DAY 8 : Gonna be off a few days | Ovnidos Log, from the deep to the everest (5'5'' bastard)

Day 7 :

Back to school, out of my lock-down, nothing else to say except I didn't want to miss a day on my log, so I'll have a perfect streak to look at one day.

Since a few days I did an Excel with all the habit I want to have, so I can keep myself accountable.

Nightclubs are now closed, bar are have an only sitted policy. Also, the bar/nightclub at my uni is now close, I used to have my best nights over there...
I was a bouncer some nights over there, it was very good for my social proof. I was known as the little guy that can handle the tall drunk guys. So I'm very sad.

C-19 hit my life very badly, I'm tired of this shit. So what I can do except complaining ? I'm thinking about emigration, I've got a few countries in head :

-Some covid-free country in central/south-america

I will be diplomaed of mechanical engineering in September, I speak a good English (I think). I'll start to search for a job abroad in March.

If my roommate doesn't flake, I'll have new tinder pictures on Sunday.

Gn for my European friends, Good afternoon for the Americans ones, and for the aussies gm
There is no covid-free country and if you mean restrictions then there isn't really anywhere that I know of that I could recommend. Probably the best bet would be Mexico as it doesn't even require PCR tests to enter. And there are no imminent plans to introduce a jab-pass. El Salvador is apparently the same but I haven't been there so I can't say if its a good place to be.

From what I have heard, Florida seems like a very good place to be though!
Florida is very lax everywhere. Texas is mostly the same, but some democratic big cities aren't. I think regardless of where you choose to live, you can no longer count on a public anything as being the cornerstone of your success in regards to work, lifting, women, etc. The only way to guarantee success going forward is to be able to do those independently of outside approval. Some parts are easy, but other aspects are hard. I know a lot of people, myself included, were counting on this being over soon. Being realistic, this is going to be the way of life going forward. Might as well optimize for it, regardless of how stupid that is.
Thebastard said:
Mexico could a good 2nd choice, I need to perfect my spanish tho.
Thanks !
Zug said:
no longer count on a public anything as being the cornerstone of your success
I think that's the biggest lesson of this pandemic for me

Day 8 :

Feeling a little depress these days, I'm looking forward to my new tinder pics this week to help me get out of it. If this doesn't work, man...
I'm willing to follow every piece of advice that this forum give me, with money being the only limit I allow myself.
Bro, we have all been through this, but trust me, trust me, trust me, YOU ARE GONNA BE A SLAYER LOL

I have seen countless men get bummed out, some of them just leave, but you truly can make it dude.

I did tonnes of photos before I came to my current profile and I was in online dating hell for damn near 7-10 months

We can get you over the line way faster


MakingAComeback said:


Day 9 :

It's not because sometimes I'm a lil depress that I don't get shit done.

Bcz your boi is a motherfucking stubborn, so at the end whatever the way I'll make it happen.

I took my roommate by the arm for a quick photoshoot, here's what I've got, What do you think guys ? :

And I add just one compressed in the post for you to see.
Great shot, I think you just need to tweak the shadows and brightness a bit.
I like #8, except that it's out of focus. I would keep shooting. You aren't going to get it all right away (plus you can keep iterating and uploading better and better photos).
pancakemouse said:
I like #8, except that it's out of focus. I would keep shooting. You aren't going to get it all right away (plus you can keep iterating and uploading better and better photos).

Yeah ofc, I'll try a next location this week, and a one like the shirtless you pm me. So hopefully I'll have 3 good
MakingAComeback said:
Hey bro that pic is fucking good! Good job man

Thanks MAC !

Rags2Bitches said:
none of these are ideal but i would use this edit for now

Ok cool, even my avatar isn't a good edit ? And why isn't it ideal ?

Thanks for taking the time to edit my pic, I'll use your edit
no, your avatar is fine, I didn't see it. i like faces to be more tan and less pink + more smooth around the eyes but it's just a matter of personal preference.

the smile looks pretty natural but the side angle distorts it a bit. it's definitely usable though. the non-smiling photos are all out of focus
DAY 10 :

Dig into crypto niche bcz i feel there's no money to make in the top 25, if you've got only a few bucks to invest in.
Put my avatar into photo feeler, to see what is it. I need to redo it, because I allow men to vote for it.

I went to see a high-end gym, the monthly payment is €140 which is 10% of my salary, I've been home-gym since the start, I'll have a new scholarship from the state so i'll get about 180e more montly. I wonder if it's a good investment, because I really like going to the gym.

But if there's only old rich peoples doing cardio training, I prefer staying with low-cost gym or home-gym

Overall good day but I spend a lot of time studying because it's the final season until February.
ovnidos said:
But if there's only old rich peoples doing cardio training, I prefer staying with low-cost gym or home-gym

Wouldn't that be better because the weights would be free to use?

My current gym I go somewhat late at night and there's usually only 1 other guy lifting at that time and it's so much better being able to use whatever I need to use immediately instead of waiting around for stuff to be free in peak times.

Though I don't think I'd ever pay 140 for a gym personally but if you enjoy it why not. And maybe that cost you'll be more motivated to go and get your moneys worth.
Striker said:
Wouldn't that be better because the weights would be free to use?

Also that’s one of the point!

Striker said:
And maybe that cost you'll be more motivated to go and get your moneys worth.

Yeah but fr I don’t need motivation to go to the gym, I’m a gym rat now
DAY 11 :

Fuck, finals take all my times, but these are the last finals of my life so it's ok.

Talk to a few girls on apps but I've got no motivations, it's so weird.

I'm thinking about my life goals. I'll obviously get my 10 lays this year caus' I'm a stubborn.

Tho I never add a crazy high libido, like it's weird I get boners thought the days, but I can go days without jerking off, and I barely watch porn, because I don't like the idea of jerking of watching a man doing what I want to do.

2 years ago I tested my Test and I don't remember the result, but I was like in the top 10% of the highest test level. Even a great test level for a guy of my age.

I barely ever add ED with my ex-gf even for almost 5y of relationship. Just sometimes when she wanted a quick fuck and I wasn't horny I couldn't get hard if she wasn't acting sexy enough.

I guess it's more a personality stuff than a hormonal issue. So when I'll have acquired the skills that allow me to fuck 10 girls in a year, I'll try my best to find a cute ass gf that share my values. After all, I always saw myself as a family guy. I want to have a bunch of children in a nuclear family. Perhaps I want to create what I never had.

My parents divorced when I was 2yo, it's not a trauma at all for me, it's more like it was annoying to live my life like this. But my mom changed guys every 2y or so, so every 2 years we add to change flat. So I moved 14 times until I was 17yo.

So to be clear my objective stay the same, 10 lays this year, then a mad cute gf, because my ex-gf was hot as hell. So I can't lower my standards.
DAY 13 :

Guess what : still studying, I've got physically no time for anything else, but that's ok 2 or 3 more weeks like this to go. Then I'll be an intern in a boring office for 7 months.

I wanted to write something that I've got in my head since a few months :
How gym/bodybuilding saved me from a real depression & If you should have only one habit, it should be this one.

Context :
Back I September when my ex-gf left me for another guy, I was devastated. All the older guys here will understand, I guess. This pain is also a step in the life of every man, I think, who here haven't been harshly left ?

How I started:
I started bodybuilding, cause of my ex-gf, 3years ago we were on the verge of breaking up. Because I was a simp. Just imagine me at 18yo fucking regularly a girl that was literally my dream-girl (Asian BigT). Lmao I could do everything for her : typically the thing you shouldn't do as we all know here.

On the verge of breaking up I man-up started the gym and from no-where became more "alpha" than I have ever been. Thank god for making me start this journey.

For all the guys that find excuses to don't start, I started training in my flat of 9m².
(Also, in 3 years of training, I've been to the gym only 4 months during my Erasmus. All Street workout and home gym.)

Why it's important to bodybuilding, then ? (most important part)

When you are stripped of your ego, your girl decided that you're not worth staying with her. In my head, it was a fucking mess, like I couldn't think about any other things. All the habit I add successfully implemented into my life were gone : meditation, learning, waking up early, reading a book a week. I was just a mess, and I was feeling that the only thing that I own was my body.

No amount of materials possessions would matter. The only thing that matter was : what I was physically, like my presence on earth, I'm not talking about personality stuff. I talk about flesh and blood.

And the body I built in the past few years, made me proud, it acted like an armour against the pain. Because I was back at the bottom of the Maslow pyramid. The only thing that could protect me from the "mental pain" was my physical body. I don't know if made my self clear. But it's how I was feeling.

So for a week I went everyday workout more hard than I ever did. 2/3h hours workout until I can't do any moves. That helped me immensely go thought the mental pain that I was feeling constantly. If I didn't have the ability to do that, I think I would have drunk alcohol, or hurt myself in some unproductive way. Who know where I would have ended?
Still, to this day, I use the anger left in my guts to fill my workout.

So guys lesson I've learned : Build a body that you're proud of, it will serve as your last rampart against any rejections or any pain.
At the end we're only flesh and blood, so at least be a muscular mammal lmao.

PS :
Being strong is cool, but being aesthetic is 10x much better
Feel very much the same. For me it was powerlifting, but experience was a close mirror to what you described.