Ed's Tinder and Stuff - February Abundance

Lostcause said:
ow that few days have gone by, how many matches do you get with photos like this?

Honestly not really noticeable results. I reset my Tinder a week ago (I'm sure it reset correctly, I got the "noob boost"), but my initial matches were about the same as after previous resets. Only 2 number in the past week and I only met up with the one girl (who I already met from before).

I tweaked my profile a bit -- maybe I was coming on too strong. I'll use a few boosts this week and see what the results are.
Tinder this week did a free passport feature. Everyone gets passport turned on. May have fked with your results? Have you tried Hinge as well?
play_time_is_over said:
Tinder this week did a free passport feature. Everyone gets passport turned on. May have fked with your results? Have you tried Hinge as well?

That makes so much sense. I was wondering why all of a sudden 1/3 of girls were 1,000+ miles away.
play_time_is_over Thank you for explaining that lol. I also had no idea why the fuck I was getting so many internationals
play_time_is_over said:
Tinder this week did a free passport feature. Everyone gets passport turned on. May have fked with your results? Have you tried Hinge as well?

Thanks for this, I was also wondering wtf was wrong with international chicks.
This might be premature, but I’m declaring my approach anxiety functionally defeated.

Failed AA program

I did the GLL AA program from June 2019 to January 2020. The longer I went in the program, the worse my experience was and the more anxiety I had. The drills in the program felt very unnatural and forced -- I wasn’t getting many positive reactions and I feel like the program was training me to have poor experiences with women.

By day 18 of the program (the last day I completed), it was taking me over 4 weeks to complete the 20 approaches required for the “day”.

Switching to compliments

In February 2020, Andy suggested that I switch to just giving women compliments. This felt much more authentic, and I was making much more progress with getting comfortable with women.

With lockdowns, masks, and stress from living in Clown World™, I didn’t make progress for the rest of 2020. After I moved to Austin in the fall, I did give a few compliments, but with the colder weather, I took a break until this Spring.

Starting in March, I recommitted to approaching women and giving compliments. This biggest breakthrough I had (something I didn’t even realize during the AA program), was that I need to firmly stop and get women’s attention before engaging them. Previously, I had just been blurting out drills/compliments without fully engaging them first. Even if they were interested, they wouldn’t really process what I was saying since it all happened so fast.

First full approach

As I mentioned in my previous post, two weeks ago I finally built up the nerve to ask a girl for her number after complimenting her. The interaction was literally just:

Me: "Hey I thought you were really cute, and I had to say hi.”
Her: “Oh thank you!”
Me: “I have to run and meet some friends, but could I get your number? It’d be great to grab drinks or something sometime”
Her: “Sure! What’s your name?”
<Then 3 minutes of chitchat while I get her number. Leave with giving her a hug and telling her I look forward to our date>

That was Friday evening. Sunday we had our first date which ended with sex at my place. We’ve met up and had sex twice more since then.

Since that first approach, I asked five more girls for numbers using a similar template.

Day of filming approaches for YouTube

I connected with YouTuber Social Animal since he was visiting Austin and recording approach videos with a few guys. His channel kinda looks like typical “prank video” content, but he’s actually pretty closely aligned with the GLL/KYIL philosophy of being direct with women (except he’s focused more on building connections with women and not casual sex).

We filmed for 4 hours around town with me wearing a mic and him secretly getting video footage.I talked to about 25 women, asked about 15 for their numbers, and got 7 numbers (no dates yet though). Most of my approaches were pretty quick like above, but I did chat with the girls more as the day went on.

There was basically no approach anxiety after the first few. Either me or the cameraman would point out a woman, he’d get in position, and I’d stop her and compliment her and chat. The only times I failed to approach were pretty “difficult” situations (a group of 4 girls that looked like high schoolers at first, a group of 4 girls talking with a shop vendor, a girl who passed on a crosswalk and I’d need to awkwardly run to catch up with her, etc.)

Next steps

I’m feeling pretty confident that I can continue the success I had from the other day. Now I want to focus on more organic conversations, physically touching a girl, screening harder for sexually available girls, and figuring out date logistics before I leave her.
Ed_ said:
This biggest breakthrough I had (something I didn’t even realize during the AA program), was that I need to firmly stop and get women’s attention before engaging them. Previously, I had just been blurting out drills/compliments without fully engaging them first. Even if they were interested, they wouldn’t really process what I was saying since it all happened so fast.

This. Ups the quality of interactions so much so easily.

I'm proud of you man keep it up.
Merging updates to my 365 project for gym progress here. It’s been six months since I started this effort.

I’ve been cutting pretty consistently the past few months, but my strength has improved for the most part on every lift. I’ve also avoided any major injuries and I’m happy with my workout plan and diet.

Most recent weigh-in was 130 lbs and I’m starting to get visible abs.

Here are my 6 month progress pics.
Ed_ mad respect mate thats some serious improvement

This is a good example to all newbies as to what weight loss can do for your face as well
Ed_ said:
Merging updates to my 365 project for gym progress here. It’s been six months since I started this effort.

I’ve been cutting pretty consistently the past few months, but my strength has improved for the most part on every lift. I’ve also avoided any major injuries and I’m happy with my workout plan and diet.

Most recent weigh-in was 130 lbs and I’m starting to get visible abs.

Here are my 6 month progress pics.

Fuck. Yes.
Unreal physical progression dude. Keep at it.

Chiselled face, visible abs, shoulder striations and improved chest mass.
I appreciate all the recognition you guys have given for my recent profile improvements, but unfortunately the past month of Tinder has not been fruitful:

1 month of Tinder Platinum:
  • 13 boosts
  • 1 4-hour super boost
  • 5 super likes per day (always on reasonably attractive women -- not usually out of my league)
  • Total $126 dollars spent
  • About 5 matches a day
  • ~18 numbers
  • 3 lame dates with weird / unattractive women
  • 1 date with a cute girl that I messed up by not making a move
  • 1 very mediocre sex
I’m getting burned out and frustrated from the time, energy, and financial investment I’m making, and not seeing any results. There are probably tweaks I can make to my profile, messaging, etc. to improve things. I could also focus on other apps (Hinge / Bumble) -- but I don’t have the energy for any of it right now and I’m currently approaching it from a pretty negative mindset.

Staying up late messaging girls has also been messing with my sleep recently.

I’m planning on taking some time off from all dating apps and just focusing on cold approaching. There are still a few more weeks of the college semester here, so it’s my last chance to enjoy the “bountiful sidewalks”, before things get quiet until August. I can probably commit to 2-3 hours a day to going out, and without the online dating option, I’ll really feel the pressure to not make excuses and actually approach.

I have some more photoshoots planning coming up also, so we’ll see what improvements I can make to my profile. This will also help me stay on top of my sleep scheduling and make sure my gym training/diet is 100% on point.
Just so you know, everyone has Tinder passport on for free for the whole month of April. This will affect results negatively.
Never a bad idea to take a mental break from Tinder. Especially if it means more approaching. Then there's no catfishing (outside of jacket weather - it snowed last week here).
Andy posted in his thread, but I'll post here too. Our two part interview on my journey so far:



Also Social Animal posted the video he filmed of me approaching and 25 girls and getting 8 numbers within 4 hours:

I loved the 'just more number than I expected!'. GG man. Seemed almost too easy to be true.