation if you were by yourself? Do you think its okay to masturbate yourself heavily if you're with a girl?

I didn't quit porn because of ED, initially. I mainly quit because I wanted to fundamentally take charge of my sexuality and motivation for trying to get laid.
I was so sick and tired of feeling like I was banging my head against the wall when it came to women, and figured that beating my dick several times per day was severely hampering my drive to actually do something about it.

That being said, I've had several periods in my life where I've struggled with ED. Even this year I've had times where I was hooking up with a girl, and couldn't for the life of me get hard - or I would loose my erection while we were going at it.

My experience has been that I need to stop fighting the ED, mentally, for it to go away. For me, not getting an erection is 99% of the time caused by:
  • Being too much in my head while I'm having sex
  • Having ejaculated too much too recently, or beat my dick so hard over the last couple of days that it's more in need of a rest than another round in a pink taco.

A thought process that has helped me out several times is something along the lines of:

  • 1. Accept that my dick isn't going to get hard (right now). I don't sweat it. I accept that this stuff happens to anyone, and that enjoyable sex can be much more than penetration.
  • 2. Tell the girl I'm with that "things aren't working out right now - OK if we just chill/cuddle a bit while we do something else?"
  • 3. Cuddle, kiss, finger the chick I'm with, play with her tits etc. I'm an ass-man, aka I get really turned on if I get to play with a chicks ass, rub it with oil/massage it etc. This works 99,9% of the time for me.

If my erection isn't coming back, at some point we might even get out of bed and go hang out in my living-room to do something else.
This often helps me get my mind on other things, and I've experienced that my lust and erection can come back before I know it.
It's like when I don't stress getting hard, I'll more often than not get hard.

Other remedies I've experimented with:

Viagra - works wonders but clogs my nose and often flushes my face
Cialis - Works wonders and doesn't have the same negative side-effects as viagra - but is prescription only (in my country at least)
L-Argininie - dilates your blood vessels, giving some of the same effect as viagra and cialis (less potent, but still helps)
L-Citrulline - gets broken down to L-Arginine in your liver, so it's basically longer-lasting with the same effect

I've also experimented with lots of various "pro male fertility" supplements like Horny Goat Weed, Tongkat Ali and so forth.
While I don't think they affect my erection directly, I do feel like generally being more horny helps overall when I do get laid.

I can't really get hard without first beating my dick to the point where I'm about to bust and then it starts to get hard, but then I'm in this weird limbo zone where if I stop the stimulation I go soft, but if I keep it going I'll bust. Trying to have sex like this is like walking on a tightrope, super distracting and not enjoyable.

In my mind it's no wonder that you're having erection problems because of this.
Just knowing that things are the way they are, and you knowing how much this is stressing you out - how it's hurting your retention etc - I mean, holy shit!
I think anyone would start hardcore stressing out with all this in their mind while they're trying to have sex.

Again - I H I G H L Y recommend you try to cut out porn as much as possible.
If you've been mindlessly consuming it for years and years it's no wonder that real-life might seem dull and boring in comparison.
That might not be something you're consciously thinking when you're with a girl - but I do 100% believe that you'd be better off without it. If you're interested in reading up on it, www.yourbrainonporn.com/miscellaneo...n-has-not-prepared-your-brain-for-todays-pornhere's a great resource page on the actual dangers of excessive porn-use:


Hope any of this helps. I know how frustrating this shit can be to deal with so I'd wanted to give a proper reply.
Hard2Focus said:
or beat my dick so hard over the last couple of days that it's more in need of a rest than another round in a pink taco.

Very informative post, but this made me laugh. Very poetic!
MakingAComeback said:
Low kcal shuts down bodily functions, increases stress hormones, and WILL produce ED

It shuts down morning wood as you are living under a cocktail of stress chemicals.

2:1 carbs to protein ratio and ensure youre getting enough kcal.

Your cock will return to optimal hardness.

Whats your diet like?


This is false, my dick was measured at 8 inches right on the dot when I was in 5th grade. Since then after using a lot of uppers (stimulants) during my party years I have had trouble even getting it to 7 inches, it usually hovers around 6-6,1/2 inches while being at maybe 70% hardness.

When I was doing OMAD and really limiting my calories, I would get unbelievably horny, I decided to measure it, and my dick finally went past the 7 inch mark which hasn't happened in years. Leading up to the measurements in the days, weeks, etc months prior, as my body fat was going down rapidly, I would walk around the city worried about my boner being visible all the time because I was that horny.
psmasher said:
MakingAComeback said:
Low kcal shuts down bodily functions, increases stress hormones, and WILL produce ED

It shuts down morning wood as you are living under a cocktail of stress chemicals.

2:1 carbs to protein ratio and ensure youre getting enough kcal.

Your cock will return to optimal hardness.

Whats your diet like?


This is false, my dick was measured at 8 inches right on the dot when I was in 5th grade. Since then after using a lot of uppers (stimulants) during my party years I have had trouble even getting it to 7 inches, it usually hovers around 6-6,1/2 inches while being at maybe 70% hardness.

When I was doing OMAD and really limiting my calories, I would get unbelievably horny, I decided to measure it, and my dick finally went past the 7 inch mark which hasn't happened in years. Leading up to the measurements in the days, weeks, etc months prior, as my body fat was going down rapidly, I would walk around the city worried about my boner being visible all the time because I was that horny.

It's not false.

It's context dependent.

I would retract my earlier statement in light of this, so thank you for your comment.

OMAD and kcal restriction can probably help sex drive and function, if they're getting the body into ketosis, producing some autophagy, and reducing stress hormones.

That's context specific to OMAD and the impacts it has on the organism.

Calorie restriction in a manner which isn't ketotic and supportive of biogenesis, will likely elevate stress hormones and produce ED.

As ever, context matters.

Black & white thinking produces a half truth, which leads to a full lie......

MakingAComeback said:
Low kcal shuts down bodily functions, increases stress hormones, and WILL produce ED

It shuts down morning wood as you are living under a cocktail of stress chemicals.

2:1 carbs to protein ratio and ensure youre getting enough kcal.

Your cock will return to optimal hardness.

Whats your diet like?


For clarity, I don't actually agree with all of this anymore.

Downregulating stresshormones part I was right about.

The carbs, I was not.

ED I think is driven by a loss of redox potential in the body, as the body loses power/charge, its functions begin to switch off.

I'd advise something else now: rebuilding function through wellnesss.

MakingAComeback said:
psmasher said:
This is false, my dick was measured at 8 inches right on the dot when I was in 5th grade. Since then after using a lot of uppers (stimulants) during my party years I have had trouble even getting it to 7 inches, it usually hovers around 6-6,1/2 inches while being at maybe 70% hardness.

When I was doing OMAD and really limiting my calories, I would get unbelievably horny, I decided to measure it, and my dick finally went past the 7 inch mark which hasn't happened in years. Leading up to the measurements in the days, weeks, etc months prior, as my body fat was going down rapidly, I would walk around the city worried about my boner being visible all the time because I was that horny.

It's not false.

It's context dependent.

I would retract my earlier statement in light of this, so thank you for your comment.

OMAD and kcal restriction can probably help sex drive and function, if they're getting the body into ketosis, producing some autophagy, and reducing stress hormones.

That's context specific to OMAD and the impacts it has on the organism.

Calorie restriction in a manner which isn't ketotic and supportive of biogenesis, will likely elevate stress hormones and produce ED.

As ever, context matters.

Black & white thinking produces a half truth, which leads to a full lie......


Of course I meant that it's false for myself.

I think a reasonable thing to say would be: everyones body is different, and there are too many factors (outside of diet alone) that would indicate what would be the perfect diet for someones sexual life, how many calories they should consume, etc.

Basically it's up to each person to find out what works for them.
The dietary stuff is interesting guys. Last year I screwed around with diets and supplements but nothing helped. I tried going keto, vegan and OMAD. Though it didn't work before I'm still open to trying out new diets to see if anything works.

tdan187 said:
Maybe you should clarify some simple things cause this is pretty confusing honestly.

Are you having issues getting and staying hard during real life sex exclusively? Or when you jack off and / or watch porn as well?

Like can you at least get hard and have a orgasm when you are all by yourself, with porn?

Or is even that a challenge?

I try and cram all the relevant info into my posts since I don't want to miss anything but now I see that ends up being a bit incoherent.

Bar a few exceptions I don't get hard from anything but strong and constant stimulation. The second the stimulation stops it starts deflating like a cartoon balloon. I can manage to have sex like this, but its not fun and its not guaranteed. I've let a few girls down. I can take 100mgs of V and that'll stop it deflating, but it can be hit and miss. There's no difference between porn and real life sex, it won't get me hard unless I really go to town on my dick.

The exceptions are that lately I've been getting maybe 70% morning wood most days. I've also had a couple experiences the last two years where out of the blue I got hard without pills, but those are super rare.

Hard2Focus said:
Hope any of this helps. I know how frustrating this shit can be to deal with so I'd wanted to give a proper reply.

Cheers for the response. I've had the issue for 6 years now so I've been through most of what you've suggested. The majority of the sex I've had has been with pills. These days I just do foreplay on the first date and count my dick out. I tried a lot of supplements and dietary changes but they didn't really help, although I haven't yet tried Arginine. Maybe I should though as even if it doesn't help my ED it might be good for bodybuilding.

The thing about the porn stuff is that was actually the first thing I tried. The way this started was I tried to have sex for the first time and suddenly my dick was completely dead, no matter what, with and without porn (though strangely I still got morning wood). Previously my dick had a hair trigger for getting hard, so I was totally caught off guard and quite a bit worried. I frantically searched the web for answers and immediately came across no fap and YBOP. The shock of suddenly having a dead dick overnight, the feeling of constantly letting this girl down, and also the fact my sex drive was pretty crushed from it anyway meant that it was easy to keep off porn for about 6 months.

But after 6 months with no results eventually I figured the porn explanation doesn't apply to me. I don't fit the profile anyway. My ED was suddenly triggered by trying to have sex with a woman, not a gradual buildup of the effects of porn. It's not like real sex isn't "measuring up" to porn or something as porn doesn't get me hard since that day either. How can porn use explain my dick dying overnight? Despite having ED I still get horny and so for a while this year I was settled into beating off to porn (still with ED) maybe about once a week. I find nudes from my partners can be tempting and recently I've used those more often than actual internet porn. Over the years I did revisit the porn explanation, and I tried brief stints of cutting it out again. I browsed the YBOP testimonials to try and see if anyone there fits my profile to give me a bit of hope that maybe I just needed to do 9 months or something and suddenly everything would come good. But ultimately skepticism would get the better of me and I'd go back to my once a week habit.

I don't write this to try and justify watching porn though, just to provide context to my situation. I'd rather keep off porn even if it doesn't fix my ED for other reasons. I'm trying to clear up a chronic rash under my foreskin which involves taping it back daily and this gets in the way of beating it (to porn and in general) so maybe this little barrier will give me the push to finally get rid of it. Although I really do enjoy getting nudes from my partners so maybe I can make an exception for that so long as it's rare enough and I don't masturbate.