Dim's Daily Progress Log

Feb 5, 2022
I am starting my daily review practice.

Here is the structure I created:

I have main areas of life I am working on improving:
- Business (Blog, My Coaching, Outreach - Reddit, Twitter)
- Mindset (Mindwork, Books, Inquiries, Gratitude, Forum, Coaching Sessions)
- Dating (Dates, Sex, Online Apps, Talking to girls)
- Looks (Gym, Style, Body)
- Relaxation (Meditations, Leisure, Unwinding, Walks, Sleep)
- Social (Meetups, Friends, Connections)
- Life Support (other stuff that is not my "improvement goal" but I still spend time on - Food, Home, Job, etc...) - here I plan to track my improvements in efficiency/technique - learning Meal Preps, for example.

I plan to pick 3 of them as a priorities each month - that will be related in their sequence.

Every day I will track progress in each of these categories and assign my score (0-3) on how much I advanced there:
0 - no progress
1 - some progress
2 - great progress
3 - breakthrough / huge success / big insight

Also I will take quick notes on what I did in these categories, and roughly how much time I spent in each of them (I track it in background daily)

I will also have notes about events/insights/epiphanies of the day that I consider important.
There will be also plans and ideas that I want to implement soon/long term, if they come to my mind that day.

I will refine the technique after a couple of posts, create template and automate it over next weeks to do in 5-10 minutes max.
This first post will be a guide to me and a place for some highlights, if I would want to add them later.

What I want to achieve by this thread:

- Reflection / Journal - to see for myself what I achieved, and to do weekly/monthly reviews. Also to be able to look back after some time and see what I was doing
- Accountability
- Practice of being seen - allowing myself to show up daily in "public" environment and receive critique/advice
- Forum outreach/connection - I want to be more active on forum and it is the first step on improving that
- Inspiration - "maybe I can give someone here some ideas/insights how you can use my experience in your life" - that is something I struggle with accepting, and I want to allow myself the possibility and practice it daily.


Business - 2/3 - 1.5h
- Article for blog + Reddit/Twit cross post
Dating - 3/3 - 4h
- Videos - brush up on honesty/being forward - helped a lot today
- Date - Girl from Tinder - huge win (below)
- Tinder/Badoo - 10 cold msg, msg leads
Mindset - 2/3 - 4h
- Forum - This review thread
- Forum - Month review
- Dailies - Reflections / Mirror therapy / 50 Likeables of myself
- Dating Insight (below)
Social - 2/3 - 3h
- Meetup - talked to many people, slowed down, chilled while talking to a girl there
- Coaching Group - support peers
Looks - 1/3 - 30m
- Body Measure Test
Relaxation - 1/3 - 20m
- Meditations
Life Support - 1/3 - 6h
- Fast meals


Date from Tinder - kissed her, she was into me a lot I guess, went to my place, talked and passionately made out for an hour. She had to go soon, but we'll probably meet on Sunday. She's a bit older than me (29), but I had an open mind and liked her so much - personality, interests and affection was so good. I'm really excited to continue this

Dating Insight - I have more stable personality now - while we were chilling at making out at my place with date, she told me I'm a nice guy. I would have went so deep into my anxiety because of it before - now I immediately noticed the thought, and changed it to "Yes, I am, and you like that!"
Day Review: 2022-12-03

Business - 2/3 - 4h
- Blog - 2 new Articles
- Shared 1 on reddit + Twit

Dating - 2/3 - 3h
- CA - 21 approach - 3 contacts, 1 receptive. Had more fun in interactions (more below)
- Lead Gen - 5 cold msg, Tinder replies
- I won't allow complacency

Mindset - 1/3 - 45m
- Journalling, Mirror, Likeables

Social - 3/3 - 3h
- Reconnected with girl I was seeing 6mo ago - highly ambitious and self-aware. Gonna make an awesome friend now when I can handle it. (more below)

Looks - 1/3 - 2h
- Gym - short session, bench progress

Relaxation - 1/3 - 30m
- Walk to/from CA site

Life Support - 0/3 - 5h

I had dating success, but this time instead of easing up, I'm continuing to fight against complacency. Approaches, dating apps - even though "I don't feel like it"
CA Highlights:

Approach pair girls, tell one she's cute, try to high five them, boyfriend comes in, I high five him instead and leave

At some point I got tired of running after girls that didn't want to stop - I hate that shit so much, I'm not a clown.

I then chilled out, started moving really slowly, waving half-circle with my hands for them to stop. Or even the ones I approached from behind, going before them to block the way - I just then stood in place, talked and didn't move. If they were leaving, I told them not to, awkwardly stood there alone for 10 more seconds and went my way.

And I had a pretty relaxed convo with next girl. She was much older, but I so enjoyed talking to her from that state. I was just chill.
I don't know, maybe I COULD convert the ones who are "in a rush" if I follow them... But fuck that and asking ANY girl for number.
"FUCK YES or no", right? If she likes me, she will stop and talk. Proved by one receptive and two more "ok" girls today.
I'm doing this for fun. And there's no fun in running after them as a dog on the leash.
Also won't ask numbers of the ones who turn out to be much older when I start talking - somehow I often miss it before actual approach.
Doesn't feel true to myself asking out the ones who I don't find that attractive - I'm not there to hit on 40yo, I'm in for the students haha.

Meet with T (girl from 6mo ago) went awesome. So happy to see her after all this time. I forgot how much self aware she is, I think she's even ahead of me. And she's starting her own biz, in mental health too. I like her so fucking much.

Back then she ended it because of not trusting herself with a feelings and any kind of relationship. So the only way then it would have worked is to be friends. And I def couldn't handle it back then - was too anxious about getting laid.

Now it's another story. Happy to have her back in my life. And she doesn't dismiss "occasional fucking" part, haha.

Just gonna frame everything as a friendship and grow it, which I'm excited to practice as well.

Really exhausted today. After CA anxieties + meet with T + missing 2nd nap, I just crashed in the midday.
Went home, took a 3rd nap, had a long meal and wrote 1 more article. Cool.
Day Review: 2022-12-04

Business - 2/3 - 3р
- 2 New Articles + Twit
- Good coaching practice on call with parents

Dating - 2/3 - 2h
- 12 approaches, 1 contact, 1 instagram (details below)

Mindset - 2/3 - 1h
- Journalling + Mirror
- Resillience practice - kept going on from one event/action to another

Social - 3/3 - 4h
- Texted and shared some of my thoughts/articles with T
- Conversations from cold approach
- Meetup with friend - talked abound mindsets and self-improvement
- Meetup with another friend - chill, hangout at japanese restaurant, talked about events of the week + approached 1 girl there
- Call with parents
- 5 back-to-back human interactions of different kinds in the span of 9 hours - I am fucking drained, but SO MUCH EXPERIENCE.

Looks - 1/3 - 2h
- Shortened gym session - deadlift focus

Relaxation - 1/3 - 30m
- Had good meal at the end of the day
- Walk to/from CA site

Life Support - 2/3 - 3h
- Huge and awesome meal prep for the week

Approaches: it was too fucking cold and windy, everyone was covered and I kept making excuses, so only 12/20 approaches today. Almost all of them ignored me and avoided me like a nuisance, I didn't run after them, and that feels much better.
Only 2 girls actually stopped and talked properly.
Still awesome. I think I made 3-4 approaching of girl pairs - that is the thing I like to practice.
Last one did while hanging out with a friend in a cafe - rushed out of it after a pair of girls and talked to one - got her inst (yeah...) but I never did that exact thing before so it was awesome to experience
I'm getting into meal preps more and more - huge time save and it is worth it to make complex unique-tasting meals. Def gonna practice it more
I guess I have 3 friends that add to different parts of my life now:
-And hangouts/wingman/coaching/different-mind-perspective.
That is actually pretty cool.
I am making great progress with coaching practice on call with parents - never thought I can do that before. I see the intentions behind what they are saying and address underlying causes. It is quite cool that now I can guide people into noticing their own thoughts, even if they have a very rigid world view.
Day Review: 2022-12-05

Business - 1/3 - 2h
- Set up second daily journal blog
- Set up Linktree page
- Twit
- Article /5min

Dating - 2/3 - 3h
- Date with J. Nice, no intimacy progress today, but it still moved me forward with her (more below - 1)
- Scheduled quick date for tomorrow, with receptive CA girl from 2 days ago

Mindset - 3/3 - 1h
- Journal/Mirror
- Filling up daily blog with older journal entries
- Conscious refocus to gratitude and finding good instead of irritation (more below - 2)

Social - 1/3 - 30m
- Date/texting friends

Looks - 0/3 - 0h

Relaxation - 1/3 - 3h
- Played game for 2h
- Unwind period /20m

Life Support - 2/3 - 10h
- Dessert meal prep
- Naps on time
- Job high focus

(1) Date with J.
Hung out for 3 hours. It was nice, but I was anxious again. No intimate progress today - I guess she was still feeling unwell. But I asked her to my home - shown intentions. And said how grateful I am for her actions. I am happy I did that and spent time with her.
I am ok with taking it slow with her, as she is not dismissing my prompts like that last "slow going" girl I was with did. And she shows me that she likes me. I feel like she wants to move forward.
It's been only a 2nd date, and I'm in Serbia - Relax, Dim, you will eventually get laid...
(2) The girl that ghosted me after a date 2 weeks prior, texted today with saying she didn't feel it. I was irritated at first - but almost immediately started reframing it as a good thing.
She replied, she took her time - she easily may have kept no contact, but she texted. I am really happy she did - it made me a bit happier.
And I didn't even pretend about that - I genuinely could feel gratitude to her, after practicing for couple of minutes.
That is a sign of a HUGE PROGRESS and mindset shift - now I can genuinely feel happiness in situations that previously would have reminded me of the negatives.
Two new additions for biz/mindset that I planned for this week:
Personal journal, where I will put (almost) unedited content of my daily morning reflections.
And Linktree account - for people to find all that I have to offer and more identity/info about me as a person.
These are steps toward more trustworthiness and, more importantly, openness and honesty which I want to practice more.
Day Review: 2022-12-06

Business - 1/3 - 30m
- Blog - multiple article drafts
- Twit

Dating - 2/3 - 2h
- Awesome date with a girl from CA (below - 1)
- Replied 1 girl on apps

Mindset - 1/3 - 1h
- Journal/Mirror

Social - 1/3 - 30m
- Convos with friends - building rapport

Looks - 1/3 - 3h
- Gym. Bench slight progress

Relaxation - 1/3 - 30m
- Unwind pre-sleep period
- Sleep onset for coaching call - 20:15

Life Support - 2/3 - 8h
- Ordered internet installation - QOL and easier for coaching calls
- Job Focus

(1) Date went amazing. She was so funny, energetic and easy to talk to. Into some mindful / positivity topics as well, so we clicked on that. We shared a lot of stuff with each other and I awkwardly tried touching her shoulder/hands when making some point.

Went for the kiss towards the end, she evaded and I was very fucking awkward haha. I made some jokes about it we hanged out for a bit and went to our day.
I am really interested now if she will follow up on my message afterwards and meet again...

I know that if she really liked me (and I think she did), awkwardness should not matter. And I did the most important part - shown intentions.
But still, I'm curious to see the proof at some point that even if I will be awkward, I still can get some girls to like me - I struggle with that belief and never seen evidence to the contrary in my previous experience.
Finally went and ordered new ISP. Coaching calls on mobile network were kinda shitty lmao - it's time to upgrade
Had a lot of ideas for articles in the morning, wrote a lot of drafts. I really want to finalise them in the following days - concepts there are very important and when I will write them they will be internalised in my mind.
Then I will be able to easily use them in everyday life. Will be a huge boost to my sense of self-worth, experimenting, giving permission to suck and overall acceptance.
I will probably be able to be less anxious, more chill and easy going - I need it.

Pretty low-effort day, but some important progress still was made.
Focus on the small 1% improvements every day.
I will reach everything I want eventually.

Day Review: 2022-12-07

Business - 3/3 - 3h
- First YouTube video (below - 2)
- Small blog article with it
- Twit
- Reddit 1 comment

Dating - 1/3 - 2.5h
- Watched vids on dates and honesty
- Told "date" I liked her and asked if she only wanted to be friends (below - 1)
- Replied girls on Tinder/Badoo

Mindset - 2/3 - 5h
- Group call
- Mirror/Journal

Social - 1/3 - 1h
- Had a long chat with T - she is a small light for me in these times - glad I reconnected
- "Date"/"Meet" with a girl - SOME social practice (below - 1)

Looks - 1/3 - 3h
- Gym - no progress, maintained weight

Relaxation - 1/3 - 20m
- Meditation - routing sexual energy (below - 3)

Life Support - 1/3 - 7h
- Job focus

(1) I went on a date (that friendly one) - and, guess what, it was actually friendly haha.

We had a 1.5h chat, and at the end I told her I really like her and asked if she really wanted to be friends - and she said yeah. So heres that...

I don't think I can handle seeing yet another girl as a friend.
T (that girl I reconnected to) is ok, she adds so much to my life by our shared experiences, and she kinda more than a friend - I trust her.

But these new ones - "friends" - I literally cannot see how it could add to my life.

I can see only the pain I will feel every time by knowing that this is yet another girl I like that doesn't want to have anything intimate with me...

And guys, I know that it is better to find something good from each interaction. And I could find 20 reasons I am grateful for her, easily.
But I don't want to this time. It just feels wrong. I would be avoiding the problem.

I really wasted 1.5 h of my life on this. I felt this "friendliness" and distance at the start. I kept and open mind, but I did it for too long.
I was not happy in the interaction. I tried to be... but I really wasn't.

I literally cannot see how that interaction added to my life more than took from it. It drained me.

Maybe it gave me more frustration that I need to finally start changing something - that is the only justification I can come up with.
But what positives did it give me? I am lost on this...

The girl from my yesterday date - the one I told was amazing and I liked her so much - not replying to me as well...

I don't know what the fuck is wrong here... Why is it so hard? Why can't I get the girls that I like? There is something fundamentally broken and I cannot see that... Even for the fucking Serbia it should be easier...
There are the full country of people, they are doing something with each other, they are seeing each other and having sex.
Why am I excluded from this?

I feel fucking hopeless. Especially after some progress I had at the start of the year.
I only recently started with this friend thing but I am already tired to the core from it.
Maybe it is better to drop all that honesty, humility, peace and patience and just learn to be an arrogant douche who goes for sex after 10 minutes of a date. At least I wont waste any more time on "friends" while I'm in this country...

(2) Recorded my first YouTube vid and posted on my blog with a small article.
Kudos to my coaching client who just threw himself in trying new stuff, and inspired me so much that I had to do what I wanted myself.

Now this part of content creation is open for me as well - I like that.

(3) I started to use meditations for specific purpose - to route my unrealised sexual frustration energy into biz/job. I figured as I have so much of it now from no dating success, it would feel better to use it somehow and not just waste by jerking off.

No idea how to do that and no result for now, but I'll make it into a daily 5-min practice.
I will learn how to do that eventually.

I skipped relaxation period. I skipped reading book. I wasted too much time on a friendly meetup.
I'm drained today. But tomorrow I will go on regardless.
Small steps to the mountain. One after another, even if they are painful.
I will get there. I will build my elite life eventually
But for now,
Endure and Survive

Day Review: 2022-12-08 (Did I really forgot to press post yesterday… lmao)

Business - 2/3 - 3h
- 1 Article - on my frustration but ok
- 2 Coaching calls
- Twit

Dating - 1/3 - 5m
- Replied to one girl in tinder

Mindset - 2/3 - 3h
- Mirror/Journal/Daily blog
- Gratitude for clients
- Week Review
- Accountability
- Meditation - sexual routing

Social - 2/3 - 1h
- Friend texting - huge communication practice

Looks - 1/3 - 2.5h
- Refactored workout

Relaxation - 1/3 - 2h
- Extended sleep /2h

Life Support - 1/3 - 5h
- Installed good internet
- Job focus

Low energy and frustrated whole day.
On a brink of a breakdown still.
Still miss any feminine energy and intimacy.

I use a lot of energy for helping people, for relating and listening. But I have no source of replenishing it fully. It takes a toll on me.
Grateful for my coaching clients, by talking to them I stop focusing on my own life and forget frustration for a bit
Skipped gym today - had absolutely no energy left. Went to sleep 2h instead. It helped alleviate total negative view and tiredness.
Opening up in texts with T - great communication practice, we talked about personal topics and it was challenging to convey what I wanted to say. Definitely a Progress
Had no energy for handling Reddit. And counterproductively, Tinder - sent one message there. Will reset account tomorrow anyway
No relaxation/leisure today at all. And I am writing this, already cutting into my sleep for 15 minutes.
I have no ideas how to get back on track with this for now. Too many things to do


Day Review: 2022-12-09

Day turned around from starting on the brink of collapse - to fucking awesome and productive.
Power of our mindset is incredible.


(1) Mindset switch -
Todays call was really important - I remembered that even though parts of my life - dating for now - sometimes can cause frustration, it is ok.

Life doesn't just HAPPEN to me. It doesn't want to hurt me either...

Life is okay if you don't mess with it.
But I chose this path of self-improvement, consciously.
I got away from complacency and mediocrity, with aim to be elite.

OF COURSE it may be really hard from time to time. It is reasonable. I am fighting against all crab bucket at the same time.
But it was my choice. My path.
And for that purpose alone - IT IS WORTH IT ALL.

Thanks, Andy, for reminding me that.


(2) Tinder -
- Reset Tinder account
- Now my account is tied to Serbia instead of Russia - boosts are twice as cheaper LMAO. Had to do that months ago...
- Had a lot of matches, some convos

I use a new template 2-part:
1- "Hey. You're sexy. I'm looking for smth specific"
2- after reply -
"I'm into something casual but ongoing. And if you'll want it as well, exploring kinks and tantric sex/light BDSM/shibari - I am not a pro but want to get into it.
I like you, so I want us to meet, have a drink, see if we click and what happens.
If this is something you would want, drop me your number and I'll text you."

- I got an awesome lead that was open and curious about that sexual stuff. Really shy about it but talking to her was just fun. So gonna meet sometime next week.
- I also texted some chubby girl that matched with me fucking explicit line -
about how "I want her to come straight to mine, I pull her, kiss, fuck", yada yada... I just described a scene from some novel I guess.
I thought that, well I don't like how she looks but if she fulfils my fantasy - that's still a win.
She wasn't into it. But I'm gonna text it to matched girls I'm not really attracted to in the future as well - some of them may be into it, so why waste the chance haha.
- Huge props to me also for writing about my desires that explicitly - I was fucking scared but still did it - one more step to removing my sex stigma

Business - 2/3 - 1.5h
- Wrote a pretty good article
- Twit

Dating - 3/3 - 2h
- Tinder reset and many events (above - 2)
- New Promising Lead

Mindset - 3/3 - 5h
- Coaching call - huge switch (above - 1)
- Read articles on mindset / dating
- Journal/Mirror
- Communicating in group, reading advice

Social - 0/3 - 0h
- I had a scheduled New Year corporate event today, but decided not to go. Used time for job and Tinder instead - and it was worth it.

Looks - 0/3 - 0h

Relaxation - 1/3 - 1.5h
- Set up 1h for relaxation
- Book "Loving What Is" /20m

Life Support - 2/3 - 7.5h
- Huge job focus - achieved a lot
Day Review: 2022-12-10

I relaxed mentally a lot. I was slowed down and mindful all day.
I recharged my intimate/feminine energy - by spending time and cuddling with T.
This day was amazing!

Tomorrow for physical relaxation and I will be ready to crush it again.

(1) Meet with T - Or how 6 hour meet with one person can give breakthroughs in 4 areas of life...
SO MANY NEW INSIGHTS. It was better than I even thought it would be.

We met for 6 hours.

We had a huge deep journey into ourselves, sharing our experiences, insecurities and views. I then switched to doing a coaching/counselling session for her (yeah... I know... another person who I do this with lmao). It was so meaningful and awesome - probably the best in-the-moment connection I had to anyone ever. We both were tired, but it gave both of us so many insights. So happy for that.

We just hanged out and had a great time.
It was interesting being mindful of sexual thoughts that come into my head. Of body reacting with a huge turn-on about immense connection with another girl.
Noticing all that, and... letting go. I don't need to act on it.
It does take some effort, but I don't suffer by acknowledging that the desire is there, and just deciding that I won't do anything.

It was an awesome practice. It really showed me that sex is just another activity you can do or not do - it is not a requirement. And I can happily pursue other stuff, if it is worth it.
I wouldn't do that with new girls - it isn't worth it in that situations. But if I will build enough trust and connection with some other FWB, I can do the same thing if there will be a need.
My horizons are opened more today.

We also cuddled for like half an hour - without anything sexual, just being intimate. It recharged me SO FUCKING MUCH. It is exactly what I needed and was hoping for. Cuddles are a very powerful practice - I will def write something about it.

Social - 3/3 - 6h
- Met with T - huge insight into friendly connection and intimacy. Into deep convos as well. (above - 1)
- Texting with friends

Relaxation - 3/3 - 1.5h
- Met with T - cuddles recharged me so much (above - 1)
- 1.5 hour pre-sleep rest period

Mindset - 3/3 - 2h
- Met with T - fuck it, it affected my mind as well - this epiphany of not needing sex for extreme connection was life-changing (above - 1)
- Journal/Mirror/Blog
- Made and edited a photo to Instagram about my breakfast meditation - I wanted to and I did

Business - 2/3 - 1h
- Recorded audio and uploaded it to the blog as an alternate article
- Twit
- Met with T - AAND, fuck it, It helped here as well lmao. Guiding her into her feelings and thoughts was such an intense coaching experience that I cannot ignore it here (above - 1, yep)

Dating - 1/3 - 10m
- Tinder - ran 3x2 boosts, answered matches.

Looks - 1/3 - 3h
- Gym - started deloading, 1st week

Life Support - 1/3 - 4h
- Good new meal combination
- Cleanups in house
Day Review: 2022-12-11

I had almost no pressure today. Was able to not worry about doing anything and just enjoy. Though haven't got as much proper "relaxation" as I wanted to.

Meal prep was long and my call with parents took 3 h though. I got tired and it slightly bugs me - but it just means that I learned and next time I will finish faster. And I still enjoyed doing all that, it just drained me a bit...

And there was a sudden date in the evening, which threw away my sleep (12am now) but was totally worth it.

Good day

(1) Date - had a coffee with a girl from Tinder I talked today - shes 36 - much older than me - but seems quite cool and sexy. I loved her personality - she was open, honest and affectionate. Held hands, talked openly. Closed with a kiss. Awesome.

Older girls is my probable audience here that I haven't tapped into.
Yes, I want to strive for younger and inexperienced girls. But when the dating starts to cause that much frustration for me, the possible solution - lower the floor of entry.
It may not be as good as with "my type", but it may still be quite good. And no one stops me from upgrading over time, setting boundaries of how often we see each other - not wasting too much time. And stopping seeing them at any point. And it is still a dating practice.
So there are practically no downsides for this, other than a slight hit to my ego - which is a practice too.
And always keeping an open mind - older girls can be awesome too.

Business - 2/3 - 1h
- Wrote a good article
- Practiced coaching and doing inquiry in a call with parents

Dating - 3/3 - 3h
- Had a lot of prospective leads on tinder from yesterday/today
- I have a lot of fun with new Tinder template I use - LOTS of positive and kind responses about honesty. I haven't had that much in all the previous months in total. I am onto something here
- Went on a sudden date at the evening (above - 1)

Mindset - 1/3 - 1h
- Journal/Blog/Mirror

Social - 1/3 - 3h
- Called parents, talked about stuff and had a coaching with them

Looks - 1/3 - 3h
- Gym - deload week 1

Relaxation - 2/3 - 4h
- Had no pressure, played games, watched some videos

Life Support - 2/3 - 3h
- Huge new meal prep
Day Review: 2022-12-12

Slow paced OK day.
Catched up on some lost (by yesterday date) sleep.
Tried to do some things - inquiries were good, and then I went and posted on Reddit - good.
Writing article - had no thoughts so allowed to stop after 5min.

Also just lost good Tinder lead and now kinda down. That damn rollercoaster of successes and losses lmao.
Gonna go and relax and unwind for an hour.
I still have other good leads tho.

Business - 2/3 - 40m
- Reddit - posted an article from my blog
- Article - 5min editing

Dating - 1/3 - 1h
- Tinder boost at 2030 - no matches
- That 36yo receptive date I was with yesterday - Aaaand, she's gone... "I was too young for her"
Well, that is really unfortunate, I liked her a lot and we clicked. But it seems age card can be played in both directions lmao.
- Messaging my lead - busy for now but receptive and work with me to find a time!
And that other one did the same.
How awesome it is to have interested girls! Maybe it is good to focus on older ones from time to time - specifically for that respect and recognition haha.

Mindset - 2/3 - 40m
- Inquiries on fear of Reddit - good stuff

Social - 0/3 - 30m
- Convos with friends

Looks - 0/3 - 0h

Relaxation - 1/3 - 3h
- Extended sleep 2h
- Pre-sleep unwind 1h

Life Support - 2/3 - 8h
- Huge focus on my job today - catched up and feel better now
Day Review: 2022-12-13

Overall feeling was good and energetic. A lot of communication with friends / dating leads - I'm hopeful.
Job tired me up at the end. But it is 70min till my sleep onset and I'm saying fuck it all and going to unwind.
Relaxation period and sleep schedule are paramount

I noticed something changed in me, there is no aversity now to older women - I am even intrigued what we can explore together - I just need to screen a bit harder for ones that are cool and on the same wave as me (and steer clear of Russian feminists here lmao).

My previous mediocre experiences don't shape my future.
Business - 1/3 - 1.5h
- Article - 1 draft finished and posted
- Reddit - 2 comments

Dating - 2/3 - 30m
- Set up date with new lead at Saturday
- Other girl rescheduled, probably meet at weekend too
- Apps - 2 boosts, messaging

Mindset - 1/3 - 1.5h
- Journal/Blog - love today's entry
- Reading: "Loving What Is"
- Listened to coaching calls and written some important points - will make articles out of them to internalise.

Social - 1/3 - 40m
- Friends/Dates texting

Looks - 1/3 - 2.5h
- Gym - deload week 1 (day 3/5)
- Scheduled haircut

Relaxation - 1/3 - 1h
- 1h pre-sleep leisure period

Life Support - 1/3 - 6h
- Job focus - tiring tasks today
- Home cleanup
Day Review: 2022-12-14

Hugely focused on mindwork and sharing today - awesome.
Was able to catch the thing I became desperate about - "get laid once more in 2022" - and stop it.

(1) Mindset switch from being desperate to GET LAID - to ACCEPTANCE that it is ok if I don't

I didn't go to my planned social meetup today - and I did Mindworks and article on this very thing instead.

At some point in the last couple of days I set a new goal for myself in the background:
- “Get laid at least one more time this year”

Then it turned into a desperation. I devalued everything else.
“It only matters to find a girl I can be intimate with once more this year”
Or probably the more real version:
“I am a total loser and don’t deserve to exist if I won’t have sex in these two last weeks of 2022”

What I will be doing now, is consciously stopping myself from desperately trying to meet new girls for a couple of days.

– Why is it supposed to happen now? Why should it be tied to some arbitrary time periods? – No real reason other than ego.
– Will I be able to do it in the next year? – Of course I do. And it will be even easier to find the girl I like without all this pressure.
– Will my life end if I won’t have yet another lay in addition to 7 I had in a 2022? Lmao, no.
– Will I be ok with not obsessing over it and calming down? I… think I do. It will all be ok no matter what.

So I will force myself to live in acceptance for a while.
I will internalize that whether I have sex or not – my life will still go on.

If I get some girl in that period by not being obsessed with meeting them – great, it’s a bonus.
If I doesn’t – well I tried. I had the intention. And I still always have myself as a support.
It is a win-win in any way.
I had a kickass year.
I don’t need another random invented-2-days-ago desire to celebrate it fully.
Business - 2/3 - 3h
- Blog - 2 articles (mindset and this thing on sex from above)
- Reddit - 4 comments

Dating - 2/3 - 2h
- A lot of effort on dating apps
- 3x2 Tinder boosts, messaging matches, no leads

Mindset - 3/3 - 7h
- Mindworks on my shame of (casual) sex
- Psychologist session
- Journal/Blog/Mirror
- Group call
- Switch from desperation on my goal to acceptance (above - 1)

Social - 1/3 - 1h
- Convos with friends. Reaching out to people I knew

Looks - 2/3 - 3.5h
- Gym - deload week 1 (day 4/5)
- Haircut

Relaxation - 1/3 - 30m
- 30m pre-sleep leisure

Life Support - 0/3 - 3h
- Work very low focus - neglected all
Day Review: 2022-12-15

Good day - client calls were amazing. And I did 2 inquiries prior that really helped.

I think it clicked with me how to do inquiries. I will do much more of them now.
Did 2 today:
"I have to help my clients"
"I should prepare perfectly for my calls"

Great insights from both of them.
It helped me to relax and look forward to meeting my clients. To be less anxious ON the calls. And to be at peace overall.
Business - 2/3 - 4h
- Blog - 1 Article + 1 Draft
- Coaching - 2 sessions - really good today!
- Twit

Dating - 1/3 - 5m
- Tinder 1 boost 2200

Mindset - 2/3 - 4h
- Gratitude - clients
- Inquiries on fears of coaching (above - 1)
- Accountability post
- Week Review
- Mirror/Blog/Journal

Social - 1/3 - 30m
- Texting friends, and text-reconnecting with girl who I was seeing in Russia

Looks - 1/3 - 2.5h
- Gym - deload week 1/3 done

Relaxation - 1/3 - 30m
- 30m pre-sleep leisure

Life Support - 1/3 - 4h
- Moderate job focus
Day Review: 2022-12-16

Slow-paced good day.
Was distracted, but still was able to turn it around to doing small actions and be mindful a lot.
Almost skipped meetup, but it turned out to be a really great step forward - tried so many things there and met 2 cool people.

(1) Meetup - when I was there I had a really good practice of slowing down, being in the moment and doing weird shit among many people.

I was chilling, laying back on the couch, caressing my arms, watching the lights and enjoying how it felt while sitting in the center of the table of people talking to each other.
I am sure I was a fucking weirdo - but it didn't matter.
No one really cared about the shit I was doing right beside them.
And I was enjoying myself and the awkwardness of the situation.

People even talked to me and I had awesome conversation while being really slow lmao.

I also allowed myself to detach from talking with people, was writing article and sex questions for like an hour there while being among people - I liked it.

(2) Was writing follow up on "20 things about casual sex" but it took WAY more time than I imagined. Will finish this weekend.
Also written some dating/sex questions and responses for "rejections" - was writing on a meetup - not so many. Will finish tomorrow as well.

Business - 1/3 - 30m
- Finished writing a cool article while being at a meetup heh

Dating - 1/3 - 30m
- 3x2 Tinder boosts - some matches - no leads. Probably used them too often, but they are cheap for me now so doesn't really matter.

Mindset - 3/3 - 5h
- Meetup - great results with mindfulness practice (above - 1)
- Writing some "casual sex counters" and "dating/sex questions" (above - 2)
- Journal/Mirror
- Good coaching session - many insights for dating and my coaching
- Was distracted for like 2h in total today - but noticed myself worrying about it, and let it go - good practice.

Social - 2/3 - 6h
- Meetup - met a cool guy with similar mindset to mine. AND a girl as well - who is Russian but was really awesome and chill. Got both their contacts, will text them later.
- Bought a present for tomorrow T's birthday I was invited to. Didn't buy any present for 2 years - was so fucking hard lol. But practiced doing one step at a time and handled it.

Looks - 0/3 - 0h

Relaxation - 1/3 - 30m
- Walk to/from meetup

Life Support - 1/3 - 4h
- Tiny job focus - but finished some tasks
Day Review: 2022-12-17

Huge success in dating:
Finally, after 2 months, I had sex!
Well, not "proper" one, but that's coming tomorrow.

(1) Date/Sex
So, that 33yo woman (call her Ir.) from Tinder. "Ok" attractiveness physically in person, but she makes up for it big time with personality, being open and having similar mindset to me. And being passionate in sex...
We sat in a bar for an hour, talked about stuff, dating and sex. I pitched going to mine, she was on the fence - and then I said "it's ok, what are your boundaries. How about we go and just made out?"
I think that got her. We talked for a bit more about what we want, went to mine and made out passionately. She was really into it and got further. We ended up with me going down on her.
Then I decided to tease her a bit, stopped and said that it's gonna be next time - feels so awesome lmao.
So we're gonna meet again tomorrow, gonna have actual sexy sex that I've been looking forward to. Nice.

And I have girl from 2 dates (J.) and one more lead waiting for the time to meet next week...
All of them sweet in texting.
And new lead even looks really hot in photos, my age and wanted to get into some kinky stuff.
Turnaround, I guess.
(2) Social - Honesty/Integrity
Wrote to M. (Friend that I was hanging out and coaching at the beginning) that I don't want to hang out now and told him all the reasons that it is just not my priority and I believe in him.
I was very anxious to do that and proud I went through.
Good practice being honest and speaking what I want. I feel much lighter and peaceful now.
Business - 2/3 - 1.5h
- Article
- Twit

Dating - 3/3 - 3h
- Date - ended up in us sexually fooling around (above - 1)
- Tinder - 2 boosts in the morning, no new leads

Mindset - 1/3 - 1h
- Reading my older blogposts - good practice haha
- Journal/Mirror

Social - 2/3 - 5h
- Birthday party with T. - but I arrived and left earlier than her other friends, so it was only us all the time. Good practice enjoying choosing and giving gifts, and just a good convo.
- Paused hangouts with M. Good practice honesty and integrity (above - 2)

Looks - 1/3 - 3h
- Gym - deload week 2/3 (day 1/5)

Relaxation - 1/3 - 30m
- Some free time in the midday

Life Support - 0/3 - 3h
Day Review: 2022-12-18

Nice day, properly got laid, did meal preps and relaxed for a couple of hours.
But even though this day had cool things, it tired me greatly - I am writing this review next day and I feel completely exhausted.

I also really want to say that "I didn't have progress" because I skipped even the bare minimum (5m) of working on my blog. But well, I can treat it as "I needed focus elsewhere".
That is the whole reason I created my "Life Areas" categories - I can see now that I slightly improved in everything but biz - day was ok - I cannot devalue my progress anymore - IT IS THERE.

(1) Dating/Sex
Ir. came over and we had some proper sexual fun. And in between a long discussions about our preferences, dating experiences and stuff.
She is the person who finally showed me how most girls use Tinder... Damn, I heard that from experience, but never "really" saw.
Critiqued all of "our common-knowledge" approaches to building profiles lmao - but was interesting to hear her perspective. Though I know mine - I built this profile and it worked - that is all I need to pay attention to.
Will be seeing her again

Meal preps are awesome - I can cook meals that would have been inconvenient to cook for 1-2 portions. Downside - For now I am using 3-4 hours of my day-off to make them and get tired.

Business - 0/3 - 0h

Dating - 2/3 - 4h
- Date/Sex (above - 1)

Mindset - 1/3 - 30m
- Journal/Mirror

Social - 1/3 - 1h
- Parents call/Friends contact

Looks - 1/3 - 3h
- Gym - deload week 2/3 (day 2/5)
- Improved tracking sheet

Relaxation - 1/3 - 4h
- Extended 2h sleep
- Leisure 2h

Life Support - 1/3 - 5h
- Week meal prep
RussianSlimGuy said:
She is the person who finally showed me how most girls use Tinder... Damn, I heard that from experience, but never "really" saw.
Critiqued all of "our common-knowledge" approaches to building profiles lmao - but was interesting to hear her perspective. Though I know mine - I built this profile and it worked - that is all I need to pay attention to.
Will be seeing her again

Any good takeaways from this?
HankMoodyJr said:
Any good takeaways from this?

Well, according to her words, a bunch of the profiles with "gym bro" guys who are also into travel and photography are so common it is boring… And she matched with me "in spite of it" because she liked me particularly. And then was finally swayed by my "completely honest and direct" approach

But as we all know, that is not the case for the general pool of girls - Showing value, body and interesting lifestyle IS what works.
And it still worked for that woman as well no matter how "bland" it was, haha.

But the bit about honesty and stating directly what I want without small talk - on that I agree with her. It definitely worked better in these 2 weeks in comparison to the last 6 months. At least for me in Serbia.