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GN's Progress Log - Update Part 1: Starting Nursing School, Bouncing Back

bonzo34 said:
damn good luck with finals. just realized it was bio and chemistry

might derail a bit but do haircuts and style questions go in picture feedback megathread too?
that kinda never was said

Appreciate it man, thanks!

I don't think so, Radical said its just for IG and OLD photos.

Daily Actions:

->Approach 1 Woman: No
->No Porn/PMO: No
->Sugar intake: 74g
->Weekly Gym: 1/3
->Today's Calories: 2119 cal
->Today's Protein Intake: 89/130 g
->Shut off Electronics by 10:30: No


Today just fucking sucked, but I guess thats what happens when you have a few days where you feel amazing. My internet in my apartment is still way too damn slow even though me and my roommates contacted the internet company several times. Fucking imbeciles. Basically that forced me to leave my room despite the fact I didn't want to as I washed my hair for the first time since Sunday.

I also picked up my CF card reader that arrived a few days ago and the new shoes. Still need to try the shoes on.

When I got to the library I looked at my hair on my phone and it just looked awful, like my god it doesn't look like this when dry what the fuck. I know hair clumps a lot when wet and I have learned healthy hair generally retains more moisture. More moisture usually makes your hair look worse as its more damp. I just tried to move to a darker area to not bug about it so much and just reassure myself my hair doesn't look like this when dry.

Maybe I am only taking notice now as I usually don't look at my hair when its wet. Plus if my hair texture improved it should mean its not getting thinner. I lost my curly texture as my hair thinned back when AGA first hit me. I think its also because I been wearing beanies a lot usually an hour or so after a shower and the water is mainly gone from my hair.

I took my DSLR with me to the library to test out the CF card reader and bad news is that shit does not work. I was trying for a whole hour to figure something out but I got nowhere. I tried calling the line on the cf card reader but they said I should just return it. Which I just may do. I felt even shittier realizing how I lost a whole hour. I also had a virtual meeting with my therapist right when the realization hit me.

I basically was venting a lot and telling her how fucking stressed I was and she was like you are really doing too much negative self talk and encouraging me to talk positively about myself instead. So I brought up some good things that happened this week like my haircut, the new fits making me feel myself more, and seeing better Hinge results back home. About the stress she also helped me realize the more time I spend worrying the less action I take. Its funny cuz you think that having it on your mind more will allow you to take the action right? Well not the case for everybody, or just me at least. I made a promise to make a fully detailed checklist of all my tasks due the next week. I did make the list, and luckily today I managed to accomplish a good amount of things on it.

I tried to make the CF card reader work again but to no avail. I then had the bright idea to go over to staples and see if I can get a cable directly for the camera and then an adapter to my mac. I couldn't find the cable but I found a 50 in 1 card reader including CF type 2 cards like the one I have. I bought that and a USB adapter to my labtop. I tried it out again and still nothing, but Ill try again and see what I can do. Worst comes to worst I will return all these things and then ask my dad for advice since he is the most tech savvy person I know. I think getting an actual eos rebel cable should help

I was feeling a little better after that, but I got hungry and felt like "oh I had a hard week I can treat myself", so I got some chicken tenders from this burger joint since last time I had them they were amazing. For some reason though this time they were tiny as shit. This pissed me off too. Waste of money.

Tried to get some more work done, started browsing reddit and that eventually led to a relapse. I went way down cuz I just let so many inconveniences snowball into just feeling shitty about myself. I was heading towards a binge but then I remembered Zug s advice on how its actually worse to binge. More I think about it those binges reinforce those addict pathways in my brain. Its just such an endless cycle. Theres too much porn out there which means more potential dopamine for my brain which sucks ass. Worst part is my brain enjoys the dopamine, I only enjoy it in the moment. I want to put an end to this cycle but I don't know how. I also hoped maybe this streak could last much longer than 10 days but I only made it 11 :(

I think I need to stop my brain going into autopilot, a lot of relapses seem to start like that.
bonzo34 said:
might derail a bit but do haircuts and style questions go in picture feedback megathread too?

Not really, you just update your log and change the title to get people to come and comment.

But it’s not so clear cut eg a photo feedback could derail into style and grooming discussions.
GN44 said:
I didn't do anything with my brows they have regrown a bit from my appointment though.

So far I like this look, I may try to keep it until it starts getting really itchy, which it definitely does a little in cold weather.

They look more natural because of the growth. After the appointment it was too clean. You may still want the brows thinner though. Idk if this would necessarily help but you could pay wheatwaffles $25 for looksmaxxing advice on your face and maybe he would be able to advise on eyebrow shape for you.

For the beard why is it itchy? I have had that sometimes but only because of the neck beard area like when I lie down in bed or I look down, it scratches my neck. So I shave the neck beard away every day.
foducossy42 said:
GN44 said:
I didn't do anything with my brows they have regrown a bit from my appointment though.

So far I like this look, I may try to keep it until it starts getting really itchy, which it definitely does a little in cold weather.

They look more natural because of the growth. After the appointment it was too clean. You may still want the brows thinner though. Idk if this would necessarily help but you could pay wheatwaffles $25 for looksmaxxing advice on your face and maybe he would be able to advise on eyebrow shape for you.

For the beard why is it itchy? I have had that sometimes but only because of the neck beard area like when I lie down in bed or I look down, it scratches my neck. So I shave the neck beard away every day.

Isn't he that blackpill guy? Unless he changed. I am pretty aware which areas I am lacking though.

I think its just cuz its harder to put moisturizer, also smaller hairs are just generally itchier. It could also be cuz I don't use shaving oil so I have some razor burns on my neck. I think last time i had a major itch it was my neck, so Ill watch it more closely.
GN44 said:
Isn't he that blackpill guy? Unless he changed. I am pretty aware which areas I am lacking though.

Jesus you’re the stingiest person I know. You most likely know less than 50% of your flaws and how to fix them,
I’ll be paying 350 to a profesional one that provides surgery options as well.

Mac just posted how he spent close to 50k on himself, people are getting surgeries, multiple photoshoots with proven photographers because we know that investing in yourself is worth it.

Spent the 25 dollars.
kratjeuh said:
GN44 said:
Isn't he that blackpill guy? Unless he changed. I am pretty aware which areas I am lacking though.

Jesus you’re the stingiest person I know. You most likely know less than 50% of your flaws and how to fix them,
I’ll be paying 350 to a profesional one that provides surgery options as well.

Mac just posted how he spent close to 50k on himself, people are getting surgeries, multiple photoshoots with proven photographers because we know that investing in yourself is worth it.

Spent the 25 dollars.

I have to be, I am a college student and I just blew over 100 on a camera lens so I can shoot portrait. Blew another 50 ish trying to find a working CF card reader and still no luck.

I have like 8$ in my paypal left right now so I could just wait till my client schedules more sessions. He has his final soon so likely he is going to do a few. WW is probably gonna call me a sub5 cuz im indian or some shit and his ratings just look all over the place, but thats just my opinion.
If you’re ready to get hit with the brutal hammer of honesty, keep reading. Else, just skip because I’m going to be very very honest with you because that helps you more than me sugarcoating you

GN44 said:
WW is probably gonna call me a sub5 cuz im indian or some shit and his ratings just look all over the place, but thats just my opinion.

You are a sub 5 currently

I’m sorry, someone had to tell you because otherwise you keep convincing yourself that you’re not.

Here’s a brief explanation as to why this CURRENTLY is

- You have an unprefered race and girls are unintentionally racist
- You’re short
- You aren’t lean nor do you carry a lot of muscle
- You have facial flaws
- You look way older than you are (WW might be able to help with these 2
- You dress very old on top of that
- You come across as overlogical
- You lack expected man skills life for example driving a car (being scared to drive a highway is a huge DLV but please don’t hit the road now you read this, please learn to do this safely)
- You’re poor

Now luckily for you there are exceptional examples of people with a lower starting point than you who would eventually win in life

MakingAComeback and colgate are also Indian with a difficult starting position

Rice isn’t tall but he found a way to pull hot girls so you can do the same.

But how hard do you even try to achieve?

Is that one dude you teach really your only source of income? You can’t do shit without money.

Why are you not looking for more people to teach?
Never though to get a weekend job that could land you 200 dollars a week?
Can’t you do some blue collar stuff like September—> build IKEA stuff for some pay?

Money and stubbornness are the 2 things holding you back the most.

You need money so you can invest in yourself
You need to listen to mentors like Pancake and other guys without putting all their advise in question.

So yeah, I don’t think saving up 25 dollars to get a rating and improvement options are too much, but you do with this advise whatever you want
kratjeuh I am new to this log but isn't OP 5'10? He also doesn't look bad facially imo but doesn't seem to stand out much. He is getting some matches, though not quality. But his profile isn't quality either. So I would guess he is exactly 5/10. Its just that being a 5 doesn't get any results in this competitive market.

I support cosmetic surgeries in general, and would do them myself if I have to. But I also feel like blackpillers tend to underestimate how much physique actually matters. I think more time in the gym should be a priority right now, which kinda sucks because it will take years to see results. Being skinnyfat with gyno I think is a bigger deal than being the wrong race.

Hard agree about the driving being an important "manly skill".
kratjeuh said:
You are a sub 5 currently

I’m sorry, someone had to tell you because otherwise you keep convincing yourself that you’re not.

Here’s a brief explanation as to why this CURRENTLY is

- You have an unprefered race and girls are unintentionally racist
- You’re short
- You aren’t lean nor do you carry a lot of muscle
- You have facial flaws
- You look way older than you are (WW might be able to help with these 2
- You dress very old on top of that
- You come across as overlogical
- You lack expected man skills life for example driving a car (being scared to drive a highway is a huge DLV but please don’t hit the road now you read this, please learn to do this safely)
- You’re poor

I spent a ton of time looking at WW face ratings and cross comparing my appearance to the sub5s I look nothing like them. I have never assumed I was some amazing looking guy if you were looking to humble me.

The start of this log was not even my true starting point, i started all the way last year

Addressing your points:
-Fair, racial biases exist but can be mitigated through location among other things

-No, 5ft 10 is only short in the Netherlands, its either average or tall everywhere else

-Fair, I have only been working on my physique for over a year and I have been inconsistent for weeks at a time. My diet isn't always the best either.

-Literally everyone does, compared to other men I see mine are not as bad.

-Disagree, I literally always get asked for my ID when buying alcohol. I have some friends who are a year younger than me and they never get asked. Some girls at dance parties have told me I look 18-19, one girl thought I looked 17. I have been rejected for being too young even though the girls never asked. My hair loss could have been playing a role too but since its gotten slightly better I think I feel younger again.

-The older photos i posted on the megathread I agree with this but at least a couple of the newer outfits I disagree with since at least when I look up it does fit a more "modern" style. I had to search up a lot online on how to style the green jacket since when I was doing it wrong it did look that way.

-Fair enough, being autistic does that I guess

-The car thing I can work on over break

-Guess so, I don't have a job currently
kratjeuh said:
But how hard do you even try to achieve?

Is that one dude you teach really your only source of income? You can’t do shit without money.

Why are you not looking for more people to teach?
Never though to get a weekend job that could land you 200 dollars a week?
Can’t you do some blue collar stuff like September—> build IKEA stuff for some pay?

Money and stubbornness are the 2 things holding you back the most.

You need money so you can invest in yourself
You need to listen to mentors like Pancake and other guys without putting all their advise in question.

So yeah, I don’t think saving up 25 dollars to get a rating and improvement options are too much, but you do with this advise whatever you want

What do you mean by this? I do what I can with the time I have

No shit, but yes so far that is the case. Some weeks we do like four sessions so that picks up 160$ or more. I charge extra for overtime/inconvenient hours.

Id love to teach more people but studying for classes and research take
priority. How many times have I had to say here I am a college student in probably one of the toughest STEM majors at my school. Im applying for my Masters right after college.

I have taken advice here, but I still question things because before when I listened to some people without question I got burned for it. I am not trying to insult anyone by questioning.

I had some friends growing up who were semi-popular in school who I went to for dating advice cuz I knew nothing and I got humiliated as a result. I tried to be the "good kid" to make my parents happy and it made me a recluse until I discovered self improvement.

If I was truly a sub5 some women would treat me like shit, but women actually treat me well
Rice said:
@kratjeuh I am new to this log but isn't OP 5'10? He also doesn't look bad facially imo but doesn't seem to stand out much. He is getting some matches, though not quality. But his profile isn't quality either. So I would guess he is exactly 5/10. Its just that being a 5 doesn't get any results in this competitive market.

I support cosmetic surgeries in general, and would do them myself if I have to. But I also feel like blackpillers tend to underestimate how much physique actually matters. I think more time in the gym should be a priority right now, which kinda sucks because it will take years to see results. Being skinnyfat with gyno I think is a bigger deal than being the wrong race.

Hard agree about the driving being an important "manly skill".

My old profile is definitely around a 5/10 yes. I do get matches and some cute girls to too.

I am already planning to get gyno surgery in the summer, looking at myself now I don't think I am skinnyfat but I need more muscle. Once i hit 155 ill get on a lean bulk.
Rice said:
@kratjeuh I am new to this log but isn't OP 5'10? He also doesn't look bad facially imo but doesn't seem to stand out much. He is getting some matches, though not quality. But his profile isn't quality either. So I would guess he is exactly 5/10. Its just that being a 5 doesn't get any results in this competitive market.

I support cosmetic surgeries in general, and would do them myself if I have to. But I also feel like blackpillers tend to underestimate how much physique actually matters. I think more time in the gym should be a priority right now, which kinda sucks because it will take years to see results. Being skinnyfat with gyno I think is a bigger deal than being the wrong race.

Hard agree about the driving being an important "manly skill".

I was wrong about the height my bad, he just feels to like smaller in his pics

Physique is hella important, I don’t even support cosmetic surgeries unless someone is 10% bodyfat with some decent muscle.

Anyway I’m totally done trying to help someone who doesn’t want to be helped.

I’ve basically chewed out exactly where he has to look for fashion advice (1 easy google search which he hasn’t done the hard worker) and got a dialogue as a response instead of an “ok let’s check it out”

Now I give him a very detailed answer with multiple tips and hints to improve his situation. His response is a whole novel full of ego defense.

I have nothing to gain from giving honest feedback to him. I’m not a coach trying to make money, I won’t ever meet the guy in person.

The guys who can swallow the ego and accept good feedback will thrive, the others will be left behind. It’s up to OP to choose in which group he belongs. He lost my personal support so hopefully other guys are still motivated to do it
Rice said:
@kratjeuh I am new to this log but isn't OP 5'10? He also doesn't look bad facially imo but doesn't seem to stand out much. He is getting some matches, though not quality. But his profile isn't quality either. So I would guess he is exactly 5/10. Its just that being a 5 doesn't get any results in this competitive market.

I support cosmetic surgeries in general, and would do them myself if I have to. But I also feel like blackpillers tend to underestimate how much physique actually matters. I think more time in the gym should be a priority right now, which kinda sucks because it will take years to see results. Being skinnyfat with gyno I think is a bigger deal than being the wrong race.

Hard agree about the driving being an important "manly skill".

I was wrong about the height my bad, he just feels to like smaller in his pics

Physique is hella important, I don’t even support cosmetic surgeries unless someone is 10% bodyfat with some decent muscle.

Anyway I’m totally done trying to help someone who doesn’t want to be helped.

I’ve basically chewed out exactly where he has to look for fashion advice (1 easy google search which he hasn’t done the hard worker) and got a dialogue as a response instead of an “ok let’s check it out”

Now I give him a very detailed answer with multiple tips and hints to improve his situation. His response is a whole novel full of ego defense.

I have nothing to gain from giving honest feedback to him. I’m not a coach trying to make money, I won’t ever meet the guy in person.

The guys who can swallow the ego and accept good feedback will thrive, the others will be left behind. It’s up to OP to choose in which group he belongs. He lost my personal support so hopefully other guys are still motivated to do it
If thats what you want to believe thats up to you. All I will say is I wouldn't be here if I didn't want to be helped.
Just pay the $25 and stop being an idiot.

You can post your results here and we can help vet what WW said if you’re worried his advice will be shit.

Even if the guy is totally wrong it’s just $25.

But more likely than not he will give you at least one piece of actionable advice.

Your haircut. Your brows. Your beard. They could be optimised further. Your brows are def not there yet.

Even I’m considering WW, my main reason for not is that I (1) don’t really need it (2) am really busy right now and don’t have the headspace to prioritise it (3) have more important things to be working on than facemaxxing

But even then I will probably do it in the next 3 months
foducossy42 said:
Just pay the $25 and stop being an idiot.

You can post your results here and we can help vet what WW said if you’re worried his advice will be shit.

Even if the guy is totally wrong it’s just $25.

But more likely than not he will give you at least one piece of actionable advice.

Your haircut. Your brows. Your beard. They could be optimised further. Your brows are def not there yet.

Even I’m considering WW, my main reason for not is that I (1) don’t really need it (2) am really busy right now and don’t have the headspace to prioritise it (3) have more important things to be working on than facemaxxing

But even then I will probably do it in the next 3 months

Yeah, I'Il pay once I get the money. He does claim to be objective but even if I disagree with his rating you are right I will probably get at least a few good takeaways.

I think he said something also about how even with his rating, what carries more weight is how women treat you. And so far I am treated well, so I think I look decent and have a lot of room to improve. I also have spent most years of my life as an unattractive guy so I definitely know what that is like.

Like take a look at this. This is what my face looked like at 200 pounds in July 2022.
Daily Actions:

->Approach 1 Woman: No
->No Porn/PMO: No
->Sugar intake: 37g
->Weekly Gym: 1/3
->Today's Calories: 728 cal
->Today's Protein Intake: 44/130 g
->Shut off Electronics by 10:30: No


Fuck me, finals studying kicking my ass right now. At least I’m not eating like a pig, but eating so little can’t be good for me. I relapsed again but still managed to stop a binge luckily. I can’t fucking wait to go home for the break.

This is what I hate about having to study so much, that I can’t take enough action to fix my personal life. But tbf, this will help with career.
GN44 said:
what carries more weight is how women treat you

Women treated me well when I was overweight as fuck at 108-109kg. It doesn't mean much in terms of aiding towards your goal. Also perhaps you should cut down your daily goals for now and narrow the focus bro. You miss half of them consistently from what I've seen in the log. Good luck for finals
hi, local brown guy.

spent 1.5 years diving headfirst into dating.

i'm going to try to convince you that you should just get jacked bro

also forgive me if i say anything inaccurate or something you're already seriously doing, i didn't read your whole log.

Rice said:
I think more time in the gym should be a priority right now, which kinda sucks because it will take years to see results. Being skinnyfat with gyno I think is a bigger deal than being the wrong race.
yes exactly this. 50000%

GN44 said:
Fair, I have only been working on my physique for over a year and I have been inconsistent for weeks at a time. My diet isn't always the best either.
i would make this your top priority

i have slipped in and out of being "jacked" and have noticed the difference in how i'm treated not just by girls, but by the world just by being jacked. being jacked is the ultimate equalizer, the last resort is just GET JACKED. whether you're short, whether you're brown, if you're jacked, the world respects you.

GN44 said:
Once i hit 155 ill get on a lean bulk.
155lbs is NOT enough for a guy who is freaking 5'10". for reference, i'm 5'5" and people only started noticing my looks when I was 155lbs.

what being "jacked" means is a very fine line and depends on many factors. if you're 5'10" though, i would say you should probably be trying to aim for at least 180-190 under 15% body fat (approx). i do think "trying to be lean" is a bit overrated up front and it's not the end of the world to load up some fat first. better to be muscular but maybe have a slight belly at 210 than be skinnyfat at...uhh...whatever not sufficient weight you seem to be at.

not to be a dick, but i think the literal 5'3" dude (Rice) might be heavier than you lol.

you will know you hit the "jacked" threshold when people start commenting about it. they will, trust me. if they aren't you either aren't wearing clothes that show off your muscles (well fitting t-shirts) or you aren't jacked enough yet and need to keep going. the numbers will look different for everyone. personally for me (5'5", long legs), if i am any number below 70kg on the scale i am invisible to the world, but if i am any number above that, then i am suddenly asked by everyone how much i bench.

i wrote some more details on jacked vs bodyfat here if you're interested in reading about it: https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=41866#p41866

it doesn't fix everything, of course. but at least you will meet the minimum looks threshold.

personally, i think it's way more difficult to work on anything else in dating if you don't believe you pass the looks threshold (especially if you are as described by yourself, "autistic"). a lot of guys might disregard this, but those guys tend to either pass the looks threshold (being white, being some kind of "cool archetype" already) and/or already have the kind of "killer instinct" that would let them bypass a lot of looksmaxxing pre-reqs (e.g. jakeD)

you probably aren't in either category.

on the other hand, if you can get jacked, just getting random compliments from strangers is enough to improve your vibe and boost your morale. you'll be more equipped to try to actually tackle other issues, and at least then you can eliminate looks being a problem (with the only subsequent improvement from there really being fashion-related).

personally i still had lots of vibe and frame issues (and still have them now) when i actually hit the threshold, but at least i got my foot in the door. you need to basically do that first.

also unrelated and also old af but

GN44 said:
Also I need some legit advice. How do I exactly lower my standards? Do I just say "eh fuck it whatever" if I am able to get interest from a girl who is like a 5-6 and try and sleep with her (honestly of course)?

tbh i had 2 hours of extremely fun choking and slapping sex with a chubby girl. then my next lay was a really hot black chick but the sex was so awful because she was trying to dominate me nonstop and i felt like shit after that one.

and in japan, i know guys who basically embrace going after "🐷" for similar reasons.

so the easiest way to be "honest" about this is realizing that even if a girl is not your type, you might end up having extremely fun sex with her and have a good time. plus it'll feel like you're providing a service for her which is cool