Committing myself to the AA program

I’m sure it was discouraging, and I am very sorry that happened to you. How horrible and reckless of them.

Aspergers is neurologically comorbid with tick disorders, whether clinical or subclinical. The fact you are talking and walking smoothly is a dead giveaway you don’t have it. If you ever find someone with Aspergers you’ll notice they move and walk different.

These were just basic bitches looking at a shy kid, and some idiot’s assessment on a chart.

I’m actually a little pissed on your behalf. Iatrogenesis is a thing—I’m sure the halfwits diagnosing you have no idea what that is.
klondike said:
I’m sure it was discouraging, and I am very sorry that happened to you. How horrible and reckless of them.

Aspergers is neurologically comorbid with tick disorders, whether clinical or subclinical. The fact you are talking and walking smoothly is a dead giveaway you don’t have it. If you ever find someone with Aspergers you’ll notice they move and walk different.

These were just basic bitches looking at a shy kid, and some idiot’s assessment on a chart.

I’m actually a little pissed on your behalf. Iatrogenesis is a thing—I’m sure the halfwits diagnosing you have no idea what that is.

Yeah man, the Asperger’s label kinda screwed up my confidence and motivation for a while.

Thank god I eventually stopped caring that much about the label though, because Asperger’s or not… I’m still gonna do the AA program, make conversation with strangers, get a car sales job, etc.
Day 6 log:

As I write this it is 6:12pm.

Some days my social anxiety is bad, some days it’s good. Today it’s one of those bad days and being around people makes me anxious and tense. Doesn’t help that the first conversation I tried to make today, the dude ignored me(he was shadow boxing on the street and I asked him if he was a boxer)

But I ain’t no pussy bitch. I’m going to the pier right now and will talk to 15 chicks even if I feel like shit today.
Failure. Asked one girl for the time and walked around for over an hour doing nothing. It’s harder to do the AA program at night for me.

On the bright side, two girls came up to me while I was standing outside a tattoo shop. Had a decent convo with them and they were unexpectedly very friendly. Got too nervous and ended the convo early. One of them was kinda cute. Good exp though.

Also just got my first tattoo because I read an article from GLL where Chris said getting a tattoo was basically giving himself permission to be different. And I agree with that.
Day 6 log(2nd attempt)

Anxious as fuck right now and have been walking around for like 30-40 mins.

Everyday when I wake up it’s like my social anxiety resets, and I go from pretty confident to very anxious. Just being around people makes me really anxious.

In order for me to enjoy talking to people, first I have to warm up by talking to some service workers(convenience store, clothes shop).

Then I get even more warmed up as I do the drill.

After the drill I don’t feel much social anxiety and I can enjoy talking to people, as I feel more comfortable talking to them.

But every morning when I wake up and leave the door, just being around people - especially crowds - makes me anxious as hell. Talking to them makes me anxious. Looking at them makes me anxious.

Does anyone else feel this way or am I the only one?

UPDATE: today I asked 3-4 people for the time. Otherwise I did not complete the drill. I will retry tomorrow.
michaelho068 said:

Hey man, good job. I see you're already making a ton of progress. Even though you procrastinated for an hour trying to talk to that one girl, I think it's good because you learned what you need to change. Next time you can force yourself to have that conversation with and get the ball rolling.
the_Stallion said:
michaelho068 said:

Hey man, good job. I see you're already making a ton of progress. Even though you procrastinated for an hour trying to talk to that one girl, I think it's good because you learned what you need to change. Next time you can force yourself to have that conversation with and get the ball rolling.

Thanks man. I’m lucky enough to have a positive mindset about this so I don’t really mind failing.
Day 6(3rd or 4th attempt)

I got busy for a few days and when I tried restarting the program it was hard. So I’m gonna write this as accountability.

I’m going to go again for 75 minutes today.

It’s night time so it’s harder to do the AA program but I’ll do my best.

Will record results later.

haven't been on for a few months, but long story short I made some new friends, who did GLL stuff back in the day and they taught me how to cold approach.

So far I'm at 80 cold approaches, been on 1 date and had a couple of flakes.

I would like to continue doing the AA program and cold approach at the same time.

For me, my problem is not cold approaching. I can cold approach a lot of chicks, but once I'm in the set, I need to have more fun interactions rather than be logical/boring. Need to escalate more too and turn conversations more sexual.

I've had several girls get real touchy with me but my brain would freeze and I'd leave the set early...

- complete the AA program
- keep cold approaching, try to get my volume up and eventually attempt a high volume challenge like what Colgate did... ima try to hit 100 approaches in a day as a personal challenge in a few months.
keep it up man!

michaelho068 said:
attempt a high volume challenge like what Colgate did... ima try to hit 100 approaches in a day as a personal challenge in a few months.
hahaha have fun.
colgate said:
keep it up man!

michaelho068 said:
attempt a high volume challenge like what Colgate did... ima try to hit 100 approaches in a day as a personal challenge in a few months.
hahaha have fun.

thanks man! I keep coming back to your thread whenever I need inspiration haha. Favorite one on the forums
Today I did like 6-7 approaches.

2 at Venice beach.

4-5 night game.

I used to suck at night game but recently I’ve been having more fun. I was trolling the shit out of this white girl today and it was fun. She was thirsty as hell for dick but wasn’t visually appealing so I just limited it to trolling her.

“How old are you? - Her
“I’m 40” - Me
“No really! How old?” - Her
“35” - Me
“Come on tell me!” - her
“32. Asians just have good genetics” - me
“No really! Show me your ID!” - her
“My ID is my face.” - me

Went on for 20 mins like this

Just trolled the fuck out of her and it was a blast.

Also trolled a chick from Boston who was hotter but she left into the bar. I can’t go in yet cause I’m 20. I just hang outside the bars and clubs.

When I say “troll” I mean it’s back and forth. I’m trolling her, she’s trolling me back… I guess you could call it banter. We’re both having fun.

I have a problem with being too logical and boring in conversations with girls sometimes. I want more banter and sexual tension and tonight was great Forward progress for me.

Finally there was this Argentinian chick. I was feeling socially free at the end of the night so I kept staring into her eyes and complimenting her. Making her feel shy and looking away.

Commented on her glittery makeup, touched her hands when I checked her bracelet and rings out…

I was having fun seeing her get nervous as I kept staring and complimenting her.

Will go out Saturday night tomorrow and try to have as much fun as I did today.

If I vibe with a hotter chick I will for sure go for makeout

EDIT: also did my first solo 3 set in night game. I commented on one of the girls’ hair, we struck up basic conversation nothing sexual. I won them over and made them like me, and at the end asked for the cuter girl’s number.

She gave the number to me.

I was trying to figure out what to text her. Gave the phone to my friend and he wrote “wanna cuddle tonight”.

Pressed send…

Welp. Forgetting this one. Onto the next girl!
Good day today.

Did 7-8 approaches.

STAGE 1... venice beach...

Notable cold approach #1:

Approached a surfer girl who was hot! She was showering to get the sand off and she had this bathing suit that was really thin!

I didn't want to talk to her while she was showering. Camped around the area for a bit, then when she left I started following her. She was too far, so I had to yell "surfer girl!" to get her to stop.

Super receptive, but she was fucking hot, so I was fucking nervous.

Plus my friend brought his friend today who's tryna become a photographer. He interrupted the set trying to take a photo of us together and I just got more nervous. She asked me "are they your friends" and I hesitated a while before I said yes. She saw my nervousness and I feel like she lost interest :(

Got her number though. I told her to show me how to surf some time. Doubt she'll respond but who knows.

Notable cold approach #2:
Mexican chicks sitting on the grass. I talked to them and she was very cute. The buddy with the camera knows spanish, so he held off the other chick while I was gaming the chick I liked.

She was really friendly and receptive. We talked about everything. Why she's here, why her english is so good, where she's going next, etc.
Talked about her interests as well and turns out she wants to get a Master's in Gestalt Therapy.

I expressed interest, talking about her degree and how I was interested in psychology too. She was smiling all the time...

At the end she took my number cause she didn't want to give me hers. But my buddy got their IG's so he passed me my chick's IG and I texted her.


STAGE 2... ralph's...

Had to go grocery shopping. My friend(not the one with the camera) came with me to the local Ralph's.

Holy fucking shit there were so many cute ass girls today!

Venice beach's volume was nothing compared to the volume at this Ralph's today.

Everywhere I turned there was a cute girl!

I had to spam approach. So I approached like 5 girls in 30 mins.

Most of them had boyfriends but this one chick was SUPER receptive to me.

Asking me questions, smiling, laughing at a lot of things I was saying.

I was telling her she should show me around LA some time because I moved here 2 years ago. She said she was down to show me around.

Until she asked me for my age.

I hate lying so I said 21. She was 28. But damn I would have smashed her if I could...

I hate when chicks ask me my age. My asian baby face makes them think I'm super young. When my beard comes in(minoxidil) I won't struggle so much with age.

But yeah I got her number anyways and hit her up. Hopefully she shows me around and I can at least get a makeout regardless of age.

Last time I was talking to this 26 year old Latina bartender who was really feeling me until she asked me my age.

"I'm 20."

Her mood instantly flipped a switch.

I need to start lying and saying I'm 25 or some shit.

Try to keep up the lie so that at least I have a chance to bring them back to my car and smash, instead of them disqualifying me cause of my age.


Overall good day though! My game is improving and I'm making these chicks laugh more.

I have never spam approached in a grocery store before, because I don't like when multiple people can see me approaching multiple girls, in the same enclosed area.

But my buddy was there for moral support so I had to go ham!

Tomorrow I go back to venice beach and I will approach 15 girls! Do some social freedom/AA drills while I'm at it too.

Total lifetime approaches: 96
Gains are coming in. Hopefully I’ll be smashing these girls soon!

Today I’m gonna go for 20 cold approaches.

I’ll approach cute girls but also average girls. I wanna treat today as an experiment and see if I can ramp up the volume by talking to mid chicks.

As Chris Deoudes said, lower your standards! Gonna get experience smashing all these girls so that when I’m with hotties I can perform.

Another update:

- had a consultation and blood work with marek health and they gave me a huge list of suggestions for increasing my libido and energy. It’s been shit the past few months but I can’t wait to hop on this new regimen.
approaches for the day: 7

Good approaches today. Started off the day shit cause I was physically tired, but my friend helped me build momentum.

Approached 7 cute chicks.

1 "instadate".

Reason I call it an "instadate" is because me and my friend approached a set of japanese twins.

We walked together, talked and ate together.

However in hindsight we did not screen these girls properly. NO fucking way we were doing anything with Japanese... TWINS!!!

At 10:30 we finished dinner. We asked them if they wanted to chill and watch some shows at their crib.

But no fucking way anything was happening with Japanese... TWINS!!!!!!!!!!!!

I attached a photo below. Taken by one of the homies.

Mods please let me know if this is not ok, I am still new to the forums. Just wanted to add some visual context to my story!
michaelho068 said:
Mods please let me know if this is not ok, I am still new to the forums. Just wanted to add some visual context to my story!

I'll allow it because those are Japanese... TWINS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Crisis_Overcomer said:
michaelho068 said:
Mods please let me know if this is not ok, I am still new to the forums. Just wanted to add some visual context to my story!

I'll allow it because those are Japanese... TWINS!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hey bro are there any kinds of photos that are off limits? Me and my homies love taking photos so I have a lot I could share on the forums.

just want to make sure I don’t go against forum rules when I post photos