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Best advice for boosting sex drive?


May 30, 2020
Sup lads

Title says it all really
Anyone got solid resources on this topic

Specifically if anyone has had experience with sex drive crashing a ton while cutting weight?
Radical said:
Sup lads

Title says it all really
Anyone got solid resources on this topic

Specifically if anyone has had experience with sex drive crashing a ton while cutting weight?

I don't know all that much, but my testosterone has been up and down like crazy since 2019 when I started getting it checked. Anything that drops my test (like heavy cutting) absolutely destroys my sex drive.

When I was just getting into this stuff (through GLL) I suspected I was low and got tested. Came back SUPER low (~250 ng/dl), went to an endocrinologist and got on put on Clomid. That worked for a little while, my level shot up to 1200 and my sex drive went crazy even though I was in a deep cut. Since then I've been up and down a bunch of times. Every time I'm down, I have no sex drive (and can't even get erections unless I'm actually with a girl or jerking off or something).

Have you gotten a testosterone test while in a cut?

If you get tested and your numbers are super low, you can bring it to an endocrinologist and they'll probably help you get it back up. The "regular" doctor I talked to about mine (and from what I've heard, most regular doctors) won't really care unless you're like sub-200 (i.e. way outside the "reference range" - to the point where you're borderline transgender), but the endos I've had have been happy to help even in the mid-high 300's. They might put you on something like I'm on, or HCG, or actual test. Depends on the endo, and how much you want to put up with to fix it.

More plates more dates also has an article related to this: https://moreplatesmoredates.com/natural-bodybuilding-vs-enhanced-bodybuilding-while-cutting/

I'll also occasionally crash it, intentionally, for a couple days before getting tested, since I'd like to keep my levels higher than the lowest level considered "healthy" but the doctors can't prescribe/recommend anything above the bare minimum to put me in the "average" range. So I crash a little before the test, so I measure in the reference range. To do that, I pretty much just eat sugary crap for a couple days, absolutely zero fat, and fuck with my sleep (pull all-nighters, change bed/waking times by several hours every day). If you don't want to do that, something suppressive like most SARMS will also knock your levels way down (for my most recent crash, since I was trying to hold on to muscle, I used Ostarine (7.5 mg/day) for 3 days before the test).

Also don't know if my body adapting to it or what, but Clomid's been getting less effective since then, nowadays my levels are back down around the 300 range and my sex drive has been way down with it (and my emotionalism way up, as y'all've probably noticed :/ ). Just last week my dosage was upped again, but my endo said we're probably going to move to proper TRT (injected test) instead of clomid soon.
What are your calories at?

What's your maintenance?

How long have you been dieting for?

How often are you training and for how long?

Do you know how many sets per week?

I've had it crash before while on 200mg of testosterone per week. I was VERY depleted. Turned down sex from my girlfriend for the first time in my life haha.

What I'm thinking is that you're training too hard, not recovering well enough, test levels are too low (from overtraining and lack of food), and/or likely in too deep of a deficit.

But can't say for sure until those questions are answered.
NotYourAverageNerd said:
When I was just getting into this stuff (through GLL) I suspected I was low and got tested. Came back SUPER low (~250 ng/dl), went to an endocrinologist and got on put on Clomid.

what kind of test did you get that was sufficient for the endocrinologist to prescribe you something? did you just get your free/total test levels checked or was it something more comprehensive?
d00m said:
what kind of test did you get that was sufficient for the endocrinologist to prescribe you something?

It's completely up to the endo.
For my previous one, I got a T test myself (ordered online) before even showing up, he had me take another at his office plus a bunch of others all at once (total/SHBG, Thyroid, LH, Estradiol, etc.) before prescribing anything. The clomid was not the move though, going from just that to actual test was a big change for the better as far as sex drive. My second endo, that put me on actual test, sat on three sub-250 results over six months (while I was on clomid) before prescribing it though, which kinda sucked.

I'm switching to Marek now, so I'll see soon if they're better.
Drail said:
It can be done. It's not testosterone though I will tell you that. It's something else. Not saying that doesn't matter. I don't fully understand it currently. Still has some drawbacks though. Totally doable.

You have no idea what you are missing out on really

Unless you continue what you say, you just wasted my few minutes reading your post.
I've had success with boosting my libido with the following, from most to least potence:

1. Running
2. Lifting
3. NoFap
4. Solid sleep
5. Supplements
6. Quitting caffeine & sugar

Anyone interested in a sleep guide? I have all kinds of techniques and concepts that can seriously help. There's more to sleep than you think; from white noise, ear plugs, eye masks, blackout curtains, and the third eye, I believe I can make a solid contribution.
Vice said:
Anyone interested in a sleep guide? I have all kinds of techniques and concepts that can seriously help. There's more to sleep than you think; from white noise, ear plugs, eye masks, blackout curtains, and the third eye, I believe I can make a solid contribution.

Yeah please do. I am trying to fix my sleep. Yesterday I woke up 6:30 AM to join a networking event & felt great. Today at 9:15 AM & felt a bit bad I woke up so late.
My sex drive has been pretty low too tbh. I been taking some supplements that have helped though:

1. Fadogia Agrestis - This will literally make your balls bigger as it will cause your body to produce testosterone
2. Tongkat Ali - Testosterone Booster
3. L-Citruline - Vasodilator that increases bloodflow which in turn makes you get hard with even a little stimulation

There's this podcast called Huberman Lab that I got this info from and it's pretty interesting and seems to be working for me as i've been waking up with constant morning wood and thinking about sex first thing every morning as well as constantly throughout the day
Not that I recommend either but

Melanotan-2: 200mcg shot seemed to do some notable magic

Modafinil: created a sense of hyper-sensuality and horniness
Maca powder + B12
Brazil nuts
Vitamin D3 + sunlight
Black seed oil
High dietary cholesterol (ex. 800 mg from 4+ whole eggs or cod/beef liver)
Good sleep like everyone else has mentioned
I guess you could try maximizing good things and minimizing bad things:

good things:
-Cardio (walking some kilometers every day is a start)
-Lifting (I like having kettlebels and swing them like if they were some kind of medieval weapon)
-talking with sexy girls, even if they are only friends or coworkers
-sleep a lot (check with a sleep monitoring clock and see if you get close to those 8 hours per day)
-have fun

bad things:
-are you with a girl you dont feel atracted?
-too much time alone
-very low calories diet or extremely low fat (natural testosterone is fabricaded from colesterol)
-are you cycling testosterone?
-feeling deppresed

Personally, I would check all the natural approach thingies, before going for medication. The only medication is TRT for live, and it is a complicated subject.

The "natural foods" approach I dont think will help you. Studies about ginsengs, papayas, coffee, all that stuff... they have really micro-impacts, if any.
Everyone has great suggestions. I’d really suggest cutting down on porn and jerking off to see if that helps. If you can get an Rx for Viagra or Cialis, that was also a game changer for me. 20mg of Cialis and I’m ready to fucking go.
Zinc + Arginine guys
After just 4 days you'll have harder erections and shoot bigger loads
I started experimenting with Zinc + maca recently, seems so far i am getting harder erections and more often morning wood. Bigger loads aswell.
What has worked for me:

  • Icing / cooling my balls 2-3 times per day (before falling asleep especially - I wake up with crazy morning wood that doesn't go away after the first morning pee)
  • Maca root - the non gelatinized type if in powdered form
  • L-Citrulline / Arginine (Citrulline converts to arginine when it's broken down in the liver, effectively giving you a longer lasting effect)
  • Working out consistently - focusing on heavy compound lifts
  • Getting enough sleep
  • Clean diet

When I was in the US this summer I came across a supplement called Steel Libido, which revved up my sexual desire noticeably after 60 minutes. It contains the following:

  • KSM-66 Ashwaganda
  • Maca root powder
  • Fenugreek extract
  • Horny goat weed
  • Muria Puama extract
  • Panax Ginseng
  • Cayenne powder
  • Black pepper extract

I imagine one could buy each component separately and have the same effect.

My go-to these days is:
Icing my balls
Getting enough sleep
Jerk it once a week (sundays, usually), at max, if I am not getting laid regularly.

I've done no-fap for 90+ days in the past and have also found that to be extremely helpful in terms of boosting sex drive.

Also worth mentioning that using the bathmate regularly helps with feeling hung, generally.

I've also experimented with supplementing with selenium and sunflower lechitin (+arginine before I discovered Cirtrulline) , which, if you drink enough water, definitely increased my load / intensified my rogasm, which in turn made me crave orgasming more.
Hard2Focus said:
  • Icing / cooling my balls 2-3 times per day (before falling asleep especially - I wake up with crazy morning wood that doesn't go away after the first morning pee)

How do you do that? Straight up put some ice on your balls? :)