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DAY 8 : Gonna be off a few days | Ovnidos Log, from the deep to the everest (5'5'' bastard)

GOD DAMN DUDE that is some bad ass shit!!!

You have discipline, mental fortitude, consistency, passion, and real drive. You have the fire inside it takes to become great.

We will keep pushing you and pushing you, I truly think you can be very successful in life and I cannot wait to see you physique, results in life, and overall development in Dec 2022.

You have come to the right place. Just keep working, everyone will have your back.

MakingAComeback said:
GOD DAMN DUDE that is some bad ass shit!!!

You have discipline, mental fortitude, consistency, passion, and real drive. You have the fire inside it takes to become great.

We will keep pushing you and pushing you, I truly think you can be very successful in life and I cannot wait to see you physique, results in life, and overall development in Dec 2022.

You have come to the right place. Just keep working, everyone will have your back.


Damn bro thanks !!
Day 14 :

Shitty day again, passed one exam, onto the next ones.

Online Dating:
Since I changed my pics a few days ago, my tinder account blow up to another level. Like 1 or 2 matches a day with CUTE girls. Damn it's not much, but before this new pic I could go like 10 days without any matches . Even on bumble with no volume in my country I get matches.

Can't wait to have 100% high quality tinder profile and boost it this shit going to be wild.

Libido issue :

I'm questioning myself, like I don't feel the urge to masturbate, like it's been 10 days. I still have mornings woods, but I don't feel any need. Is it because I'm depressed ? Are my test levels too low? I've got a healthy lifestyle (I smoke 5 cigarettes a week), I eat well, I work out, I go out only 1-2 times a week. I should be in the peak of my masculine urges at my age.

I'm wondering if it's because my masculinity was symbolically stolen? (Yes, my mom is a psychologist)

Also, in my day-to-day life I never interact with pretty girls, when i'm uni there's almost 0 girls and the girls that are here won't give you boners believe me lol.

I'm gonna do a blood test soon, and perhaps go to see a psychologist (not my mom lol) or and hypnotizer
Take into account that it's winter as well. We usually are less horny during this time of the year.
Day 15 :

Ding Dong exams aren't over ehe let's study Turbo Engines. That's crazy how much I'm not stressed any more by exams, I just get the shit done and leave.

It makes me think about something about me and how I succeed every time. I have never been good at uni, like I've always got the barely grade to pass, never shine in any subjects. Failed lot of them, went to re-take most of the time. I think I'm actually in the low range of IQs compared to other students of my promotion.

But who cares, at the end despite having the worst grades all the semester I always finish passing, I don't know what's weird about me, but I always find a way, a trick, to barely do it. And at the end, I will have exactly the same diploma as the 1st guy of my class. That's why I trust myself in any situation, I always manage to get the shit done.

And it's gonna be the same with my dating life.

Quick note about pushing yourself :
Recently, I was talking with my mom&dad about how much shit I get done on a daily basis. It's like nothing compared to some guys here, tho.
Like I force myself to always be productive : Reading, Gym, learning every day. I hate watching netflix because I feel it's designed to make you lose your time. And I attribute most of my small success to this behaviour.

And they both told me to take a break or to chill.

But If didn't get shit done :
-I won't have any decent pics on Tinder, and would have exactly no matches
-Won't have a "nice" body and will get a negative amount of matches : :lol:
-If I won't be on this forum every days, I would know nothing about tinder strategy, and I would wait until blue moon to find a toxic gf.

So fuck this, I'm gonna work hard and smart for the rest of my life. I'll take a break later.
ovnidos said:
But who cares, at the end despite having the worst grades all the semester I always finish passing

You know what they call the guy who graduated last of his class at medical school? - a doctor.
Day 15 :


If found that the commercial gym near my job is the best option, I will train during lunchtime for 12h to 14h, train and eat. I think it's the best plan.

There will be no one in the gym at this time. And thanks to this, I politely find a way to never have boring ass conversation with my colleagues agin.

Also I can now train 5x a week np of time management, and I'm free every night for working on side projects, approaching, or going out. Very nice option.

In the attached, image : the gym responsible to 95% of my fizeek. Going to the gym is gonna be so niceeeeeee, I'm tired of training alone like rat
ovnidos said:
I hate watching netflix because I feel it's designed to make you lose your time

Can relate to this one especially! I think it's so easy to fall into the trap of "oh it's just this one movie" or "I'll just play a couple of hours of video games here and there" and before you know it you've spent a ton of time doing mindless activities that lead to nothing.

At the same time I'm aware that relaxing is important, and that one should not be grinding all day every day and never take a day off without feeling guilty about it. That being said it's easy to get complacent where one sits in life etc.
ovnidos said:

Fr fr, i cannot wait so I’m going tomorrow at 8am because I’ve got some spare time of studying.

Hard2Focus said:
before you know it you've spent a ton of time doing mindless activities that lead to nothing.

Yes 😂😂 also I’m pretty victim of this phenomenon, so I never start to watch any show because I’ve got no self discipline to stop. If I want to chill Iwatch a movie. I think it’s better
DAY 16:

gueeeess whaaaaaat : studying all day ahah

My new profile pic got some success among french ladies for a few days. Which quickly went down about 4/5 days later... But this gave me the spark of hope I needed! I know that when I'll have a goood ass profile they're "gonna drop like flies" (french expression).

I talk to 2 girls on ig from tinder, which seem pretty receptive to my bullshit, I'll meet one this weekend if I've got time, and another one which I'll meet later next week. Tho "never sell the skin of the bear before killing it".

Also, I managed to ask my grand-ma to land me her DSLR, I'll have it next Friday. So I can shoot with one of my friend which is always ok for this kind of stuff.

Got so exited by my new gym membership that I went at 8am lol. Won't happen again until a good amount of time tho. Slack, some pretty heavy weight. But I'm too small for the lat pull down, which is for my defence particularly high. Then did muscle-ups to take revenge, lol, old ladies were very impressed. Is it worthy to game girls at the gym ?

Fashion :
I want to buy myself a good amount of plain white,black,grey t-shirts. Do you suggest any brand with good fit ? Like tight at the arm and chest and loose at the stomach?

I've also been listening to a youtuber (Hamza), which said to go to the gym with nice clothes and peoples will be more agreeable to you. I resonate with this because I've got the culture of hard-core gym, were you go to the gym with heavy ass hoodie wearing the hood & a cap while looking bad at anyone. I'm gonna change that and smile with a nice fitting t-shirt. I'm considering Gymshark brand because it seems well-fitted and low price.



We get jacked (well you get EVEN MORE jacked) and the ladies WILL drop like flies

ovnidos said:
I've also been listening to a youtuber (Hamza), which said to go to the gym with nice clothes and peoples will be more agreeable to you.

TacoLover said:

One day I’ll be a Lord slayer !!
TacoLover said:


DAY 17:

Studying af !!

I’m hosting a small party tonight with a few friends. Gonna be chill

Can’t wait to start to go back to my company again, even if it’s boring af. I’ll have the perfect life to build muscle, eat well and spend my money and my time in improving my life.
DAY 18:

Nothing fancy, still studying.

I've moved my ass off to go to the gym at 8pm, but it was closed. I dreamt about being there all day long. I won't be able to go to the gym until next weekend. But after that it will be THE HIGHWAY OF GAINZZZZZZZ

Got a date on Tuesday. Very nice lady, very receptive

You are off to a good start for the year bro, every date we have, we grow as men!

The Gym Gods will bless us with GAINS for our toil at the alter of the gym

Keep at it, maybe do some body weight exercises to tide you over during next week. Any goals in particular or just general improvement of your physique?

Here's hoping you get number (and a lay) out of the match.
BigBrach said:
Keep at it, maybe do some body weight exercises to tide you over during next week.

I've got literally no time, i'm 8am-11pm studying lmao but don't worry won't hurt me to stop for week.

BigBrach said:
Any goals in particular or just general improvement of your physique?

My goal in the attached file.