Fuck yeah, dude, just keep showing up!
I've worked out first thing in the morning for long periods of time. Training fasted is a classic weight loss technique, and working out first thing follows the old rule - if it's important, do it first. Distractions, obligations, and failing willpower can take you away from working out later in the day, but no one is asking you to grab drinks at the bar or work late to finish those tps reports at 6am.
I'm a big fan of starting all programs from day 1, instead of skipping ahead because "I'm already this good." There might be valuable lessons and conditioning to be had in early parts of the program, and even if not, what I'm really doing is building the habit of showing up, and possibly taking a much needed de-load.
Also, if you're struggling with junk food, the best advice I have is to simply avoid temptation as much as possible. If you live at home or with roommates or something, this can be difficult. But if you're on your own, take all the junk out of the cupboard and throw it in the garbage. Think of all the money you just wasted, and smile, because you just *invested* that money in not poisoning your body. If there's a vending machine you get chips or soda from, avoid going near that vending machine. If there's an office breakroom with free snack, take your breaks outside. If you need a replacement, low calorie popcorn and flavored bubbly water are great. But you need to give your brain space to realize it doesn't need junk food to feel good.