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GN's Progress Log - Update Part 1: Starting Nursing School, Bouncing Back

Mid-Week Update

Ive probably spent close to 400$ on overhauling my wardrobe at this point. I also pushed back the shoot to next weekend since I have three exams next week. I got my four t-shirts in the mail yesterday and they fit kinda big. Turns out Banana Republic switched where they make their premium wash shirts from Guatemala to Vietnam. I didn't want to give up tho so I sent them in for a few laundry cycles and I managed to get them to shrink some. Looks good under a jacket now since these are super neutral colors.

Currently Im waiting on my boots, a pair of black jeans, and my chain. Im basically broke now after I bought the black jeans. My next potential buys are a pair of grey jeans, a ring, and maybe my own DSLR. Ill get more ideas along the way.

Been looking at inspo for the green jacket I have in my PFP instead of giving up on trying to make it cool. I find it hard to style ngl but I realize i am just not doing it justice. There were too many colors clashing in the outfit above, so I need to tone it down. Probably going to keep it all neutral. Someone on reddit said that blue jeans don't go with the jacket at all since black or grey is more rugged and neutral. Im thinking something like the attached pic but with maybe black boots instead, he is basically wearing the same jacket as me.

So far this week has been really annoying. So many inconveniences. My apartment keeps fucking over my units internet. We had an employee come over twice already, idk why it keeps being so shit. My Microbio Homework usually only takes 20-30 minutes to do but cuz of the wifi issues it took 2 hours. There is also some construction happening outside my room. I tried to study earlier this morning but the constant noise made it really difficult.

The worst things so far though is that I called my closeby pharmacy about getting my original minoxidil but they told me it was on backorder. For some reason it did not go through but my finasteride did. They said they don't know when they will get it. I tried to see if maybe I can ask my pharmacy back home to ship it to me but they said no, and that you aren't allowed to ship meds even if I had my mom pick it up. I am so fucking pissed, especially considering I washed my hair today and lost a shit ton of hair. I know I am shedding now since after my first shed stopped I never lost hair when i put my hand through it, but now I do. The brand switch of minoxidil has set me back a whole months worth of progress. My hair has just been doing awful lately too since its so cold outside my hair gets really frizzy. Why the fuck is my hair so temperature sensitive?! Like it needs to be just right to look the way I want it to. Just hoping I get it soon and that this damn shed stops, why the fuck did it have to happen before I saw the progress I wanted. Even my own doctor says staying with the same manafacturer is optimal.

My urges to watch porn have been horrible too. I got that girl coming over and I have been struggling with compulsive masturbation (Squilliam turns out I have a problem with it too). I can't seem to delete reddit for good, esp now since I have actually learned a little about fashion from it and i have gotten some decent realistic inspo.

This is a double edged sword though. In my addiction timeline reddit has been the primary place I have sourced my porn. It is terribly easy to find absolutely anything INSTANTLY. Like with the web there is still a little additional work I got to do but reddit can provide you a clip, pic, or gif within 2 seconds. I don't want to relapse before I see that girl. I have some weird superstition that relapsing is a bad omen and causes me to lose good things in my life especially with women. My logical side thinks this is bullshit though but a part of me still believes it.

I started believing it because the girl I went on my first ever date with our date went well, but I got terribly horny later that night and relapsed. The next day I sent some text and didn't get a response. So I believed for a while that relapsing caused me to lose a potential gf. I did do some self reflection and realized the date felt more like a friendly chat rather than a romantic interaction. Plus the chemistry wasn't super amazing so I figure that lack of "spark" is what never got me that second date.

Happened again recently I was talking to this same girl I am meeting this Friday. I was also talking to another girl long distance. I had a relapse, but the girl I was meeting is still there, but the long distance one and I ended anything before it started. I honestly don't associate this one with a bad omen since long distance dooms a lot of dating shit. Plus physical intimacy is very important to me. Plus she was busy, trying to manage that and date a guy long distance must feel dumb. A part of me still feels like I was just given another chance, but if I relapse again its over.
GN44 said:
My urges to watch porn have been horrible too. I got that girl coming over and I have been struggling with compulsive masturbation (@Squilliam turns out I have a problem with it too). I can't seem to delete reddit for good, esp now since I have actually learned a little about fashion from it and i have gotten some decent realistic inspo.
Yeah man start NoFap. I just started and it's really hard to resist the temptation sometimes, especially because I literally started taking adderall again and it makes me horny as fuck.

But you'll enjoy sex much more if you save your seed, trust me
Squilliam said:
GN44 said:
My urges to watch porn have been horrible too. I got that girl coming over and I have been struggling with compulsive masturbation (@Squilliam turns out I have a problem with it too). I can't seem to delete reddit for good, esp now since I have actually learned a little about fashion from it and i have gotten some decent realistic inspo.
Yeah man start NoFap. I just started and it's really hard to resist the temptation sometimes, especially because I literally started taking adderall again and it makes me horny as fuck.

But you'll enjoy sex much more if you save your seed, trust me

Ill try to avoid masturbating and porn at least a few days before. NoFap I only can see myself starting once I have a handle on no porn and am seeing some girls regularly.
I saw MakingAComeback make a thread for physique development posts and I did a quick read-through of Brother_Tucker and NotYourAverageNerds guides. Ill do a more detailed read-through once my exams are over, but it really caused my negative feelings of a physique plateau to rise to the surface. I have been knowing this for a while but I ignored it since I have been more worried about school, girls, fashion, and my social life.

Anyways its time I do something about it. My motivation to go to the gym just has not been there at all. After the first month of gym which was hell due to my insecurities, I started loving the gym and it became my happy place. This feeling decreased over time to where its basically non-existent right now and the gym feels like a waste of time. I only go because I don't want to be a fatass again. I only felt that "gym is my happy place" feeling again once I tried a new chest workout routine, I worked really hard and I felt so good after, however I have been struggling to integrate it into my weekly workouts.

Currently these are the workouts I have been doing. I have been in the gym over a year now. I probably should switch this up but I don't know what to switch to. I really can only manage going to the gym 3x a week at most, 4x a week is rare and only during the super rare weeks I don't have a ton of work to do.

->3x Bench Press (8-10)
->4x Overhead Press (6-8)
->3x Chest Supported Dumbell Row (8-10)
->3x Leg Press (10-12)
->3x Leg Curl (10-12)
->3x Lateral Raise (10-12)
->3x Rope Push Down (10-12)

->3x Barbell Row (6-8)
->3x Lat Pull Down (8-10)
->3x Chest Supported Dumbbell Row (8-10)
->3x Dumbell Walks (8-10)
->3x Facepulls (12-15)
->3x Curls (10-12)

->4x Squats (4-6)
->4x RDL (6-8)
->3x Bench Press (8-10)
->3x Seated Cable Rows (8-10)
->3x Standing Dumbell Shoulder Press (8-10)
->3x Standing bar curls (12-15)
->3x Skull Crushers (10-12)

Chest Workout (Trying to integrate):
->3x Incline Bench Press (6-8)
->4x Chest Dips (6-8)
->3x Flat Bench Dumbell Press (8-10)
->4x Cable Flys (8-12, two sets one angle, two sets another)
->3x Dumbell Pullover (8-12)
->1x Pinch Press (8-10)

Ive lost over 30 pounds and I definitely am not skinnyfat anymore. My arms look better and I moved down a size in all my clothes. However I still feel fat, mainly due to the fact I still have love handles and I have gyno. My bodyfat percent is roughly 20% range. Certain lightings crush my self esteem as they show off zero muscle definition, meanwhile others make me look good. My physique is basically Squilliams old PFP but with gyno, and my legs I have big thighs and my calves are not super large, like a mid size. They don't feel "fatty" though so this is likely just genetics.

I think a lot of this plateau is my fault. I haven't been keeping up with my calories so I probably am not losing as much weight as I want. I currently sit around or a little under 170lbs. My goal weight is 162, I actually got super close before the summer but I ended up back at 170 post summer. Not to mention I haven't switched my routine so my body may have just adjusted to it and just thinks its business as usual. To lose a pound a week I need to be on a 500 calorie deficit (so 2200 calories). Staying under is mega difficult when eating dining hall food since its mass produced its probably loaded with calorie increasing shit. Ideally I should avoid dining hall food all together and make all my food homemade with only occasional takeout. This is a bit difficult as a student but I mealprep on Sundays so maybe I can mealprep for lunch and dinner during the week, maybe Lunches on Saturday and Dinners on Sunday. Order doesn't really matter here.
I have been trying to hit my protein intake daily and usually I can stay consistent, tho tbf I was horribly inconsistent earlier this year so that likely set me back some. Need to hit nearly 140g of protein a day.

Overall I think my plateau is due to many things:
-Not calorie counting
-Not eating as well as I should
-Not doing the right workouts
-Lack of motivation (which can lead to me half assing my workouts and not training to full failure)

I appreciate any feedback and Ill do my best to integrate anything I can feasibly do.
GN44 said:
Ill try to avoid masturbating and porn at least a few days before. NoFap I only can see myself starting once I have a handle on no porn and am seeing some girls regularly.
Stop making excuses. If you have an issue with compulsive masturbation, then you have it backwards. The death grip and lack of sensitivity from excessively masturbating, whether you use porn or not, is going to severely hurt your sex life.

If you want to fap then don't do it super frequently. Fapping every day is not really good for your sex drive and sensitivity.

You have a girl coming over. Save your nut for that.
Squilliam said:
GN44 said:
Ill try to avoid masturbating and porn at least a few days before. NoFap I only can see myself starting once I have a handle on no porn and am seeing some girls regularly.
Stop making excuses. If you have an issue with compulsive masturbation, then you have it backwards. The death grip and lack of sensitivity from excessively masturbating, whether you use porn or not, is going to severely hurt your sex life.

If you want to fap then don't do it super frequently. Fapping every day is not really good for your sex drive and sensitivity.

You have a girl coming over. Save your nut for that.

Fair point, I just think trying to cut out fapping entirely right now is not feasible, but I can work to decrease it. Only real way I can manage that though is by staying outside the whole day, which I can do.
So that girl came over yesterday and we grabbed some food. Right after we started getting handsy and making out. Slowly we took each others clothes off till we were both naked. I got on top of her and rubbed her clit until she came. I tried to finger her but she was super tight down there, thought maybe we will just give it some time.

She then got on top of me and then moved down to give me a blowjob, the head was decent and I was getting somewhat hard but she tugged my shit way too hard and I ended up nutting. I brushed it off and wiped the cum off. We just got back to making out and I put my dick near her pussy and she started grinding her clit on it and came again. She seems to be a fast cummer.

Some more making out later I keep rubbing her clit but she is still really tight, I get her to give me another blowjob and put a condom on once I get somewhat hard. I hate putting on condoms but I did it anyways. I tried to put it in her but it just would not go fully in, embarrasingly I came again from the sheer amount friction her pussy was giving my shaft.

At this point I just gave up, she told me several times she thought I was good but she said sometimes she gets super tight like that. I looked it up and apparently its called vaginismus and can happen even when a woman has enjoyed PIV in the past.

I feel pretty terrible saying this ngl but I think my dick didn't get fully hard because I felt no attraction towards her. She looks way better in her photos. I thought she was average looking from them, but I think once the clothes came off she did not seem as attractive. I tried to focus on her most attractive feature but nothing about her really stood out to me at all. I felt bad cuz she is always complimenting me and stuff talking about how hot I am but I cannot for the life of me reciprocate the way I should.

I don't know what to do. I doubt I can force myself to be attracted to her. She stayed the night and this morning I just did not want to be around her much, I was just hoping she would leave since I have an incredibly busy Saturday ahead of me with 3 exams coming up. After tonight talking dirty with her just feels wrong to me.

I know I should have lower standards while I am working hard right now, but I don't know if I should go this low to the point the girl doesn't turn me on at all. Id rather put my head down and focus hard as fuck with overhauling my wardrobe, getting leaner/losing fat, and getting better social skills right now. Online dating and cold approach haven't gotten me much yet and the only way to fix this is to make big changes. I have been questioning myself a lot since last night as to why I couldn't get fully hard. I wasn't even that nervous, if anything I was excited. I also haven't watched porn in like a week or so, maybe I peeked once but that was it. I was teetering on the edge of a relapse but never fully got there. I was able to get hard without porn many days leading up to her coming over yesterday so I doubt ED played a role here.

Should I just tell her I don't want to have a sexual relationship with her and maybe we just stay platonic friends?

EDIT: So technically I would call this my first lay
The weekend was just me studying for my three exams. It was a good thing I was so busy as it allowed me to not think too much about this experience. Im the most worried about my Anatomy exam as this is the bulkiest unit we have had so far. Even so I was still conflicted on my feelings about that girl and whether I should keep her around. I remember even on our first date I barely gave a shit, but figured I would try to do something. I now realized I felt no attraction to her and keeping her around just felt wrong to me. I wasn't sure what to do so I decided to wait 24 hours to decide. Sunday morning came and I decided I would tell her that we should just be friends. She took it well and said she was cool with that.

I was also supposed to have a date this Saturday w/ a girl but she unmatched me the day after we scheduled which was like earlier in the week. I didn't really care tbh cuz this weekend I wanted to study for my exams.

I also did some research on workouts and read Manly Cockfellow s guide on muscle groups to train. I think I will keep the chest workout I posted above but I will edit the Tuesday and Wednesday routines. Mainly going to focus on upper body one of those days and lower body the other.

On the topic of fashion my boots arrived and they are interesting. I bought them used so they were not super tight when I put my foot in. Odd feeling since every other time I have bought footwear its super tight at first because its new. They aren't too loose. My chain also arrived, its pretty small but nice. Sadly I got a tangle in it already so I need to remove it. I have some black jeans on the way from Banana Republic and I am taking a massive gamble here as I never buy jeans online since I have had bad experiences, but I desperately need new pants. I only have two pants that I like that look good on me. One is a dark blue jean and the other are the neutral green pants in the photo.

I tried an outfit with the boots. Honestly I think I look pretty good in it but for an OLD photo I may stick to jeans when throwing on a leather jacket. Changing my whole vibe with new clothing just feels strange when I am outside.

I have about 90$ in my Paypal now, Ill try to accumulate some more but I think my next buy will be some grey jeans or another jacket. Either that or I will just cover essentials right now then move on to fun stuff. I may ask my mom if she can order another copy of my maroon bomber but in a smaller size since I like the jacket but I can't get over the fact it does look a bit baggy.
Just sharing to make sure you saw this:


which is just a post about how this 👇


is the best workout I've ever found for optimizing your physique

And your workout already looks pretty similar to the GLL muscle building routine, so it shouldn't be too big of an adjustment if you want to try it out

And as I said in my post, if you do end up trying that workout my advice is to choose a starting weight for each set that allows you to do each rep very slowly (5 sec down, 5 sec up), which will give you both a safer and a more effective workout
Manly Cockfellow said:
Just sharing to make sure you saw this:


which is just a post about how this 👇


is the best workout I've ever found for optimizing your physique

And your workout already looks pretty similar to the GLL muscle building routine, so it shouldn't be too big of an adjustment if you want to try it out

And as I said in my post, if you do end up trying that workout my advice is to choose a starting weight for each set that allows you to do each rep very slowly (5 sec down, 5 sec up), which will give you both a safer and a more effective workout

Oh shii this is good stuff, predesigned routines I like. I usually work out 3x a week so 2 upper body and 1 lower body days would be optimal. I think I just need to delegate since my current workout is just a mishmash of exercises. But I got you on the slow rep thing, I figured me doing my reps too fast would just be half-assing it.
foducossy42 got my brows done, do these look okay?
GN44 said:
@foducossy42 got my brows done, do these look okay?

Too uniform thickness. It looks unnatural and obviously edited (and not well).

It also looks painted on tbh. Who did this?

The good news is it’ll grow back….

You should use a trimmer yourself and slowly trim parts of it to get a shape that’s nice.
foducossy42 said:
GN44 said:
@foducossy42 got my brows done, do these look okay?

Too uniform thickness. It looks unnatural and obviously edited (and not well).

It also looks painted on tbh. Who did this?

The good news is it’ll grow back….

You should use a trimmer yourself and slowly trim parts of it to get a shape that’s nice.

Some place near the grocery store, figured Id go get groceries and get my brows done too. It was some asian place. It looks super swollen here since this was right after, I will give it a few hours and see how it looks.

The place I go to back home is run by Indians so they understand how thick our eyebrows be and they do a good job, at half the price of this place too.

I think if I am not at home Ill just use the trimmer, you have a guide for it right?
september said:
GN44 said:
@foducossy42 got my brows done, do these look okay?

When you get them done ask them to be done in a masculine style

Eyebrows places usually only do chicks and gay guys (feminine style)

if they don't understand what masculine style means, go to another place that does

if you did this yourself instead of at a place: go to a place once, get it done as above, take a pic, do it yourself from then on using the pic as a guide

Good idea, the place I go to back home does a decent job and a super cheap price, but you are right as they kinda thinned my shit really hard, usually I only see girls with super thin eyebrows.
Mid week update:

Monday was kinda just like any other Monday but a lot more grind. I skipped dance club to go and study and I let my friend know. My black jeans I ordered last week arrived. They fit kinda loose and I tried to shrink it but it wasn’t 100% cotton so it did not work. I wore it on Wednesday to try a fit with my olive jacket. It looked pretty nice but I need to get skinnier jeans. I’ll probably wait till thanksgiving break so I can go to a mall and buy a lot of clothes. My parents love buying me clothes when I come home so it’ll save me a ton of money. Buying pants and shirts online is way too risky. I would have returned the pants but I do need them for my photoshoot. I have heard you can return items you bought online even without tags, but again it’s word of mouth.

As of yesterday I finally finished all of my obligations for the week. I had two exams and a quiz yesterday. Wednesday I was grinding like mad. I also skipped anatomy lab because they allow you 3 skips during the semester and I figured it would be a good time to use one. I had an energy drink around like 6-7 PM and it was like 300 mg of caffeine. Shit was no joke I was awake till like 2:30 AM. Energy drinks do work but I don’t want to become reliant on them, I may use them in a pinch though like when finals come around. I woke up Thursday morning super groggy since I only slept like 5 hours. I rarely do that, I need like 8 to function properly.

I met my therapist. I told her I have basically fallen apart this week. My diet is absolute ass, I have been binging porn again, obsessing over my hair, and also about my feelings about that one girl. A lot of people seem to be ashamed to admit they aren't attracted to someone they try to sleep with so I was starting to feel like I was the problem because I couldn't get it up that day. I told my therapist I didn't find her attractive and felt a little catfished. She said its okay, that the reason I couldn't perform being that I had no attraction was valid and I shouldn't feel ashamed of it. The validation felt nice. I realized I haven't been processing my emotions at all this week due to my exams.

Really my whole thing was just working my ass off to study and whatever time off I had I basically silenced my thoughts with food or porn to avoid processing the whole experience last Friday. I think I am just so grossed out by it now. Especially the morning after I just wanted her to leave. I felt gross dirty talking with a girl I had 0 attraction to, feeling obligated to be intimate, and just felt like talking to her was a chore. At least one takeaway I have from this is I am not crazy desperate to get laid, and I will continue to lower my standards but not to the point I cannot get it up. At the same time, maybe it is a good thing I did not lose my virginity to her. Makes it easier for me to move on, and hopefully I can forget about this as I meet more women. In the meantime I will continue to looksmax and upgrade my wardrobe so I can attract higher quality girls.

Anyways I also got my brows done and the more I look at them the more awful I think they look. foducossy42 you are right, they look painted on and comically uniform. Also due to how busy I was with exams and stuff I had virtually no time to prepare for the shoot. Id be going in blind and I would probably get a similar caliber of photos I had last time. I learned from that past experience patience is key and that getting good photos takes a fuck ton of work. Therefore, I cancelled it.

Tbh I hate the whole idea of doing a shoot. I feel like everything for me has to align up perfectly for it to go well. Really now it has not, I have been dealing with a lot of shit. I haven't prepped, my hair looking sorta shitty due to the extended shed, haven't decided on facial expressions, coordinated outfits, poses, and my brows are fucked. Also the profile should tell a story of sorts right? Idk how one shoot conveys that, I figure its more natural to take photos as you go through life or do fun things.

I think Ill just buy my own camera and once I go back to California with my brother, me and him can go to places and take pictures. Him and I hang out a lot and he loves getting photos taken of himself so this is mutually beneficial. I most likely will buy the Canon EOS rebel XT pancakemouse reccomended me, but I also need to do research on what extra equipment need to get proper photos if theres more required. Also a lot of the XTs I am finding look really beat up so I just want to be careful. Once money comes in for my next tutoring sessions my budget should be roughly 200 dollars. Id like to stay around that for a used DSLR since I am not super interested in photography and I don't want a 300+ dollar camera laying around I barely use.

As of now I will just save money for the camera and equipment, and go home and shop with my parents for anything I want to overhaul my wardrobe with.
GN44 said:
september said:
When you get them done ask them to be done in a masculine style

Eyebrows places usually only do chicks and gay guys (feminine style)

if they don't understand what masculine style means, go to another place that does

if you did this yourself instead of at a place: go to a place once, get it done as above, take a pic, do it yourself from then on using the pic as a guide

Good idea, the place I go to back home does a decent job and a super cheap price, but you are right as they kinda thinned my shit really hard, usually I only see girls with super thin eyebrows.

It’s not the thinness also you can go thinner.

It’s that it looks unnatural. It looks painted on, it’s too clean. You need to master making it look natural yet well shaped.
GN44 said:
I figure its more natural to take photos as you go through life or do fun things.

Yes. But it’s hard to get those photos posed right
foducossy42 said:
GN44 said:
I figure its more natural to take photos as you go through life or do fun things.

Yes. But it’s hard to get those photos posed right

It is, but its probably easier to get them more candid. At least then and there I can focus on one photo.

Plus for a cooking photo it will be higher quality getting one in my kitchen back home since it is far nicer.
GN44 said:
I met my therapist. I told her I have basically fallen apart this week. My diet is absolute ass, I have been binging porn again, obsessing over my hair, and also about my feelings about that one girl.

It is a recurring theme I see through your log: you are constantly beating yourself up. In the end, this is only making things worse for your mental health.

I understand what you are going through. It is hard feeling denied something basic as companionship from the other sex, but the only way to solve this issue is to work on yourself. See the experience with the girl you almost had sex with as proof that you are able to attract women. If you are dating in the western world, race should barely be an issue. Hell, it can sometimes even be an advantage, as I have experienced. Of course people have preferences, but that is something you can't change anything about. Just like you can't change that you are magically attracted to that girl you almost lost your virginity to.

I don't have to tell you that you should be focusing on improving yourself. You are going to the gym and upgrading your fashion which are some good first steps you are making. What I see is that your porn consumption is hindering your progress. Something I have experienced myself and managed to gain control over. Let me tell you how I solved this issue and maybe you can solve yours as well.

I have done it all: 30, 90, 150 days no fap / PMO but to no avail. I always returned to my old behavior. What I eventually did wrong, was not handling this behavior like any other addiction. Stopping cold turkey with an addiction is almost never the solution. Drug use, compulsively watching porn and eating disorders are behaviors mostly caused because of an underlying problem. Solving the underlying problem is a multi-step process of really small steps you need to take.

This is what I did to quit my bad relationship with porn.

Porn itself is mostly not the issue. It is the relationship you have with porn that is was causing it to be an issue. It is the combination with masturbation and certain triggers that people experience as negative. The trigger is key here. Start by recognizing the trigger that is causing you to binge porn. In most cases the trigger is a negative feeling like loneliness, failing a test or getting rejected. Next time you experience a negative feeling, try to recognize how you feel (sad, angry, frustrated, etc.) and why you feel it. Start by slowly incorporating the rule that you don't watch porn and masturbate when you feel any of these negative feelings. Decoupling negative triggers from certain behaviors the the first step. Don't beat yourself up when you give in a couple of times.

Step two is decoupling porn and masturbation. If you feel a craving, (remember, a negative feeling does not count as a craving) masturbate without the use of porn/pictures/erotica/any audio-visual stimuli. You can use toys if you really want to. If you have none (you sold yours if I remember correctly), use lube and be gentle else you will suffer from deathgrip and your first time will be a disappointment. Trust me on this.

If you catch yourself watching porn or something you normally would use as masturbation material, don't be harsh on yourself. Recognize it for what it is without any judgment. However, don't start touching yourself. Keep your hands from your junk. If it happens it happens. Turn it off when you feel ready and start doing something else. Remember: don't beat yourself up when you give in a couple of times.

Step three is to couple masturbation with one single location. It should be a location you are you don't have an excuse to be for all of your day, like in bed. If for some reason you are unable to get out of bed, do the following: Take your time to wake up. Check-in with your cravings and if you have some, just masturbate. After you are done, clean yourself up, brush your teeth etc. If you still feel tired, don't get back to bed but lay in a chair or on the sofa instead. This way you don't have any excuse to masturbate again.

Also in this stage, don't actively search for any porn and turn off any material you would normally use for masturbation immediately. Take your time and don't be harsh on yourself if you fail a couple of times.
GN44 said:
I met my therapist. I told her I have basically fallen apart this week. My diet is absolute ass, I have been binging porn again, obsessing over my hair, and also about my feelings about that one girl.

It is a recurring theme I see through your log: you are constantly beating yourself up. In the end, this is only making things worse for your mental health.

I understand what you are going through. It is hard feeling denied something basic as companionship from the other sex, but the only way to solve this issue is to work on yourself. See the experience with the girl you almost had sex with as proof that you are able to attract women. If you are dating in the western world, not being white should barely be an issue. Hell, it can sometimes even be an advantage. I have experienced both sides of the coin. Of course people have preferences, but that is something you can't change anything about. Just like you can't change that you are magically attracted to that girl you almost lost your virginity to. Focus on what you can control (your body, finance, your behavior)

You are already going to the gym and upgrading your fashion, which are some good first steps you are making. However, what I see is that your relationship with porn is hindering your progress. Something I have experienced myself and managed to gain control over. I want to tell you how I solved it. Maybe this can help you as well.

I have done it all: 30, 90, 150 days no fap / PMO but to no avail. I always returned to my old behavior. What I eventually did wrong, was not handling this behavior like any other addiction. Stopping cold turkey with an addiction is almost never the solution. Drug use, compulsively watching porn and eating disorders are behaviors mostly caused because of an underlying problem. Solving the underlying problem is a multi-step process of really small steps you need to take.

This is what I did to quit my bad relationship with porn.

Porn itself is mostly not the issue. It is the relationship you have with porn that is causing it to be an issue. It is the combination with masturbation and certain negative triggers. The trigger is key here. Start by recognizing the trigger that is causing you to binge porn. In most cases the trigger is a negative feeling like loneliness, failing a test or getting rejected. Next time you experience a negative feeling, try to recognize how you feel (sad, angry, frustrated, etc.) and the reason why you feel it. Start by slowly incorporating the rule that you don't watch porn and/or masturbate when you feel any of these negative feelings. Decoupling negative triggers from certain behaviors is the first and most important step. Don't beat yourself up when you give in a couple of times.

Step two is decoupling porn and masturbation. If you feel a craving, (remember, a negative feeling does not count as a craving) masturbate without the use of porn/pictures/erotica/any audio-visual stimuli. You can use toys if you really want to. If you have none (you sold yours if I remember correctly), use lube and be gentle else you will suffer from deathgrip and your first time will be a disappointment. Trust me on this.

If you catch yourself watching porn or something you normally would use as masturbation material, don't be harsh on yourself. Recognize it for what it is without any judgment. However, don't start touching yourself. Keep your hands from your junk. If it happens it happens. Turn it off when you feel ready and start doing something else. Remember: don't beat yourself up when you give in a couple of times.

Step three is to couple masturbation with one single location. It should be a location you can't use as an excuse to be for all of your day. Like in bed. If for some reason you are unable to get out of bed, do the following: Take your time to wake up. Check-in with your cravings and if you have some, masturbate. However, remember that negative feelings are not cravings. After you are done, clean yourself up, brush your teeth etc. If you still feel tired, don't get back to bed but lay in a chair or on the sofa instead.

Also in this stage, don't actively search for any porn and turn off any material you would normally use for masturbation immediately. Take your time and don't be harsh on yourself if you fail a couple of times.

This took me a couple of months to incorporate. This does not mean that you can never watch any porn ever again. If you feel comfortable you can start by introducing it back slowly, but only on the condition after you did something of value for that day (when you went on a fun date where you didn't pull, worked on you self improvement, etc.). Personally I'm still not watching any porn or have masturbated for a couple of months. Right now, I gain a lot more joy from improving myself (the gym, cooking, planning photo shoots and being with friends).

Remember to be kind to yourself if you fail, because you will. Progress to success is not a linear line to the top. You are already taking action, which you should be proud of.