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Crimson’s Progress Log - took new pics, feedback appreciated

Crimson said:
Just something I wanted to type out. At the end of the day I have to go to school and also study while I’m home.

Anybody struggled with school as well and has some advice?

The solution to this is probably the slight edge (start of studying for 5 min. everyday, go to school everyday and if I really can’t stay, just say that I’m sick and leave).
I can relate. I never really did well in school. I got an F last semester in one class, after skipping a lot of class and not putting effort in. This semester has been a lot better.

I think the school system is dumb as fuck and I could go on for paragraphs and paragraphs about how it should be changed, there is no point though.

First thing I wanna say is that how you do in school is not really a reflection of your intelligence, especially when you are putting in a minimal amount of effort. It merely tells you how well you can perform on tests.

If you're planning to go to college then you're really going to need to fix your habits. I don't know how the German school system works, but in the US, high school and college is night and day.

It's not even that college is that much "harder" than high school, rather just you are given a lot less support and guidance. Really just more of a feeling of "You're on your own here.". In other words, you don't have teachers watching over you to make sure that you don't fail. If you fail, you fail, and nobody really gives a fuck. The benefit of this is that teachers are way less anal in general when you get to college, if you're on your phone or skipping class, most of them don't care.

They also go a lot faster. In high school, if someone doesn't understand something, the teachers will stop and answer questions. In college, the professor will answer 1 question, probably vaguely, and then continue without regard for if everyone in the room understands it.

It's not a good idea to cheat your way through high school or college. You'll probably get caught eventually, and once you get to college the consequences for cheating become very severe. Study at least a little bit, I mean, you're not going to be able to get a job with your degree if you don't understand anything you learned.

My bio teacher from high school told me about a guy he knew that cheated through the entire engineering program in college, and he literally didn't know anything when it came time to get jobs.

It's pretty obvious why you have bad grades. You skip school and don't study. It's not like you have to put tons of effort in.

I'm not a straight-A student myself, even though I probably could be if I tried my hardest. Let me tell you, if I put 100% effort into school, I probably wouldn't have time to go on dates, socialize, and do all the things I want to. I'm the type where I'd rather do the bare minimum and get a B or C than do the work to get an A.

Cs get degrees, so you don't need to do that well (unless you want to go to something like medical school). Just try a little bit.
Red said:
Crimson said:
Anybody struggled with school as well and has some advice?

I always want to give practical advice so.

Go and read a book called: How to Become a Straight-A Student: The Unconventional Strategies Real College Students Use to Score High While Studying Less.
Do it now. The book is about students who have top 1% grades on the best unis around the world + still have time to party etc.
Pretty eye opening.

Good luck!


Thank you, I will start reading it today.
MakingAComeback said:

I love the accountability.

Dude, there's a lot we need to talk about.

Cornerstone habits. You need to be in bed early, get up early, having had 7hrs sleep. You need regularly and focus.

You will need to get your grades up, big time, and you will need to be disciplined enough to show up, work, and get shit done daily.

Being a successful male is about having a total handle on your life.

We are not about being weak or poor in any area, dude. I had my struggles academically, sure, but I worked my ass off and got my own grades up, graduated from a relatively elite Uni with great honours, and pushed forward. In my early years in school I struggled immensely and had to really get my shit together. I was also coming from a inner city background where I was sent to a failing school and a very violent environment. Some of my friends from school went to prison, for example.

And yet, despite having the deck stacked agaisnt me, I found a way, got my grades up (A grade level) and got myself the best degree I could get from the best school in that part of the country. From absolutely underperforming.

That was part of my life where I learned a lot and saw how laziness, inconsistency and not showing up daily will punish you.

You need to think about:
-Studying schedule (EVERY DAY, same time, same place)
-Studying method (deliberate learning, spaced repetition, actually staying with problems)
-Waking up at the same time, daily

This will help you level up your mind a lot dude. I am around some VERY successful people, millionaires, shit like that - they're smart as fuck, elite work ethic, problem solving and so on. Use this time in your life to just get better and set yourself some academic goals here, as well as around sleep and waking, and sticking to a study schedule.



Thank you for your feedback and sharing your academic experience Mac. Jordan Peterson talked about the importance of “cornerstone habits” as well I believe, I do need to get that handled.

I will formulate a plan based on the advice you and the other guys have given me.
Squilliam said:
Crimson said:
Just something I wanted to type out. At the end of the day I have to go to school and also study while I’m home.

Anybody struggled with school as well and has some advice?

The solution to this is probably the slight edge (start of studying for 5 min. everyday, go to school everyday and if I really can’t stay, just say that I’m sick and leave).
I can relate. I never really did well in school. I got an F last semester in one class, after skipping a lot of class and not putting effort in. This semester has been a lot better.

I think the school system is dumb as fuck and I could go on for paragraphs and paragraphs about how it should be changed, there is no point though.

First thing I wanna say is that how you do in school is not really a reflection of your intelligence, especially when you are putting in a minimal amount of effort. It merely tells you how well you can perform on tests.

If you're planning to go to college then you're really going to need to fix your habits. I don't know how the German school system works, but in the US, high school and college is night and day.

It's not even that college is that much "harder" than high school, rather just you are given a lot less support and guidance. Really just more of a feeling of "You're on your own here.". In other words, you don't have teachers watching over you to make sure that you don't fail. If you fail, you fail, and nobody really gives a fuck. The benefit of this is that teachers are way less anal in general when you get to college, if you're on your phone or skipping class, most of them don't care.

They also go a lot faster. In high school, if someone doesn't understand something, the teachers will stop and answer questions. In college, the professor will answer 1 question, probably vaguely, and then continue without regard for if everyone in the room understands it.

It's not a good idea to cheat your way through high school or college. You'll probably get caught eventually, and once you get to college the consequences for cheating become very severe. Study at least a little bit, I mean, you're not going to be able to get a job with your degree if you don't understand anything you learned.

My bio teacher from high school told me about a guy he knew that cheated through the entire engineering program in college, and he literally didn't know anything when it came time to get jobs.

It's pretty obvious why you have bad grades. You skip school and don't study. It's not like you have to put tons of effort in.

I'm not a straight-A student myself, even though I probably could be if I tried my hardest. Let me tell you, if I put 100% effort into school, I probably wouldn't have time to go on dates, socialize, and do all the things I want to. I'm the type where I'd rather do the bare minimum and get a B or C than do the work to get an A.

Cs get degrees, so you don't need to do that well (unless you want to go to something like medical school). Just try a little bit.

Yeah, I remember you talking about struggling with school in your log. You pretty much summarized it, I skip school and don’t study.

My grades would probably improve just from me going to school everyday and paying semi-attention in class. Thank you for your reply and advice.
Update on Basketball Girl:

I’ve tried to arrange her to come over a week ago, she said she’s busy without offering an alternative so I left it at that and pinged her again today.

Told her I can do tomorrow, she said she has to work without offering another day again, so I’m leaving it at that. We only texted on Instagram, so I unfollowed her, deleted convo ect.

Reflection on our time together:

There is a lot to be learned from the relationship we had. This is the longest I’ve ever retained a girl for (we dated for like 7 weeks I think), so that’s cool.

Her being my only fuckbuddy made me realize the importance of abundance first hand. Of course I knew in theory that having lots of options is crucial to non-neediness, but it’s more eye opening in practice.

Thinking about her a lot involuntarily, kinda “walking on eggshells” while with her, scared to lose her ect.

This often caused me to project my frustration and bitterness over not having more options on to her when she wouldn’t reply fast enough for example (in my head, I didn’t show it).

Thoughts like: “She’s a fucking slut anyways, who needs her”, “She’s so boring and repulsive, I don’t give a fuck about her” ect.

Being with her kinda made me more miserable then when not having any girls at all, as hanging out with her always resulted in me seeing everything that was wrong with me clear as day (See Chris GLL’s article: This Process will strip you down…).

Overall, we had some cool experiences, was the first guy to blindfold and tie her up, which is cool. She was quite vanilla (or at least not very expressive in the bedroom), so I hope I expanded her mind on sex a little.

This just strengthened my resolve to never enter a committed relationship until I’m sure I can get laid whenever I want.

What a horrible way to live that is. Her controlling the relationship and you being at her mercy because she’s the only source of pussy you have, no thank you. I don’t know how most guys do it.

The day will come where I will be able to get pussy whenever I want, I will chase that day until I die.

All praise to the most high.

What I did today:

-Cleaned the house

-Tried to approach for 30 min. but couldn’t

Literally felt IMPOSSIBLE today. As if approaching a girl wasn’t even a possibility. Usually I can at least consider approaching, today not at all.

Ran into the same alternative girl that I tried to approach a couple days ago again. Ran after her until I was quite close (she was in front of me and didn’t notice) but pussied out again. Kinda sucks, she’s really cute.

-OLD, swiped a little and send some messages, got a couple leads

-Started reading “How to become a straight-A student”

-24 hour NoFap challenge complete (but relapsed today), 48 hours next

What I did yesterday:

-Tried to approach for 30 min. (But couldn’t again)

-OLD (Switched opening line to “Looking for something very specific on here” after seeing Bman suggest it in MakingAComeback’s log, responses have immediately increased)

-Read the book a bit further: “HTBASAS”

A bit of a lazier day, skipped going to the gym and didn’t do Mirror Therapy. I’m currently also quite sick for some reason (dry throat, running nose, headaches), tested for Covid but came back negative.

Feedback on new hobby pics (Basketball)?

My teammate took some pictures of the team while we were warming up. He took 2 of me, feedback is appreciated.

Which one is the better one? And are they good enough to be put on my OLD profiles with some editing?

(Ignore the removed faces, did it so they stay anonymous)

Crimson said:
Feedback on new hobby pics (Basketball)?

My teammate took some pictures of the team while we were warming up. He took 2 of me, feedback is appreciated.

Which one is the better one? And are they good enough to be put on my OLD profiles with some editing?

(Ignore the removed faces, did it so they stay anonymous)


They don't do.

Tell him you liked his pics and ask him to take some of you during a match. Imagine you dribbling past 2 defenders and scoring the lay-up? --> That's an epic pic that would work wonders
kratjeuh said:
Crimson said:
Feedback on new hobby pics (Basketball)?

My teammate took some pictures of the team while we were warming up. He took 2 of me, feedback is appreciated.

Which one is the better one? And are they good enough to be put on my OLD profiles with some editing?

(Ignore the removed faces, did it so they stay anonymous)


They don't do.

Tell him you liked his pics and ask him to take some of you during a match. Imagine you dribbling past 2 defenders and scoring the lay-up? --> That's an epic pic that would work wonders

That would indeed be an epic pic, thank you for your feedback.
Adam said:
Yeah the lighting for both of them is pretty bad and you are out of focus in them. It might be hard to take good bball pics with a smartphone. You want the picture to be close to you so you are taking up most of the frame, you want good lighting, and you want your face to be in focus. If you ever play ball outside then it might be good to take the pic outside during a bright but cloudy day so you are well lit but not in direct harsh sunlight

Alright thanks, I’ll take that into consideration next time.

Haven’t posted on here for 6 days. For the first 4 days I was just being lazy and not doing shit but I’ve gotten back on for the last two.

I finished reading “The Mystery Method” yesterday and I’m currently reading “How to become Straight A Student”.

I think it’s best to take a break from the forums for now and go out and live real life.

In this time I’ll be getting my grades right, working on my inner game and continue to talk to girls. I’ve become to focused on posting on the forums instead of taking action (caring about the views my log gets ect.).

I will update you guys again in a couple of weeks.

Crimson said:

Haven’t posted on here for 6 days. For the first 4 days I was just being lazy and not doing shit but I’ve gotten back on for the last two.

I finished reading “The Mystery Method” yesterday and I’m currently reading “How to become Straight A Student”.

I think it’s best to take a break from the forums for now and go out and live real life.

In this time I’ll be getting my grades right, working on my inner game and continue to talk to girls. I’ve become to focused on posting on the forums instead of taking action (caring about the views my log gets ect.).

I will update you guys again in a couple of weeks.




Wishing you success & its your choice

But just man to man, I wanted to say, you need MORE STRUCTURE, MORE ACCOUNTABILITY, MORE PROCESS

....Not less.

Even one post a week will do great things.

Otherwise, wish you well, wish you happiness, and success in all you do. I respect any decision you make.

Crimson said:
I think it’s best to take a break from the forums for now and go out and live real life.

In this time I’ll be getting my grades right, working on my inner game and continue to talk to girls. I’ve become to focused on posting on the forums instead of taking action (caring about the views my log gets ect.).

I've felt this before as well, and whenever I do it's a reminder I need to buckle down and make some real progress towards my goals, which is why I'm glad you clearly stated which of yours you'll be working on.

Come back and update us after you've accomplished something you feel is worth reporting on, or if you have a question or an experience you think the guys on the forum could answer or benefit from.

Good luck, and remember to be patient and forgiving towards yourself as you work towards your goals. Try to be your own greatest ally and fan, instead of your biggest enemy and hater!

And good post bro

You wanna talk to us about your diet and workout?

Pop into your log and enlighten your readers

MakingAComeback said:
You wanna talk to us about your diet and workout?

Thanks, MAC.

I'll make a post about diet/fasting, and lifting for aesthetics soon
MakingAComeback said:
Crimson said:

Haven’t posted on here for 6 days. For the first 4 days I was just being lazy and not doing shit but I’ve gotten back on for the last two.

I finished reading “The Mystery Method” yesterday and I’m currently reading “How to become Straight A Student”.

I think it’s best to take a break from the forums for now and go out and live real life.

In this time I’ll be getting my grades right, working on my inner game and continue to talk to girls. I’ve become to focused on posting on the forums instead of taking action (caring about the views my log gets ect.).

I will update you guys again in a couple of weeks.




Wishing you success & its your choice

But just man to man, I wanted to say, you need MORE STRUCTURE, MORE ACCOUNTABILITY, MORE PROCESS

....Not less.

Even one post a week will do great things.

Otherwise, wish you well, wish you happiness, and success in all you do. I respect any decision you make.


I understand. It would be pretty foolish to completely remove myself from the forums and therefore not get any feedback from you guys anymore.

I do think it’s still best to reduce my time on here. But it does probably make the most sense to keep posting daily as the guys that are on here are the guys I aspire to be like and can only give me feedback if I post my progress regulary.

I will keep posting at least once a week, thank you for your feedback.
Manly Cockfellow said:
Crimson said:
I think it’s best to take a break from the forums for now and go out and live real life.

In this time I’ll be getting my grades right, working on my inner game and continue to talk to girls. I’ve become to focused on posting on the forums instead of taking action (caring about the views my log gets ect.).

I've felt this before as well, and whenever I do it's a reminder I need to buckle down and make some real progress towards my goals, which is why I'm glad you clearly stated which of yours you'll be working on.

Come back and update us after you've accomplished something you feel is worth reporting on, or if you have a question or an experience you think the guys on the forum could answer or benefit from.

Good luck, and remember to be patient and forgiving towards yourself as you work towards your goals. Try to be your own greatest ally and fan, instead of your biggest enemy and hater!

Damn you’re looking shredded! Right, positive Self-Talk will be important on this journey. And I will report when anything significant happens, thanks.
Crimson said:
MakingAComeback said:


Wishing you success & its your choice

But just man to man, I wanted to say, you need MORE STRUCTURE, MORE ACCOUNTABILITY, MORE PROCESS

....Not less.

Even one post a week will do great things.

Otherwise, wish you well, wish you happiness, and success in all you do. I respect any decision you make.


I understand. It would be pretty foolish to completely remove myself from the forums and therefore not get any feedback from you guys anymore.

I do think it’s still best to reduce my time on here. But it does probably make the most sense to keep posting daily as the guys that are on here are the guys I aspire to be like and can only give me feedback if I post my progress regulary.

I will keep posting at least once a week, thank you for your feedback.

Just happy to hear from ya man.

Of course, do what is best for you.

Enjoy your life we get only one.

Whenever you need advice. feedback, or support, I'm here, we all are.



Manly Cockfellow said:
MakingAComeback said:
You wanna talk to us about your diet and workout?

Thanks, MAC.

I'll make a post about diet/fasting, and lifting for aesthetics soon

Appreciate you legend.

Thank you for taking the time as ever

Grateful for you
