DAY 8 : Gonna be off a few days | Ovnidos Log, from the deep to the everest (5'5'' bastard)


Nov 12, 2021
DAY 0 :

I'm on the forum since a bit of time now, I guess it's my time to make a log.

Who Am I :
Let me introduce myself really quickly. I'm Hugo, 22yo, last year of mechanical engineering.

Hobbies : Bodybuilding, Street-workout, all mountain related sports, reading essay; cryptos

Context :
I ended up here because my ex-gf cheated on me, and it broke all my self-esteem. She was my gf of 4 years, so I only knew here, and I sacrificed a lot of my "degenerated student life" for her. What gets me down is especially my height : I'm 5'5'' (166cm), I created a complex around it since we broke up.
So because of my height, I'll turn my log around this issue for proving everyone that you can do it.
To be clear I'm not complaining on my height, it's what it is, I'm owning it and for citing Andy I'm not "wrapping my all personality about this fact". I'm just gonna be another example that everyone can do it.

Current situation :

  • I'm on 3 apps (Tinder, Happn (very popular here), Bumble (not popular here )), with a very few success a few matches here and there, went on 2 unsuccessful dates, but received nudes from about 2 girls.
Here's my OLD setup(s):
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DAY 31 OLD :
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  • I'm in a 750k+ urban area

  • Living in a shared flat with friends

The plan :

  • Get better tinder pics, firstly because I think that this 20% effort will solve 80% of all my issues. (I'll add my current tinder profile for reference of where I started, no need to comment it guys, some of you already did it on a previous post of mine)
  • Get a more player dressing style
  • Look Maxxing in other areas
  • Gym is already a deeply rooted habit, I struggle more with getting rest days, so I'll continue this day

Achievement since the start of this log on the 27/12/2021 : (I'll edit this section for adding my achievement when an achievement occur)
Lays : 0 | 1 st OLD lay on the 18/01/2022 | 2nd OLD lay 29/03/2022 | 3rd OLD lay on the 03/05/2022 | GF with lay #3 for 8 months

I've got covid rn, (27/12/2021), but wanted to do the log now. For now, I'm good, just a lil hitching in the throat. But my coroned step-mom and dad got 39.5°C, so we'll see where we end-up. I'm not vaxxed so it'll be hella a ride lmao see you in the other side. Currently doing soup for everyone
I'm excited for this one man, 22 years old dude, fuck, you could be a legend by 25! So much potential here. Work hard that's what I can promise you will bring results. The guys who are consistent just become kings.

I can't imagine what your physique will look like in Dec 2022, seriously elite shit.

I am going to be watching your log, its super refreshing seeing a shorter man go all out and refuse to be defeated. I want to see you succeed and have every single short guy who has given up read your log and supercharge his motivation.

Let's see you kill it brother.

By the way survival rate of the wu-flu is extremely high so the odds you will die or get maimed from this condition given your age and excellent shape are extremely low (assuming no co-morbidities). And if you search you will find an Israeli study showing natural immunity is 27X stronger than any protection a vax (which wanes in effectiveness after 6 months anyway and does not prevent transmission) can offer. Not to say the wuflu can't be VERY nasty, it sure as fuck can. And taking the jab is (and should) be down to one's personal decision. Non-medical advice: make sure you have your Vitamin D levels maxed out, take a lot of Vit C, Magnesium, K2, omega 3s.
MakingAComeback said:
I'm excited for this one man, 22 years old dude, fuck, you could be a legend by 25! So much potential here. Work hard that's what I can promise you will bring results. The guys who are consistent just become kings.

Thanks you getting me excited!!
Thebastard said:
I want to see you succeed and have every single short guy who has given up read your log and supercharge his motivation.

Theses bastard gonna have 0 excuses lol.

Thebastard said:
Vitamin D levels maxed out, take a lot of Vit C, Magnesium, K2, omega 3s.

Your homeboy thanks to the gym have every ever invented supplement lol, gonna max them rn

I’m not worry, acutely I should have been working this week, so now I’m quarantine so 1 week holiday . But I found the camera of my lil sis, so I’ll wondering around doing pics and get myself use to a real camera
Let's go dude, excited to see you starting a log!

You got this.

We're all gonna make it,

ovnidos said:
I'm 5'5'' (166cm), I created a complex around it since we broke up.
So because of my height, I'll turn my log around this issue for proving everyone that you can do it.

Hey, I'm also 5'5". Let's crush it bro.
DAY 1 :

  • Found that my lil sister got a somehow decent camera, not dslr but i'm gonna play/learn with the iso/aperture settings, for now
  • Bought a tripod also on amazon, gonna have it by tomorrow
  • Just bought a one-year membership of, it's an app that is doing all you grocery shopping list and menu of the day with exactly the macros (Protein, carbs, fat) you want
  • Gonna (home)workout today if i'm not feeling too tired of my WuFlu

WuFlu update :
I'm feeling alright, and taking care of my fam bcz they all got fever. My symptoms didn't go up at all, still a really little bit tired, and i'm coughing every 2 hours or so. So nothing to worry about

A failed date just contact my again on instagram:
A few weeks ago we had a date, (we exchanged some nudes before), but after the date she told me that I wasn't like she thought of me.

Weird, hurt my ego a little but stayed gentleman, and just said "ok cool no hard feelings, bye".

she told me after "i'm not looking for something serious, and you look like looking for something serious", which I respond "not at all". But convo went dry after that. So I let her go.

She contacted me again yesterday night, but she's still dry wtf, why contacting me again if you're not interested wtf.
ovnidos said:
Just bought a one-year membership of, it's an app that is doing all you grocery shopping list and menu of the day with exactly the macros (Protein, carbs, fat) you want
Thank you, I will be stealing this immediately.
ovnidos said:
she told me after "i'm not looking for something serious, and you look like looking for something serious", which I respond "not at all". But convo went dry after that. So I let her go.

Big problem for a lot of guys. The personality is the hardest thing to change but at 22 and with a more moldable brain you should be able to add some "edge" to your dates and subcommunicate that you're a more casual kind of guy.

The first thing to change is how you dress for sure, I found that as soon as I changed what I wear I would already start embodying some fuckbody demeanors on my dates.
pancakemouse said:
Big problem for a lot of guys. The personality is the hardest thing to change but at 22 and with a more moldable brain you should be able to add some "edge" to your dates and subcommunicate that you're a more casual kind of guy.

I was thinking that I was enough edgy in our convo, being very cocky & narcissistic. Also the fact that I was ending my studies and working and she was just beginning (22 vs 19yo). But your right i think
With regards to personality, this one has always been my favourite article:
(Mr Funny Man vs Mr Pussy Inspector)

Point is you don't need to try and radically change your personality to be this super funny cocky guy that will melt a woman's pants off. Maybe I am being harsh on myself but I don't think I have much of a personality (with girls anyway). But because I screen girls beforehand and have the screening mentality, its rare a girl rejects me for 'wanting something serious.' Quite the opposite in fact.
Thebastard said:
But because I screen girls beforehand and have the screening mentality

I've read "screeing, screen girls..." everywhere since i'm on the forum, i'm not a native English speaker and I can't really understand the meaning of it, could you explain it to me ?
Thebastard said:
But because I screen girls beforehand and have the screening mentality

Sorry i'm not native English speaker, and I can't find a good traduction of screening, screen... I see this a lot on the forum, could u gave me a good traduction lmao ?
ovnidos said:
pancakemouse said:
Big problem for a lot of guys. The personality is the hardest thing to change but at 22 and with a more moldable brain you should be able to add some "edge" to your dates and subcommunicate that you're a more casual kind of guy.

I was thinking that I was enough edgy in our convo, being very cocky & narcissistic. Also the fact that I was ending my studies and working and she was just beginning (22 vs 19yo). But your right i think

The hard thing about dates is that it's tough to know over text because it's all about subcommunication + frame control.

The way that I got better at dates (and trust me, I'm still learning) is recording them and sharing with a few close guys that were more advanced and were able to give me feedback.

If you want you can send me some audio snippets via PM of your next one - I speak French.
Screening is Filtering the Girls thaat are down to fuck, you do this by touching Them.
Also During the Date, did u Go for the kiss? Did u Touch her? Did u try bringing her Home?
If a Girl goes on a Date is because she Likes u