DAY 8 : Gonna be off a few days | Ovnidos Log, from the deep to the everest (5'5'' bastard)

creepo said:
Also During the Date, did u Go for the kiss? Did u Touch her? Did u try bringing her Home?
If a Girl goes on a Date is because she Likes u

logistic wasn't possible we both we're busy in the afternoon, but to be fair, she's kinda a hyper-stressed girl, and everything was complex af. I should have gone for a kiss tho, but i pussy out :(
There u have ur answer. Happened to me before and in my Experience Girls hate IT, they Respect u when u try but when you Chicken Out they hatte you for it.
DAY 2 :

  • Did mess around with my camera, but the tripod isn't there, so pretty hard to take pics of myself
  • Did sleep a lot to be fair cause of the WuFlu
  • I'm reading a lot, when my eyes aren't closing, rn i'm on atomic habits

Btw, i've got a website with almost all books ever created for free, in pdf and epub, very helpful for getting the self-help book, it's called 1-lib or z-lib depends on where you live
DAY 3 :
Still quarantined,

  • Went outside to take pics
  • Tried to take pics of myself, but it's harsh man, I need to train posing like a badass

So I'll add the pics for posterity, for the Ovnidos with 10+ lays

As I can tell :
Background : trash
Lighting : trash
Haircut and facial hair : trash, i'll do both cut at the of my quarantine

Also added the bokeh myself on ps

But I exerted myself at least !
Finding your pose takes a long, long time. I shot over 150 photos of the same pose just to get my first main Tinder photo ever. And even then, every photoshoot I've done I've gotten a little bit better at posing (and even then I'm STILL not where I want to be!)
MakingAComeback said:
That's a good effort with the camera bro! You are taking action like a boss. Keep working!


Thanks bro ! I’m not sure I that I can go very further camera wise. Will get better at posing and editing
pancakemouse said:
Finding your pose takes a long, long time. I shot over 150 photos of the same pose just to get my first main Tinder photo ever. And even then, every photoshoot I've done I've gotten a little bit better at posing (and even then I'm STILL not where I want to be!)

Are you taking all your pics alone ? Do you go full manual, or do you go auto ?
ovnidos said:
pancakemouse said:
Finding your pose takes a long, long time. I shot over 150 photos of the same pose just to get my first main Tinder photo ever. And even then, every photoshoot I've done I've gotten a little bit better at posing (and even then I'm STILL not where I want to be!)

Are you taking all your pics alone ? Do you go full manual, or do you go auto ?

Originally I took mine alone with a remote and a tripod. The most recent round I got a wing to take for me. I was doing auto.
Day 4
  • Did more and more pics
  • Did read more of atomic habits

But I feel that’s enough I need to get to the tinder pics fr now

Here’s a quick note about how I feel about this forum :

I discovered this forum when I was at the deepest state of my life, did write a draft post that i didn’t publish bcz i didn’t felt like it.

You guys make me take back my confidence. Before I had a void in my guts all day but because of some guys logs here, and tips : a fire have replaced the void :). It’s weird but I’m now absolutely sure that my life will change for good in 2022

Spécial shout-out to : KillYourInnerLoser&Radical : for creating the forum and providing actual proof that small guys got it too.

pancakemouse : for taking the time to comment on my log and giving me long ass answer

MakingAComeback :
For hyping me up at every post and being the strongest guy I ever encounter

Thebastard & colgate for showing me that you can be strong and go outside and get laid from cold approach you guys got nerves

creepo my Spanish accountability partner !

Happy New Years guys and I wish you success in everything you do !
Day 5 :
Overall a chill with me planning how to accommodate my New Year's resolutions.

So guys I'm in this weird spot rn where i get very few matches on tinder (will work on my pics next week when my lock down time is over).

But I often manage to get nudes from cute girls from tinder, but I can't manage a date or they flake on messaging despite being sexually interested. So I don't understand where do I fuck up.

Overall the girls are pretty cute, and I'm happy to see to tits here and there, but I want my lays more than this.
Stop getting nudes. Go flirty, but not overly sexual. Try toning it down and see where that gets you.

For many women, sexting is a form of validation without actually having to give up sex.
pancakemouse said:
For many women, sexting is a form of validation without actually having to give up sex.

That's actually what I intuited, but guess it's a bit against "basic men logic" lmao
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Scroll down to "2.13 – Don’t Talk Dirty (Sexting May Be Fun, but You’ll Bang Less Girls)"

Very clear, and exactly what i felt. Thanks
Day 6 :

Hey all,

I tried to do this pic (Pic n1) from Andy guide, because it's the only one that I can do inside my room.

Here's my best shot (?)

Tbh I don't know what's cringe or not cringe lmao

Let me know what you think, I post other shots in my gg drive folder :

Is it worthy going on my tinder ?
In my experience, the only indoor photos that work almost have to look like they were taken inside a studio so girls don't think "oh that guy is just taking a photo in his room".

I'll PM you mine. Was taken indoors and is responsible for like 70% of my Tinder lays.
pancakemouse said:
In my experience, the only indoor photos that work almost have to look like they were taken inside a studio so girls don't think "oh that guy is just taking a photo in his room".

I'll PM you mine. Was taken indoors and is responsible for like 70% of my Tinder lays.

Ok cool, I'll try my best to replicate this with my bf%. So mine is not worthy to add on my tinder.