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Hey man,

I get all of my lays from online and using Andy's template ("not looking for anything super serious, etc..."). I don't personally reiterate that message via text before a meet up. However, I have had a couple ask me during the date (or when they're at my place) about what I'm looking for, and I'll just be straight up and tell them I'm looking for something casual and consistent.
Old thread but fuck it:

Is there any point in disclosing that you're not into social games, like suspending replies intentionally etc, prior to meeting girls irl?
Hard2Focus said:
Old thread but fuck it:

Is there any point in disclosing that you're not into social games, like suspending replies intentionally etc, prior to meeting girls irl?


Goddamn your new photo is hot. Can't stop staring at it.
pancakemouse said:

Why not? My reasoning would be that "hardcore honesty" is something to strive towards, but I realize it might be counterproductive before the girl has even bothered to meet up.
Adam said:
For those who are seeking something casual with the girls you're dating: If you meet a girl through social life or cold-approach, how do you usually let her know that you're looking for something casual and do you do it on the first date? Do you make it explicit or just assume that she'll get the picture when you invite her back to your place on the first date? On Tinder/Bumble I always use Andy's template and tell girls I'm not looking for anything super-serious. Do you do the same when texting a girl to meet up for a first date?

Has anyone actually answered this question in this thread? I'd like to know as well.

I think I've been playing more of a "I'll push an interaction as much as possible" type game instead of being upfront and honest with girls. I get conflicting advice on both so I'm curious what guys think about this.
Hard2Focus said:
pancakemouse said:

Why not? My reasoning would be that "hardcore honesty" is something to strive towards, but I realize it might be counterproductive before the girl has even bothered to meet up.

"i'm not into playing games" translates to "i don't understand women and can't get them to respond to me"

a lot of guys with no options say that/have that on their profiles

i wouldn't mention it unless you're already seeing that behavior. then you can explain how it's a shitty dynamic and reassure her that you're on the same team.
colgate said:
Adam said:
For those who are seeking something casual with the girls you're dating: If you meet a girl through social life or cold-approach, how do you usually let her know that you're looking for something casual and do you do it on the first date? Do you make it explicit or just assume that she'll get the picture when you invite her back to your place on the first date? On Tinder/Bumble I always use Andy's template and tell girls I'm not looking for anything super-serious. Do you do the same when texting a girl to meet up for a first date?

Has anyone actually answered this question in this thread? I'd like to know as well.
Girls can tell from my behavior and style of dress. And if they've been on my IG for a while they'd literally see me with other girls.

An extreme example: do you think Scotty GLL needs to convince girls he's not boyfriend material? They just know he's a scumbag who will fuck them good and that's it.
Holden said:
colgate said:
Has anyone actually answered this question in this thread? I'd like to know as well.
Girls can tell from my behavior and style of dress. And if they've been on my IG for a while they'd literally see me with other girls.

An extreme example: do you think Scotty GLL needs to convince girls he's not boyfriend material? They just know he's a scumbag who will fuck them good and that's it.

Wow, I really did not expect this answer but it's literally the simplest and most elegant possible answer.

My brother has a similar style as Scotty (lots of tattoos, douchebag clothing, strong sexually dimorphic features) and his advice for cold approach to me has always been "you just need to look for the signals man, if she's looking at you, you're good!" I do question how aware he is of how often he actually does get rejected or misreads, but he's slept with 40+ girls, some being relationships, and multiple girls simultaneously as a "natural".

My excuse for not following this has always been "well I never receive the signals..." And furthermore, I have seen random girls eyefucking my brother when we're out and about.

There's a certain look he has, and many other guys have that just naturally comes off as "this guy fucks" and not "this guy is going to take me dinner and shopping <3 <3 <3". And it doesn't require any weird manipulative tactics (usually what my game ends up deregulating into) nor does it require weird "honest" disclaimers like "I don't want to play any games" etc.

I really need to aim towards this.
colgate get some inspiration from the G of G's: