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Ali's Log

ProgressEvolution said:
From my research, the three rough archetypes that seem to fit best with my personality are:

  • Health Enthusiast (someone who loves living an active and healthy life, looking for healthy and physically active chicks)
  • Adventurer (free spirit who loves exploring the world and trying new experiences, looking for chicks open to experimenting)
  • Ambitious Leader (someone with a clear sense of direction and ambition, looking for a partner who shares drive and values personal and mutual growth)

These aren't really archetypes. They're philosophies.

Archetypes are like:
- degenerate methhead skateboarder
- Auburn University 19 year old fresh faced frat boy
- Miami yacht owner and entrepreneur

As far as how you'd test them: buy the clothing, do photoshoots, trial them out online.

You're not really at the level where you need to worry about this. Focus on becoming more attractive in general and come back to this in a year.
pancakemouse said:
You're not really at the level where you need to worry about this. Focus on becoming more attractive in general and come back to this in a year.


Your SMV is too low to focus on the “package” of the product.
The archetype harness the power of a collective hallucination (we all think that rockstars look and behave in one way and have certain qualities, same for valley start up founders
ProgressEvolution said:
So anyways, I have a question for you guys. After seeing Jamgoth's transformation into an archetype...I'm wondering...Do you have any suggestions for fast/efficient ways to test how I'd look like in different common archetypes. Like using AI or something? Or maybe a website, if it exists?

I'm glad I inspired you, but like, considering I've gone from having a body count of 0 to body count of 1 in a year... I don't think you should use me as a reference. I changed my style but that's about it, I'm still an awkward nerd. I don't really have the rock star personality that I try to get across in my appearance.

Definitely get lasik and hit the gym though.
ProgressEvolution said:
Jamgoth said:
Definitely get lasik and hit the gym though.

Thanks for the tips! And we all start somewhere.

Did you have any apprehension about the risk that comes with Lasik?

I might just be getting in my head but my main worries are worsening my vision permanently (did a bunch of research on it last night and saw two sides of people either loving it or regretting it) and do you feel like glasses were useful for giving off a "studious" or "hard-working" impression in the workplace?

Pretty much, I don't want to lose that edge that I have in creating the right impression for getting good jobs as a programmer and I also don't want my eye-sight to be permanently fucked.

1. I don't think you're not going to land a job because you don't wear glasses. Although if that *really* bothers you, you can wear glasses with no glass in them, or just wear contacts when you're in social settings and glasses in a professional setting.

2. There's a small chance of any surgical procedure not working. Consult your doctor about this. If you're super concerned you should learn to put in contacts. I am told Lasik is pretty safe but again, consult your doctor about this.

3. The night I got Lasik was pretty rough but if you suffer through that you have 2020 vision the next day. Imo it was worth it

4. No individual piece of advice given here will get you laid. You definitely can get a girlfriend wearing glasses, and getting lasik won't make women flock to you. All the drastic style changes I've made have barely helped my success with women. I lost my virginity sure, but most women I approach still think I'm a creep. If you follow the advice the more experienced members give you, over time, it will improve your odds, but no individual thing you can do will automatically make you a stud.

I really think you should use colgate olgate for inspiration, he also similarly went through a tech nerd to alt edgy look in a similar timeframe, but also had much more success with women (body count from 0 to 5 I believe, but he has a consistent girlfriend he really likes, where as my first girlfriend was not someone I found attractive or cared that much about. I pretty much settled to date the first AND ONLY girl who showed interest in me)
ProgressEvolution said:
  • Why is Andy's Texting Template outdated? It seems to work better than anything my over-thinking brain can come up with. I remember PWF was mentioned, but are there any known up to date ones that do ~5 texts on dating apps and ~5 with the number to move the interaction forward fast without overthinking things?

Trying to "plan out" the exact words of a conversation is the definition of overthinking. Women are not robots.

You seem to have a hologram about being overly logical. Disavow yourself of this immediately, it will kill your results with women.

You also have a hologram about trying to pre-plan things that you haven't even encountered yet. Do you have a match to even try this out on?

In any case, the problem with the KYIL template is that it assumes too much compliance too fast. It's great for guys with an abundance of matches because it saves time, but that's not most guys.

Years ago, I wrote this: https://pancakemouse.wordpress.com/2017/12/26/how-to-fuck-one-girl-a-week-from-swipe-apps-with-little-time-investment/

Here is the section on messaging from that guide:

- Open a girl with a non-needy, unique opener (I’m not going to post examples here, because if I do they’ll start getting used and not be unique anymore). The opener should ideally assume something about her and end in a question mark, but doesn’t have to.
- Gauge her response, and write back, using less text than her. If she hasn’t asked you a question (also known as the hook point), provide some information, like a DHV about yourself, and ask her another question.
- If she’s asking you questions back, you have a green light. Respond something like “That sounds cool, we should grab a drink. I’m free [x] or [y] day, let me know what works for you.” Based on her response, tell her where and when to meet you.
- If she’s not asking you questions back, you have a yellow light. Keep DHVing and teasing her for a few more lines until you get her to invest. If she’s not investing but still responding, hit her with the date pitch after a maximum of five messages from each of you.
- If she’s being combative, you have a red light. Stay non-reactive and playful. Keep DHVing and teasing her until you have a yellow or a green light, at which point you should pitch the date.

P.S. pet peeve, but stop saying "OLD"
Squilliam said:
To me it's not worth the extra effort when most of those girls will write me off for looks/profile/other reasons anyways

Just type “Hmm I’m wondering something about you…” or another curiosity-based open loop opener and send it off. Use text replacement/keyboard shortcuts to do this. When they match, you put in the effort to ask one question.
ProgressEvolution said:
Looks - Eyes: Making progress on deciding on whether to keep my glasses situation as they are, ditching them, or getting better glasses with insurance vs. considering laser eye surgery (discussed it but need to seriously consider possible health risks)

Why not contact lenses?
ProgressEvolution said:
How I Currently Look like (Side Profile, Body, Front-Facing): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... drive_link

Sorry for the spam and triple posting. Happy to help but I’m not requesting access to this with my personal email account. Please make it public for a limited time so we can help.
ProgressEvolution said:
Just shared access to the link again.

For your beard you don’t have much on the cheek so you’ll want to go for a chin strap style or maybe look at Rowan Row on Instagram for his style. More goatee-ish. Main thing is what styles CAN you have, try each and make sure each attempt is clean and neat, take some pics and show us and your female friends etc. then you can decide.

Make sure you trim the bottom of your moustache so that it doesn’t go over your lip. See how there’s the skin in between the beard and the upper lip — you want something visible there, IMO just looks cleaner and these small details show the effort you put into grooming yourself.

Make sure to shave the neck too.

Also trim your eyebrows. This one is tricky, maybe take a solid portrait pic of yourself and play around in photoshop to get a style you want. Then execute it by using a trimmer like this (not endorsing this specific brand but this is the design I use): https://amzn.eu/d/23w2jnF
Or just experiment. I trim my brows and girls love it because I have found a shape that is great for me. You could do threading, they might be able to help you find a style that works for you too, but I got lots of pimples and also it wasn’t on-demand enough for me. So I used wax strips to wax it at home but some hairs would be missed and it was hard to be accurate about what I wanted to be trimmed, so I needed to use tweezers. Save yourself the hassle, use this trimmer and before a date just zoop zoop and in 30 seconds your brows are clean and ready to go.

Regarding your contact lenses, you could try it again with a different brand or dailies which are more hygienic. But if you don’t dare to, glasses can be ok if you pick the right style. I have glasses that are transparent acrylic and it seems fairly trendy right now. You can looksmax in many different ways, don’t need to use LASIK just yet (ie a buff guy in glasses > skinny fat guy who doesn’t need glasses). Fashion in your pics also matters.

one thing is I might consider having some pictures without glasses, and some with, esp the first one or two should be without glasses, but my advice here is not backed by data so pinch of salt.