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Fat Loss Progress Log

Sep 3, 2021
I posted in the Introduction Forum a few days ago, but haven't gotten down to creating a log and documenting my journey to my goals. I'm 6'0"" and at 205lbs, my goal is to cut down till my abs are visible and my man-boobs are gone.

I set myself on a calorie restriction of 2000/day and combining it with 20:4 fasting and Daily Calisthenics workouts. Here's my current pics.
SquirtingPikachu said:
I posted in the Introduction Forum a few days ago, but haven't gotten down to creating a log and documenting my journey to my goals. I'm 6'0"" and at 205lbs, my goal is to cut down till my abs are visible and my man-boobs are gone.

I set myself on a calorie restriction of 2000/day and combining it with 20:4 fasting and Daily Calisthenics workouts. Here's my current pics.

good for you for taking action

if you need any help with diet and training pm me
Remember; this will take time. I've personally done well with a "set it and forget it" lifestyle change. If you haven't read the book "The Slight Edge", it'll get you excited for this process. You can get it cheap used from Amazon or Thriftbooks
Vice said:
Remember; this will take time. I've personally done well with a "set it and forget it" lifestyle change. If you haven't read the book "The Slight Edge", it'll get you excited for this process. You can get it cheap used from Amazon or Thriftbooks

Alright, I just ordered it off of Amazon. Thank you
Yesterday I was 122 calories below target (2000/day), I had some snacks before I began my next fast. Facing my junk food addiction's gonna suck, but I envision me being shredded and it's holding me through. I did 100 burpees and jogged around the block. Cardio's not that great, but hammering it out is what's important.
SquirtingPikachu said:
Yesterday I was 122 calories below target (2000/day), I had some snacks before I began my next fast. Facing my junk food addiction's gonna suck, but I envision me being shredded and it's holding me through. I did 100 burpees and jogged around the block. Cardio's not that great, but hammering it out is what's important.

Couch25k is a great if your cardio is shit and you wanna add running to your weight loss strategy. I went from feeling like death after running for 5 minutes to running 5k in the space of about 4 weeks just by doing the runs on the app. Though unless your cardio is absolutely atrocious I'd start on like Week 3 of the program because Week 1 is runs of 1 minute and then a break 7 times which might be too easy.

Looking forward to seeing your progress!
yesterday I was below my calorie limit, but I didn't work out. I'm not too bummed by it because I also completed the fast, but it makes me aware of a potential issue of mine. Sometimes I like to procrastinate to the point of not doing the work, so today I did my working out before I broke my fast. It's a bit harder than normal, but I rather show up and work than lay on the couch and not work.

I also started Couch25k today. Striker in the thread said that I could start at a higher level if I felt my cardio wasn't total shit, but I started at week 1 day 1 to build a foundation.
yesterday I was below my calorie limit, but I didn't work out. I'm not too bummed by it because I also completed the fast, but it makes me aware of a potential issue of mine. Sometimes I like to procrastinate to the point of not doing the work, so today I did my working out before I broke my fast. It's a bit harder than normal, but I rather show up and work than lay on the couch and not work.


Today I ate above my caloric limit, but I worked out enough to correct the surplus. I started Couch25k today. @Striker in this thread said that I could start at a higher level if I felt my cardio wasn't total shit, but I started at week 1 day 1 to build a foundation. Mentally, I feel better than when I started. I realized that when we escape through substance and virtual stimulus, we're in a way hiding from what we're afraid of confronting. I'm just glad I showed up and worked today.
Fuck yeah, dude, just keep showing up!

I've worked out first thing in the morning for long periods of time. Training fasted is a classic weight loss technique, and working out first thing follows the old rule - if it's important, do it first. Distractions, obligations, and failing willpower can take you away from working out later in the day, but no one is asking you to grab drinks at the bar or work late to finish those tps reports at 6am.

I'm a big fan of starting all programs from day 1, instead of skipping ahead because "I'm already this good." There might be valuable lessons and conditioning to be had in early parts of the program, and even if not, what I'm really doing is building the habit of showing up, and possibly taking a much needed de-load.

Also, if you're struggling with junk food, the best advice I have is to simply avoid temptation as much as possible. If you live at home or with roommates or something, this can be difficult. But if you're on your own, take all the junk out of the cupboard and throw it in the garbage. Think of all the money you just wasted, and smile, because you just *invested* that money in not poisoning your body. If there's a vending machine you get chips or soda from, avoid going near that vending machine. If there's an office breakroom with free snack, take your breaks outside. If you need a replacement, low calorie popcorn and flavored bubbly water are great. But you need to give your brain space to realize it doesn't need junk food to feel good.
Yesterday and today were fuck up days. I exceeded my caloric window by 700 calories, so today I'm entering a deficit near around the same number. I'm sure it'll be a bit harder, but I'll pull. Worked some overtime and was mentally exhausted so I said fuck it..

Workout wise, the cardio is improving - but I'm still figuring out my pacing in certain exercises. For the burpees, I find an interval timer works VERY WELL, it helps me find the right pace. I'm on day 2 of Couch25k, easy. Aside from the food, looks like I'm making progress. I plan to post updated pics by the end of the month.

One last thing, I'm completely astounded by the support that I've received on this thread in the last week. I appreciate all of you and I'll make it a point to follow your journeys as well.
Fell off over the weekend calorie and workout wise, aside from the Couch25K - I've been diligent on that. Figuring out how to occupy myself when I'm bored seems to be the new challenge. I learned that I drink, eat, and indulge in bullshit when I have the free time to do it. Guess that the new problem to solve.

I'll post my weigh tomorrow.
I know I'm a week late

My current weight is 222, I've fucked up but I'm not quitting. Had a change in my work schedule so now my sleep will improve. Still will post progress pics on October 1st.
Re-activated my gym membership and did chest day. Did couch to 5k, but tapped out half way. My 4 day split has three off-days that fit perfectly with couch25k’s program, so I plan to do it on those days.
Svadhishthana said:
You mean you have up halfway through the running session, or halfway through the program? Why?

I gave up halfway through the session. I'm seeing the end of this program, that I'm certain of, but I'm not gonna super-stack my day so I get burned out.

My 4 day split works like this...
2 days on
1 off
1 on
1 off
1 on
1 off

The couch25k program that I downloaded on my phone operates on me running three days within a week. So instead of super-stacking my workout and run days, I'll use the gym off days to get the runs in.
Ok, cool, good adjustment. I would stick with that for now, but if you notice yourself getting progressively more tired as the days go on, or if you start feeling some tweaks in your joints, I'd consider combining the easiest running day and the easiest lifting day so you can have one day per week of full rest. Training makes you weaker, recovery makes you stronger. Keep at it!
Committed to Couch25k, completed week 2 of 8 so I'm feeling good. Unfortunately, I passed my calorie cap. I know that in the beginning of this thread there's been many suggestions to prevent me from over-eating. From my observations, it boils down to laziness and unpreparedness.

If I don't take time to prep the meals, I'll be more tempted to eat out.
If I don't avoid liquor & convenience stores on my way to and from work, then I'll buy food there.

So I'll adjust these, sometimes it sucks but you do it.