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DISCONTINUED THREAD: Social freedom community challenge

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May 2, 2021
KYIL community challenge: Deliberate acts of social defiance

What‘s up dudes. A big aspect of reaching any significant goal is ignoring naggers and normies. You oftentimes have to break social norms to get what you want.

The retardo stuff you do during the AA program is a superb example of this. Anyone who has done it can attest that after doing some of the weirder days, one‘s social freedom skyrocketed and one's view on the world fundamentally changed.

However, humans are very much prone to re-adapt to social norms, to mentally subordinate to the group. You might have broken your mental blocks temporarily in one area, but this does not mean that you have forever broken the general habit of social obedience. Having this habit will continue holding you back from reaching your goals.

Staying mentally/socially free requires repeated acts of deliberate social defiance.

The purpose of this thread is to collect ideas for such actions and challenge one another to go through with them.

I think it would be most fun to pick 1 idea per month by vote and then everyone who is down does it and documents it here on this thread.

((I’m tagging a bunch of people who I think will love or hate this challenge. You should do it either way.))
KillYourInnerLoser Radical Manganiello Toast Sprezza offwego Crisis_Overcomer chocolate colgate Suave1 Thebastard Holden Noself RogerRoger Master pancakemouse Vice lacroix Adrizzle SamJ_ Dewm goldfish

Shoot your ideas down in the thread. Make sure it‘s things that scare you shitless. It should be the kind of ideas that if you go through with them, others will either think you are insane or will think you are a god.

Current idea collection. Occasionally updated with your ideas in this thread. I remove the ones that get zero votes in a vote.
  • wearing a borat costume on the most crowded place in the city
  • tell your parents (or even grandparents?) about the last five people you have slept with
  • ask 20 strangers to give you 5$ (begging)
  • write "pussy please" on a cup, and go out with it and approach 20 chicks telling them you are desperate and need some pussy and whether they would like to donate (pussy beggar challenge)
  • Cut the line to the club
  • Cut in front of people waiting at the bar and command the bartenders attention better.
  • interrupt some guy poorly hitting on a girl
  • Hard stop a group of girls going the opposite direction on the street
  • Ask someone to carry something for you as if you’ve known them (coworker-like rapport levels)
  • give 3 people genuine complements. Not just “hey I like your hair”. More like “hey your curly red hair is gorgeous it reminds me of the wind at night”. Really get your creative language going
  • give 5 girls a flower/rose. A friend of mine did this ages ago. No explanation “this is for you”
  • for all the camera boys, ask 5 people to take their photo and send it to them. If they ask why say you like their style. Also when you do this direct them a bit.
  • walk backwards towards a girl WHILE approaching and scream/shout loudly "Bwuoh" before approaching, just to get that social adrenaline rush going.
  • go to a city centre wearing a diaper
  • go door to door offering to clean windows, declutter rain gutters, lawn care, pressure washing, etc. shit that you need 0 skill/education and could start doing today
  • screening/hitting on girls while they are with their boyfriend
  • find a girl sitting alone in a mall/food court etc. Sit down across from her and say "hey, sorry I'm late." Have an instadate from there
  • Stop 10 strangers and tell them one of your insecurities
  • Ask strangers to take a photo with you

I will make a vote every month. If I fall off the train of self improvement or forget, someone else can create the voting link.

To be nobody but yourself – in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you someone else – means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.

– e.e. cummings
I love the idea. I especially support any kind of acting like a jackass in public that brightens other people's day.
Just don't forget that you also need some level of "keeping it real" during approaches, social freedom alone isn't enough.

(Random thought: Could this be the start of the "social anxiety" program/drills GLL Chris kept saying he'd do but never got around to? I keep finding myself wishing it existed).
I've heard one of the fastest and most effective ways to get into state is to do a bunch of push-ups in the middle of the sidewalk.

(Toronto actually has a dude called Zanta who's famous for doing pushups on public transit while wearing a santa hat. Unfortunately he uses his powers for evil by legit harassing people including girls. But that shows the pushups probably do work.)

OP, the telling your parents about who you've fucked and begging for money thing are kinda negative sum behavours. Ideally what we do in public gives value rather than taking it away.
I can get down with the $5 part lmao; the borat thing involves spending money I don’t want to and my grandparents wouldn’t be phased by my exploits.

I have a few suggestions that might be of better use that I do all the time:

1. Cut the line to the club.
2. Cut in front of people waiting at the bar and command the bartenders attention better.
3. interrupt some guy poorly hitting on a girl
4. Hard stop a group of girls going the opposite direction on the street
5. Jaywalk and don’t wait at stoplights if there are no cars
6. Take the entire bottle of tobasco at chipotle with your to go order
7. Ask someone to carry something for you as if you’ve known them (coworker-like rapport levels)
KillYourInnerLoser said:
As an Australian, stuff like this cracks me up. This is just such absolutely normal behaviour here the thought of this being a social challenge is hilarious.
Exactly what I was thinking, in my city this is extremely normal.
Cool idea I’m down to participate in about a month when my health is better.

I think a few of the ideas in this thread have a negative slant which I’m not down for.

KillYourInnerLoser said:
Go out and make 5 stranger's days better, in whatever way you want.
This is good but a bit too non specific for me.

>give 3 people genuine complements. Not just “hey I like your hair”. More like “hey your curly red hair is gorgeous it reminds me of the wind at night”. Really get your creative language going
>give 5 girls a flower/rose. A friend of mine did this ages ago. No explanation “this is for you”
>for all the camera boys, ask 5 people to take their photo and send it to them. If they ask why say you like their style. Also when you do this direct them a bit.

I really thought I’d be able to think of more I think the push-ups in public is a good one.
Sometimes I would walk backwards (this one was one of the drills Chris suggested for social anxiety), or scream/shout loudly "Bwuoh" before approaching, just to get that social adrenaline rush going.

I've done the push up one, it's not that difficult. Perhaps burpees would be more challenging.

The one where you ask for money makes me more anxious for some reason. If you make up a story of "I got lost, I need to travel, I'm not from this city" it alleviates the anxiety, now you have an "excuse". If you straight up ask for the money it feels more difficult! if you push x30 it feels even more difficult! it isn't dissimilar from selling.

There's a financial guru that suggests going to a city centre wearing a diaper. Apparently you can get away with it.

A pua, sasha daygame would sit naked in the middle of the street.

So yeah, those perhaps are a little bit hardcore.

A drill that could potentially earn you money is: going door to door offering to clean windows, declutter rain gutters, lawn care, pressure washing, etc. shit that you need 0 skill/education and could start doing today. There was a guy in GLL that created a business just from that simple idea. In fact he has a challenge where he starts in the middle of a suburban area and earns $500 in a day, knocking door to door for all day. Your first reaction is "Fuck, why would anyone pay for something that requires no skill?", but it seems that if you hit the numbers hard enough you will eventually find someone interested (sounds familiar?). Look it up, search FromTheGutter YouTube channel

So cold approach/cold calling etc is truly the key to massive success. I could go on and on. If you go to bars/clubs every single day and talked to everyone in the place you could probably build a social circle from scratch. If you cold call lots of people someone's gonna buy, etc.

Dan Pena's QLA model is based on that, cold calling hundreds and hundreds of financial institutions until one is persuaded to give you the money, then calling tons of business owners until one is motivated to sell their business.

I know I'm talking a lot of shit. I don't want to sound like everything is possible with the power of your mind. No. Reality exists. But if there's a secret sauce in life this is probably it: consistently doing stuff that makes you shit in your pants

And it's tough as hell. I've done all the silly drills, high fives, flexing, saying ABC's , I have repeated those drills, I've cold approached and gotten laid from it and I still haven't done any of the above because I'm a big giant pussy. Just like most guys.

Even guys that do the AA program end up quitting. Most of us can't stand facing anxiety constantly on the long term.

Eventually you go back to default. And default is a bitch. You get insecure about other people's opinions. You feel everyone is doing better just following the rules, while you are stuck at the bottom trying to make it big like an idiot. You feel like a loser and blame it on self improvement "this shit doesn't work" (while the reality is you're lazy and don't work).

I went on a big fucking tangent, but my point is, I 100% agree with your post, social freedom/not giving a shit about naysayers is really the key to unlock success, but almost everyone will run away to comfort. We're fucking hardwired to seek social approval, safety and survival, and an authority (government, God, whatever) provides that.

So let's fucking do it. It doesn't matter what the drill is. While it certainly would be cool to do some challenge, if you cold approach girls and business prospects, then you are training your social freedom muscle. And I'm trying to do just that.
VOTE NOW! Social freedom challenge February

If you have no idea what this post is about, read the first post of this thread.

I collected all your propositions for this challenge and put them in a voting tool. Voting procedure: Everyone gets up to 3 votes, so you can pick your top 3 choices. If everyone just gets 1 vote it's gonna be too random considering the amount of options. An option could win with just a couple votes.

REMEMBER: Do NOT vote for the options that seems most fun to you. Instead vote for the ones that most scare you, possibly the ones that you hate the most.

Go ahead and go wild!


I know there is plenty of tech-savy dudes on this forum that could probably derail this vote with IP-hiding or such, but I also know you guys are straight-forward fuckers who enjoy a fair challenge, so I know this is unlikely to happen.

Ideas that are inside this vote:
  • wearing a borat costume on the most crowded place in the city
  • tell your parents (or even grandparents?) about the last five people you have slept with
  • ask 20 strangers to give you 5$ (begging)
  • write "pussy please" on a cup, and go out with it and approach 20 chicks telling them you are desperate and need some pussy and whether they would like to donate (pussy beggar challenge)
  • wear a Santa hat while doing 15 pushups in 5 random public places, like subways, foodplaces and so on
  • wear a Santa hat while doing 15 burpees in 5 random public places, like subways, foodplaces and so on
  • Cut the line to the club
  • Cut in front of people waiting at the bar and command the bartenders attention better.
  • interrupt some guy poorly hitting on a girl
  • Hard stop a group of girls going the opposite direction on the street
  • Jaywalk and don’t wait at stoplights if there are no cars (is this a joke? can't tell)
  • Take the entire bottle of tobasco at chipotle with your to go order
  • Ask someone to carry something for you as if you’ve known them (coworker-like rapport levels)
  • give 3 people genuine complements. Not just “hey I like your hair”. More like “hey your curly red hair is gorgeous it reminds me of the wind at night”. Really get your creative language going
  • give 5 girls a flower/rose. A friend of mine did this ages ago. No explanation “this is for you”
  • for all the camera boys, ask 5 people to take their photo and send it to them. If they ask why say you like their style. Also when you do this direct them a bit.
  • walk backwards towards a girl WHILE approaching and scream/shout loudly "Bwuoh" before approaching, just to get that social adrenaline rush going.
  • go to a city centre wearing a diaper
  • go door to door offering to clean windows, declutter rain gutters, lawn care, pressure washing, etc. shit that you need 0 skill/education and could start doing today
Last chance to vote for the February challenge! I'll close the poll soon, make sure to get your vote in.


REMEMBER: Do NOT vote for the 3 options that seem most fun to you. Instead vote for the 3 options that most scare you, possibly the ones that you hate the most.

KillYourInnerLoser Radical Manganiello Toast Sprezza offwego Crisis_Overcomer chocolate colgate Suave1 Thebastard Holden Noself RogerRoger Master pancakemouse Vice lacroix Adrizzle SamJ_ Dewm goldfish Sisyphus september
CainGettingLaid said:
Last chance to vote for the February challenge! I'll close the poll soon, make sure to get your vote in.

https://www.opinionstage.com/kain1/whic ... e-you-most

REMEMBER: Do NOT vote for the 3 options that seem most fun to you. Instead vote for the 3 options that most scare you, possibly the ones that you hate the most.

@KillYourInnerLoser @Radical @Manganiello @Toast @Sprezza @offwego @Crisis_Overcomer @chocolate @colgate @Suave1 @Thebastard @Holden @Noself @RogerRoger @Master @pancakemouse @Vice @lacroix @Adrizzle @SamJ_ @Dewm @goldfish @Sisyphus @september

I'm getting a 404 error on the webpage
Thanks Manganiello, I copied the shortened link on accident. Fixed it.

This is the right one: https://www.opinionstage.com/kain1/which-3-social-freedom-challenges-scare-you-most
CainGettingLaid said:
Thanks @Manganiello, I copied the shortened link on accident. Fixed it.

This is the right one: https://www.opinionstage.com/kain1/which-3-social-freedom-challenges-scare-you-

Voted. A lot of those werent too bad.

I just really don't want to divulge my sex life to my sweet conservative grandma
There is hitting on girls with their bfs, or rather screening them. lul. It was an advanced social drill from HUNK
I really like the concept although I think asking strangers for money is a no-go because it's potentially illegal and could get someone to call the cops on you.

There are other things that go even deeper than this that I would like to do soon. For instance tell my religious (and easily angered) parents that I don't believe in their god, and actually explain why I think the bible is clearly false, etc. Basically just being completely honest with everyone in life and seeing if they accept or reject me for who I am and stop putting on a personality to try to pacify and please people. I think a lot of people are not honest in general in life because they know they would alienate people if they really said what they believe all the time, and that's something I'm working to get over.

As far as social challenges go, I'm mostly just focused on approaching and just getting back into it again to begin with.
All for social freedom.

Not for being a dick. I also don't care for being weird for no reason.

To be clear, I mean actually being a dick. I don't mind pissing off fucktards who are extra sensitive.

I wanna do social freedom shit that's fun or has a point, not stupid shit like walking backwards and saying "bwah"

An idea I loved from an old social freedom program by the Simple Pickup guys - find a girl sitting alone in a mall/food court etc. Sit down across from her and say "hey, sorry I'm late." Have an instadate from there.

That's the kind of fun shit I like. A few of the things on the list are good, but tbh I don't like 75% of it. No point, or it's just being a dick for no reason.
Social freedom challenge February: IT'S ON

It was a close call, but for this month the challenge is:

tell your parents (or even grandparents?) about the last five people you have slept with

This one is very different from all the other options in the vote. You are not interacting with strangers, but instead with people close to you.

A lot of the philosophy on this forum revolves around honesty. But when it comes to our sex lives, many of us are less than honest and open to the people around us. Sex is a taboo in many families, especially casual sex. Time to break this taboo.

I'm looking forward to your stories, post them below!
CainGettingLaid said:
Social freedom challenge February: IT'S ON

It was a close call, but for this month the challenge is:

tell your parents (or even grandparents?) about the last five people you have slept with

This one is very different from all the other options in the vote. You are not interacting with strangers, but instead with people close to you.

A lot of the philosophy on this forum revolves around honesty. But when it comes to our sex lives, many of us are less than honest and open to the people around us. Sex is a taboo in many families, especially casual sex. Time to break this taboo.

I'm looking forward to your stories, post them below!

I don't see how this gives you more social freedom. It just makes you that weird uncle in the family.

If you want to create a legit social freedom challenge tie every action to social freedom. Just my two cents. Have fun with it.
CainGettingLaid said:
Social freedom challenge February: IT'S ON

It was a close call, but for this month the challenge is:

tell your parents (or even grandparents?) about the last five people you have slept with

This one is very different from all the other options in the vote. You are not interacting with strangers, but instead with people close to you.

A lot of the philosophy on this forum revolves around honesty. But when it comes to our sex lives, many of us are less than honest and open to the people around us. Sex is a taboo in many families, especially casual sex. Time to break this taboo.

I'm looking forward to your stories, post them below!
The funny thing is that this would be easier for me than 90% of the suggestions.
My votes:

1) ask 20 strangers for $5
2) diaper to the city center (would be open to doing this in May, would combine with approach and add a pacifier for effect.)
3) cut bar line to get attention
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