Be Careful What Music You Listen To

Oct 14, 2021
Hey guys,

I've been experimenting with what type of music I listen to lately and I realized the other night how profound an impact the music you listen to can have.

Most of my life I have listened to older music; the hits of the 60s and 70s mostly, but popular songs from every decade. This included a lot of rock and folk, some country, even some jazz and bluegrass - basically everything except metal and hip hop. Of course, there was some hip hop and metal in there, but not much. I didn't like it. I thought metal was too angry and hip hop was too douchey.

The problem was that most of the music I have been listening to for most of my life has a certain message. That message is sad: it's hopelessly romantic, it's heartbroken, it's needy, it's pathetic and it basically is just simp music.

Even though I didn't really like too much hip hop, I forced myself to start listening to more hip hop about a month or two ago because I wanted to start listening to music that would build myself up instead of tear myself down.

And I've slowly started to enjoy the music more and more and I am now starting to feel like I have a connection with more of the messaging in hip hop and it has made me feel good about myself.

I didn't realize how profound an impact the normal sad music I have been listening to my whole life had until the other night I was driving and decided to listen to some of my older playlists. I was listening to some romantic songs and began to think about some of my ex girlfriends and all of a sudden I was really missing them and wanting to reach out to them and was wondering if things could still workout (some of these girls I haven't talked to in years). I got this huge desire to act out like a simp. That never happened when I was listening to empowering hip hop music and I want to live my life feeling like I do when I'm empowered.

So if you're like me, you might be feeding yourself a bad diet of depressing music or music with depressing lyrics. I say, go and make yourself listen to music that will make you feel better about yourself. You might not love it at first, but keep trying. It will grow on you. Confidence is an acquired taste.

I hope this helps some of you out.

Thanks guys
Wow, I'm glad someone else had the same experience. Can attest to this 100%

I purged my music collection and playlists a couple months ago because I realized listening to it was working to keep me in the past.
It was always an easy escape from stress, just put on some songs from years ago and hide in memories.

That said, I think music is a tool like any other. If you got shit to grieve about, music can help you do that. Just need to be careful about trying to... emo-dial your exes
Can you recommend some of the music you've been listening to? Been trying to expand my tastes lately since I haven't listened to much hip-hop and I'd like to be more familiar with the kind of music they play in clubs.
colgate said:
Can you recommend some of the music you've been listening to? Been trying to expand my tastes lately since I haven't listened to much hip-hop and I'd like to be more familiar with the kind of music they play in clubs.

I have spotify so I've been checking out some of the pre-made hip hop playlists on there. I think one is called beast workout. Notorious BIG is a classic rapper who always talks about how badass he is. 50 cent, lil wayne, Jay Z, eminem. I've actually really enjoyed listening to a lot of Drake, which was surprising because he has a reputation for being kind of soft, but I didn't think so at all.

No matter what you start off listening to, its gonna take time to grow on you. so just be patient.
True. I deleted my whole playlist of modern rap containing lyrics about violence and fucking hoes. I mostly listen to euphoric and uplifting music genres such as euphoric hardstyle, trance and deep house.
What has been working good for me lately was to listen to popular music. Preferably music that gives an edgy/bad boy vibe. I love nerdy shit like metal, classical music, jazz, jrock, but when I'm about to go out I put my weirdo masl off and listen to trap (it also happens that there are a ton of cool artists where I live). I works, it kinda helps you anticipate what kind of music you're gonna listen when you go out so you are not so heavily struck by "club anxiety".

I agree that listening to the same music over and over can feed the comfortable nostalgia that keeps you being a loser. It's good to be more open minded. A lot of trap music, if you let the bias aside, is actually very tastefully made and there is a lot of craft and soul behind it.
Music from previous eras will not make you a loser, at all.....Some of the most badass people in this world are major fanatics of music from that era, hell, many of the guys who made music back then were SLAYERS. Are you talking mostly about SAD music? Or the era?

Music of the 60s and 70s was some of the most incredible music ever written and has inspired some of the greatest artistic creations, thought, and most beautiful contemplation humans have ever made.

Love is not necessarily a doorway into simpery. Many people who want love are not simps at all, have strong boundaries and direct their energy towards excellence. Love is a profoundly powerful force in this world, and has driven man since time immemorial.

Furthermore, people of the earlier eras arguably had higher levels of consciousness, consumer culture was less all-pervasive and people were expanding their horizons beyond the base, primitive, senseless animalistic buzz of the reptilian brain.

In the 60s and 70s, neolithic disease was not anywhere near where it was now, and the popular psyche was healthier, as evidenced by far less mental health problems. We are now living in a Mental Health crisis.

The leading cause of death for younger people now is suicide. In the 70s, it was car accidents. They never, ever would have dreamed people between 17-25 are now killing themselves.

Modern music has in many ways marked a race to the absolute bottom.

Fucking hoes, getting money, owning bullshit possessions and other inane horseshit is fine, but for many, it does not bring happiness and the pursuit washes some people clean and leaves them in the depths of misery.

Furthermore, it is so shot-through by corporate influence now that it could be likened to a form of population control. Some argue modern music is basically turning man into a fucking chimpanzee.

I don't see what you guys are saying. Most people are listening to the music you're describing here, this is fucking normie music, and most people are pissing their lives away?

Edit: If it's just straight up sad music, yeah, that shit is a problem and will hurt your soul. My guilty pleasure is Elliot Smith, a man who wanted to die so badly he stabbed himself twice in the heart.......Yeah, not good for the brain LOL

listen to whatever you want to listen to. all i'm saying is that most music reflects the same social conditioning that I believe a lot of us are trying to throw off. at this point in my life, my goal is to be a player and so i am going to listen to music by players talking about being a player. its the mindset i want to adopt.
chad_chaddington said:
listen to whatever you want to listen to. all i'm saying is that most music reflects the same social conditioning that I believe a lot of us are trying to throw off. at this point in my life, my goal is to be a player and so i am going to listen to music by players talking about being a player. its the mindset i want to adopt.

Totally understand you now, in this context, I agree with you and think you've made some excellent points.

BADASS username btw I love it haha.

Keep hammering,
chad_chaddington said:
Hey guys,

I've been experimenting with what type of music I listen to lately and I realized the other night how profound an impact the music you listen to can have.

Most of my life I have listened to older music; the hits of the 60s and 70s mostly, but popular songs from every decade. This included a lot of rock and folk, some country, even some jazz and bluegrass - basically everything except metal and hip hop. Of course, there was some hip hop and metal in there, but not much. I didn't like it. I thought metal was too angry and hip hop was too douchey.

The problem was that most of the music I have been listening to for most of my life has a certain message. That message is sad: it's hopelessly romantic, it's heartbroken, it's needy, it's pathetic and it basically is just simp music.

Even though I didn't really like too much hip hop, I forced myself to start listening to more hip hop about a month or two ago because I wanted to start listening to music that would build myself up instead of tear myself down.

And I've slowly started to enjoy the music more and more and I am now starting to feel like I have a connection with more of the messaging in hip hop and it has made me feel good about myself.

I didn't realize how profound an impact the normal sad music I have been listening to my whole life had until the other night I was driving and decided to listen to some of my older playlists. I was listening to some romantic songs and began to think about some of my ex girlfriends and all of a sudden I was really missing them and wanting to reach out to them and was wondering if things could still workout (some of these girls I haven't talked to in years). I got this huge desire to act out like a simp. That never happened when I was listening to empowering hip hop music and I want to live my life feeling like I do when I'm empowered.

So if you're like me, you might be feeding yourself a bad diet of depressing music or music with depressing lyrics. I say, go and make yourself listen to music that will make you feel better about yourself. You might not love it at first, but keep trying. It will grow on you. Confidence is an acquired taste.

I hope this helps some of you out.

Thanks guys

100% I've noticed the same thing. I would subconsciously absorb the attitudes and emotions of music I listened to - at one point I turned off all music promoting oneitis (most love songs) or abusive relationships, or love triangles...

Left me with very few songs but there are some awesome ones.

"Not a love song" is pretty awesome. A girl talking about how she just wants to fuck. She's got a sexy voice too.

"Hypnotized" is awesome too.

Plus "Heaven" by Julia Michaels.

I'm not a fan of hip hop, so these songs (sensual girls talking about how they like sex) are perfect. Plus they double as a solid sex playlist.
Big personal component, too. Funny enough, I barely hear 80's pop love songs because they were burned into my skull by so much play time on my parents radio station as a kid. They've quite literally become background noise - but I've noticed if I listen to them for a while, I start becoming inexplicably depressed and anxious.

And then conversely, I listen to a lot of depressing and angsty music, but to me it feels motivating, because it's people being real about their problems. Helps me remember to embrace the suck and keep going.
i seek out empowering, energetic and motivational music

that's the good shit , and it existed in all eras be it 100 years ago or now , it's simply timeless !

fuck everything else
I listen to a lot of EDM. Really pumps up the vibes. Used to listen to angsty alt rock, now I can't relate to it.

Just YouTube any EDC set from the last 1-4 years and make sure you have good audio equipment. Oh, and Cannons is an up and coming artist that will blow your doors off.