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Crimson’s Progress Log - took new pics, feedback appreciated

Crimson said:
This results in me not taking any action at all, rather than showing humility, taking little baby-steps each day and being fine with that.

Yes exactly man. Progress is not linear. Baby steps, day by day. Just try to remember where you were like a year ago and where you are now;)
Started AA program. Pulled girl to your house. There are guys out there who will never do anything like this their whole lives.


Adam said:
Crimson said:
feel like I have to talk to 20 women a day, be able to get 5+ dates a week from OLD, go to the gym everyday ect., which is obviously not happening.

This results in me not taking any action at all, rather than showing humility, taking little baby-steps each day and being fine with that

This is pretty common in any self-improvement endeavor. You set your goals sky high, feel overwhelmed, and do nothing. So lower the floor. Keep the ceiling high but tell yourself that if you can spend 5 minutes swiping and messaging that day, it's a win. If you go outside and TRY to talk to a girl, that's a win. If you go to the gym it's a win even if you don't do your whole workout. And then if you find that you want to do more once you've gotten started, then that's a nice bonus. The important thing is just to do SOMETHING each day

Right, it’s just like you said. Gotta celebrate the little wins. Thank you for your encouragement.
Red said:
Crimson said:
This results in me not taking any action at all, rather than showing humility, taking little baby-steps each day and being fine with that.

Yes exactly man. Progress is not linear. Baby steps, day by day. Just try to remember where you were like a year ago and where you are now;)
Started AA program. Pulled girl to your house. There are guys out there who will never do anything like this their whole lives.



Thank you man, I need to look at the big picture more. I’m really doing things that the average guy just doesn’t do. I gotta be more grateful.
Crimson’s 20th birthday

So I just turned 20 (12:55 P.M. here in Germany, October 14). My 20’s are starting now, which is pretty cool I guess.

I still feel like a little kid to be honest, or like a teenager. Definitely not 20, lol. I guess it’ll be appropriate to show some gratitude and reflect a little bit on my life.

I don’t even remember what I was doing a year ago, because my life was so unmemorable back then. What I do know is that I was a virgin who had never even kissed a girl.

Every time the topic of girls came up with my friends, I would just sit quiet and hope nobody would ask me how I was doing when it came to getting pussy.

But it would still happen:

My female cousin: “Do you have a girlfriend?”

Me: “Nah”

Female cousin: “Of course not”


My homie: “Do you finally have some girls now?”

Me: “Yeah” (lying)

Homie: “One or multiple?”

Me: “…Multiple” (lying)

Homie: “Boy, you know damn well that’s a lie”

I was always frightened of someone finding out that I didn’t have a lot of experience when it came to girls and that I was in fact a nervous mess when interacting with them.

This fear was heightened by the fact that I’ve always looked like I get girls or at least had a girlfriend (which is why I relate so much to Chris’s website name, I was a “goodlookingloser”).

I found the Redpill and YT channels such as “Stephiscold” in 2020 which led me to become quiet bitter with women and see them as my enemies.

I remember being at a church gathering with guys and girls my age and I was acting super cold towards the girls. One of them looked at me and said:

“You live a really sad life don’t you”

And she was right, but I was acting like that because I thought that’s what girls liked and that’s what you needed to act like to lay pipe (I’m a rapper ;))

Jokes aside, somehow found GLL and KYIL in 2021 and didn’t take it serious until July of this year.

These 4 months so far have been by far the most memorable of my life.

I lost my virginity, got my first kiss, went on a couple of dates, pulled two girls to my parents house from cold approach and another from OLD. I could’ve fucked all of them if it wouldn’t have been for misfitting condoms and ED.

I just want to express my deepest gratitude to this community, your support has been immense. I can confidently say that I’m not the same person I was a year ago.

May I make my 20’s even more memorable.

Crimson said:
I still feel like a little kid to be honest, or like a teenager. Definitely not 20, lol.

Congrats on the new decade! I still feel like a little kid and I'm 30, enjoy that sensation, if you lose it you will miss it! After a while I realised we're all just kids in grown up bodies, some of us maybe have forgotten/be better at pretending to be real adults. Of course you need to be responsible etc but that playful inner child is attractive to women too.
Antonio44 said:
Crimson said:
I still feel like a little kid to be honest, or like a teenager. Definitely not 20, lol.

Congrats on the new decade! I still feel like a little kid and I'm 30, enjoy that sensation, if you lose it you will miss it! After a while I realised we're all just kids in grown up bodies, some of us maybe have forgotten/be better at pretending to be real adults. Of course you need to be responsible etc but that playful inner child is attractive to women too.

Thanks man, yeah definitely. I’m quite creative, so I don’t think I’ll lose that inner child anytime soon.
Adam said:
Happy Birthday Man! It's been cool to see how hard you're working. Keep at it.

Thanks man, I’ll do my best to keep it up.
Crimson shows humility:

I lowered the bar as it was advised by Adam and Red, and got some stuff done as a result.

What I did today:

-Messaged a bunch of girls on OLD and swiped
-Went to basketball practice
-Mirror Therapy

Didn’t go to the gym as I already had basketball practice. I could have at least tried to talk to some girls though. It’s fine, I’ll try tomorrow.

What I did today:

-Got the number from a girl from OLD (She hasn’t answered yet though)

-Swiped and messaged girls on OLD

-Went out for 30 min. to cold approach but couldn’t (imagined myself approaching while looking at girls instead)

-Mirror Therapy

-Cleaned my room

Didn’t go to the gym though, which I should’ve. Will go tomorrow.

Adam said:
Crimson said:
Went out for 30 min. to cold approach but couldn’t (imagined myself approaching while looking at girls instead)

Good job. Just keep on going out there and trying. You'll get it

Thanks, I’m doing it the way you did it while being coached by Andy.
What I did today:

-Finally went to the gym again

-Tried to talk to girls for 30 min. but couldn’t (followed a cute alt girl for like 15 min. while imagining myself approaching her, but pussied out in the end)

While walking around I’m also practicing keeping my head up and looking people in the eyes while walking past them, as I tend to look down a lot and avoid eye contact.

-Swiped and messaged girls on OLD

-Mirror Therapy

-Finally managed to brush my teeth at night time as well (I often only brush in the morning and in the evening and I’m then to lazy to brush before going to sleep)

Style wise I’ve started wearing caps, I think it adds more to the “Black rapper” archetype, as it makes my outfit more “Hip-Hop”.

I personally like it, but I could see how it’s a bit goofy-looking since my hair is so big.

Picture below, feedback is appreciated.
What I did yesterday:

I fell asleep before I could post so here’s yesterday:

-Went out for 30 min. but couldn’t approach again. Props to me though, because I didn’t want to go out and it was raining, but I still went.

At some point I faked having a phone call to look busy, because I felt dumb walking around alone trying to approach girls. But I quickly ditched that and continued.

-Practiced NoFap for like 19 hours then relapsed (Will try 24 hours next)

That’s all I did (Had a basketball game [first game of the season, we won but I played pretty bad]) Still a bit of a lazy day, but at least I got something done.

Thoughts on me wearing caps:

I’m wearing them reversed + a little sideways (See: The pic in the post above this one). I feel like it’s definitely more polarizing, which I’m pretty sure is a good thing regarding style.

Some girls will think I look like an idiot, some girls will think I look like a rapper/cool fuckboy. I definitely feel like it makes me look more like a fuckboy, which is always good.

Crimson said:
Went out for 30 min. but couldn’t approach again. Props to me though, because I didn’t want to go out and it was raining, but I still went.

Really great job on getting out there. Showing up is half the battle.

Crimson said:
I’m wearing them reversed + a little sideways (See: The pic in the post above this one). I feel like it’s definitely more polarizing, which I’m pretty sure is a good thing regarding style.

A quick hack to tell of something you are doing to your style if attractive or not is to test out the new gear when cold approaching. If you are dressing well, women will eye fuck you more and comment on it. When you see an 8 or 9 look you up and down, you know you are on the right path.

I then recommend taking note of what you were wearing and take a photoshoot in that outfit. You have feedback from the market that they like it, so make it part of your marketing.
Bman said:
Crimson said:
Went out for 30 min. but couldn’t approach again. Props to me though, because I didn’t want to go out and it was raining, but I still went.

Really great job on getting out there. Showing up is half the battle.

Crimson said:
I’m wearing them reversed + a little sideways (See: The pic in the post above this one). I feel like it’s definitely more polarizing, which I’m pretty sure is a good thing regarding style.

A quick hack to tell of something you are doing to your style if attractive or not is to test out the new gear when cold approaching. If you are dressing well, women will eye fuck you more and comment on it. When you see an 8 or 9 look you up and down, you know you are on the right path.

I then recommend taking note of what you were wearing and take a photoshoot in that outfit. You have feedback from the market that they like it, so make it part of your marketing.

Yes, thank you for this. 2 birds with one stone. I’m out on the frontlines and I get to see what style the girls dig.
What I did today:

-light basketball workout (30 min.)

-Tried to approach for 30 min. (But didn’t do any.)

It was easier to keep my head up while walking though. I also paid attention to how people reacted to me wearing my outfit with a matching cap (per Bman’s suggestion) This also led to me being way more capable of looking girls in the eyes when walking past them, felt good.

I definitely seem to get more looks from women (and men actually) when wearing the cap, but I’ve only been doing it for a couple of days so more evidence is needed.

-Went to the gym

-Mirror Therapy

-Brushed my teeth at nighttime (huge W, I just did it even though I didn’t want to)

-Cleaned my room

Yeah, good day. Been neglecting OLD for 2 days in a row now though, gotta get back on it. Also need to start writing daily to-do lists on here again.

Crimson’s bad academic performance:

Not sure what the point of this post is, perhaps venting a little and getting some stuff off my chest.

Since elementary school I’ve been struggling with bad grades. I got held back two times (in 7th and 8th grade) and still had bad grades. I’m not dumb, I just don’t study.

I don’t like school at all (you could probably say that I hate it), but it would be really cool to have good grades. Anyways, fast forward to the current day.

I’m currently in 12th grade, there’s only this semester and next semester left to go until college graduation (German school system). And I’m doing really bad:


We wrote like 5 exams, just got the results for one (an F), at least one other exam will be an F for sure. I don’t study for exams, what I do instead is cheat during them.

I’ve already said this once in this log, but this semester was the first time in my life I’ve slept during an exam. I didn’t study for the exam at all, so I just wrote a little bit and slept for the remaining time.

Skipping school:

I haven’t talked about this on here yet, but I skip school a lot (like 10 times in the last 8 school weeks). This is obviously not good. Here are the reasons/excuses why I do it:

-Convenience. It’s convenient to be able to stay in bed and be able to sleep longer.

-Bad sleep. Getting less than 5 hours of sleep is the norm for me, this causes me to be “too tired” to go to school.

-Depression/Self-hate. I don’t really know how to explain it other than: “Know one likes me anyways and I hate myself as well, so what’s the point of going to school”

-It’s “too hard”. Waking up early, making breakfast, brushing my teeth, putting on clothes ect.
It’s all a drag.

Just something I wanted to type out. At the end of the day I have to go to school and also study while I’m home.

Anybody struggled with school as well and has some advice?

The solution to this is probably the slight edge (start of studying for 5 min. everyday, go to school everyday and if I really can’t stay, just say that I’m sick and leave).

Crimson said:
Anybody struggled with school as well and has some advice?

I always want to give practical advice so.

Go and read a book called: How to Become a Straight-A Student: The Unconventional Strategies Real College Students Use to Score High While Studying Less.
Do it now. The book is about students who have top 1% grades on the best unis around the world + still have time to party etc.
Pretty eye opening.

Good luck!


I love the accountability.

Dude, there's a lot we need to talk about.

Cornerstone habits. You need to be in bed early, get up early, having had 7hrs sleep. You need regularly and focus.

You will need to get your grades up, big time, and you will need to be disciplined enough to show up, work, and get shit done daily.

Being a successful male is about having a total handle on your life.

We are not about being weak or poor in any area, dude. I had my struggles academically, sure, but I worked my ass off and got my own grades up, graduated from a relatively elite Uni with great honours, and pushed forward. In my early years in school I struggled immensely and had to really get my shit together. I was also coming from a inner city background where I was sent to a failing school and a very violent environment. Some of my friends from school went to prison, for example.

And yet, despite having the deck stacked agaisnt me, I found a way, got my grades up (A grade level) and got myself the best degree I could get from the best school in that part of the country. From absolutely underperforming.

That was part of my life where I learned a lot and saw how laziness, inconsistency and not showing up daily will punish you.

You need to think about:
-Studying schedule (EVERY DAY, same time, same place)
-Studying method (deliberate learning, spaced repetition, actually staying with problems)
-Waking up at the same time, daily

This will help you level up your mind a lot dude. I am around some VERY successful people, millionaires, shit like that - they're smart as fuck, elite work ethic, problem solving and so on. Use this time in your life to just get better and set yourself some academic goals here, as well as around sleep and waking, and sticking to a study schedule.

