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Feedback for my first online dating profile


May 19, 2022
I stumbled across your great community some time ago, but have been in relationships since then which is why I never got serious about the Approach Anxiety program and online dating. But this was on my bucket list for a long time and now the first step is done: A first profile stands.

I have already read Andy's guide and tried to take it into account as much as possible.

My target group are women under 26, I am experimental and looking for something casual.

Do you guys think the pictures come across as too nice? Especially the one with the red background.

Is the bio alright, or should I change it to something better: You are being chased by an angry horde of monkeys. What do you do to escape?

Since I've already got asked on Tinder: Should I mention my height which is 183cm / 6'?

Thanks so much for your feedback.
Hey bro! Good youre making strides

My 2 cents. Pic 1 over pic 2. Both communicate the same thing. Pic 3 and 5 are also the same thing. Pic 5 seems a bit 'artificial' vs pic 3.
You seem to have a great physique, you should get an ab shot in there. Have a bit more blingbling

- need a gym shot
- shirt off climbing shot (show off your musculature)
- social photo
Thank you for your feedback.

Okay, that means number 2 and 5 are coming out.
What do you think of the picture? You'd have to change the light and remove the shadow from the face. If I had known that I would need something like this for Tinder, I would have flexed my muscles on this one...

I cook regularly with friends. Then I make a picture as we eat together. Currently I only have this, should I still use this for the beginning?

Is the bio alright, or would you advice me to change it? Thanks.
Don't use the last two pics! Shirtless pics are cringe and will give you less matches, belive me. Besides, you're looking for a certain type of women, than it's ok. Sorry for the offense, but your body doesn't look like anything special, pale average joe body, it won't do you any good, don't upload it.

In the first pic you look semi attcative and it's a good shot, fine! But I'm sure that many women will swipe left directly on the second picture with the glasses. Don't you like wearing contact lenses? You definitely look a lot better without glasses. The outdoor pictures are very good.

Are you german btw?
I do think you look like a very 'nice' guy in the first 2 pics, i think the big smile is too much . I think a more neutral expression or a slight smirk would be better. In general the quality of the pics isn't bad. The first 1 could be shot/cropped closer though.

I'd also agree with Vamos that shirtless pics should only be used if you have a top physique.

You have a good variety of shots already so you're on the right track.
Janusch said:
I stumbled across your great community some time ago, but have been in relationships since then which is why I never got serious about the Approach Anxiety program and online dating. But this was on my bucket list for a long time and now the first step is done: A first profile stands.

I have already read Andy's guide and tried to take it into account as much as possible.

My target group are women under 26, I am experimental and looking for something casual.

Do you guys think the pictures come across as too nice? Especially the one with the red background.

Is the bio alright, or should I change it to something better: You are being chased by an angry horde of monkeys. What do you do to escape?

Since I've already got asked on Tinder: Should I mention my height which is 183cm / 6'?

Thanks so much for your feedback.

Photo 1 is great this is a clean shot of you outside in the real world. This is already ahead of 80% of guy profiles.

I really like the camping photo, its a bit far away but it's a really good shot.

I don't like the climbing photo because it looks too much like a Marvel ass shot, this would work great on Grindr, but for what your fishing for... not so much. A different angle would be better.

Shirtless pictures are hard, they are strong screeners (meaning you will filter out a lot of people when using them) so you should only use one where you look fan fucking tastic in them. The ones you posted don't meet the standard so don't use them yet.

Your Bio, I like it but you're asking the girl to come up with something witty. If your target audience was 27- 29 this would be great, as you're going younger you probably want something to make them laugh without requiring them to be witty in their response. This might just be my experience but I find the witty fun openers work amazing on girls with some life experience and not so great on the inexperienced ones.
Hey, thanks a lot for your honest and detailed feedback. First of all: yes I am German, what gave me away? :D

The new pictures stay out, especially the shirtless one! Also picture 2 will be left out. Unfortunately, wearing contact lenses gets quite uncomfortable after a while (I have already tried different kinds...). But for one evening I can wear them well. Eye surgery is also a bit difficult with my eye sight. But I'll look into that again. For dates I will only wear contact lenses for now. Thanks a lot for the advice with the glasses.

I zoomed the first picture a bit in. So that's done.

I will replace the climbing picture as soon as I have a better one. I'm currently doing a backpacking trip, so hopefully I get a few decent ones that I can use.

Good point about the bio. Do you guys think something like that would be better:
"My elementary school teacher wrote in my student evaluation that I shouldn't constantly tease the girls in my class. I would be happy to say that my behavior has changed since then."

I just did the first drill of the AA program and will start a forum post about it soon. Since it is generally difficult to get objective feedback I wanted to ask if you advice me to change anything about my appearance apart from the glasses.

I can't say how incredibly helpful your feedback is. Thanks so much again.
Janusch said:
Good point about the bio. Do you guys think something like that would be better:
"My elementary school teacher wrote in my student evaluation that I shouldn't constantly tease the girls in my class. I would be happy to say that my behavior has changed since then."

Do you mean to say your behavior hasn't changed since then? I can see both working in different ways.
Brother_Tucker said:
Janusch said:
Good point about the bio. Do you guys think something like that would be better:
"My elementary school teacher wrote in my student evaluation that I shouldn't constantly tease the girls in my class. I would be happy to say that my behavior has changed since then."

Do you mean to say your behavior hasn't changed since then? I can see both working in different ways.

Yes, I'm trying to say that I'm 'unfortunately' still a bit immature and that I don't take everything too seriously. The idea behind it was to indicate that we won't have boring conversations on a date but rather flirt, tease each other and have a fun time.

How would you write this and is it even any good?

It's a bit difficult to get this correct as a non-native speaker :lol:.
Janusch said:
Brother_Tucker said:
Do you mean to say your behavior hasn't changed since then? I can see both working in different ways.

Yes, I'm trying to say that I'm 'unfortunately' still a bit immature and that I don't take everything too seriously. The idea behind it was to indicate that we won't have boring conversations on a date but rather flirt, tease each other and have a fun time.

How would you write this and is it even any good?

It's a bit difficult to get this correct as a non-native speaker :lol:.

It's no problem, that's where the guys on the forum can help.

I see where you're going with it, OK you can try something like: -

1. My teacher wrote in my student evaluation that I shouldn't tease the girls in my class. I wasn't a good student...

2. My teacher wrote in my student evaluation that I shouldn't tease the girls in my class. You will be pleased to know I haven't changed.

3. My teacher wrote in my student evaluation that I shouldn't tease the girls in my class. Clearly they didn't understand how to plan a fun date...

4. My teacher wrote in my student evaluation that I shouldn't tease the girls in my class. I still tease, just not in the classroom...

I think these are more in line with the response you're looking for.
Brother_Tucker said:
It's no problem, that's where the guys on the forum can help.

I see where you're going with it, OK you can try something like: -

1. My teacher wrote in my student evaluation that I shouldn't tease the girls in my class. I wasn't a good student...

2. My teacher wrote in my student evaluation that I shouldn't tease the girls in my class. You will be pleased to know I haven't changed.

3. My teacher wrote in my student evaluation that I shouldn't tease the girls in my class. Clearly they didn't understand how to plan a fun date...

4. My teacher wrote in my student evaluation that I shouldn't tease the girls in my class. I still tease, just not in the classroom...

I think these are more in line with the response you're looking for.

Wow, you're an absolute legend. I really like them. Thanks for going the extra mile and even writing me different variations :D.
In the first two photos you look really awkward and it’s clear you’re posing. Ideally, we want candid shots.

Climbing and van photo look great, and for the last two, you have abs, so I’d run with that one and skip the group photo.
Janusch said:
First of all: yes I am German, what gave me away? :D

Sieht man direkt :D
The thing is that because of my job, I have contact with so many people from all over the world. In the meantime, I can often recognize the ethnic origin by the facial structures.
Jesseetc said:
In the first two photos you look really awkward and it’s clear you’re posing. Ideally, we want candid shots.

Climbing and van photo look great, and for the last two, you have abs, so I’d run with that one and skip the group photo.

Thanks for your feedback. I will leave the abs one out for now, because I agree that in order to include such an image your abs should definitely be in the upper 5%, and since I didn't take this image for my profile I did not pay attention to it thus my abs are hardly noticeable.
Vamos said:
Janusch said:
First of all: yes I am German, what gave me away? :D

Sieht man direkt :D
The thing is that because of my job, I have contact with so many people from all over the world. In the meantime, I can often recognize the ethnic origin by the facial structures.

That's impressive. I have a rather strong German accent and that's what people usually notice. I travel quite a bit and am quite sure, that you're the first person to recognize it by looking at a picture.
Considering getting some edge to you, necklaces, rings, bracelets a watch. Look at Radicals style guide for more fashion advice, go on Pinterest and copy the masculine looking fashion models. Nothing about you screams player, you look very nice and pleasant. It isn't inherently a bad thing, but if your target audience is sexually available girls under age 26, I don't know if it's the most effective.
Janusch said:
Jesseetc said:
In the first two photos you look really awkward and it’s clear you’re posing. Ideally, we want candid shots.

Climbing and van photo look great, and for the last two, you have abs, so I’d run with that one and skip the group photo.

Thanks for your feedback. I will leave the abs one out for now, because I agree that in order to include such an image your abs should definitely be in the upper 5%, and since I didn't take this image for my profile I did not pay attention to it thus my abs are hardly noticeable.

That’s totally fair. As a certifiable fatass, I’d post any abs if I had them, so I don’t really have a frame of reference for that.
Vamos said:
Don't use the last two pics! Shirtless pics are cringe and will give you less matches, belive me. Besides, you're looking for a certain type of women, than it's ok. Sorry for the offense, but your body doesn't look like anything special, pale average joe body, it won't do you any good, don't upload it.

In the first pic you look semi attcative and it's a good shot, fine! But I'm sure that many women will swipe left directly on the second picture with the glasses. Don't you like wearing contact lenses? You definitely look a lot better without glasses. The outdoor pictures are very good.

Are you german btw?

Why do you believe shirtless doesn't work, in which context did you try it? Natural beach pic, mirror selfie or posed photography? About 80% of individuals out there says it does work, and 20% which you belong to says it doesn't.
Check this post for example:

I also watch a recent video where I guy said that he had more matches with more BF and being less shredded in his shirtless pic.

Extremely contradicting information on this topic but favors shirtless if you have at least a decent body which doesn't scream "what an average experience". Would appreciate your input.

I personally believe it totally depends on the individual, the pic itself, the goal and the overall profile and should be A/B tested via boost same time 1 week later. Otherwise it wouldn't be so contradicting.