colgate's training log - mouse to bulldog

i benched 2 plates (100kg/220lbs) for the first time ever!!!!
That’s great to hear colgate-san. Good job👍🏾
Cheers mate,

got a few questions for you because of personal interest

- how long have you been on roids in total?
- Have you noticed any androgenic changes in you? More beard, more body hair, more distinctive face, greasy skin and so on?
current bodyweight: 70.2kg

i posted that i finally benched 2 (metric) plates 2 months ago, but i have literally failed 102.5kg for the past 2 months straight (note: i was stuck at 95kg max for fucking 8 months straight)

chalking it up to irresponsible diet and eating like a bird.

no ego validation body pics until i get past 102.5kg on bench