Best text strategy after getting numbers from cold approach?

Oct 30, 2020
I'm conflicted between two methods.

a. Get her number, send her a text with your name immediately. Ask her if she's free to meet on <1-2 days later> at <some random spot/view near my apartment>

b. Get her number, send her a text with your name immediately. Start texting her for a day or two, and THEN ask her out.

I'm worried if I go with option A they'll flake much more because there's barely any rapport. On the other hand I don't want to be her texting buddy and kill the mystery.
Get her number, text her for a bit, invite her over to ur place. Get as far as you can. if not, schedule a date.

ur mentally jacking off again btw. you dont need to ask us for everything, do it yourself. just remember: aggressive is best

I found this really upped my texting game a lot. No one is perfect and I'm always trying to be better but at least read it to get the knowledge in your brain. It's a quick read shouldn't take more than 15 minutes going slow.
Rapport (beyond basic “I’m not a creep and I’m socially normal” convo) is unnecessary. Either they’re into you or they’re not.
This is generally what I do:
Text 1: "Hey it's <your name>!".
Text 2: "Nice meeting you."
Text 3: "I know we only met briefly, but I thought you were a really cool girl and I thought we shared a connection. Do you want to grab a drink tonight at 8pm?"
I’d say (disclaimer: from my limited approach experience) that it comes down to situational awareness.

If you gave her a clear expectation in person that you were setting a date with her, option A all the way.

I’ve had encounters that have gone like this though:
“Hey you’re cute blah blah”
“I’d love to stop and chat but I really have to be somewhere”
“Cool how about I grab your number and we’ll talk later”

Option B in that situation.