Ed's Tinder and Stuff - February Abundance


Jul 2, 2020
Get Laid
Boston, MA
Posting my current dating profile pics here. I have a long way to go, but it's a lot better than what I had a year ago.

Let me know if you have any thoughts or the type of pictures I should be looking to add in the future.
The last picture, your avatar picture, and third picture are the best. The bartender one is good as well.

The last picture should definitely be the profile pic on Tinder.

I would remove the ones with any girls in them. I would also remove the first picture.
KillYourInnerLoser alright. I'll shut up from now on and earn my stripes before I speak any further about this. Watch me.

Ed_ listen to Andy. He's got way more proof than I do. You're in good hands here, safe from know it alls without experience like me lmao (or anywhere else in Reddit like r/seduction and r/dating_advice)
I did a photo shoot while camping with some friends. We did a sort of "pagan ritual" and I put together a costume for fun.

This is the best photo that came out from it. Not sure if it's ideal for my dating profile. Huge props to KillYourInnerLoser for touching up the photo :)
That pagan picture looks awesome... especially the editing Andy did. Makes it look like a painting.
Sorry but I don't like any of these photos. I second KillYourInnerLoser 's notion that girls in your profile actually help, but frankly the girls in those photos are not good looking enough and would actually devalue you if you included them in your profile IMO. The only photo that's even "okay" is the black denim jacket one and that's because it shows your tattoo. Otherwise you just don't have enough edge. I think you need to priortize working on your looks right now (particularly bulking up since you have a small frame).
JamalHash123 , yeah, I'm definitely not pulling of an "edgy douchebag" look, but I'm not sure that's the best look for my goals right now.

My number one goal is just to overcome my sexual anxieties and become more comfortable with women in bed. I'm really looking for a decent chick who I can have sex with a multiple times (I've never slept with the same girl more than twice). I'm pretty intimated by the idea of having to "perform" for a girl who expects me to be some sex expert whose profile looks like a fuckboy that gets laid all the time.

I'm working on building my physique -- cut me a break, the gyms in my area just opened after being closed for 154 days!

(Also, it's not a tattoo.. it's just the marker on my hand for the event I went to. I don't have any tattoos and I have no plans or interest in getting any.)
. My number one goal is just to overcome my sexual anxieties and become more comfortable with women in bed. I'm really looking for a decent chick who I can have sex with a multiple times (I've never slept with the same girl more than twice). I'm pretty intimated by the idea of having to "perform" for a girl who expects me to be some sex expert whose profile looks like a fuckboy that gets laid all the time.
This anxiety is something you caused not by your lack of skill, but your mindset. Most girls while having sex will focus on their own anxieties instead of your performance. Unless its REALLY bad I guess. Whats more, girl wont even know what is a good performance, unless she is experienced with multiple men - most girls are not, because its "slutty" thing to do (wtf, society). And the ones with a lot of experience will have enough sex to not want having sex with you anyway.

I hope this helps changing your mindset! Ofc, experience is still something needed to be comfortable and confident
To improve the lack of "edge" with my photos, I’m planning on doing a photo shoot with a girl. I found this photo on Instagram that I want to recreate. The guy’s expression is a little dopy and I don’t like his outfit, but I love the framing and how the girl looks hot, edgy, and super into him.

joe_ronimo and I have been scouting out locations nearby to take the photos. I think we found a great bar with this cool wallpaper and good lighting.

Since I don’t currently have a girl to do photos with, I’m planning on paying a model from https://www.modelmayhem.com/ . I’m going to upfront about it -- tell her these photos are “for my portfolio” and I’ll be using them on Instagram and dating apps. I’m planning on offering $200 for a 1.5 hour photo shoot. Does anyone have experience with this?

Also here are the outfits I’m planning on wearing. I also have a simple necklace I plan on wearing.
The red shirt is my preferred of the three - the buttons scream preppy to me. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing if you're going for that vibe but doesn't sound like what you want re. edgy.

The red shirt v gives it a bit of a preppy look. Plain white tee for a classic look. A plain hoody is also a casual look tends to pair well with leather jackets.
My advice regarding hiring a model - prepare a contract. Even if it's just some photos for socials and dating sites and you may feel like the girl will be professional because you pay her. TBH I don't know the modeling scene in your country, but if it's anything like mine, then there is a lot of girls that will do shit like flaking, ghosting, changing mind about the session details last minute, or even deciding you cannot use their photos anymore (i've really seen a drama like this, the model girl found a new bf and he forced her to withdraw all her previously made photos, shit's crazy..). Have it all on paper, better safe then sorry!

Also, I love the setting (2nd pic) you've prepared - it's gonna be a very cool photo! Well, it already is as it stands, tho it's obviously missing something.
Finally got the photoshoot with the model done and edited.

  • Messaged 5 models on ModelMayhem.com, none of them repied
Finally got the photoshoot with the model done and edited.

  • Messaged 5 models on ModelMayhem.com, none of them repied
Finally got the photo shoot with the model done and edited. Here are the details if you're interested:

  • I messaged 5 models on ModelMayhem.com, none of them replied. I was pretty forward about using these photos on my social media and dating profile
  • I messaged 6 models on Instagram. One said "no" and one was interested
  • I paid $200 for 2 hours of shooting
  • joe_ronimo and I met up with the model and shot at two locations with a different wardrobe for each location
  • We had some issues with the camera settings and many of the photos came out blurry from too long of an exposure time. If you're doing something like this, it's definitely worth working with someone who's an experienced photographer. There's so much going on (hair, styling, posing, lighting, etc), it's hard to keep track of everything and get a good final product.

Here are the best photos we took of me. I like #1 the best and I've been using it in my Tinder for a few days.

I'm planning another photo shoot in February with another model. My friend is a legit photographer and he's coming to town to help. I also bought some legit studio flash lighting to go for a real professional look.
Any tinder results/change?

I think you're making the best expression in #1, but she looks kind of stiff and staged. #2 looks more natural, but that's just me.
#1 definitely has the best vibe to me although the jacket+shirt combo in the others is pretty dope
1s good, looks very natural

I like 4 as a picture but she completely steals the attention tbh lol
pussypounder9000 said:
Any tinder results/change?

I think you're making the best expression in #1, but she looks kind of stiff and staged. #2 looks more natural, but that's just me.

No major change in results yet, I just used it for two Tinder boosts this week. At first I had it as my first photo, but that might be a little to blunt. I switched it to my second photo.

And yeah I love the framing, composition, and posing in #2. But my expression is kinda dopey.

Jake said:
#1 definitely has the best vibe to me although the jacket+shirt combo in the others is pretty dope

I still like the outfit. I'm going to use it again in another shoot.

Radical said:
1s good, looks very natural

I like 4 as a picture but she completely steals the attention tbh lol

She's definitely a professional. In almost every photo we took she looks great, but I only look good in like 5% of them 😅