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colgate gets better - week 4: APPROACH II 🗣️

Do callouts work there? Typically I call a girl out if she's on her phone or has her headphones on for more than a few seconds after/during my approach. It's rude.
if you actually commit to watching 15 minutes of bob ross before every session for a week…it would be ridiculous to think that you would not become one notch more calm and grounded
edit: obviously just a suggestion, take it or leave it. you know best what will help you most.

it's good to keep in mind what to improve on for bad interactions and all, but you should generally forget about it immediately and move on to the next girl

i need to start (and have been) applying this to my life and inner game issues as well. the more i dwell on certain negative traits and fuckups, the more i attach my identity to it, causing my morale and vibe to tank. need to be a little cognizant but then move on and try to live my best life regardless of fuckups i did, even if they were 2 minutes ago
Yeah this is good advice. Better to think about approaches in groups of 100 rather than worrying excessively about any specific one in the moment.
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good thing 1: i think i did probably 60-70 approaches today over three 2-hour sessions. i only got like 2 or 3 contacts from that, but damn feels fuckin GOOD to be out there approaching all day. i kept telling myself "be uncomfortable, be uncomfortable, be uncomfortable".

thing to work on: managing my jittery, unconscious nervous energy. really need to learn how to CENTER my energy on my PENIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and just contain it while talking to chicks.

good thing 2: i eventually bounced a korean tourist inside of a karaoke place (infamous japanese sex location) after getting denied for a hotel. this is now the farthest i've gotten with japan approach. will write that report on my main log.

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good thing 1: did probably 30 to 40 approaches today. got three contacts.

thing to work on: basically the same thing as yesterday. I saw on video one of my approaches and even though I was standing still, I was looking around in my head was all jittery. and this is apparently was the approach I moved the LEAST on.

also in general I need to be conscientious of where I am channeling my energy. after that failed escalation on that Korean chicken yesterday, I was feeling obviously very horny and blue balled. I decided to go off after I got home. not that jerking off is bad, but this was the wrong time to do it.

as probably one of the few guys in this space who rarely feels aroused and even while approaching, I remember when I was approaching in california, I would deliberately watch porn and not jerk off and that got me approaching like a mother fucker.

this also relates to the jittery nervous energy in general. for example, instead of channeling my energy into the moment staying present into my penis, I often do things such as destroying water bottles or milk cartons that I'm holding like a puppy dog. I'm not even aware that I'm doing this but it's just another manifestation of fidgeting. i'm misallocating my energy.

since these are basically like unconscious tics, to me there's no evidence that I'm doing this. even if I think I'm not anxious or I think I'm having good energy, i'm always shocked at how un-masculine my body language and pacing is when i see or hear it.

i want to dig into this more deeply, but a hyper specific exercise i ought to try is hold a bottle of water or milk carton while approaching, and NOT destroy it. no deforming and crushing it. i feel like this is physical evidence of how much i'm releasing fidgety energy that i too can observe.

good thing 2: i actually continued approaching even after bootcamp ended for a little bit even though i felt exhausted. admittedly i fucking hated it and i was forcing myself, but the pain is in the mail lol

i recorded my final bootcamp feedback so i can relisten to it.

also i was the only guy whose fashion was 100% on point. i got zero criticism points and only praise. my style was described as "anime street boy" lol. guys know that i struggled with fashion in america.

that being said, the guy who got the best "result" from the bootcamp was actually the WORST dressed guy (his comment was he was dressed like a teenager). he's a very lanky middle eastern brown dude who cannot even project his voice. but he's very chill and centered and was often talking about how horny he was. he has also been approaching for a few years and has some lays and regulars under his belt. he managed to pull a chick all the way to his house and escalate, though he couldn't get the lay.

the usual white guys who you'd think have it easy (and one who even kills it online) couldn't even pull and had trouble.

I can't speak for the rest of the world but in japan, i am seeing MORE and MORE that looks are actually SECONDARY and VIBE is the MOST important thing. this is the yellow pill!!!!
thing to work on: basically the same thing as yesterday. I saw on video one of my approaches and even though I was standing still, I was looking around in my head was all jittery. and this is apparently was the approach I moved the LEAST on.
girls 100% pick up on nervous jittery energy. restating my Bob Ross suggestion, it will move you a notch in the direction you want on both the positivity and the calmness/groundedness front.

and if you aren't going to do that, are you doing anything else for this specifically? I like the "not destroying the coffee cup" idea but that alone will only go so far.

I was feeling obviously very horny and blue balled. I decided to go off after I got home. not that jerking off is bad, but this was the wrong time to do it.
actually a week or two ago when I had that approach day with like 20 approaches in a row and no contact, I had rubbed one out right before going out. not enough data to draw true conclusions but I wonder if that contributed to it.
as probably one of the few guys in this space who rarely feels aroused and even while approaching,
you gotta be horny in set man. obviously sometimes you just gotta do approaches to keep the pipeline full and the wheels turning. but try and find something about each girl to be attracted to. I'm a sucker for pretty eyes.

since these are basically like unconscious tics, to me there's no evidence that I'm doing this. even if I think I'm not anxious or I think I'm having good energy, i'm always shocked at how un-masculine my body language and pacing is when i see or hear it.
if you calm down you will come off as more masculine. being super fidgety can make someone come off like a kid.

but he's very chill and centered and was often talking about how horny he was.
literally the ideal combo. "horny" and sexually open/expressive but cool/grounded. aka a dependable man with testosterone in his system.

the usual white guys who you'd think have it easy (and one who even kills it online) couldn't even pull and had trouble.
I'd be curious to hear more about this sometime. I've had good results in Korea/Japan but nothing spectacular, only "solid." I suspect the white guy advantage exists but is highly overrated.

I can't speak for the rest of the world but in japan, i am seeing MORE and MORE that looks are actually SECONDARY and VIBE is the MOST important thing.
girls (and people) spend time around others because they want to feel good. when you leave the set, what sticks with the girl is, how did you make her feel?
I can't speak for the rest of the world but in japan, i am seeing MORE and MORE that looks are actually SECONDARY and VIBE is the MOST important thing. this is the yellow pill!!!!
Women are women. This is true all around the world. We've just gone so far down the path of this blackpill bullshit that the vibepill got forgotten about.
i mean look how dope my fashion looks, yet i'm rapidly darting my head around like a dope during this contact exchange

my memory only tracked "i was waiting for her to show me the qr code". i have no recollection of rapidly looking around in alert mode

these are the types of things you can have no awareness of, and some people won't even be able to pick out things like this are the issue. then you go on years of overdosing on black pills.

and this was the approach where i was the MOST still. i shudder to imagine some of the others.

i wouldn't wish the blackpill on my worst enemy
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Lacroix dropping value bombs.

Ya you just need to go there and tweak a lot.

Honestly I would listen to Chris and Troy a lot. I think youre missing the chill laid back vibe overall. And you need to find your own version of it.
good thing 1: did 15 approaches and got 3 contacts today. keeping in mind how jittery i was over the weekend, i had @lacroix film my approaches today. great improvement! he said my session was solid and my body language was a lot better. will post a video when he sends em to me

thing to work on: waking up earlier so i can have enough fucking time to do life admin and work shit. i guess my whole weekend was bootcamp so

good thing 2: went HARD at boxing. probably because i contained a lot of my energy and talked to girls with higher tension (especially my last approaches i was making sure to avoid looking away when searching things to say and maintain my gaze). the trainer was shocked and i told him it was because i nampaed before coming to boxing practice

wow what a great day. today was close to how my ideal day would be. and I can't wait to make future days even better

just spent the past hour and a half mass texting a bunch of leads and i have a couple convos going

today's milk carton:
this is actually the MOST intact it's ever been. i was actually doing alright until my first contact exchange of the day where i involuntarily squeezed and deformed it, popping out the sides.

the goal is to have a completely pristine milk carton by the end of the session without it looking destroyed like a puppy dog did it. over the weekend my milk cartons and bottles were all crumpled up, flattened, and wrinkly
Today's approaches were real solid. You did a good job keeping things grounded and at a good energy level for daygame. I could tell you were legit vibing and some of the girls were really enjoying it.
from now on i will make updates the next morning instead of at night

will serve as motivation to actually get out of bed in the morning, and i can lock all devices much earlier in the evening
i think i need to temporarily completely disconnect from the winner within space and exclusively focus my energy in the japan groups.

feels like my attention is being overly divided otherwise, and seeing various conflicting data points from around the world is psyching me out.

also i get too invested into other people's stories and experiences, and arguably i feel like i know this space way better than the japan groups i'm in, despite y'all living and gaming thousands of miles away from me.

need to start data dieting.

i'll be back around at my next evolution lol