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Brandon Builds - On my way back to Austin

Cheers man, I have no idea what advice you might be referring to but congrats on the fantastic progress. Keep crushing it
twonightstander said:
Cheers man, I have no idea what advice you might be referring to but congrats on the fantastic progress. Keep crushing it

You indirectly helped point me towards a good model and way to structure CA.

I think is great to learn from the veterans and heed their advice. However, it's also valuable to learn from those next to you at a similar level. Your dedication to CA is good model for others to learn from about what work ethic looks like in this area.

You also indirectly helped point me to Day Game Mastery, which has actually helped me on dates.

Though I am not directly focusing on CA at the moment, I know exactly where to start when I do.

So I appreciate your work ethic, being humble and asking questions, and continuing to show up.
Congrats man!

I wouldn't downplay it. The average guy has what 6 lays over the course of his life.

You got 10 in 6 months. Sky is the limit baby!
Good work man,
That is great results in a short amount of time. Looking forward to see how you journey in the BDSM world unfolds :-)
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Any questions you want me to ask him?

BDSM scheme for OLD.
Do you use it as written by Andy or do you tweak it. If you do how?
Also do you use just this scheme for your matches?

Do you see a difference between giving girl an orgasm with a toy before or after sex itself?
What works better for you?
This week’s reflection


Got banned on Hinge again (3rd time this year. Haha). I technically was banned last weekend, but I lazily remade an account with the exact same pictures. So I’m assuming they finally got around to scrubbing my profile and banned me again with a week. No biggie. Just hopped on over to Tinder and got a few matches there.

Since it is finally cooling off here in ATX, not 100 degrees every day, I’m going to start taking photos again in some fall fashion to round out the profile some more.

If I don’t get any dates planned this week then I’m going to take a week break from the apps for some cold approach practice.


  • Monday: Lay 14: Travel Girl - https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=44553#p44553

Took a bit of break after the 3 lays so close together. 3 seems like a sweet spot in a week and something I would like to aim for going forward.

Tried getting Cinderella Girl over again to lock in, but she works 7 days a week and is visits her family every weekend so it’s been difficult to get her scheduled. But we have bantered a bit over text, she’s still very responsive, and seems keen to come over again.

Also tried getting Southern Girl over again once, but she was also busy. Not concerned about locking this one in though.

Dates Next Week

Nothing planned yet.

Going on Andy’s Podcast

Really grateful and honored to get to chat with KillYourInnerLoser next weekend on the podcast. I have a lot of respect for him and this community. Hope to be able to bring in some value with my story.

I am a pretty open book and comfortable with being transparent/ vulnerable so feel free to ask anything that will help you guys. I'm still young blood in game, so I'm still intimate with the struggles starting out.

Some topics that may interest you guys:
  • How to have a successful long-term relationship, divorce, getting back out there
  • Kink/BDSM
  • Mindset: being honest and comfortable with yourself, overcoming self-doubt
  • Startups
  • Nutrition/health/weightlifting
  • And of course anything related to my log/ journey.

If you have questions, drop them below.
I'd love to hear you and KillYourInnerLoser talk about how you developed the proper mindset, skills, connections and courage to start a business, as well as essential lessons you've learned since starting one.

Would also love to hear both of you talk about your darkest moments and greatest successes on your entrepreneurial journeys.
  • What's one (or more) things you wish you did earlier in your self development journey?
  • Got any time-management mindset tips?
  • Would love to hear about what you've done to overcome self doubt.
If you were to dedicate a certain amount of time daily to increasing your income, without a clear direction, would you focus on educating yourself in a new skillset, just starting some sort of business and attempting to grow it, or orient yourself first to seek out a niche before diving in 100%?

The situation I find myself in currently is having time and a good work ethic to apply, so my question is, as an entrepreneur, how would you make the most of those 2 qualities?

Brandon: Q for ya - I always want to be married, man. Talk to me about how you'd go about that. I wanna hear.

Q: What is your advice for a man in self improvement whose goal it is to ultimately get married and start a family?

KillYourInnerLoser if you haven't already sat down lmk if you can take the above q.

This week’s reflection

Pretty chill week this week. Ordered or wish listed a couple new clothing items to get soon so I can take a few new pictures and reset the Hinge account.


No dates this week. Had a few leads from Feel’d but they are all out of town 60 or 90 minutes away so was not able to have them come into the city. One lead isn’t available till next week.

Dates Next Week

Going on Andy’s Podcast

Awesome podcast interview with KillYourInnerLoser yesterday. Went for 3.5hrs! Longest podcast interview I have done so my throats a bit sore.

Thank you to everyone who asked questions. We did get through them all, but if there was some nuance or further depth to your question you wanted answered, leave it here after listening to the interview and I’ll try to answer it.

Hard2Focus said:
What's one (or more) things you wish you did earlier in your self development journey?

We answered this on the podcast, but I want to reiterate here.

My answer is to have more self-compassion along the journey. I hold pretty high standards for myself. When I fall short of those standards, historically I have been a harsh critic. I only bring this up here because reflecting on the interview, I would have liked my answers to be more clear and succinct. I strive to have clear, impactful communication. So during the interview I could have done better. So now I recognize this is just a practice and make a mental note of what to do better. And I stop… rather than continuing to beat up on myself. This is what I mean by self-compassion. Recognizing I did well, and there are still areas for improvement.

Manly Cockfellow said:
how you developed the proper mindset, skills, connections and courage to start a business, as well as essential lessons you've learned since starting one.

Given Andy’s audience, I focused my answers more towards the beginning of my journey when I was freelancing as a web designer, photographer, and marketer. During that time I also dabbled in ecommerce. These are all what are sometimes labeled as “lifestyle” businesses.

The business I have now is a higher education startup which combines a student’s passions with global challenges (climate change, healthcare, poverty, ect) and helps them learn the skills to solve those problems. The only significant difference between a lifestyle business and startup is the scale you are trying to reach and consequently the amount of leverage required to reach that scale in capital, people, code, and media.

I’m not sure what type of business you’re trying to start. In the interview I focused on the former, but if you are trying to do the latter, my answer would change slightly. Open to chatting or elaborating if this is the case.

Also, I did not mention the name of my current business or go in depth about during the interview only because I did not want it widely marketed on YouTube in association with the rest of material I was discussing. (Higher education and BDSM don’t quite mix well).

However, for the others that asked about entrepreneurship and may be unclear about what it is that you want to do, one of the courses I created for the startup is called “How to Find Your Purpose”. The course will lead you through figuring out what you actually care about, learning skills to pursue that thing, and applying those skills in either a job or as an entrepreneur to actually help others. All the courses for the startup are free, so check it out if you’re in the position of not knowing what the hell you want to do with your life.

MakingAComeback said:
I always want to be married, man. Talk to me about how you'd go about that. I wanna hear.

We spoke a lot about this throughout the interview. I know you will put in the work and heed advice, so if you want to hop on a call to ask more direct questions or flesh out what this looks like for you, I’m happy to give my time to you.

Finally, I would gladly welcome any feedback about the interview once it comes out. Just trying to be 1% better than yesterday.
This week’s reflection

Had a little bit of a stressful beginning to the week so ended getting a cold sore on my lip. As a consequence, I decided to cancel the two dates I had scheduled as I did not want to pass it on to them. Bit of a bummer because one of them was a cute Asian girl, which would have been my first, but we rescheduled for next Saturday. I’m guessing she will flake after pushing it out so far. No biggie. There will be another one.


Since I had some time now on my hands, decided to take some new pictures and enhance a few old ones to upgrade the profile. I’m happy with how they turned out.

Here’s the current profile and new pictures I took:

View attachment 3

View attachment 4

View attachment 1

View attachment 2

Also, since I was banned on Hinge a few weeks ago and was waiting to make a new profile after taking some more pictures, I payed for a month of Feel’d. With it you get one “ping” a day to send. I have been sending it to the hottest girl in the stack each day which rakes me in a one or two quality matches a week. Feel’d has much lower users than other apps, so that’s pretty decent.
AskTheDom I'm going to the BDSM club again on Sunday. Any recommendations for what to wear to stand out? I unfortunately don't have any leathers yet.
Bman said:
@AskTheDom I'm going to the BDSM club again on Sunday. Any recommendations for what to wear to stand out? I unfortunately don't have any leathers yet.

So it depends on your local scene.

Leathers and latex of course are the #1 - although I'm not into the latex thing.

I would say, given your body and looks, you don't need too much tweaks - your best chance to stand out is to stay with nothing on the top (or something ancillary like suspenders

I cannot find leather ones on AMZ but I have and are awesome

And something super bright at the bottom like these fake leather red leggins

Notice i sent you all in color RED - because pretty much everyone these days dresses only black ( which is the norm Berlin style nothing prohibits to wear bright colours (unless the club has a strict dresscode)

of course, toys never go out of fashion - my trademark is a red flogger (see pic) tied to my belt
This week’s reflection

Finally had my cold sore heal up by Thursday which killed the beginning of my week.


New pictures helped get a few matches on Bumble this week which has been historically an underperforming app. Unfortunately, the girls did not message.

Got Hinge up and running again. Testing out different stack of messages based on what Andy discussed in the photography video. We’ll see how they do.


Wasn’t sure when my cold sore was going to heal so I pushed out scheduling dates to Saturday. Unfortunately both canceled. One had strep throat. The other was getting serious with someone else. For every girl that ghosts or flakes, it’s soooo refreshing to have one like this:


Going to the BDSM club again this evening. Being that I have not had sex in a few weeks, I am horny as ever. Looking to use that as motivation for approaching this evening.

Actually went to one of the intro classes yesterday that one of the community groups put on. Just trying to meet the other people in the scene and start to get myself known.

AskTheDom , red pants were a great idea. The ones I wanted on Amazon were out of stock. Tried getting some at a few stores here, but no luck. So a few ideas I had were:

  • Simple black pants, no shirt.
  • Black pants, white button down with charcoal vest over, top buttons open and sleeves rolled up, hair down with black wide brim hat
  • Black pants, white button down with charcoal vest over, top buttons open and sleeves rolled up, hair in bun
  • Black pants, no shirt, charcoal vest, hair down with black wide brim hat

Cold Approach

Went out cold approaching twice this week. First time I got AA and didn’t approach. I was honestly a bit disgusted with myself for not being able to do it. I am all for being kind to yourself, and most of the time that is where I lean, but sometimes a little dark energy is needed. Went out again the following day for just a short bit and approached one girl.

I have put in my calendar two one hour sessions during the week in the mornings. This is actually a great time because 1) my willpower is higher and 2) there are actually a lot of girls out getting coffees and such. Additionally, I will go out on evenings I don’t have dates. I meet with a friend of mine bi-weekly and have set a goal with him to do 14 approaches in those two weeks. This means I can at bare minimum do one a day or several in a couple sessions if the week gets busy. That’s low volume, but at this point I’m just fitting it in with the rest of my life.

The reason I’m doing this is not so much for getting laid from cold approach. That’s just a nice bonus when it happens. I’m doing it for the self-confidence it gives me. When I was doing it consistently before I had a greater level of self-confidence and that “Yeah, I’m fucking boss” feeling. The AA dragon is still one I have to slay and that is what I intend to do.
Oh man, we could have a multiple hour conversation about AA.

I am yet to find someone in the self improvement space who had the level of AA I did.

I went out on the frontlines for months, 4hrs a day, I switched to part time remote work to do it. I couldn't approach even 1 girl for months, I used to be absolutely losing my mind, almost losing control of my body and brain, like I was about to go mad!

It was the endless, endless sessions of sheer exposure, again and again, non stop, for fucking months that added up and eventually broke down my AA. I also did a lot of coaching with Andy, who to be honest, was the one guy who was able to get into my head and break my AA down. After a long conversation with him one day, the next week, I was able to approach girls in day game.

And then I just went ballistic and became an approach machine.

Pros & cons of this, our community has grown since then and we understand more................Day game is about more than just being able to approach, it has many layers.

But Brandon, you are gonna kill this. Lol. We already know.

Enjoy man.

With you, the talent and ability level is very high. You are well put together and what I really respect is your consistency, you show up here and keep working.

Guys like you are a fantastic example and I admire you, respect you, and thank you for your contribution to our forum.

And we will achieve a lot in our life bro.

I am happy to know you.

MakingAComeback said:
With you, the talent and ability level is very high. You are well put together and what I really respect is your consistency, you show up here and keep working.

Guys like you are a fantastic example and I admire you, respect you, and thank you for your contribution to our forum.

Thank you, man. Quite a compliment coming from you. The respect is mutual.

MakingAComeback said:
Pros & cons of this, our community has grown since then and we understand more................Day game is about more than just being able to approach, it has many layers.

Completely agree. I plan on working on each layer. But one thing at a time. Need to get comfortable just approaching at the moment. I do quite decent once I start getting momentum. From past approaches I know I'm pretty decent at body language, deepening my voice, making eye contact, and having a positive upbeat vibe. I even started getting better at touching the girls or holding their hands much longer. I generally get positive responses from the girls, even if they have a BF/married. My points of improvement are the conversation/vibing, emotional spiking, teasing. But first, just approaching.