
I mean this as a means to self improvement, not to be a dick, but you give off a very creepy vibe in all the pictures except the last one. You look EXTREMELY tense in all the pictures tbh. Even as a guy they are making me uncomfortable.

Besides the red pants in photo #2, your style is good, so that's not the problem. Idk how to help you fix this problem, but i'm telling you that you need to look WAY more relaxed in your photos.

Others can feel free to agree or disagree but this is just my opinion. You're a good looking guy, you just need to work on loosing that tension in your photos.

Edit: oh and I just noticed that you're 6'4, so now i'm 100 percent sure that my theory is correct. Do yoga, meditate, idk, but once you look more relaxed you're going to be getting crazy matches with that height bonus.
Your style and fashion are great, These pictures look well taken as well.

The problem is that you look really stiff in them. You need to look more relaxed and natural in your shots.
Dude I just wanna say your main picture is miles better than your 1st pictures. That you should keep around.

I need to learn to pull off a similar picture myself, too.
olilaz said:
Today, I took some new pictures and removed my old ones and right after I did that I swiped for maybe around 10 minutes and got 2 matches. And with the template, I managed to get a number for each one of the 2 matches. Also, I haven't used any boosts yet with those pictures, so I could do even better. Before, with my old pics, I would have 0 matches, now it's much easier. Here are the pictures that I used this time around (3 of them are new, 3 are much older but its not too noticeable). Thanks a lot for the advice, it really helped me fix my weird smile.

Take out "3rd picture (today)" still gives off a creepy vibe. The other pictures are much better though so I'm glad you took the advice to heart; it definitely paid off

Edit: I would also replace picture 2 as soon as you have something better. Try to make it something more candid and in a relaxed environment
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Didn't need much work, already a great photo:

Thank you very much for this edit Andy, it looks incredible, I am definitely going to use it on my profile right now.
SIGMA_1234 said:
Dude I just wanna say your main picture is miles better than your 1st pictures. That you should keep around.

I need to learn to pull off a similar picture myself, too.

It's not very difficult to pull it off. Like I said, the only thing that I changed is that I made a serious face instead of smiling. I got the idea from a friend that I know from high school who is very successful with online dating apps like Tinder even though he uses low quality pictures taken with a cellphone in a selfie style, the reason why he is so successful is because he doesn't smile in any of his pics, and instead he tries to look tough and more masculine. Maybe we aren't all the same, but I know that when I smile more than my weird smile, it doesn't look good because it makes me look less attractive. When I don't smile though, I get better results. I am going to have to add 2 pictures that are like my main one if I want my profile to be as perfect as possible right now.
olilaz said:
It's not very difficult to pull it off. Like I said, the only thing that I changed is that I made a serious face instead of smiling.

I guess my main struggle is that I look stiff when I don't smile. I am trying to find the balance between not smiling but not looking too stiff doing it.
You know, the smile is not mandatory. Doing photography myself I can tell you - it's difficult to make a good, genuine smile on camera. And when its not genuine you either look creepy, or like on a sightseeing trip with family when you must smile for the family photo. Been there, seen that.

The photos where you lie on that lying thingie - scrap those. It does look awkward and staged. The pose is just bad. You would need to do some trying with angles and posing to pull it out.

Scrap the vietnam photo - from the girls perspective you see two children sitting on a rock. Does not make girl think "I wanna fuck him" in the slightest.

Scuba pictures - amazing. I envy these.

Your main photo - seems a little blurry on the face (cant say for sure, forum cuts the quality), you may redo it with better focus if you feel like.

2nd photo is the same as the main. Remove the one that works worse - no point in keeping too many photos just to have more photos. The more photos there are the higher chance the girl will not like one and swipe you right.

Btw. if you ever need photo retouching hit me up with RAWs. I am not Andy's level retoucher, but I have some experience nevertheless!
The 3rd picture has potention with the setup, but you really look like you're staging and forcing that picture. Are you in a band or do you ever jam with a buddy? Have a picture taken then instead of forcing it in front of a tripod. The picture comes off very desperate right imo

Edit: also, personally I'm not really a fan of rings to begin with, but too me you're wearing way too many in those photos. Idk if it'll be a big deal or not to your dating profile but it kinda comes off as creepy to me. Again, these are just my opinions!
Yeah, the guitar photo can be awesome, but it needs more energy. Take a look at these photos. First two are street photos of some random guitarist I took. You can obvioudly see context behind these - hes sitting there, playing for the crowds, not sitting stiff and trying to pose for the photo.
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On the other hand, posed/modelling photos are fine too, but pose it good. You can get inspired by my guitar photos: I have no opportunity to get spontaneous photos, because I am not playing in a band now, so I had to do some myself.
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As for online/aproaching, try it. Maybe it will be easier for you. For me it was not do I stayed online.

Have you tried reseting your account? Tinder alghoritm favours new accounts, so no wonder changing photos on your aging profile bears little to no results.
Maybe he got confused with your Hinge approach? Because for that one didn't you say you'll message hella girls at once using the premium feature for unlimited matching? I know that Tinder will penalize you if you swipe too much but i have no idea about Hinge.

The only way you can know for sure is to make a new account, use the exact same pictures, and see if you get more matches.
.@Lostcause The problem with your photos is that we can't see both of your eyes and the photo is taken from the side which is just the worst angle you could have picked, also you claim that mine is staged but yours is even more staged. Who goes to an abandoned train to play guitar by himself? Nobody does that.

1. It's not for the main photo, you dont need to look straight into the camera in every photo you make.

2. Did you even READ what I wrote? Did you? A little highlight:
.On the other hand, posed/modelling photos are fine too, but pose it good.
Read it again, aloud, then think about it.