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Fat Loss Progress Log

Hey dude, it's good to see you posting this, because it keeps you accountable. But I have to notice - it seems like your weight is going up instead of down. To me, at least, this indicates a failure of your systems to produce change.

So it seems prudent to ask yourself - why is this happening? What can I change? What else can I try? Who can I ask for help?

Otherwise, typically, the same inputs lead to the same outputs.
Svadhishthana said:
Hey dude, it's good to see you posting this, because it keeps you accountable. But I have to notice - it seems like your weight is going up instead of down. To me, at least, this indicates a failure of your systems to produce change.

So it seems prudent to ask yourself - why is this happening? What can I change? What else can I try? Who can I ask for help?

Otherwise, typically, the same inputs lead to the same outputs.

Weights going up cause I keep slipping up. Couple of depressive drinking episodes got me. I've started to leave my cards and cash at home to prevent me from just buying a tallboy and starting the cycle all over again. I've never had good financial discipline, so now is a good place to start learning that.
SquirtingPikachu said:
I've never had good financial discipline, so now is a good place to start learning that.

Same here, I've literally got shiny object syndrome when it comes to making purchases even though I'm an aspiring minimalist. In recent months I've given myself a monthly and weekly budget to try and curb my spending as much as possible but shit ain't easy.

Don't know if you have the option but I like to freeze my cards when I feel like I'm spending too much so I literally have to go through all the effort to unfreeze (usually gets me to think twice).
Aw man, I've been there. For a while during covid I made it a habit to walk down to the grocery store and grab 2 tall boys and a frozen pizza. It was terrible for me and I knew it, but I just needed something to help me chill out. I would go on long walks, meditate, but it was this itch I felt like I needed to scratch.

Leaving cards and cash at home is a good idea. My favorite trick for bad habits is to schedule them. So I might have said "I'm gonna get a frozen pizza on Wednesday and Friday every week". Then on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, when I got that craving, I would just remind myself that I'd be able to fulfill it in just a day or two.

Those depressive episodes can be a bitch, man, I hope things lighten up soon.