Committing myself to the AA program

michaelho068 said:
Crisis_Overcomer said:
I'll allow it because those are Japanese... TWINS!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hey bro are there any kinds of photos that are off limits? Me and my homies love taking photos so I have a lot I could share on the forums.

just want to make sure I don’t go against forum rules when I post photos

Never show any girl's face without their permission. You can block their face out with black bars.

Never post any videos of approaches.

Otherwise we should be good.

Hey, whats up Asian cold approach bro.

I am late to the party on this, but about the aspergers thing, I am also borderline aspergers. Not that theres anything inherently wrong about it, it can be an advantage because we are more logical people in general and our obsessions push us to do great things.

Its not a mental illness, but it does mean we will be perceived as a little "off" by the cool, normal girls. After all, if ur psychiatrist gets a feeling you may be a bit off, socially calibrated girls would sense it too. This doesn't stop you from getting results, but for optimal results we need to slowly learn how to be "normal".

Pretty much everyone on this forum is a little "off" to some extent, its just a matter of how much they have worked to not show it IRL. We are drawn to these forums because we have an analytical strategy towards self improvement. This isn't normal. You seem normal to us because we are used to "weird".

But at the end of the day, if you have friends IRL you are ok. It's just my personal opinion that we should work to be more normal in the long term so we can be more than ok.
Rice said:
Hey, whats up Asian cold approach bro.

I am late to the party on this, but about the aspergers thing, I am also borderline aspergers. Not that theres anything inherently wrong about it, it can be an advantage because we are more logical people in general and our obsessions push us to do great things.

Its not a mental illness, but it does mean we will be perceived as a little "off" by the cool, normal girls. After all, if ur psychiatrist gets a feeling you may be a bit off, socially calibrated girls would sense it too. This doesn't stop you from getting results, but for optimal results we need to slowly learn how to be "normal".

Pretty much everyone on this forum is a little "off" to some extent, its just a matter of how much they have worked to not show it IRL. We are drawn to these forums because we have an analytical strategy towards self improvement. This isn't normal. You seem normal to us because we are used to "weird".

But at the end of the day, if you have friends IRL you are ok. It's just my personal opinion that we should work to be more normal in the long term so we can be more than ok.

Hell yeah bro!

The aspergers label was really discouraging at first.

But after a few months of cold approach I realized hey, I can actually do this even if I do have aspergers.

So now I'm just like fuck it, get the volume and experience and I'll be better than 99% of guys aspergers or not.

And over time I have indeed been learning to be more "normal" with girls. Now that I've been seeing progress, I don't really care about this aspergers stuff anymore.

And you're right man, being "weird" for most my life is what motivates me to work so hard on cold approach anyways so I'm actually grateful for that