Ed's Tinder and Stuff - February Abundance

3 would be my favorite. Something a bit artistic, but warm about the mix of lights in it, + you look good.

I think your hair looks too unkempt and greasy in #1, funny how we all have different opinions.
Crisis_Overcomer said:
Radical said:
A wild @Crisis_Overcomer appears

It uses Quick Forum Comment.

Its super effective.

Andy and I were saying you're like the absent dad that comes back every year or so with gifts

Did you get the milk you went out for?
Radical said:
Crisis_Overcomer said:
It uses Quick Forum Comment.

Its super effective.

Andy and I were saying you're like the absent dad that comes back every year or so with gifts

Did you get the milk you went out for?

I did but while out I turned into a vegan.

So I brought you kids high-estrogen, low-testo, definitely-natural almond milk.
I've been doing a few more photo shoots with models, so I have some updates on that coming soon.

But first a big update: After struggling with the AA program in 2019-2020, and ultimately taking a break during COVID-19, I re-started approaching in the past few weeks. I've doing "warm up drills" of just stopping girls and giving compliments.

On Friday, I had my first cold approach where I actually asked a girl for her number. She gave me her number, we had a date Sunday night at a bar near my place, we went back to my place, and we had sex! I'm feeling super accomplished and feeling great about approaching more 😁

So I'm currently batting 100% for asking girls for their numbers and then having sex with them 😅. Radical isn't this similar to your story when you stared approaching?

Been impressed with your effort, and the model thing is fairly innovative

Andy gets it wrong all the time and tells people it was my 2nd... it was my 3rd approach and my 7th approach i got lays from
KillYourInnerLoser i dunno man, you saw me get blown out on the first two as well as i did them both with you

Ed_ Some advice specific to you from someone thats stood roughly in your spot

Early success like this can be a little weird to handle mentally

1. You might experience a lack of hunger moving forward
- ignore that as much as you can
- you need to capitalise on the momentum for the sake of killing your AA as much as you can
- it will literally never be easier to approach than when you riding high as you are now, trust me. You want to use that positive energy while you have it

2. No matter what you tell yourself logically this will have subconsciously affected your expectations
- off my first 20 approaches in Melbourne i got 5 numbers and 2 lays
- I then did like 60 straight up rejections in a row in Sydney
- the reality of the numbers game is that it is insanely random and cold approaching is probably the most random version of it
- I had stupid thoughts like 'If i do too many approaches now i fuck up my impressive lay to approach ratio' - definitely ignore that shit
- when you go through your brutal patch realise its normal and to be expected
Grats man Ed_!!!

KillYourInnerLoser Radical didn't BIB get laid on their very 1st or 2nd approach as well?
Overdue update on my Tinder photo journey:

Working with models -- the hard way

The previous model shoot I did, I connected with the model through Instagram. After her, I reached out to over a dozen other models on Instagram, but I wasn’t able to find any interested in working on photoshoots.
Then I tried Seeking Arrangements. I created an account just for looking for models and I sent over 200 messages on the first day offering $200 for a photoshoot. That resulted in my account getting flagged and almost banned 😐

I did end up connecting with four women from SA, but two of them flaked on the photoshoots and the one I did work with didn’t have any professional model experience (she also didn’t charge for the shoot, so I guess you get what you pay for).

joe_ronimo and I did the photoshoot with that girl (see the “Studio Model” photo) along with the help of a photographer friend of mine who was visiting Austin -- but honestly it wasn’t worth all the hassle. Between finding the model, arranging the day/time of the shoot, working with the camera and photography equipment, planning the shots, choosing outfits (for me and her)... it was a lot of stress, not fun, and I wasn’t able to focus on myself enough (posing, framing, etc.)

Local (semi-pro) photography -- the easy way

I messaged a few local photographers on Instagram who looked like they have a talent for edgy photos with women. I connected with one photographer and arranged a shoot with one of the models from SA. That photoshoot went much better -- I was able to focus on myself and let the model and photographer take care of most of the details. See the “Street” photos below for the results.

The entire photoshoot ended up costing me $150 for the photographer plus $200 for the model -- so not cheap, but way less hassle. I’m planning more shoots with that photographer; he has a studio space, all the gear we could need, and he has connections to models (and for less than the $200 I’ve been paying).

Current Profile

I just reset my Bumble and Tinder accounts with the latest photos. See my full spread below. We'll see how it works 🤞
Thank you for this last post. I dont have the patience to figure out how to take photos of myself, and was gonna look for a photographer. Its nice seeing you got great results.

Btw, that Street 03 photo is phenomenal. Me jelly.
Just wanted to pop by and say you don't look 33 in those pics at all. You look like mid-late 20s. What a baby face!

Oh, and I love Street 3 & 4!
Good things come in threes

Lay #1 - Friday afternoon

Matched with a girl at 10AM on Tinder. She said she was off work that day and I had off that afternoon for the Easter holiday. I offered to meet up for a hike that afternoon. After a 45 minute hike, we grabbed lunch at a place across the street from my apartment.

Back to my place, making out on my couch 10 minutes later, and into the bedroom for some more business. Decent body and nice tits… but the absolute worst dead fish in the bedroom. Not much fun at all. Walked her back to her car shortly after we finished.

Lay #2 - Friday night and Saturday

Same girl that I cold approached and hooked up with last weekend. We went for a walk, drank some wine on her rooftop, got takeout, and watched some trashy TV before getting to business that night.

I spent the night and we hung out most of the day -- she’s really chill. Had sex again before I left in the early afternoon.

Lay #3 - Saturday night

Matched with a girl at 9PM on Tinder. We had actually been introduced by a mutual friend a few weeks ago. I offered to grab drinks and by 10:00 I had driven over and brought her back to a bar across the street from me. After one drink, we went back to my place and were in bed 10 minutes later. Insanely hot… hottest girl I’ve been with in over a year. Fooled around and hung out until 2AM when I drove her back to her place.

I’m feeling good and really accomplished. I was on a 5 week cold streak until last week, so it feels great to have some success again.
You new tinder profile is looking ELITE. Now that few days have gone by, how many matches do you get with photos like this?
KillYourInnerLoser said:
My boy is a pimp. Now you gotta break my record - either 5 girls in 4 days, or 3 girls in 10 hours.

Nah he needs to break mine first by banging two more chicks in his first 7 approaches