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Brandon Builds - On my way back to Austin

Bman said:
I really liked @twonightstander 's idea of using Krauser’s Daygame Mastery to structure approaches, focusing on one portion of the approach each week to master.
Thanks for the mention my man. As AskTheDom said though, I will go with "Street Hustle" first and map out the weeks from there. Then once I have a basic model implemented I can do to Daygame Mastery. I'll be documenting it in my log but we can definitely discuss separately how we will map the weeks in case we can find similarities or suggestions that might be worth testing. Get after it!!!
AskTheDom said:
Well since you bought the book, I tell you as i've been reading material for the last decade, it's probably the opus magnum and you don't need anything else

I just downloaded it from the internet. But good to know from your experience it's top of the resources for referencing.

Holden said:
You have a polarizing look and you have a sexualized profile on top of that. You can't afford to not act like a hypersexualized rockstar when you meet girls. It's wildly incongruent. The date at the bar is there to show her you're not a serial killer. Once that is made clear (after 10-15 minutes) you invite them to your place.

Agreed and recognize. The lays I had previously I pulled in 20 mins or less. I will aim for that in future dates. Might just set an alarm on my phone on vibrate in my pocket to give myself a reminder if I need.

Holden said:
Try looking at it this way: "I'm a MAN, she's a WOMAN, that's enough." Reframe it like this and embrace the polarity.

There exists a natural attraction between men and women and all you have to do is not fuck it up. In practice that means shutting up and holding eye contact.

Find a PDF of "60 Years of Challenge" it's an old PUA book that helped me out a lot and did the most for me probably. OG stuff.

Thanks for the reframe and resource. I'll work on that.
Bman said:
AskTheDom said:
Well since you bought the book, I tell you as i've been reading material for the last decade, it's probably the opus magnum and you don't need anything else

I just downloaded it from the internet. But good to know from your experience it's top of the resources for referencing.

Holden said:
You have a polarizing look and you have a sexualized profile on top of that. You can't afford to not act like a hypersexualized rockstar when you meet girls. It's wildly incongruent. The date at the bar is there to show her you're not a serial killer. Once that is made clear (after 10-15 minutes) you invite them to your place.

Agreed and recognize. The lays I had previously I pulled in 20 mins or less. I will aim for that in future dates. Might just set an alarm on my phone on vibrate in my pocket to give myself a reminder if I need.

Holden said:
Try looking at it this way: "I'm a MAN, she's a WOMAN, that's enough." Reframe it like this and embrace the polarity.

There exists a natural attraction between men and women and all you have to do is not fuck it up. In practice that means shutting up and holding eye contact.

Find a PDF of "60 Years of Challenge" it's an old PUA book that helped me out a lot and did the most for me probably. OG stuff.

Thanks for the reframe and resource. I'll work on that.

I agree with Holden entirely.
Women that comes to date with you are probably expecting you to be some sort of wild animal in bed that is going to be dominating and ravaging them like crazy fulfilling a lot of "fantasies" they have, then they go on a date with you and you behave like a normal "nice" guy that kinda put them off.
Looking at your photos, I would expect "rockstar a bit jerk with no fucks given" attitude
This week’s reflection

Thank you guys for the continued advice. I find it helpful and try hard to implement what you mention. I feel like an idiot fumbling at each step of this, but these skills don’t come natural to me so I’m bound to feel like a fool in the beginning. No lays, but this week feels like good improvement though.

Holden , I looked for "60 Years of Challenge" but there were multiple versions of pdfs labeled that name that had different text. Was not sure which you were referring to.

Lessons Learned this week:
  • Text game: Significantly improved. Krauser’s Daygame Mastery and Mr.V’s guide to texting really helped here. Did a lot more teasing, push and pull, ect which I believe helped me to land 10 numbers this week and get 4 dates scheduled for next week, an improvement from last week.
  • Vibe: Read Troy Francis’ “How to be an Asshole” which helped with my vibe as I was texting, focusing on myself more and pulling the girls into my frame.
  • Consistent Volume: Tried to average about 100 DM’s everyday on Hinge. Then boosting on Tinder every 3-4 days which has helped as well.

Weekly Stats:

Saturday 8/20
  • Hinge: 35 DMs, 0 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Tinder: 1 Boost, 15 Likes, 4 Matches, 1 Numbers
  • Bumble: 0 Matches
  • CA: 0/1

  • Hinge: 130 DMs, 4 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Tinder: 1 Boosts, 15 Likes, 4 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Bumble: 0 Matches
  • CA: 0/1

  • Hinge: 100 DMs, 5 Matches, 1 Numbers
  • Tinder: 0 Boosts, 2 Likes, 1 Matches, 1 Numbers
  • Bumble: 0 Matches
  • CA: 0

  • Hinge: 85 DMs, 4 Matches, 1 Numbers
  • Tinder: 0 Boosts, 3 Likes, 3 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Bumble: 0 Matches
  • CA: 0

  • Hinge: 148 DMs, 5 Matches, 1 Numbers
  • Tinder: 0 Boosts, 0 Likes, 0 Matches, 0 Numbers, 1 Date Scheduled
  • Bumble: 0 Matches
  • CA: 0

  • Hinge: 54 DMs, 5 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Tinder: 0 Boosts, 0 Likes, 0 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Bumble: 0 Matches
  • CA: 0

  • Hinge: 100 DMs, 5 Matches, 1 Numbers, 1 Date Scheduled
  • Tinder: 0 Boosts, 0 Likes, 0 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Bumble: 0 Matches
  • CA: 0

Saturday 8/27
  • Hinge: 100 DMs, 10 Matches, 3 Numbers, 2 Date Scheduled
  • Tinder: 0 Boosts, 0 Likes, 0 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Bumble: 0 Matches
  • CA: 0


Tinder: Boosting about every 3-4 days. A couple of the boosts this week got 10-15 likes rather than the 7 I’d been getting previously.

Hinge: Been consistent with DM’ing on average 100 girls a day. From the stats above I get about 5 matches, which is 1:20 girls. This Saturday it was 1:10 girls. Not bad.

Of the numbers I got, one was 6/10, most were 7’s, a few 8’s, and a 9 that is hot blonde bombshell.

The 9 felt like a win for me this week because I was focusing on getting better at text game and it was definitely needed with this girl. Despite how hot I thought she was, I kept teasing her. Landed her number and tried setting a date for within the following two days. She said she could do the next day but would not be off work till late (she’s a bartender). Again, despite how hot she was, no girl is worth me sacrificing a productive day of working on my shit from a lack of sleep. I know some of you would probably disagree, but that’s a hard line for me. That’s my priorities. So I told her that was too late for me and did not get another text back. Figured I would ping her next week. But if I lost her, oh well. I got one hottie, I can get another.


Saturday (Yesterday): Date from Tinder, 21, very tall, slender, black girl. Could easily model if she wanted. I’m 5’10 and this girl was easily 5 or 6 inches taller than me. Felt like I was copying colgate or something. Haha. But alas, no pull.

I’m going to try to break this down the best I can so I can identify what I did well and where I need to improve.

Matched with this girl early in the week, pretty standard text stack, tried to schedule with a couple days, but she was not able to meet till Saturday. She also took a very long time to respond between texts and did not invest much in the conversation.

When Saturday came, I sent a confirmation text in the morning and heard no response all day. Figured she was flaking so I tried setting up a date with one of the new numbers I got. Our date was at 6 and she texted at 5:30 if we could push the later because she got done with work late. I said yes lets do 7. I thought she was flaking so I need to clean my apt up a bit and shower still anyways.

Went to the bar at 7 and got a text from her at 7:10 that she had just left and was 30 mins away. I contemplated telling her let’s reschedule but she was already driving. She got there at 7:45, hugged her when she came in, and we got something to drink.

Sat down opposite at a table and we started chatting. She had a neutral emotional level and did not talk much. She seems more introverted and says she doesn’t really like people. But then I would ask her a question sometimes or say something that really lit her face up, get her excited, and laugh. Then sometimes the conversation would die down and I tried to just stare in her eyes and build tension in those moments.

I asked her back to my place about 15-20 minutes in after the conversation had turned to sex.

She said: “Tonight? I just wanted to feel you out tonight.”


“I like you. How abooooout… tomorrow after I get off work.”

“I’m busy tomorrow, but free Tuesday or Thursday this week.” (Already had another date scheduled next day)

“Tuesday after 5? That’s when I get off work”

“Yes. After 5.”

“Soooo…. What are you gonna do to me?”

Here I contemplated whether to take the conversation very explicit or to roll it off and make her own mind wander. I decided that because she already said no to the pull, that I did not feel like giving her the emotional satisfaction of describing some sexual act.

“If I tell you, that would ruin the surprise and all the fun.”

Now maybe I could have briefly started some sexual story then stopped midway to make her mind wander more. Maybe this would have turned her on more. But I chose this route. I already knew I had a date tomorrow and because it was getting late (for me) I was glad to be getting sleep.

We chatted for about 10 more minutes on basic stuff and I told her I was going to head home.

“Sure, you don’t want to come back to mine?”


“Okaaay” said in a suit yourself tone.

Walked her back to her car. Decided not to go for a kiss because I’ve made out a bit with girls in the past, go no 2nd date. So just trying the other way out. As she opened her car door she said:

“Are you sure you don’t want to tell me what you’re going to do?”

“Why ruin the surprise?”

She then proceeded to spill the drink she had gotten all over her driver’s seat and I said that is some terrible luck, which we laughed about before I left.

What I feel I did well:

  • Improvement on time: I tried pulling earlier and when it was a no I ended the date shortly after.
  • Asked twice: Have not done this in the past dates.
  • Stuck to decision: Although I don’t know if it was the correct route to take on the sex talk, I at least stuck with the decision once it was made.”
  • Eye contact: Tried to hold eye contact more during the lulls in conversation to build more tension.
  • Seeded the 2nd date: Felt like it was a good sign she suggested the second date and then we scheduled it before leaving.

What I feel I didn’t do well:

  • Sitting opposite: ¾ of my lays since starting on KYIL I sat next to them vs opposite of them. I definitely feel more intimate and sexually charged towards them when I do this. Just need to get over awkward when we first sit down to either tell them to sit next to me or get back up and sit next to her.
  • Vibe: Need to take the flirting I’m doing in texting and bring it over to in person. Doesn’t come natural so I’m working on it.
  • Frame: Felt a bit like a frame battle with the scheduling, her being late, and then the sex question. Don’t know if I handled this the best way.
  • Sex Question: Not sure if I should have divulged into some roleplay or story, or just rolled it of in some better way.

Dates Next Week

Sunday (Today): Have a date scheduled for today. Usually I don’t do Sundays as they are days for me to rest and focus on myself, but this girl is very kinky, very submissive, and seems DTF. We matched about a month ago but her work schedule has kept her busy. But she has still been very keen on meeting and being my sub. I’m pretty fucking horny and ready to rail this girl. So here we are.

Also dates scheduled Monday, Tuesday (2nd date), Wednesday. Also have other girls in process of getting scheduled and ones coming back from trips to try and schedule as well.

Cold Approach

Went out a couple times this week but got way too in my head about it for some reason, so did not approach. I’m very focused on the apps at the moment, but I know eventually this will take some significant dedication to go out every day to make it second nature.


I think I did better with this date, at least better than my novice self. How did I handle this date? Where could I have done better?
This week’s reflection

Solid week this week.

Lessons Learned this week:
  • Dates: Building a date stack based on modifying Krauser’s Daygame Mastery date model. Think it helped with the 2 lays this week, but too small a sample size to tell. For the other dates with no pulls, need to still improve ending the date when I feel I’m done or not interested.
  • Beetroot powder: Works wonders for making you hard as a rock. If I take it too late in the day though it warms my body up too much and hard to sleep.

Weekly Stats:

  • Sunday: Rescheduled – Had work emergency
  • Monday: Lay #8: Strawberry Girl: https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=41635#p41635
  • Tuesday: Rescheduled – On her period
  • Wednesday: Lay #9: Wednesday Girl: https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=41764#p41764
  • Thursday: Rescheduled – she apologized by sending me nudes, how sweet
  • Friday: Date; no pull – she was going to a concert right after our date. Setup 2nd date.
  • Sunday: Date; no pull – was not that into her, vibe was off

  • Hinge: 60 DMs, 4 Matches, 2 Numbers
  • Tinder: 0 Boosts, 0 Likes, 0 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Bumble: 0 Matches
  • CA: 0/1

  • Hinge: 23 DMs, 2 Matches, 1 Numbers
  • Tinder: 0 Boosts, 0 Likes, 0 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Bumble: 0 Matches
  • CA: 0

  • Hinge: 35 DMs, 2 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Tinder: 0 Boosts, 0 Likes, 0 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Bumble: 0 Matches
  • CA: 0

  • Hinge: 35 DMs, 1 Matches, 1 Numbers
  • Tinder: 0 Boosts, 0 Likes, 3 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Bumble: 0 Matches
  • CA: 0

  • Hinge: 36 DMs, 1 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Tinder: 0 Boosts, 0 Likes, 3 Matches, 1 Numbers
  • Bumble: 0 Matches
  • CA: 0

  • Hinge: 36 DMs, 2 Matches, 1 Numbers, 1 Date Scheduled
  • Tinder: 0 Boosts, 0 Likes, 0 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Bumble: 0 Matches
  • CA: 0

  • Hinge: 38 DMs, 3 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Tinder: 0 Boosts, 1 Likes, 0 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Bumble: 0 Matches
  • CA: 0


Because I was so booked from number farming last week, I did not boost or reach out to 100+ girls each day. Instead I did about a 1/3rd just to trickle in a few leads in case previous ones dry up. Still have girls I need to schedule after returning from trips and a couple to aim for FWB retention, so continuing to do low volume.

Tinder: No boosts or swiping; few matches here and there.

Hinge: Still messaged about 30 girls on averages per day which resulted in match per day.

Bumble: Rearranged/updated my picture to see if I can start to get more leads coming from here.


Monday: Tried out a date stack I’ve been building for myself based on Krauser’s Daygame Mastery model. Felt it worked out well. Lay report here: https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=41635#p41635

Wednesday: Did the same stack. This girl is gets pretty anxious, but a solid 8 and very feminine which I really like. Would really like to make this one a FWB. Lay report here: https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=41764#p41764

Friday: This girl was going to a concert right after which through off the escalation stack I’d been trying earlier in the week. I also didn’t really feel like trying to squeeze in a quickie with her being as I already got laid earlier this week. So I figured I would aim for locking in a 2nd date. Date went well and think there will be a 2nd date after she returns from her trip to Milan.
However, what I want to improve on is cutting the time on the date once I have had my fill. I have written about this before, but with women that are more talkative and extroverted I hesitate to interrupt to end the date. It’s horrible habit from childhood and my dad just rambling on forever and me just feeling like I had to listen. Now that I have been on several dates, I can feel at about 45 mins my energy levels start to drain. If I go over an hour I start to get more quiet, checkout, apathetic and definitely not vibing. With this date I didn’t know when to end because I was not trying to pull. I should have ended when I felt done. Don’t think it hurt my chances with this girl, just something I want to improve.

Saturday: Following from what I mentioned above, I should have ended this date way earlier.
We matched on hinge, she seemed decent looking, was poly and normally a dom but looking to be more sub. She was pretty receptive, even booking a week out.

When I got to the coffee bar and met her, I was only semi attracted to her. Decent body and face was ok. I was trying the date stack again, and in the convo in the beginning was decent. Probably 30 mins in I tried pulling, to which she replied “not today, I don’t think I have fully figured out if you’re a serial killer or not.” Just rolled it off and continued on with the conversation. Then came the a waterfall of what felt like shit tests pretty much questioning every part of the way I live my life, asking why I live a certain way, why I think I’m dominant, what my situation is with other girls. She even asked what my typical first dates are like and my pull rate.
It was really a big turn off, but I was amused by it and just answered every question straightforwardly in a matter of fact tone, practicing just being comfortable with who I am and saying that to her. Of course looking back now it would have been a good time to practice pressure flipping so she was qualifying and not me or just ending the date after the no pull.

She told me she has another partner now that is a married guy that is a sugar daddy and pays her to use a strap on and fuck him in the ass. And that she usually attracts more submissive guys. Overall she has a more masculine energy and enjoys the dom role but said she wanted to try being more submissive.

The date went for 60 mins, but I should have ended much earlier, especially after the gut feeling of only being semi attracted in the beginning. I tend to give benefit of the doubt and see if I will build more attraction as the date goes on. She seemed decent enough for ONS, but not for the energy commitment of overcoming shit tests. She said she was attracted to me and wanted to plan a second date, but honestly I’m not that interested. I clearly got the vibe check wrong here.

Dates Next Week
Date scheduled today from the girl who sent nudes as an apology for needing to reschedule. She lives far away and has a shitty work schedule so it’s been difficult to get her pinned down.

Nothing scheduled yet on other days. Need to ping the girls back from trips this week and setup retention lays from the girls this week.

Cold Approach

No approaches this week. Busy with dates.
This week’s reflection

Was sick early this week and got over it mid-week, so didn’t focus too much on getting dates early in the week.

Lessons Learned this week:
  • Scheduling Girls after Trips: I have had zero luck with getting girls scheduled after they come back from a trip. Will push harder in the future to get the date before they go.
  • Double Booking Dates: Did my first double book this week, but I booked them both at 6 at the same place. What I should have done was offset them by an hour and at different places.
  • Trying out Feel’d: A date last week mentioned the app and said there is a scene here in ATX so giving it a go. So far have one date scheduled from it.

Weekly Stats:

  • Friday: Lay #10 – Black Meek: https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=42272#p42272
  • Saturday: Rescheduled; she had work emergency

  • Hinge: 51 DMs, 3 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Tinder: 0 Boosts, 0 Likes, 1 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Feel’d: 0 Matches
  • Bumble: 0 Matches
  • CA: 0

  • Hinge: 16 DMs, 1 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Tinder: 0 Boosts, 1 Likes, 0 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Feel’d: 0 Matches
  • Bumble: 0 Matches
  • CA: 0

  • Hinge: 55 DMs, 1 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Tinder: 0 Boosts, 0 Likes, 0 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Feel’d: 0 Matches
  • Bumble: 0 Matches
  • CA: 0

  • Hinge: 83 DMs, 3 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Tinder: 1 Boosts, 6 Likes, 3 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Feel’d: 0 Matches
  • Bumble: 0 Matches
  • CA: 0

  • Hinge: 100 DMs, 7 Matches, 1 Numbers
  • Tinder: 0 Boosts, 0 Likes, 3 Matches, 1 Numbers
  • Feel’d: 2 Matches, 1 Number
  • Bumble: 0 Matches
  • CA: 0

  • Hinge: 100 DMs, 2 Matches, 1 Numbers, 0 Date Scheduled
  • Tinder: 0 Boosts, 0 Likes, 2 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Feel’d: 1 Matches
  • Bumble: 0 Matches
  • CA: 0

  • Hinge: 31 DMs, 2 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Tinder: 0 Boosts, 0 Likes, 1 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Feel’d: 0 Matches
  • Bumble: 0 Matches
  • CA: 0


Tried setting up dates from leads from last two weeks that were girls coming back from trips. Some engaged the ping text, others didn’t. But didn’t seem to get any out.

I think tracking stats has really helped me to create a system that fills my calendar. If I have a ton of leads I drop the volume. If leads start drying up, I return to high volume and fill the pipeline.

Tinder: Just one boost this week which didn’t return anything great.

Hinge: As my leads dried up I went back to messaging a 100 girls a day, as the schedule fills I drop back to 30.

Feel’d: Trying it out based on a date’s suggestion from last week. So far I have matched a couple girls and scheduled a date. Maybe when my Tinder subscription goes up I might pay for a month of Feel’d and see how it returns.


Friday: 2nd date straight to the crib and Lay #10: https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=42272#p42272

Saturday: Double booked for 6 with two girls. Sent the confirmation text in the morning to the hotter one. Didn’t hear anything all day. Unfortunately I made the rookie mistake of booking them both at 6 at the same place. I was afraid they were both going to show up at the same time, so I rescheduled with the less hot one. Then finally got a text with the hotter one an hour before saying she needed to reschedule. So I could have went out with the other girl, but I already cancelled. Rookie moves, lesson learned.

Dates Next Week
Date scheduled Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday next week.
This week’s reflection

Pretty uneventful week. Had one date. Would like to work more on my kino during dates. I still get nervous about touching girls during the date.

Weekly Stats:

  • Friday: Date; no lay – she had herpes so I said no.
  • Thursday: Rescheduled
  • Friday: Canceled

  • Hinge: 100 DMs, 4 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Tinder: 0 Boosts, 0 Likes, 0 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Feel’d: 0 Matches
  • Bumble: 0 Matches
  • CA: 0

  • Hinge: 55 DMs, 2 Matches, 1 Numbers
  • Tinder: 0 Boosts, 1 Likes, 0 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Feel’d: 0 Matches
  • Bumble: 0 Matches
  • CA: 0

  • Hinge: 20 DMs, 2 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Tinder: 0 Boosts, 0 Likes, 0 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Feel’d: 0 Matches, 1 Numbers
  • Bumble: 0 Matches
  • CA: 0

  • Hinge: BANNED, 50 DMs, 2 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Tinder: 0 Boosts, 0 Likes, 1 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Feel’d: 0 Matches
  • Bumble: 0 Matches
  • CA: 0

  • Hinge: 61 DMs, 6 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Tinder: 0 Boosts, 0 Likes, 0 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Feel’d: 0 Matches, 0 Number
  • Bumble: 0 Matches
  • CA: 0

  • Hinge: 100 DMs, 8 Matches, 0 Numbers, 0 Date Scheduled
  • Tinder: 1 Boosts, 4 Likes, 2 Matches, 1 Numbers
  • Feel’d: 0 Matches
  • Bumble: 1 Matches
  • CA: 0

  • Hinge: 130 DMs, 8 Matches, 1 Numbers
  • Tinder: 0 Boosts, 0 Likes, 1 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Feel’d: 0 Matches
  • Bumble: 0 Matches
  • CA: 0


Ran out leads at the end of this week. Tried pinging old leads but did not get responses. So time to ramp up the volume and number farm next week.

Tinder: Have not really got anything passively on here. Could probably still use some more photo updating. Just one boost this week. Will boost more next week.

Hinge: Had my account banned again. If anyone reading this gets their’s banned, follow this process. Done it twice now and confim it works. Nice part is I get a hard reset. Shitty part is Hinge’s algorithm that shows you less attractive girls first, so you have to wade through a bunch to get to the gems later.

Feel’d: No new matches, but sitting on 12 likes I can’t see till I pay (or match). I’ll drop 10 bucks after letting them stack up to go through them.


Wednesday: Matched on Feel’d. Kinky girl. I actually matched with her on Hinge the night before the date and did not recognize her. She messaged me and asked if we were still on for tomorrow. Played it off by telling her I didn’t recognize her on hinge without her collar (she was wearing one in her Feel’d profile). We had some witty banter back and forth and date was still on.
She actually showed up early and messaged me while I was walking to the bar. It’s a nice change of pace to have girls show up early. I have only had 2 other girls show up early and I slept with both of them. Seems like a good sign of investment. She was reading a book while waiting, so I started the convo talking about books. Did my stack of body language being disinterested in the beginning and even disagreeing with some of her points. Then about 15 mins in, turned my body towards her, slightly brushing her legs with mine, and conversation turned towards sex. At about 30 minutes I was about to go for the pull, but she let me know she had herpes, she takes the meds for it and not on an outbreak, but said she understood if that was a deal breaker. I told her it was, and since it was a deal breaker (and we wouldn’t be having sex) I was going to call it a night but it was really nice to meet her. I felt kinda bad because I ended it so abruptly after that, clearly showing I was only there for sex. But that was truth, and I was just respecting both my time and hers.

Thursday: Rescheduled. This girl lives like an hour away and has been a pain to get over.

Friday: Canceled. She said she had a super shitty week and was not going to be able to give me her full energy. Tried to do Mr.V’s “come out, it will make you feel better” but no cigar. Probably a bs excuse, but will try to reschedule. Not holding my breath through.

Dates Next Week

I have been trying to get Wednesday Girl over again. After getting a response from the “I had fun” text, I had sent her a ping a few days after we hooked up but got no response. Figured I was being ghosted, but would send one more ping. Waited about a week and half and sent her Playing with Fire’s “Happy Friday” Ryan Gosling ping which she replied to but then tried to start a conversation and got nothing back. I know she gets anxious and is a people pleaser, but if she was ghosting why do the nicety of replying again? Regardless, I’m going to send one final one just asking if she is free on day and time. She’s hot, which is the only reason I’m following up so many times. If she does ghost, on to the next.

Nothing scheduled yet. Have a second date I need to schedule which I feel actually has a good chance of.
Bman said:
Playing with Fire’s “Happy Friday” Ryan Gosling ping which she replied to but then tried to start a conversation and got nothing back.
I used to do this as well like a year or so back, but I ran into the same trouble as you. Girls reply to the meme but don't keep up the conversation after that.

Re-engagement is really difficult. The only thing that works semi-reliably in my experience is texting girls while I have an IG Story running of me being out with another girl. And that still isn't foolproof (there's no guarantee she'll check your story)
Holden said:
I used to do this as well like a year or so back, but I ran into the same trouble as you. Girls reply to the meme but don't keep up the conversation after that.

Re-engagement is really difficult. The only thing that works semi-reliably in my experience is texting girls while I have an IG Story running of me being out with another girl. And that still isn't foolproof (there's no guarantee she'll check your story)

I don't use any other social media other than LinkedIn. So shit out of luck there. I think I read in your log somewhere though that you have recorded videos of girls and sent it to other girls before. Might give that a try in the future.

This week’s reflection

Before getting into this week’s reflection, just want to say thanks to the community and of course those who started it. Sometimes when I’m alone about to go on a date or out cold approaching by myself, I look at the other people and think “nobody else is doing this”. Then I think about the rest of you guys in your separate cities all doing the same thing. It’s cool to read some of your guys’ stories and know that we are all putting in the work across the globe.

Ok, enough with the flowery kumbayah. Let’s get down to business.

Weekly Stats:

  • Monday-Thursday: Shit time trying to get girls scheduled.
  • Friday: Canceled. Wants to reschedule, told her I’ll get back to her next week.
  • Saturday: Lay 11 - https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=43124#p43124

  • Hinge: 107 DMs, 4 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Tinder: 0 Boosts, 0 Likes, 2 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Feel’d: 3 Matches
  • Bumble: 0 Matches
  • CA: 0

  • Hinge: 60 DMs, 2 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Tinder: 0 Boosts, 0 Likes, 0 Matches, 1 Numbers
  • Feel’d: 1 Matches
  • Bumble: 1 Matches
  • CA: 0

  • Hinge: 94 DMs, 1 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Tinder: 0 Boosts, 0 Likes, 2 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Feel’d: 1 Matches
  • Bumble: 0 Matches
  • CA: 0

  • Hinge: 100 DMs, 0 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Tinder: 0 Boosts, 0 Likes, 0 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Feel’d: 0 Matches
  • Bumble: 0 Matches
  • CA: 0

  • Hinge: 30 DMs, 1 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Tinder: 0 Boosts, 0 Likes, 0 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Feel’d: 3 Matches, 0 Number
  • Bumble: 0 Matches
  • CA: 0

  • Hinge: 75 DMs, 3 Matches, 0 Numbers, 0 Date Scheduled
  • Tinder: 0 Boosts, 2 Likes, 1 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Feel’d: 0 Matches
  • Bumble: 0 Matches
  • CA: 0

  • Hinge: 56 DMs, 3 Matches, 1 Numbers
  • Tinder: 0 Boosts, 0 Likes, 0 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Feel’d: 0 Matches
  • Bumble: 0 Matches
  • CA: 0


Tinder: Still garnering passive leads occasionally without doing any swiping. Nice to have girls message me so direct like this:

Date set for Monday.

Hinge: Still tried and true app for me. Hit heavy volume in beginning of the week and slowed down as I started getting dates scheduled.

Feel’d: Racking up likes here. The vibe here is different than on Hinge. On Hinge most people are vanilla, so when I open with the BDSM script it stands out. But on Feel’d that’s the majority so it’s less effective. The girls conversations on here are more engaging though and they write a lot more in their bios. So I’m going to try openers that are more tailored to each girl, as I have a lot more to go off than the standard 1 sentence Tinder Bio.

Bumble: Feel like my profile is too edgy here. Might try not leading so hard with the BDSM to see what happens. The quality of girls I see on Bumble seems higher, so would be nice to get a few leads coming in from here. Hinge is great because I can message first and lead with intrigue. Getting a girl to message first on Bumble is like pulling teeth.


When scheduling dates I pushed them out to the end of the week because I was trying to leave the beginning open for a 2nd date with a girl coming back from Milan. I feel confident in pulling on the 2nd date with her, so was trying to go for the sure thing. But she works as high profile business consultant and had to go run workshops in Chicago right after she got back.
Tried getting some other girls scheduled but nothing panned out for those days.

Friday: Canceled. She was “having a bad week”. Maybe she was maybe she wasn’t. I don’t know. She suggested rescheduling and still seems down to go out. I told her I’ll back to her next week. I already had dates scheduled.

Saturday: Lay 11: https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=43124#p43124

Dates Next Week

Monday with the girl from the Tinder message above. Was supposed to have another one Wednesday but she literally just cancelled as I was writing this post. Grateful she cancelled early so I can fill the spot.

Cold Approach

Because I actually had a free night without having a date scheduled (I know, what a problem to have) I thought I would go do a CA session. It’s been a while since I have been out, so the AA creeped in and I didn’t end up doing any approaches. The first one is always the hardest, then I start getting in the groove. But couldn’t even muster the first.

The excuses I told myself before did not show up. Instead they were along the lines of “what’s the point, she probably has a boyfriend/fiancé/husband anyways” as has been 90% of responses I have received in my approaches. While that may be true, it does not matter. It’s still the same AA.

With the volume you can do online, and relative effort it takes, it’s just more efficient. But that means I’m not hungry to approach. Also, when I was first approaching I was not yet seeing much traction online. If I’m going to actually get over AA and meaningfully learn CA skills I am going to have to it consistently, not just when I get a free night.

My ultimate goal with all this is to get laid. I’m doing that online. But I also enjoy the confidence and social skills I’ve gained from CA which have poured over into networking (more on that in a minute). So I still want to give it attention.

My initial idea is to possibly set aside one week of every month and one month of every 3-6 months where I don’t use online at all and go out to approach. This way I’m still having some periods of time where I consistently focus on it.


So right now I’m grinding on the startup. Revenue will take time to come with that. In the meantime, I wanted to start making some extra income to put into stocks and crypto during the dip. So I decided to start doing freelance web design again. Except instead of hunting for clients, I want to build a completely referral business with this.

I inadvertently started a 365 day project because each day I have been sending one email to a contact I have not spoken to in a long time just to see what they have been working on and how I may be able to help. In literally the first email I sent, a connection of mine referred me to a nonprofit that needs 5-10k project done. Already have had the discovery call and sending the proposal Monday morning.

But this also prompted me to want to start networking in person again. I started doing this last year, but honestly was shit at it. I was fine at holding conversations, but mr.introvert did not want to approach anybody or be that sociable.

Well this week I went to one and it was a world of difference. Was a small gathering of entrepreneurs and was sort of like a book club where we discussed a bunch of nonfiction books. When I arrived at the event I was easily the best dressed, confidently introduced myself and connected with everyone, and often times lead the discussion or moved the group in a particular direction. I had read about 75% of the books brought up during discussion so I had something meaningful to contribute most of the time. Afterwards I connected with everyone and grabbing a tea with one of the guys next week.

Seriously, the sense of ease I had with myself and ability to focus and read others, rather than be stuck in my head, has come from CA and going on dates. To me there is not anything more nerve wracking that CA’ing a really hot girl, and even that is really not that bad. So why would I have anxiety about these people? All the more reason I would like to at least dedicate some time to getting better at CA.


Fun note. After seeing AskTheDom talk about powerlifting numbers in Paid Renegade’s log, I noticed for my weight, my lift numbers are in the “Advanced” category. So I thought it would be fun to see if I could hit the “Elite” numbers. So right now I’m doing a pure powerlifting routine which prepares you for competition. I have no interest in actually competing. I’ve been lifting for a decade now and do it more for the health benefits and pure joy of doing over anything. Still fun thought to see what I can get my body to do though.


So I lead a men’s group 6 guys who meet biweekly for 90 mins to talk through our lives and push each other to be better men mentally and emotionally. They are all entrepreneurs in some sense and push themselves hard.

This week I had led them through an exercise to examine the relationship with our fathers. My relationship with my father is subpar, but he was a high functioning drug addict for part of my life and occasional weekend dad. It was quite emotionally draining to relay more story to these men and then hold space for them to tell their stories over 90 mins.

In BDSM there is a concept known as sub-drop or top-drop. During certain BDSM acts you are getting huge surges of neurochemicals in your brain. During the hours and days after the scene your brain drops your normal production of these chemicals in order to return you to equilibrium. So you can actually feel slightly worse because you have lower levels of dopamine, serotonin, ect. This also happens sometimes after flow states and other events that spike neurochemicals.

Well you can imagine after a high charged, emotional conversation, that I was leading, I would have a big spike and drop in my own neurochemicals. So the next morning I was feeling lonely and down. The morning used to be the best time for my ex-wife and I to connect. All I really wanted that morning was to hug and hold her. Then add on top of that I was struggling to get any dates scheduled during that part of the week, and was starting to get somber. I know getting canceled on, flaked on, ghosted, is all part of the game. Still doesn’t change on emotional level, it sucks sometimes. But I acknowledged the feelings I was having and didn’t let it keep me from being productive.


Whose log is great for studying on retention? There were a few girls in the last few lays I would have liked to have retained. Going to read back over Andy’s guide on this. Just wonder who else might be great to look at.
Bman said:
Feel’d: Racking up likes here. The vibe here is different than on Hinge. On Hinge most people are vanilla, so when I open with the BDSM script it stands out. But on Feel’d that’s the majority so it’s less effective. The girls conversations on here are more engaging though and they write a lot more in their bios. So I’m going to try openers that are more tailored to each girl, as I have a lot more to go off than the standard 1 sentence Tinder Bio.

Yeh, most of girls on Feeld have experience so for them ropes and stuff isn't exciting like someone that never tried it.

IMHO your strtegy is good, because if you are able to create a connection, the lay is pretty much guaranteed
This week’s reflection

Weekly Stats:

  • Monday: Canceled.
  • Wednesday: Canceled.
  • Saturday: Date from Tinder; no pull

  • Hinge: 70 DMs, 0 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Tinder: 0 Boosts, 0 Likes, 1 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Feel’d: 0 Matches
  • Bumble: 0 Matches
  • CA: 0

  • Hinge: 75 DMs, 0 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Tinder: 0 Boosts, 0 Likes, 2 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Feel’d: 1 Matches
  • Bumble: 1 Matches
  • CA: 0

  • Hinge: 101 DMs, 2 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Tinder: 0 Boosts, 0 Likes, 1 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Feel’d: 0 Matches
  • Bumble: 0 Matches
  • CA: 0

  • Hinge: 102 DMs, 5 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Tinder: 0 Boosts, 0 Likes, 1 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Feel’d: 0 Matches
  • Bumble: 0 Matches
  • CA: 0

  • Hinge: 50 DMs, 1 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Tinder: 0 Boosts, 0 Likes, 0 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Feel’d: 0 Matches, 0 Number
  • Bumble: 0 Matches
  • CA: 0

  • Hinge: 101 DMs, 4 Matches, 0 Numbers, 0 Date Scheduled
  • Tinder: 0 Boosts, 0 Likes, 1 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Feel’d: 0 Matches
  • Bumble: 0 Matches
  • CA: 0

  • Hinge: 105 DMs, 2 Matches, 1 Numbers
  • Tinder: 0 Boosts, 0 Likes, 3 Matches, 0 Numbers
  • Feel’d: 1 Matches, 1 number
  • Bumble: 0 Matches
  • CA: 0


Hinge: Girls were bratty this week on more than one occasion. Because I had my account reset a couple weeks ago, I have been starting in 18-24 range and slowly widening. May have just been the age demographic.

Feel’d: Few matches. Going to pay for one month premium to go through the people who have liked me.

Tinder: Not putting much effort here

Bumble: Not putting much effort here


Saturday: Matched with this girl 4 MONTHS ago and have tried to schedule dates 4 times but logistics have been terrible. She lives 90 mins away and had really terrible working hours. Luckily she quit that job and she was finally able to get over.

She sent a long open on Tinder when we first matched has been very attracted to me from the beginning. I’ve just tried to let her imagination work and keep the attraction high over the 4 months, rather than me screw it up over text as exampled here in our conversation.

She was getting very anxious about being late because she was in traffic and thought it would make me mad. So I knew when she got there I was going to have dial up the comfort more than the dominance. She finally showed up to the coffee bar, gave her a hug, and walked her to our table. I sat down and pulled out her stool to be closer to me. She sat down and I told her she had very beautiful eyes.
She was very nervous and did most of the talking. I tried being calm, easy, and attentive with my eyes. She kept commenting how pretty my eyes were, saying “it’s hard to think and resist those pretty blue eyes looking at me…”

I practiced working in kino, mentioning I liked her fishnet stockings as I ran my hand up her thigh. Later I had asked her how many tattoos she had. She pointed one out on her shoulder and I brushed away her hair and my hand over her back as I looked at it.

She is a submissive, and she asked what I was looking for in a submissive. We discussed kinks and boundaries. I then invited her back to mine. She said she was really nervous. I told her its ok to be nervous. We can go back and go as slowly as she would like. She said she was really attracted to me, so much it was intimidating, but was too nervous. She said can we set a date next week and told me what days she was free. Told her lets do next Saturday at 4pm.

I didn’t push after that and just enjoyed her company. She was vulnerable mentioning things about her childhood like her brother ODing from drugs and being divorced. I matched whatever level of vulnerability she showed to build comfort with her.

Later on she asked what I preferred her to wear or look like when she came next Saturday. Told her I enjoyed the fishnets and heels she was wearing, and go crazy for skirts. I also told what hair colors I like as she likes to dye her hair different colors.

I was getting tired, so I ended the date. I walked her back to her car and made out with her a bit. She said she was a bit of an exhibitionist, so I could have probably escalated with her in her car, but I felt pretty confident in her sticking to Saturday by her level of investment shown here. So I finished kissing her and said see you next Saturday at 4.

She texted me on her way home that she was so engrossed in me and nervous, she had forgotten to even get anything to drink at the bar.

Dates Next Week

Wednesday (2nd date), Thursday, and Saturday (2nd date with girl from above)


Met up on Thursday evening with one of the people I connected with last week at the networking event. We riffed for two hours on education and startups. Was awesome to just have a cool and deep conversation with someone I just met once the previous week. I will continue to keep going to networking events and flesh out more of my social skills.
interesting girl. this is where advanced game comes into play and u sound like you have a handle on it and the nuances. only thing i'd suggest is watch your investment levels because a girl being nervous is still girl game. ive fallen hard for damsel in distress before.
This week’s reflection

I feel that I have got what I wanted from tracking stats here which is an objective set of data I can refer to as I continue improving myself and my profiles apps. So I will no longer be posting those publicly, but will continue to track privately. From here on out I will post only the most salient pieces of progress from that week.

Tonight I will be going to the sex club here in ATX. It’s a BDSM night run by the BDSM community here. Apparently 100-200 people go this every month. I’m actually volunteering before the event to help them setup the club. I figured it was a great way to meet a few people before the event and get to know the people who run it. Plus, maybe I might get a few extra status points by knowing the higher ups. Thought it might give me a little mystery of “who the fuck is this new guy here and how does he know the masters?”


  • Wednesday: 2nd date; Rescheduled, she was on her period
  • Thursday: Date from Feel’d; no pull.
  • Saturday: 2nd date; flaked

Thursday: Fun date with a 32 year old woman from Feel’d. She’s recently divorced and doing “all things I didn’t do when I was younger”. She has a great sense of humor and we connected on a lot of different things. It’s fun sleeping with younger girls, but it’s also great connecting with someone more mature and life experience. Ran my standard stack during the date and went to pull about 45 mins in. She said she really wanted to but her allergies were really bad and she was snotty (she really was), and that was not going to be sexy. That’s a pretty weak excuse and was going to push more, but she also had to pick up a friend in at the airport in an hour, so I didn’t push as I did not really feel like just having a quickie. Told her we can figure out a day next week. Enjoyed the date with her a little longer, walked her to her car, and exchanged some passionate kisses which she was really into. Texted her yesterday and set a date for her to come straight to my place on Thursday.

Saturday: Was supposed to have the girl from last week come to my place. Texted a confirmation text to her Friday and we were still a go. Saturday came and nothing. Haven’t heard a word from her. Who knows the reason, maybe I’ll get a text today, and maybe I won’t. When she didn’t text or show, took the time to get some work done and then read a book which is one of my favorite things to do.

I’m less upset with her actions and more upset with the pattern of my reaction. When I have a date set I fantasize about the girl and get excited about the anticipation of seeing her. Then when she doesn’t show, I don’t get frustrated or angry, but I do get bummed or melancholy. This is a similar pattern I played out as a child when my father told me he was going to come see me on the weekend, and then was not able to for whatever reason. Same excited anticipation leading up, same sulking after realizing it was not going to happen. And really, it has little to do with the other person. I’m creating my own suffering in these situations with the thoughts of desire leading up to the event.

Having a replacement activity (like reading) helps, but only to a degree. I’m going to read Byron Katie’s “I Need Your Love — Is That True?”. Open to any other recommendations.

Dates Next Week

Monday (2nd date), Wednesday, and Thursday (2nd date)


Went to another networking event this week. Just trying out different ones to see what sort of style, size, and people I enjoy meeting. So far I enjoy meeting people in small groups with some sort of preordained topic we are discussing. I enjoy getting to know each person there a bit.
Bman said:
Tonight I will be going to the sex club here in ATX. It’s a BDSM night run by the BDSM community here. Apparently 100-200 people go this every month. I’m actually volunteering before the event to help them setup the club. I figured it was a great way to meet a few people before the event and get to know the people who run it. Plus, maybe I might get a few extra status points by knowing the higher ups. Thought it might give me a little mystery of “who the fuck is this new guys here and how does he know the masters?”

Absolutely brilliant idea.
The "social" circle in the kink/bdsm area gives you perks that nobody can understand (being invited to orgies, girls talk about you to other girls for being tied up-spanked, discounts in erotic stores and kink clothing)
Bman said:
Open to any other recommendations.

I was like you, and to be honest, I have no idea how I got through that, I would say with exposure ( in colombia flakes were driving me insane) and abundance, but I suspect there is something a bit more in your case (as you mentioned your father) so perhaps you might want to dig deeper on this one?
AskTheDom said:
Bman said:
Open to any other recommendations.

I was like you, and to be honest, I have no idea how I got through that, I would say with exposure ( in colombia flakes were driving me insane) and abundance, but I suspect there is something a bit more in your case (as you mentioned your father) so perhaps you might want to dig deeper on this one?

Yeah I have noticed that the more it happens, the more desensitized to it I become. But recognizing it as a pattern, I realize its an area I can work on. I'll spend some time contemplating it.
Bman said:
I’m less upset with her actions and more upset with the pattern of my reaction. When I have a date set I fantasize about the girl and get excited about the anticipation of seeing her. Then when she doesn’t show, I don’t get frustrated or angry, but I do get bummed or melancholy. This is a similar pattern I played out as a child when my father told me he was going to come see me on the weekend, and then was not able to for whatever reason. Same excited anticipation leading up, same sulking after realizing it was not going to happen. And really, it has little to do with the other person. I’m creating my own suffering in these situations with the thoughts of desire leading up to the event.

Having a replacement activity (like reading) helps, but only to a degree. I’m going to read Byron Katie’s “I Need Your Love — Is That True?”. Open to any other recommendations.

I suggest grabbing this book: https://www.ninglicopy.com/bulletproof-mindset

It's the one MakingAComeback and I use to help us with our mindset work. Since you're aware that this is an issue rooted in your childhood, the simple exercise inside will help.
Man at some point all dates will blend into each other and you'll lose that pre-date excitement. Sometimes I miss those days where I'd be nervous for a date with a new chick, it added some spice and excitement to life that's gone now

The good thing is that you stop caring about flakes as much even though it still sucks of course.
Before getting into this week’s reflection, I want to take a moment to recognize a mini milestone for myself. I have had 10 lays since my divorce earlier this year and joining KYIL in May, taking me from 3 to 13.

First off, thank you KillYourInnerLoser for all the content you put out and creating this community. Your Tinder Guide and podcast gave me the foundation to get started and the guys here in the community helped fill in the gaps. Truly man, you have given me a great gift of not just getting laid, but valuing myself a lot more and having confidence. I am very, very grateful to have found this little corner of the internet right when I was getting divorced. You helped save me years of trial and error, frustration, and self-doubt in trying to figure this out on my own.

I will write up a long post at the end of the year round up all the resources and advice that helped me, but for now I just want to thank those of you who have directly or indirectly given me advice along the way including:
Manly Cockfellow

I know 10 lays is not a lot for some of you, but without all your advice I would have struggled to get 1. You all are like the cool brothers or uncles I never had that tell all their wild stories and secrets. Looking forward to keep leveling up and learning from you all.

Alright, on to this week’s breakdown.

This week’s reflection


Thank you Crisis_Overcomer for the mindset resource. It helped me recognize childhood blocks around neglect, abandonment, and narcissism from one or both of my parents. It’s a helpful exercise and I will continue to use it as triggers occur.

I also read Byron Katie’s I Need Your Love - Is That True?: How to Stop Seeking Love, Approval, and Appreciation and Start Finding Them Instead. It helped me recognize when I am seeking validation, approval, or thinking I need love from someone else and can instead give it to myself.

As with most mindset stuff, the tangible examples of how this are put into practice are more fuzzy, but example related to dating are:

  • Changing the topic of conversation if I'm bored with it, even if it's in the middle
  • Not trying to impress her with my answers or match myself to her, but answer in a matter of fact way of "this is me, take it or leave it"
  • Sharing about myself, and if it’s “weird” to her, so be it. I still enjoy those things
  • Not having to explain myself
  • Be disagreeable if I genuinely disagreed
  • Try to pull; if she says no its her loss, I didn't need a yes from her, and I know I will pull another girl later
  • Enjoying sex and not worrying about if it’s “good”. Funny thing is, when you do that it generally is.

These two resources paired great with each other because in the exercise from Bulletproof Mindset, you essentially give yourself, the child version of you, whatever love was not given to you as a child.

This week I tried putting these in to practice and I can say it’s been a more peaceful week. Both of my lays this week were great and I would largely attribute that to being very present with the girls, being very comfortable with myself, and most importantly, coming into these interactions not needing anything from them at all.


  • Monday: 2nd date; Rescheduled, she was still on her period
  • Wednesday: Lay #12: Southern Girl - https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=44186#p44186.
  • Friday: Lay #13: Cinderella Girl - https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=44290#p44290

    Not much to add, the dates and lays are broken down in the lay reports.

    Bman said:
    Saturday: Was supposed to have the girl from last week come to my place. Texted a confirmation text to her Friday and we were still a go. Saturday came and nothing. Haven’t heard a word from her. Who knows the reason, maybe I’ll get a text today, and maybe I won’t. When she didn’t text or show, took the time to get some work done and then read a book which is one of my favorite things to do.

This one ghosted. Sent Andy’s “didn’t expect you to ghost” text. Nothing. Oh well. On to the next.

Dates Next Week
I really dig Cinderella Girl and aiming for retention with her. Will setup a 2nd round with this week with both lays. Also, scheduled for a 2nd date on Monday with the girl who keeps rescheduling

Sex Club

Last Sunday I went to a swinger’s sex club that gets taken over by the BDSM community one night a month. I actually volunteered to help them setup before the event started to get to know the people who run it. Was a fantastic choice on my part because the main couple that run it introduced me to people throughout the night. The mistress took a liking to me and was generous in helping me feel comfortable at the club and welcoming me in the community.

There were a couple girls I was attracted to but to be honest, I was slightly intimidated to try approaching while I was there. So I just enjoyed chatting and meeting some people and watching some of the crazy stuff people did there. Tried out some electrical play, which reminds me of getting tattooed so it was quite relaxing.

Now that I’m acquainted with what goes on, I think I’ll be more comfortable next month to approach if I’m solo. However, I was talking about it with Cinderella Girl and she sounds game to go which would be a lot of fun. I also think my 2nd date for Monday would be down to go as well. Sooooo maybe I could take both at the same time in the future? That would be fucking awesome. Also, need to change my outfit that I wear there. I wore my standard all black gear, but that is what a majority wear also which means I don’t stand out much.
Bman said:
I know 10 lays is not a lot for some of you
Never ever undervalue your results man, you are putting in the work, you are listen, understanding and doing.

I'm extremely confident you will become an absolute slayer soon